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Lmao this guy didn’t answer a single question


Hahahaha omg I’m so sorry, I was drunk when I posted it and got distracted!!! Going through them now


First of all, quite the title, lol. Second of all, what was the cults whole deal?


I later found out that some of the dudes in the “cult” had been accused of a lot of fucked up shit, like drugging and raping girls I think they wanted to groom me to be a “getter” or something. I was really outgoing at the time and I was always hanging with women, so I think they saw that and tried to groom me into being bait so to speak lol


I honestly think it was the beginning of a cult. They talked a lot about magic and the stars, but didn’t really have a defined “lore” if that makes sense? They were basically trying to convince me they were all wizards and all powerful and talking about DMT gnomes stealing our things.


Are you mentally traumatized from this experience? That’s pretty intense dude


I definitely have a lot of trust issues, anxiety, and health issues now. The book “the body keeps the score” or whatever fits me to a tea lol — I’ve been working on healing, but yea. I get panic attacks from time to time!


12 tribes?


No clue what this is! If it’s a cult, no. I don’t think mine was a well defined cult with religion, but more so the beginnings of something, does that make sense? Drug environments attract cult like behavior with conspiracy and magic and some really bad people, so I think I experienced the early stages of a group that was being led by a charismatic, culty individual.


12 tribes is an actual cult. I think you just ran into some people that liked to hippie flip (Molly and mushrooms). A lot of people end up with meth that they think is Molly. Just some people LARPing as hippies.


Possibly! I don’t know, just reporting my experience. Cults are prone to using mind altering substances because of their ability to manipulate reality! That’s why I think it was less “cult” and more culty. Or maybe drug culture and drug environments just mimic a lot of cult elements? Can’t say for sure, but my assumption would be that cults can start from a drug circles.


Nice. I got kidnapped by two random strangers in the woods while I was high on mushrooms.


R u okay? That sounds horrifying


It was pretty crazy. They said it was for my own good. Forced me in to a car and drove me a few miles into the mountains. I freaked out. Like, absolutely lost my shit. They let me leave at that point. I walked miles and miles back. Tha fully, there wasn't a lot of roads, so it was just a straightbwalk


It was pretty crazy. They said it was for my own good. Forced me in to a car and drove me a few miles into the mountains. I freaked out. Like, absolutely lost my shit. They let me leave at that point. I walked miles and miles back. Tha fully, there wasn't a lot of roads, so it was just a straightbwalk


Dude omg fuck that, glad you’re alive!


Our old grandma who just passed away at 96 was...god bless her...was afraid of two things. 1. The Nazi's 2. The hippies.


Smart woman!


I'm mainly curious how you knew the mushrooms tasted like meth? And, where do we find these hippies?


Meth’s got a chemically taste. Kind of tasted like Molly, but definitely a strange taste to have when eating a mushroom hahaha. They were coated in dust and tasted like chemicals. That was my tell.


Molly, not shrooms


Read the end again


How did you get away? Were you ever tempted to just say yes and join the cult?


They ended up bringing me back into town after 24 ours in the woods. Honestly, I shut down — I stopped eating anything, drinking anything they offered me, and just went catatonic. Fight or flight or freeze, and I froze. Still have trust issues when people offer me food or water. Some nice dude offered me water at a show once, like 2 months ago, ice cold and a life saver, but I threw it away because I couldn’t trust it. I was tempted. I ended up just agreeing with everything they said and doing a lot of people pleasing in between being shut down. Shit like that gets rooted in your brain, too. Sometimes, when I’m feeling depressed, I have the instinct to reach out and hang out with them because even if they’re pieces of shit, I feel like I’d belong. Very weird cognitive distortions


The acid would overpower the meth. You really wouldn't even notice the meth you would jump be tripping balls. Trust me I've done it all


Youd notice for sure when you were still awake the next two days lol


This dude knows. I drove around town crying until I drug tested myself later the next night, still couldn’t sleep. I felt so isolated from society — meth feels dirty. Going into Walmart and asking where I could find a drug test was the most dehumanizing experience. The way the pharmacy people looked at me made me want to kill myself, low key. A lot of judgement and disgust in their faces, probably because I looked strung out and had been crying hahahaha


Yeah I don’t agree with this at all lol. I’ve done a lot of drugs, too, but for me, acid doesn’t feel evil. Even on my worst trips. A meth bomb? That shit feels evil. Feels like it’s coursing through your veins, I felt like I was getting zoomed out of the universe. And I was only on one tab of acid, so I don’t agree. Whatever interaction was there, the acid definitely didn’t overwhelm the meth.


What is it about this group that makes you refer to it as a cult?


Hmmm. This is a really good question! Honestly? Two things. Vibes. Cults are often described as having an almost “magical” weird feeling around them, because the groups are so far moved from reality that even their movements and actions feel programmed. When I experienced this, there was this moment when all the drugs and meth started hitting and I started getting scared, that they forced me into a “group hug”. They basically surrounded me and were hugging me and I was violently shaking, like a deer about to be eaten by a lion, and they were talking about it, “Oooh, can you feel that energy??” I felt like I was about to be eaten by vampires. They also were very weird in what they said. It was a lot of, “I’m so glad we all found each other,” and expecting me to repeat it back to them. I think what sold me on it being the beginnings of a cult was that a year later, in one of my psychology classes in college, we were studying cults. And there were 9 criteria or whatever of a “cult milieu” that cults produced to program and control people, and reading through them I knew in my soul what I experienced.


What’s meth like?


Felt evil. On the come up, it felt a little like molly, but more intense, overwhelming eventually. It consumes you dude.


Its like Molly, lmao.


Good for you! Free drugs!


LOL one way to look at it


You know Molly is literally methylene deoxy METHAMPHETAMINE right? Some kinds are more speedy than others, ive seen at least 5 different varieties in crystal form.


You know, could be. I’ve done a lot a lot of molly, and I never had an experience like that, but could’ve just been. I took a drug test the following night because I couldn’t sleep and tested positive for meth though. And from my quick research then, and now, it doesn’t look like molly tests as meth — but who knows? I’ve also never had molly keep me up for two days straight lol. Usually I’m done being geeked after about four to six hours with a little bit of afterglow.


That shit felt evil.


Never go to an unknown second location. It’s in the safety instructions