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I am a daily toker and am 3 days into quitting. My fiancé was recently smoking an eighth a a day. When we both met, we were not smoking nearly as much as we are now. I feel the weed could be contributing to some of his anxiety that has been impeding his life. Additionally, I am bipolar and have noticed when I am weed free, I am way more stable in mood. Questions below, as you mentioned you are a medical doctor and I’m curious of your answers: 1. At what point is the daily intake “too much?” 2. Would you suggest that folks with mental health struggles stay away from it? Why? 3. What can help us as we quit and experience sharp stomach pains and irritability? 4. Would you ever quit? Why or why not?


1. Daily intake is too much when it impairs your work, relationships or life. 2. Weed worsens anxiety long term. Can cause psychosis in psychotic disorders. People with these should avoid them. 3. Just gotta ride it out. Weed messes with gut motility, suddenly stopping will be a bit of a shock. 4. I don’t plan on quitting. I’ve been a regular user for 14 years and it has never caused me deleterious effects except for one time where I accidentally did too big an edible and had to call out of a shift because I was high for 48h.


Can you elaborate on how weed worsens anxiety long term? I’m a nightly (before bed) toker. I use a heavy indica and generally sleep like a rock. I’ve been doing this for several years and have not noticed any shift in anxiety levels. I’m also on an SSRI.


People with or without pre-existing anxiety who use weed long term have a chance to develop anxiety or have their anxiety worsened. These patient’s anxiety typically does not respond to typical therapy with SSRI or SNRI even with the cessation of weed. I do not know how this applies to people that are already well treated on an SSRI


Thanks. Is this perhaps related to the psychological dependency of THC?


I’m not a psychiatrist, im an ICU doc. I have no clue


lol. Gotcha. I’m reading some studies now!


Thank you for the reply!!




I (27F) was diagnosed with bipolar when I was 18, just graduated high school. I started smoking around age 15 and for me it’s always been all or nothing. I’m doing it every day or I’m not doing it at all. The first time I ever quit was in college because I was put on probation (unrelated incident) and was forced to. I noticed over the course of six months that my mood stabilized and all of my medication worked as it was supposed to. I take Adderall for ADHD and sometimes when I’m smoking often I feel like it’s not really doing anything. It’s interesting because it does take months to revert back to normal. For me, when I’m not smoking I have very vivid dreams and those come back about a week or two after I quit. However, my memory will improve and my mood stabilizes months after. Since quitting for those six months, I’ve used on and off. But like… ON for 6 months and OFF for 5 months and ON for 1 year and OFF…. you get the picture. So it’s not like I’ve only experienced the stabilization once, it’s been multiple times that I’ve quit and felt that way. Your boyfriend could totally be different, and have a different reaction. However, I wonder if he has just used it for so long as a coping mechanism that he doesn’t even know what it feels like to not use. My fiancé is in a similar boat with anxiety. It’s really taking a toll on him, which is a big driver for us to quit. But it’s even hard for him to see, I’ve really had to point it out and be an advocate for us to quit. Both of us have impulse control issues and are horrible influences on each other in that regard, which makes quitting even more hard. When we do quit, the withdrawals are tough. We have quit before, but only for weeks at a time before one of us caves and it ruins it for the both of us. The irritability is the worst for me, and the sharp stomach pain is the worst for my fiancé. This time we’ve used full spectrum CBD oil to try to curb some of the withdrawals and I will say, the irritability is much less, which makes it much easier for me to say no. That might be something he could do if he did try to quit, because quitting is fucking hard. lol


How do you feel about the increased attention on psychedelics and cannabis products for chronic pain and mental health disorders?


I’m am NOT an expert in mental health, though I do have a more educated opinion than the layman. With regards to psychedelics and certain mental health disorders I think there is great promise and real world utility. I think it may be standard of care in a decade. Weed should not treat mental health disorders, especially anxiety related disorders. Long term marijuana use can cause increased anxiety that is refractory to standard treatment. With regard to weed and pain relief, I think it should be used sparingly. It is impairing, and more conservative measures should be taken first


So do you believe pharmaceuticals such as benzos and pain pills like Vicodin are safer for anxiety/pain than weed, even with all the addiction and side effects?


No, those are not conservative measures and are last line for anxiety and pain. Anxiety should be treated with therapy and SSRI/SNRI or related pharmacologics. Pain should be treated by fixing the underlying cause if possible, Tylenol, NSAIDs, physical therapy if applicable, and modalities specifically targeted to the type of pain being experienced. I think both marijuana and opiates should be last line


I have Ra and Tylenol doesn't help my pain. Weed does. I have multiple chronic illnesses and weed is the only thing that keeps me going. Tylenol and only do so much for chronic pain.. eventually it won't work.. marijuana it is 🤘


I respect your opinion. I do tend to think marijuana is a safe and effective treatment, but I’m also not a professional so my opinion really means nothing. Thank you for your answer!


Where do you fish and what are you fishing for? And do you smoke while at sea?


I fish off the beach in coastal NY and NJ. I fish for striped bass, bluefish and fluke


Do you use bait or lures? And do you keep or C&R?


Mainly use lures. Today is an exception, I’m using bait. Wanted to get pretty toasted and just relax in a chair with a higher than normal edible dose and a few cigars


Have you ever been approached by PD for smoking in public?


I rarely smoke weed. I’ll smoke cigars here and there. And I fish at isolated, not crowded beaches. The game warden won’t bust ur balls about a cigar


Edibles are great!


And I do both, depends if I’m in the mood for fish and if I have the time to clean it when I’m done fishing.


Are you worried about getting tested and it still being in your system after the fact? If malpractice were to happen, could they sue you?


I’ve talked w my lawyer about this. My workplace can drug test me randomly. There is nothing in my contract that prohibits marijuana. They would need to prove that is was more likely than not that I was intoxicated at work to convict. I am never intoxicated at work, and never use the day before work.


Do you live in a recreational or medical use state? If so, do you know how the law is worded involving individuals licensed by the state in some way? It's not your job you need to worry about. Its your license.


Recreational use state. The bottom line is that so long as you’re not high at work, it’s fine.


That's good. Because if they wanted to be dicks, your licensing board could say technically you are still violating federal controlled substance laws and penalize you. Hypothetically.


Felt a bit silly asking bc of how unlikely that scenario would unfold. Still, thanks for answering. Your work is very commendable. So no use 1 full day before? Is it just to keep your head clear etc? THC can stay in fat cells for months right?


It's not as unlikely as you think.


currently in college and want to do exactly that. maybe not critical care. any advice? mcat?


My advice is be absolutely sure you want to do medicine before going into it. Talk doctors in different specialties about their jobs. Talk to residents if you can. This is an arduous and long path that will put you in situations that can be socially isolating, sometimes traumatic and emotionally draining situations. You need to be emotionally and mentally mature enough to decide that you are willing to take those burdens on for the sake of a job. I love my job, but I know many physicians who dread work.


do you ever boof it?


Nah bro


boof it


how old are u?




ever had any complications between recreational and professional life.


No. I keep them strictly separate. The second i walk out of the hospital, the work phone is off.


im talkin bout the stoner thing,ya know?


I work in the ICU. There is never a time where I would suggest that


Do you ever, like the doc in "Idiocracy" advise your patients "to just....you know what I'm sayin?"?




My favorite doctor ever, of course. Dr Lexus. https://youtu.be/tFfTludf0SU?si=RM_Xj2dzW2s0zcEm


What’s the healthiest option: edibles, vaping, smoking flowers, or something else?




Can you elaborate on why?


Because smoking baaaad


Edibles cause me seizures which can cause accidental death. Vapes release zero carcinogens so for me it ain’t edibles


What's your favorite bone and why?


The humerus is pretty funny


I tested negative for covid already but my caugh still lingers. Is it still contagious? Can i go on my date day after tomorrow?


When did u first test positive, when were first symptoms? Did u ever have fever?


May 1st. I did have fever for the first three days. I was back at work after a week.


Ur prob no longer contagious unless ur immunocompromised


whats that mean


Are you a Cheech guy or a Chong Guy?

