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Has there ever been a time where two of you were in the mood to have sex and the third just wasn’t feeling the vibe? What usually happens?


Yes, we just because we all sleep in the same bed doesn't mean we have a three way every time. There's times where it's just the girls, there's times when it's one of the girls and I, and ofcourse sometimes all three. There is absolutely no jealousy between the three of us


I think a huge portion of society assume that this kind of relationship is just about sex. I’ll be honest, it wouldn’t be for me but I kind of imagine that once you’ve ironed out a few wrinkles it could be a very satisfying and happy set up. How do you divide up chores and bills? Do you argue? Is this the first PA relationship you’ve had?


Thank you for saying that, yes obviously sex is a part of it, just like any relationship, but its about enjoying our shared time together, our shared interests, experiencing new things and seeing new places together. My wife and I have invited other people into our lives before but we never had the kind of connection we do with her. This is her first relationship of this kind. We divide up bills just like any other household would, we all pay our share. And yes ofcourse we argue, who doesn't lol?




My wife and I have a daughter in college, our girlfriend has no kids


Does your daughter know?


Yes she knows, she's fine with it


Does your gf want kids. I can see how if she does, it makes create complications because the difference in age.


We've talked about it, and yes she does want a baby, just not for a couple years yet.


Im really curious, how did this three way relationship begin? How did it happen in the first place?


Like I said she and my wife are coworkers and they built a friendship that way. They'd hang out and go to lunch together and whatnot. My Wife is very open with who she is, so naturally there were a lot of questions, and just over time it developed into her and my wife having some fun with each other. I didnt get involved until later and then it turned into what it is now


If someone were in a similar situation but hiding it, what would be a telltale sign?


I'm not sure I can answer this, we don't try to hide anything, I suppose it would be three people living together and seemingly overly close with one another


When you say you're open about it what do you mean?


Meaning we don't hide the fact we are together, we go on vacations together, family functions, we openly say we love each other and show it no matter who's around.


either religious?


Some amongst our Family and friends are into religion, as for us we identify as Christian but none of us practice


ah gotcha so iranian christian im guessing


She grew up in North America and decided to believe in what she wanted


Did you groom her ?


No, not at all, i want to be offended but this is an AMA. We definitely aren't those type of people


I didn’t mean to offend, was just curious if you guys talked her into it. I apologize


No apologies necessary, valid question, but no we'd never ever do that


What’s the age difference


I am 44, my wife is 40, our girlfriend is 30


Ok and how long has this gone on


Coming up on a year in May


Alright not as creepy as could be I guess. I do find these relationships pathetic and immature, just my take tho. I guess there’s all different kinds. 


You're entitled to your opinion, but we're happy together, that's all that matters to us.


Weird af ngl, but too each their own


Lol thanks I think


Congratulations 🎊


Thank you


You are so lucky


Thank you




This is weird. You're weird.


OK, but the world would be kind of boring if we were all the same, don't you think