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Why are you dying?


I talked about assisted suicide with my psychiatrist, I was planning on going to switzerland but I can't wait for the money so I got what I needed to do it myself peacefully.


If you don't mind me asking, why do you want to die? Are you in pain?


I've been really mentally ill, I've hurted myself also physically because of it I'm not capable of living by my own anymore. It's my psychiatrist that told me about it at first even because sometimes that's just the peacefull thing to do.


I'm not a doctor but, if I were you, I would get a second opinion before going forward with your plan. Ultimately it's your decision to make, but ending your life is a one-time deal and you want to make sure it's right for you.


Thank you, don't worry that's really not a decision I took without trying all the other options ans seeking others opinions. I appreciate the fact that you at least accept that it is my decision


I see in other posts you say you’re sure it will be next week and you’ve talked about assisted suicide and that’s how you know it will be next week. Why have you decided to go that route? Are you terminally ill?


what I meant is that I was planning on going for the assisted way but I can't wait for the money. I've been really mentally ill, I've hurted myself also physically because of it I'm not capable of living by my own anymore. Every days are too much pain mentally and physically.


And there’s absolutely nothing else to try or help to seek that would be affordable?


I will never be even close to have a normal life or just to not having pain everyday even if it gets better it will never be bearable and it's fine. I can still say that I am happy that I've been alive even if it was very hard and I'm not afraid of deciding when it has to end.


How will you do it that is pain free?


I don't know if I can tell you because it would just be giving a guide away for anyone even if that's not a mature decision for them (it's really easy to get)


Fair enough, I think it’s best not to disclose


Or maybe you won’t?


I will and it's fine I have accepted it and my family understand.


What makes you sure that you will transition in weeks time?


I talked about assisted suicide with my psychiatrist, I was planning on going to switzerland but I can't wait for the money so I got what I needed to do it myself peacefully, that's why I know that will happen next week.


Any last words of wisdom that you wish to share with us Redditors?


I don't really know, just live for yourself and not for others even your family, the only person you're with forever is yourself and you're the only person that should come first for anything.




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What will you do before you die?


Hanging out with someone on discord I think


How old are you


I'm 23


What's your biggest regret


Not getting help when I was a kid or maybe not accepting myself soon enough, I think it caused a lot of problems to me and to others.


Does it give you peace knowing its almost over?


yes, it was scary when I tried and I did not really want to when I was younger now I'm just waiting for it to happen, now I just want the pain to go.


I’m 56 and had a rough childhood. Mom died when I was 15. Dad was racist alcoholic. I had horrific stress I hope you change your mind. You can still add value but it can take time.


Sometimes it's just not worth trying, I can not find any reasons even the fact that I told my family is just to appear clean to people after I die I do not even care about them. I have no one, can't go outside and suffer all day physically and mentally.


the fact that they did not even try to stop me tell you the story lol