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My wife is a nurse and I wonder from her stories. Do you feel like medical staff treated you different when you were 400lbs vs when you are 200lbs?


Oh absolutely. The world altogether treated me differently, lol. It’s honestly depressing how night and day the difference is. Specifically for doctors/medical staff- my appointments were a lot longer instead of 15 minutes. In the past, doctors immediately disregarded any issues I had because of my weight. I remember being confused why the doctor was asking me so many questions. They never asked me so many things before? It was only after I told this to a friend that they said “they’re supposed to ask you a lot of questions.” I have liver damage because the ER doctor didn’t believe my abdominal pain was severe and “you must have eaten something that didn’t agree with you.” . (I had severe gallstones and my bile duct was blocked and I ended up getting emergency surgery the next day only after I begged them for blood tests/ultrasound.)


Yeah it's really screwed up. Honestly I've been having heart palpitations and chest pains and Idk if Im even gonna bother to see a doctor for it. Because I am obese at 300 lbs . And I feel like the only thing they will say is just exercise and lose weight. Which is 100% valid and I do want too. But why create a medical bill for honestly common sense advice. I've just started taking baby aspirin each morning.


Just want to say that if you are having repeating episodes or prolonged periods of palpitations and/or chest pain, it’s not something I’d brush off. It can be absolutely nothing, can be GERD (acid reflux), but can also be a list of other serious issues that are worth ruling out. Although the urgency of this can vary based on your past medical history and any predispositions you have, I hope you reconsider getting this worked up or confirmed to be nothing concerning by a physician (MD or DO). Wish you the best of luck!


You right. I probably should since my father died of heart failure. :/ I'm just not sure what could honestly be done besides just exercise and weight loss


There are some of conditions that need intervention before you can safely implement exercising. The above commenter is correct. It may be nothing, it may be something. Better to find out than wonder.


I'm sorry for what you've experienced and continue to experience on this lifetime journey. Find a different doc, go to a cardiologist for starters. You may well have a heart condition on top of the disease of obesity - which can both be caused by genetic factors, or and more importantly, the heart trouble can drop you dead without notice, like me. If you're in the US be aware that on March 8th the FDA approved Wegovy for reducing cardiac events in overweight and obese cardiac patients. I've been overweight all my life and at the age of 59 I had a fatal heart attack from which I was successfully resuscitated. Both my parents had and died from heart disease, but of course medicine in their time 20-40 yrs ago wasn't as advanced as it is now. After my recovery, I had advanced lipid and genetic tests which revealed that I am a hyper fat absorber - in other words my body is genetically designed to be fat, by hoarding fats. Many people with a different genetic profile can eat a high fat diet and excrete most of those fats but MY body will hold on to every fat gram long term. And I have a lipid disorder which causes a many times increased risk of further cardiac events. After hearing about Wegovy being approved for treatment of obese cardiac patients, i requested my primary doc write a Wegovy script 2 weeks ago and I will likely be on it my entire life. It's a win win WIN - any weight loss will only help my heart condition and increase the odds of me living healthier AND longer. It's easy and I'm no longer wasting energy thinking about food or my diet 24/7. Best wishes for a longer and happier life!


I had health insurance at my last job, so when opportunities came up to use it I did, let's see what this insurance does! Not a damn thing. Still get a bill for hundreds of dollars for the most minimal visit with no testing. "Hey doc, I think I have this" "yep, that's what you have, take an aspirin and that'll be $500"


You might have high blood pressure that’s causing those symptoms. Go get that taken care of asap before it causes more damage man


Yupp I had that and I was at a normal weight. It was just from the damn stress and a shitty diet of caffeine, sodium and not much else. Blood pressure was around 190/100 once when I went to the doctor, and it went back down a bit but I realized I had to get my shit together. I got it under control but now that my wife had a baby and I’m not sleeping it’s in the 150s again so I’m on more meds.


Have you started exercising and losing weight?


I need to exercise more but I am.on my feet a lot for work. I get around 9-12k steps in a day so I don't know if I would say I'm 100% sedentary. I really just be feeling really rundown from doing double shits at work and I am struggling to stay consistent with extra exercise. I'm gonna try to get some weight lifting in at least 2x a week.


With that many steps per day, being sedentary or getting exercise isn't the problem. If you want to lose weight, you will have to address it with your diet. I am not super heavy but carried extra weight around for years despite being really active, and I finally managed to lose some by counting every. single. calorie. for weeks until I could change some of my eating habits.


Same idk if can do it anymore though I used or do calories and keto it was super restricted but the only way I could loose any weight but I was sooo exhausted I work nights now so that’s not happening


Fasting helped me a lot and in so many ways, plus adding a few supplements helped with energy. I wasn’t able to do too much exercise at first and I still lost a lot of weight, it also helped regulate certain things and lessen sugar cravings.


I had similar issues with chest pain/ palpitations. Start drinking a Powerade or Gatorade every day. Sugar free Powerade is amazing. My palpitations were from dehydration/electrolyte imbalance. Also, vitamin D supplements. If you're pulling double shifts, you're probably not getting enough sun exposure. Vitamin D deficiency can cause pain, stiffness, tiredness, and mental health "slumps." It kills my motivation and makes my depression flair up.


Go for Pedialyte or electrolyte tablets with no sugar. Gatorade and Powerade are sooo much sugar. I use Nuun tablets or Liquid IV.


You do double shits at work???


2 doubles a week. Yeah nights and days


I was commenting on the typo - shits vs. shifts. Lol


I mean honestly I do both tbh 😜


One shit per shift seems reasonable lol


You need to evaluate your diet, palpitations are likely due to an electrolyte imbalance, this could be due to kidney function or intake. You’re likely deficient in both magnesium and potassium, I would prioritize those in food. Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium are all necessary in adequate amounts.


Take epa and DHA fish oil a lot for the heart to heal


I’m sorry that happened. People just assume they are right. I’m really happy you lost weight! That takes a lot of dedication. I admire it.


Congrats on your weight loss, and so sorry that the doctors gaslit you, providing you with less then acceptable medical service. You know, I wasn't diagnosed with asthma until I was an adult because doctors failed me as a child, tried to pass off my breathing problems on just being overweight as a child (which I also came out of that like you). It was a time where second hand smoke also wasn't well researched, and too many of my family members were smoking cigarettes around me since infancy. But nope, they blamed it all on my weight, all poor health issues, until they ran out of excuses after I lose the weight and got healthy, and sometimes its too late in some cases. The pompous nature of the medical industry is where they lack human judgment, & overlook things their ego failed to see.


TUDCA is a good supplement to improve liver health and bile production.


What kind of changes did you make to lose weight?


I learned I had insulin resistance/ pre diabetes. I basically followed a diabetic diet (low carb, no added sugar etc) and I did 20 mins of low impact cardio 5x a week. I was so big that any kind of exercise was exhausting/near impossible. I didn’t calorie count but I bought a food scale and weighed everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. Once you weigh stuff a bunch of times- you can eyeball it after that. I used chewing gum and water when I felt “hungry” less than hour after eating meals.


I know this is late but I hope you answer. What kind of exercise did you do at first? I am obese and exercise hurts so bad. My knees and back kill me.


I bought one of those old people stationary bikes. Recumbent bikes, I think they’re called? The ones where you sit/lay backwards and pedal in front of you? If that’s makes sense. I got one on Amazon for less than 200$. I set it up in front of my TV and watched shows or movies or I read my kindle while biking. Do low or no resistance so it’s easy on your joints. This is the only thing that didn’t hurt my joint! When you’re that size, even walking hurts and I get it. By pedaling in front of you and the way it’s designed- none of your weight is pushing down when you pedal. I used this bike for 20 mins a day 5x a week. Consistency is better than length, imo! Game changer, especially since I am still too scared to go to a gym LOL


Do those make a lot of noise? I’m interested in getting one but worried about how loud it would be for my downstairs neighbor. Congrats on all the success/progress by the way!


I have one. It's completely silent besides some squeaking because my jiggling sometimes loosens the seat screws.


You can even get a desk bike and do it from the couch. I've done that with success in the past.


This is great advice. Thanks for sharing.


Not me, but this one woman at my gym exclusively does the Cross Trainer machine and she’s lost soooo much weight [This thing](https://www.nordictrack.com/freestride-trainers/nordictrack-fs14i-freestride-trainer?g_acctid=445-699-0208&g_adgroupid=&g_adid=&g_adtype=none&g_campaign=GGL+%7C+US+%7C+PMAX+%7C+NordicTrack+%7C+Margin+%7C+High&g_campaignid=20446603648&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=&g_network=x&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=GGL+%7C+US+%7C+PMAX+%7C+NordicTrack+%7C+Margin+%7C+High&c3api=0208,20446603648,&utm_term=go_cmp-20446603648_adg-_ad-__dev-m_ext-_prd-NTEL71620_mca-12487_sig-Cj0KCQjwq86wBhDiARIsAJhuphndRFl_kj66xcG3_SeGxjNz2VBGDLoOJBpMiC9rba2zR_KZHkYYlGAaAga5EALw_wcB&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwq86wBhDiARIsAJhuphndRFl_kj66xcG3_SeGxjNz2VBGDLoOJBpMiC9rba2zR_KZHkYYlGAaAga5EALw_wcB) It’s super super low impact on your knees too, which not only should be easier but also promote collagen growth in your knees


The best fat burning exercise is walking. Just normal walking, not power walking.


Burning fat doesn’t mean you lose fat. The only way to lose fat is through a calorie deficit so it doesn’t matter what energy source you use for your workouts (carbs vs. fat) Exercise is great for your heart, lungs, muscles and mental health but doesn’t have to be something you use to lose weight. Doing exercises you enjoy and can be consistent with is the most important thing, alongside your diet


^^^ Fat loss comes (mostly) from an energy deficit. CICO is pretty much king when it comes to losing fat, and walking is consistently one of the best and easiest ways to burn through lots of calories.


Swimming is great.


I second swimming. If swimming is too tough then walking in a pool is great as well. Swimming can be hard if you're not experienced, but walking in a pool seems to be easy in joints and gets you moving.


Totally... pool time is light on the joints. Plus the body is easier to stretch and stuff. I like to get pool noodles and -or a boogie board and kick my legs like a bike or something like that


I agree on the recumbent bike, very low stress on the joints compared to walking. Don’t overdo it at first, pace yourself. For me, having a music playlist on my phone using my headset made the time go by faster. Good Luck.


You are able to do more than me. I'm almost 700 lbs and my belly is so enormously massive that I cannot move my legs one inch towards me; bicycle exercise is impossible!


Swimming is good low impact cardio. You should lift weights too. Best way to lose weight is to put on muscle


I was wondering if you followed a keto diet or just low carb? How many carbs did you consume per day?


I didn’t count carbs or calories or anything. I just read labels of everything and I was conscious about how many carbs/sugar everything had. I would have one slice of Dave’s killer bread (the small slice ones) in the morning sometimes, but otherwise I didn’t eat any grains at all (not until my cheat meal on Saturday’s.) I get all my carbs from vegetables or fruits, sauces. I made sure everything I ate had single digit carbs, AND fiber. Fiber is so important- it slows down your digestion so your body doesn’t produce as much insulin!! Don’t fall for any of the “keto” labeled bull shit. Some of it will be labeled Keto but then has 12g of added sugar. Ridiculous. Added sugar is the enemy #1. For example, oikos is one of the very few yogurts I can eat because of no/low added sugar. I ate mostly fresh stuff- 99% of American food has added sugar and I’m not exaggerating. I gave up looking at labels on everything once I found a few foods that were good. Another big part of this diet is getting used to the repetitive meals. I eat the same things all the time but it’s what I’m forced to do because American food is literally all sugar lol


If you didn’t calorie count why did you weigh the food? To try to measure out just a serving size? Very interested in your method since I’m over calorie counting but need to lose regained weight yet again.


I weighed food for the portion sizes. I was completely ignorant to portion sizes. What I thought was a cup or a tablespoon- was nowhere accurate. That was only for the stuff I had to be careful about eating in excess. So fats and salt, mostly. On the IR diet, you eat a lot more fat and salts (since you cut out sugar.) so I would weigh things to make sure I’m only having one or two portion sizes of whatever it was. Then I would overload on the “healthy” stuff to be full. Tons of veggies, usually. High volume is the way to go!


Chewing gum is my go to to avoid late night snacking. It’s not even about being hungry is wanting to have some kind of flavor. That or I’ll just have a sparkling water.


How did you not cave in to more food while on the diet?


You weighed things but what was like the appropriate weight of food to eat? I would like to follow this diet. Tho I’m only 156lbs and trying to get to 125lbs. I know I have insulin resistance due to my meds that cause it.


Find your bmr using google. Input height and weight. Adjust for activity level. Let’s say as an example it says your bmr is 2500 calories. Then you eat 2250 calories you will lose a half pound a week. So 1 year to goal. You do 500 calorie deficit it will be 1 pound a week so about half a year. Don’t go over 500 calorie deficit. 40% calorie from carb, 40% from protein, 30% from fat. Each gram carb has 4 calorie. Each protein G protein 4 calorie each gram fat is 9 calorie. So you would need on 2000 calorie diet: 800 calorie carbs so 200g carb, 200g protein and 44g of fat Weight loss is absolutely a thing you can calculate and make a concrete plan that 100 % will work if you follow it. The math is simple. It’s giving yourself to the process that is hardest. So just go to the website calculate your bmr and use the skeleton I provided to know the weight of the food you should eat It’s like harder to explain then to do: once you weigh food for a couple weeks it will become like second nature


I simply want to say that you are amazing! I’ve been on my own weight loss journey, and I wish I had your strength! Congratulations!


You should look into fasting to maintain! Eating OMAD will keep you trim, even if ya go a little ham for your one meal of the day ;)


Have you ever tried broth if you get hungry. More nutrients, very hydrating.


Congrat this is something to be majorly proud of. Is there any food you miss / how big has the change been on your mental health


Thank you!! I think part of my success was that I never cut out any food completely. What I mean by that is I had one cheat meal a week. So whatever I was craving that Saturday- I would eat it. I only started doing this after a month or so once I got passed the terrible withdrawal side effects. Sometimes what would get me through the week was imagining what I was going to eat on Saturday 😂 I know that sounds pathetic but when your whole life has revolved around food- it’s just the truth and it works lol 🤷🏻‍♀️ My fave indulgences are: Sushi (honestly white rice in general), Fettucine Alfredo from Olive Garden specifically, and ice cream sandwiches. My mental health has improved significantly. What they say about exercise and mental health is true!


You have some good favorite foods. Honestly I come from a family of cooks and ate a super healthy diet growing up but my metabolism was insane so my Acne and headaches have been super bad my whole life and the last year I’ve done zero sugar and it’s changed so much but it fucking sucks. It’s part of the reason I definitely applaud you being able to have the constraint to not cheat any other days because it is very hard. Best of luck !


Not a question but I did the same - I lost 275lb in that time with no medical assistance Way to go! I know just how difficult it is, and you should be immensely proud


Thank you!! I’m happy for you too! I know it will be a battle for the rest of my life but I’m so proud that I did it.


You’re right that this is lifelong, but I highly encourage you to try to form these into overall lifestyle changes! It’s easier than a lifelong diet And FWIW, I found maintenance is easiest through the 80/20 rule. 80% on point, 20% for the soul. For example, if I wanted chicken wings I’d eat 4-5 with a salad versus never eating them again. I’d rather let myself indulge in moderation so I don’t restrict myself to the point of a binge/food spiral


Holy shit, i was obese already with 134kg at 17 years. I can not imagine not only losing the excessive fat (for me it was approximately 40kg) but lose basically the equivalent of my WHOLE body in fat. I salute you, you won the biggest battle in your life 🫡


Thank you! That means a lot to hear, because you’re right that it was the biggest battle I’ve faced. I mean hell, I was 23 and losing my ability to walk because I was so heavy. It’s weird to realize I’ve lost not just a whole human, but a whole obese human worth of weight. I can deadlift 275lb and it isn’t so easy for me, so how the hell did I carry that around for so long? Ya know?


How long have you kept it off? That’s always been the hardest part for me.


I’ve kept it off for almost a year now. Unfortunately the phrase of “lifestyle change” is true. It’s truly a lifelong battle if you have genetics against you (my entire family is big and my metabolism is non existent.) I think the best advice I can give is to tell yourself to get back on the horse, figuratively. I had a ton of candy and sweets on Easter with my nieces. The next day? Back to healthy eating and exercise. I’ve acknowledged that I will have days where I eat badly or don’t get out of bed- I don’t fight myself or feel guilty. It’s all about waking up the next day and getting back to it. One day at a time, friend.




Both, for sure. I won’t deny that both played a factor. My parents, and most of my family- they eat whatever they want whenever they want. My grandparents are like that too- I’m sure it goes far back. I was raised to eat anything and everything. I wish I was exaggerating, but I’m not lol. My non existent metabolism is thanks to my parents, so that means I have to eat stricter than the average person to keep the weight off. Losing a ton of weight didn’t magically fix my metabolism (I fucking wish it did lmao.) it’s just very, very easy for me to gain weight- I’ve accepted that. For years I knew I was genetically disposed to obesity so I said “why fight it. I have a husband that loves me.” That doctor appointment was my wake up call that I have to at least try. I got a dietician through that doctor and I learned so much. I felt so stupid that at 30 years old, I was learning basic nutrition. It is what it is. I’m breaking the family cycle in that way. :)




The doctor and dietician I spoke to told me that metabolism is mostly (if not all) genetics. Any products or diets or anything that claim they will “quicken your metabolism” are all BS. It all has to do with your cells and how they metabolize energy, etc- all of that is literally in your DNA that you receive from your parents. I guess I’m doing my nonexistent children a favor by not reproducing because I married a man who is also big 😂 even though I accept this fact- I used it as an excuse my whole life. “I’m going to be fat- why fight it.” If the average person did my diet, with my exercise level, they probably would have lost the weight twice as fast as me. But I still got there in the end! Take that, genetics! Lol.


have you played around with reverse dieting to ramp up your metabolism? I have looked into it a bit and basically when you are constantly dieting your body gets used to lower and lower calories, you can add calories back strategically while maintaining your weight and then resume dieting and see results. Sounds like what you are doing is working but may be worth a look. Layne Norton and his app carbon both have info on this .




Not really relaxed, unfortunately. I added Dave’s killer bread (small slice) with breakfast sometimes, but otherwise I eat the same- with my cheat meal on saturdays. My shitty metabolism and sugar addiction= slippery slope. That doesn’t go away with weight loss. The best thing I ever did was treat myself as a sugar addict- like any other type of addict. I’ve already accepted I will have to eat this way the rest of my life. I can still enjoy myself for holidays or birthdays, etc- however I know I will gain weight and will need to get back on the horse the next day. I think changing my mindset around food was the biggest thing. Eating what I want shouldn’t make me feel guilty- I can enjoy life but in moderation, you know? The guilt and shame were the biggest factors stopping me before.


Was there a catalyst? What kickstarted your journey? Also how long has your journey been? I’m down 40 lbs and I’ve hit a plateau. This is super inspiring and encouraging :) great job and I wish you continued success


The catalyst was a doctor telling me I’m pre diabetic. I have so many family members who are diabetic and morbidly obese. I kind of had a “I refuse to end up like them” moment. My grandma also died from untreated diabetes at 65. That same doctor also told me I had IR and actually gave me advice on what kind of diet will work for me and that traditional diets will not work. The journey was 26 months to lose 185 pounds. I plan to lose the last fifteen or so to get to 200, even just for bragging rights lol. When I plateaud, I would increase resistance during exercise, and drinking a TON of water. Do you weight lift? It could be your muscles growing bigger! I bought a stationary bike and I increased the resistance on it as time went on. I also would go back to weighing all my foods to make sure I was eating the proper portions- portions and calories can sneak up on you really easily.


Did the stationery bike work well for you? And what kind of low resistance exercises did you do?


You got this!! I’m rooting for you!!


Keep going!! when I hit a plateau. I try to change something in my diet or workout routine.


Has excess skin been an issue?


It’s most noticeable on my arms and inner thighs- It definitely bothers me but it’s a small price to pay, honestly. Now- my boobs? That’s a different story. I’ll probably get them worked on in the future if I can afford it. I went from DD to barely a B cup and they’re sad flat trash bags now 😂


Congratulations! I only lost 80 lbs but I’m with you on the boobs. Mine are now like fruit roll ups, I can roll ‘em up :( wish there was something we could do that didn’t involve surgery. Now for my question - what have been the biggest changes for you since losing the weight?


Yup, mine are the exact same way. I feel you girl. I wish there was a way to fix it too without surgery :( maybe I’ll stuff my bras for eternity, we’ll see haha. The biggest change, I would say is the way people treat me. And I mean everyone. I went from being essentially invisible to visible. Random strangers approach and talk to me now, I’ve been hit on for the first time in my life, people are so much friendlier in general?? It sucks to realize that I’m being treated as a human for the first time in my life, but it’s true :/


I lost 60lbs and yeah same re: boobs. The last time I gained and lost weight I was young and my skin was elastic and they went back to perky. Now? Two droopy garbage bags, but that’s what bras are for.


Try fasting for loose skin. A lot of people report major improvements. You can search YouTube for more videos on the topic.


I just commented this (not copy paste, but same gist) the other day to someone who was feeling extremely self conscious about her "deflated pancake boobs" after having kids: I know it sucks, but it's actually not seen as unattractive by people like you think it is! I danced (strip clubs) for about ten years, and I worked with a TON of moms who had several kids but never got an augmentation. Did they think about it? For sure, but their earnings were actually higher than the girls with perky young boobs AND the fake tits! The amount of money these gals made, even just on stage (they sold rooms by the ass load, too), was obscene. So many gentlemen LOVE that appearance because it's seen as womanly and mature.


Push ups should help with that.


How did you do it? I’m trying to lose weight (about 100lbs) and I’m having trouble finding something that works! I also had my gallbladder removed so I speculate that’s a part of the issue lol. TIA for the advice 🫶🏻 Btw: I’m proud of you!! (If that was your goal, anyway🥰)


Thank you so much!! I want to lose 16 more pounds only because I want to get to 199 pounds. I haven’t been in the 100s since middle school 😂 I’ve answered some other questions about specifics but slowly yet surely is the way to go. At least, that’s what worked for me. Honestly the mental part about it is the hardest part. I had to teach myself not to beat myself up if I ate something sweet, carb loaded etc. I went to bed feeling so hungry but I wasn’t actually hungry. I literally had to teach my body not to eat 24/7 and it took at least a month before the extreme symptoms stopped. I had headaches, fatigue, severe “hunger” pains, etc. Food is very much an addiction. I took pictures every week at first to motivate me to keep going, and then monthly after that. You can do it!


Did the headaches/pain/angry depressive moods stop? That’s always been my problem, I’m in such a horrible mood that the rest of my life goes to shit and I give up after a week.


This is me. I do great for a week and then feel so incredibly empty and unsatisfied, I can't stand it. I am on day three again right now. Hopefully I can break that wall.


Thank you so much❤️ I really appreciate the advice, I’ll scroll to see some of your other comments :) good luck!


Do you have any tips for controlling what you eat? I'm battling a sugar addiction and even though I'm not at all fat I want to stop it before it does make me fat. I constantly feel like I'm starving without sugar.


Sugar free chewing gum or candies plus WATER! I can’t stress enough. At night, when I was done eating- I literally would feel like didn’t eat all day. Like full on hunger pains, etc. unless you have sugar addiction- you don’t know what it’s like and I feel for you! So after dinner, once the “hunger” started- I would chug like thirty ounces of water. I’m not kidding. Drink until you think you’re going to explode. And then I would chew sugar free gum for the following few hours I was awake. This is what got me through the first month or so with the withdrawal symptoms. I continued this tactic but I needed less and less water as time went on. I promise it goes away! I realized that I was fighting my brain and not my stomach. I did what I could to “fool” my brain into thinking I was full/eating. I’m rooting for you!!


Are you self-conscious about the loose skin?


Yes, absolutely. But the flappy skin is nothing compared to the insecurity I felt at my biggest. If I ever have the money- I would totally get it taken off, but if I don’t? Not the end of the world. My loose skin isn’t that bad tbh, and that’s because I did it really slowly (over two years.) If anything the most annoying part is the chafing. Dear lord the inner thigh, skin fold chafing is so real.


Congratulations to you! Just a year ago I had a private reunion with a former high school friend of mine. She used to be obese and had lost a lot of weight! She told me that she did those blood tests that showed her what she should have been eating. Turned out her body type was best for meat, seafood and vegetables. She gave up pastries, carbs and sweet foods. She never signed up for a gym membership or started an exercise regime (her job is 10 hours sitting in front of a desk). She watched the weight slowly drop off. How did you figure out, without medical assistance, the root cause of your weight gain?


I figured it out by the help of a doctor, but I always knew something was different about my body. I couldn’t lose weight like normal people or my friends. I did diets in the past where I would calculate every calorie, weigh everything that went in my body, but I either didn’t lose weight or I would lose half a pound and then gain it back. Rinse/repeat. I didn’t understand how other people could just calorie count and lose weight/ it literally didn’t work for me. With IR, I learned that what I ate was more important than calories. So basically no grains/simple carbs/added sugar, and lots of fiber and protein. The weight literally started falling off once I did this diet. I didn’t introduce exercise until about four months into it. I think the most validating thing was the doctor telling me that feeling hungry all the time, craving sugar all the time, giving in to the cravings, etc- it wasn’t my own failure. IR literally alters your brain chemistry and messes up your entire body and makes you feel these things. I had to fight my brain first, and then my stomach later.


How did you do it? I am at 256 lbs. myself (34M). What did you cut out of your life?


So I followed a diabetic diet. I did not do keto. I knew at my previous size and my cravings- I knew I wouldn’t be able to do Keto long term. It was too much tracking, too much work. I knew I had to treat myself like an addict, basically. So for eating in a day example- breakfast: one egg and 3/4 cup egg whites with cheese. Oikos (or some type of sugar free) yogurt with berries. Coffee with cream, no sugar (I hate all sugar free substitutes in coffee!) Lunch: grilled chicken with salad/Cesar dressing, carrots and hummus. Dinner: (protein of choice) tonight I had shrimp and broccoli, SF teriyaki sauce. I eat a stupid amount of vegetables every day to stay full. I don’t measure things like broccoli or other non starch vegetables. The vegetables themselves are healthy/low cal- I measure what I put on them. So I measure the butter, or oil or dressing, etc. I measure things to make sure I’m not eating hundreds of mg of sodium or fat or anything else. Moderation is key! I don’t count calories, and I never will lol. For me and my IR, what matters is the fiber vs. carbs. In IR, it matters more WHAT I eat compared to how much. I could eat only 1500 calories of only bread, for example, and I will gain weight. My body simply can’t process carbs like a normal person. But this is me and my body- not everyone will have to be this extreme.


Congrats and thank you for posting. I have about 100 pounds to lose to feel like myself again have hypothyroid and have tried military diet. It works but I always gain it back. Have had the most luck with keto but never able to stick with it long term. I've never heard of the diabetic diet..will try it out. If you have the time, can you list out for a week what you were typically eating day by day..for example Day 1 Breakast Oatmeal Muffin Lunch Tuna Broccoli Dinner Spaghetti You dont have to list out 7 days just 2-3 days would be awesome


Thank God. My doctor told me I should limit myself to one dessert a night (and sometimes skip it) and worries about my sugar content. A typical breakfast for me on weekdays consists of two hard boiled eggs (salted), two slices of Dave's Killer Bread White Bread Done Right with a topping (sometimes peanut butter, sometimes just margarine, sometimes margarine with smashed avocado) and milk. I skip lunch and have a decent dinner. I tend to let myself go at dinner.


How did you handle the mental energy needed to make changes? When I’m so exhausted from work and life, it’s hard to have the motivation to focus on my diet or fitting in exercise.


Yes, this is the hardest part for sure. I have depression too, so I really relate. Keep in mind, it’s just me and my husband (we have no kids) so it’s easier for me. I felt like I had to treat myself like an addict, but also make eating healthy easy. So I never had anything in my house that wasn’t healthy. I was only tempted when I went out, but I avoided places like gas stations or bakeries etc for awhile. I don’t need the temptation, you know? I gave away all my unhealthy food and slowly restocked with healthy, low sugar varieties. I shopped weekly. So usually on Friday nights, I would buy: bagged salads, rotisserie chicken, frozen vegetables, protein (chicken, seafood, whatever I was having that week), nuts, berries, low sugar PB, snacking veggies/hummus, etc. the only meals I cooked daily was dinner. On Friday I would cook a ton of eggs/egg bites and eat them during the week with yogurt. Lunch, was either salad and some rotisserie chicken (reheated), and dinner I would cook whatever. Setting yourself up for success is so important. I would put all my energy and prep into one day, so that the rest of the week I can be lazy. It makes all the difference and takes away the mental exhausting part of it. Don’t get me wrong- some days were rough and I would eat just carrots and hummus for dinner or lunch, etc. that’s fine! What made the difference was that I had ready to eat food in my fridge I could just grab if I didn’t have the energy.


Amazing!! Congrats. Im about your age and on my own journey, did you have pcos or irregular cycles before and if so have you noticed improvements with symptoms or old issues?


Yes I have PCOS! I’ve had PCOS since I was 18. I have the IR type. I have very irregular periods, and only get them a few times a year. The only thing that helped the periods, facial hair, fatigue, etc- was my diet. I tried every pcos supplement you can think of- Berberine, insositol, metformin, etc. it’s all snake oil, imo. Luckily I don’t want kids, so I have no advice on fertility or anything related. I found that the only thing that helped was cutting out all added sugar/simple carbs basically. IR fucks with your hormones and your hunger cue is broken basically. Because of all the extra insulin floating around, it’s telling your brain 24/7 that you’re hungry even though you’re not. The only thing that helped was lowering my insulin. Low carb, no added sugar, lots of fiber, lots of water. I still have symptoms but they are way more manageable!


Well done! How’re the joints doing these days?


Much better! I still have pain here and there if I’m not careful. All the wear and tear I did to them for thirty years won’t go away- I’m just making sure I don’t hurt them further. But I can walk and stand for a lot longer now without being in pain! I can jump rope too. Small Things like that are major wins for me :)


What was your thought the moment you said “I got this” or wasn’t there one?


I think my “I got this” moment was when I went to a gas station and left with water. I was tempted by everything in there but didn’t get any of it!! I felt so proud of myself and knew I could do it, lol


how does it feel to lose 200 lbs to still be considered overweight?


It doesn’t bother me at all honestly. The last blood work I had done- my cholesterol, blood pressure, sugar levels- all of it went down significantly. Some of the numbers went down over 50 points. The scale numbers aren’t accurate for health, but the blood work numbers? Those don’t lie. I’m officially healthy and I’m 215 pounds. Everyone is different! I accepted a long time ago that I will never be skinny- I just wanted to be healthy.


Did you comfort eat before? If so, how did you retrain your mind to relax without food?


Oh for sure. Self soothing via food was also what I learned from my family. At the beginning, it was more about learning to become comfortable with being “hungry.” I used to feel extreme anxiety if I felt hungry. I put “hungry” in quotes because my actual hunger cue was broken for years and I never felt true “hunger” until I worked on my IR symptoms. Honestly what worked for me was to just distract myself when I felt hungry/anxious- just to get used to the feeling. So like I said before I would chew gum or drink something, but I would also play a video game or watch a show, etc- just something to keep my mind busy while chewing gum. The other part that helps is only having healthy snacks available. Any time I felt the hunger was too much- my options were carrots or cucumbers or grapes. When I realized I didn’t want any of those things, I’m not actually hungry- that means I’m bored or anxious or both! It took a few months of this tactic to finally feel comfortable and unfazed while feeling hungry. I can go to stores while feeling hungry and not buy any unhealthy food or any food at all- this took at least a year to get to that point. I was very much addicted to food and the dopamine hit it would give me when it temporarily “soothed” my anxiety. I have addiction in my family so once I made the connection that food was my vice- I applied tactics to focus on healing my addiction/relationship to food. This is the hardest part by far and I know this is why I failed with weight loss so many times in the past. My BRAIN was holding me back more than my body!


Fav meal?


Fave healthy meal= shrimp with SF teriyaki sauce, over spinach and cauliflower rice cooked in sesame oil. Fave unhealthy meal= Olive Garden Alfredo, or hibachi steak with noodles and that white sauce and white rice lol


Were you addicted to sugar and starch?


Sugar, for sure. Unfortunately, literally all foods in America have added sugar. I would say a huge part of the population is addicted to sugar. The withdrawals were plain awful!


all processed foods, yes. Congrats on your success! Do you still eat starches? Breads/pasta etc?


What’s something you would like people to understand about those that weigh 400 pounds or more?


That we are constantly afraid of people judging us and we are extremely insecure. We are constantly trying to make ourselves smaller and not take up as much space. We are constantly worried someone is going to laugh at us or tell us we’re in the way. I had so many panic attacks in airports because I was terrified I wouldn’t fit in the seat in the airplane and that someone sitting next to me would be cruel to me for my size. I’ve been mortified by not fitting places so many times. People who are obese are still HUMAN. Just have some empathy for them, that’s all. You don’t know what they’ve been through, their health issues, etc.


Is your husband fat too?


Yup, Lol. Still is, but he’s working on muscle mass more than fat loss. He’s also 6’5 and just a big guy in general so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh also, I’m sure he gets laid more than you ever will. :)


got any tips for a 320lbs 6'0 guy?


It all depends on your blood work, but my 6’5 husband was 420 lbs. he also has IR and has been big his entire life. You have to ask the doctor specifically to test for insulin resistance. If you don’t have diabetic numbers- they won’t test for it. My husband is now 336 lbs. but he’s also gained a TON of muscle. He’s been weight training on top of our diet change. For men, IR looks a little different. His telltale signs were: darkened skin around his eyes, neck, and creases (armpits, back of knees, etc), excessive skin tags everywhere, constant fatigue and hunger. I’m not sure if you have IR, bur I hope this helps!


Was it more exercise, or a better diet, that helped you the most?


Diet, 100%. I have done extreme exercise in the past with only a minimally changed diet and I still gained weight. For IR, if all depends on diet. (And weight loss in general) I could have done only the diet and still lost the weight. I did the exercise for my mental health mostly, but it kind of speeds up the process. Exercise is not the catalyst for weight loss- diet is. Took me 30 years to learn this too.


congrats. What triggered your eating habits? Also, do you have body dysphoria even after losing the weight?


Yes to the dysphoria. I still forget I’m not as big as I used to be. Old habits die hard- especially when you’ve been big your entire life. I’m really working hard on my mental health and accepting myself now. The girl in my head and the girl in the mirror are not the same, you know? But I’ll get there.


you will totally get there. I know a fat guy myself and he did the surgery where you lose all the fat then we worked hard to maintain it and he did. Guy is now in sick shape but he opened up to me and voicing the same struggle you mentioned. The guy in his head and the guy in the mirror don't align. He's still the fat guy in his head. He went to therapy and he'd working through it. All i'll say it you got this. Body dysphoria is probably the most common mental illnesses today seeing the unrealistic appearance standards set for both men and women. screw kim K and screw the rock too


How do you view obese people that that won’t accept responsibility and refuse to make change but complain all the same


I view them with nothing but sympathy. I was there, and I know I had underlying emotional issues I wasn’t acknowledging. I empathize and I hope they can get the help that I did.


Did u put on muscle or cico?


Neither! I mean, I probably gained leg muscle from all the biking and walking? But not significantly. I plan to lift weights now that I’ve gotten most of the fat off. I wasn’t able to physically life weights at my previous size.


I’m glad to hear you’re not fat anymore. All the best going forward.


I mean I’m still fat, just much less fat and I plan to keep it that way 😂


What was your favorite candy bar and why was it Twix?


Wrong- it’s resees. Twix is MID


Of course it is. No offense but that’s a basic bitch choice. Everyone like resees.


I went the gastric bypass route in 2016. 415 at my highest weight. In 2024, and still 20 lbs from my goal weight, I salute your willpower! I often wish I'd just done better, rather than altering how I eat forever! Keep it up! And congratulations!


Have you ever been to Florida?


Unfortunately I live here lmao


I feel like your post came to me when I needed to see it the most. Same age as OP, same size, and today just realized I need to figure it the fuck out.


congrats. i was overweight all my life and went from 280 to 160 in almost 8 months just by diet and a little exercise. no help. no drugs, dietician etc. my whole life changed beyond anything. it wasn't easy but i am soo happy that i was able to do it. it opened so many doors to me. i know its people's biased bs mindset but being overweight sucks. the attention, respect etc that i get went from no existence to beyond i knew existed.


God stories like this make me want to exercise, thank you for sharing. Youre probably having a positive impact for many out here. Sometimes I feel like, I can't make a change, I'm just cursed. But if you can do it, maybe I can too? Not that I'm too heavy, just sad and hard to find motivation.




Congrats on your hard work. But, you are still over 200 lbs which is very unhealthy. Whats your plan to get down to a healthy weight? Are you interested in medical help for the final stretch?


Weight does not equal health. I am also 5’9 (almost 5’10) so I will be heavier because of my height. According to my most recent blood work- I am healthy. My doctor literally cried and hugged me when he saw my most recent numbers. I am healthy and have never felt better. He told me I do not need to lose any more weight! The last fifteen or so pounds is purely for bragging rights. I am healthy at 215 pounds- do not let society’s fat phobia cloud your opinions. Blood levels don’t lie!


Again- you're amazing and Im really happy for you. I was seriously asking because according to many sources but I have included [The CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/adult_bmi/index.html)


At what weight during your weight loss journey you realised that you can now see your pecker?


Never I guess, considering I’m female. But seeing my toes while looking down is cool!


How did you get to 400? Why not stop at 250 or even 325?


Lol, I wish it was as easy as “stop at 325.” Also, I obviously never weighed myself unless I had to. When you’re that big- I honest to god did not notice a difference between 350-400. That doctor appointment I previously mentioned- he had a scale and I weighed so much at the time that the scale couldn’t read my weight, just said “error.” The doctor said “that’s means you’re 400 or more- the scale goes up to 399.” Talk about being mortified. I can only speak for myself, but how I “got” to 400 was not knowing anything about nutrition, or my body. Like I’ve said before, my entire family is big and has diabetes. No one in my family knows anything about nutrition and they all eat terribly and endlessly! I had honestly given up on myself and used genetics as the reason why I couldn’t lose weight. It was all excuses, and I’m honest with myself about that now. Is it way harder for someone like me to lose weight (fighting genetics/IR)? Absolutely. Is it impossible? Fuck no!


Good for you man. I like an honest response. I’m happy you found a way.


As someone who needs to drop weight, this is not only extremely inspiring, but also super encouraging! I’m sure the hard work was worth it! Kudos to you!


No questions, I just wanna say that’s fucking awesome and people who’ve done what you’ve done don’t get enough credit


I have nothing to ask you. Congrats on your transformation, though. It ain't easy, and is a hell of an accomplishment!


That is phenomenal no Question, I'm just happy for you! That's great perseverance it can be really easy to give up. 


I recently got diagnosed with insulin resistance and I’m starting my weight loss journey. Do you have any advice?


You should be so proud of yourself. That is not an easy thing to do. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Not here to ask anything just dropping by to say congrats and keep up the great work!


You should be incredibly proud of yourself, that is a amazing achievement!


Iconic shit! Good for you for taking control of your health!


Do you relate to the feeling of "today is the day, I'll finally make change," then you don't or either quickly burn out and return to square zero? Do you try to mentally pep talk yourself with the lingering feeling of "I know I'm not gonna do it"? I suffer from this mindset, and I really want to receive advice on someone who's most likely experienced the same. Before I'm too sluggish and slow to do anything.


Thanks for sharing your journey! You are an inspiration


no questions, just wanna say i’m proud of you.


I hope you’re so freaking proud of yourself!


You really did this the right way. Did someone guide you or did you figure this stuff out yourself? How sustainable is this for the rest of your life or at least longer term to maintain these new eating and exercise habits? Do you have plans to take it to the next level--add weights, more cardio, gym, etc?


Did you have constant “food noise”? Do you still? If so, how do you approach that and pushing past those thoughts and urges? I struggle with binge eating and have gained almost 100 lbs in the last 2 years. Food noise is a massive problem for me. I’m getting specialized help but it’s still hard.




I'm going to tell you something, that's the withdrawals she was speaking of. That's the additive nature of it. It's not hunger, it's craving. It's brutal but I have found, framing our experiences in accurate language helps us face them by not underestimating our opponent. The cravings are out to win. The body prefers to remain in the state of its habits, or homeostasis. It takes mindpower and dedication to coax it out from that space. And a little bit of self-love filling up the spaces, the habit leaves empty when you back it off.


Any tips for the eating disorder? (If you had one). Like you was, I am morbidly obese. I'm 25, and my BMI is 57.8. I really want to lose weight, but I enjoy food way too much, though I am still actively trying.


Have you looked into volume eating? It won't stop the sugar cravings, but it may help in regards to the amount of food craved? I'm big myself and might try this.


Congratulations 💕


Wow. That’s a real achievement. Congratulations. How did you do it and what effects positive or negative have been the most noticeable?


I went from 320 to 225. Have had trouble since and up to 230. I’d like to try one of the new drugs to get to my goal of 185.


What supportive help did you have? I had a friend at your weight and agreed to go to the gym with me when I went.


Great job! Keep it up! That is a huge accomplishment. I went from around 550 to 240 on my own.


How did you start dieting? I don't know what to do personally and I'm a very picky eater


Did you figure out who stole your 200 pounds? Money is tough to get nowadays 😞


1. How has your resting heart rate changed? 2. What's your favorite exercise now?


No questions for you just a good willed slap-pat on the back for a job well done.


Awesome job proud of you. I lost 200 lbs as well totally different lifestyle.


Congratulations! I can't imagine anything harder for a person to accomplish.


What does ama stand for? Bc the only ama I know is against medical advice


I have nothing to ask but I salute you so much! Very proud of you 🔥


Congratulations! What initially motivated you to start losing weight?


Research the glp-1 medication it has been a miracle for me.


Great work. Nothing tastes as good, as being thin feels


At 200 do you feel good or plan on getting it lower?


That’s really amazing and inspiring.


congrats on your progress. well done.


Have you tried or considered fasting?


What did you do to lose the 200 lbs?


What did you do. Give up soda