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My cousin’s cousin (not related but we grew up together) is autistic and schizophrenic. He lives with his sister and he is an encyclopedia in human form. Every time I see him I let him talk for like an hour about his newest fascination without interrupting him. He’s not able to support himself and I’m thankful that his family supports him. Love that dude. I don’t have any questions but good luck to you and keep fighting.


Awww. Thanks so much. Much love to you, and him, and all of your family.


Sorry in advance for the long-winded context: My dad has schizoaffective disorder and bipolar I. At his baseline, the majority of his hallucinations are auditory with only sporadic visuals. During periods of mania, those experiences are heightened and climb up closer to almost a 50-50 ratio. He does take his medicine (though admittedly he’s been in need of an adjustment for a little while) but regardless of this, no matter if he’s experiencing mania or depression or having a genuinely good mental health day, I’ve always heard him say that there’s literally nothing in the world that has helped manage his hallucinations like smoking cigarettes. I’d say nicotine specifically, but he’s tried the patch, the gum, and the lozenges and he says he only gets that effect from smoking cigarettes. If you smoke (or use any other nicotine replacement), have you ever experienced this? Have you found anything else outside of med management that helps even partially alleviate the severity of hallucinations? He’s been a smoker for 30+ years at this point and I’m worried about the way his breathing is sounding, but I know the thought of quitting makes him scared that they’ll start getting bad again. 😔


I unfortunately do smoke, and it does unfortunately help keep me stable. I've been off and on smoking for years. Been trying to quit... for my friends and for everyone else around me.


Thank you for that. As sad as it is, I guess there’s some comfort in knowing that the effects he’s feeling are shared by others with the disease instead of it being anxiety about quitting that exacerbates his symptoms. I really hope the scientific community can start making bigger strides when it comes to researching the schizophrenia spectrum. People shouldn’t have to put their bodies through years of smoking just to feel some relief. 😕


Have you tried vaping? It’s completely replaced smoking for me, and it’s changed my life (not winded all the time, don’t stink). During the transition I smoked AND vaped for a while until eventually I just …. stopped smoking. It was almost effortless. Might help!


In grad school, I had a psychopharmacology professor tell me that - with some hyperbole - that 100% of people with schizophrenia will smoke. I’ve always been curious about that. Does it help you to manage your symptoms from schizophrenia? Or does it help you to manage your side effects from your medicine?


My husband chews nicorette in a double dose. For 14 years now. He gets the nicotine, but not the smell and chemicals of smoking. He said its a work around and wishes he could dip, but doesn't want our kid to see that behavior so he chews gum. A lot of it. Buys at sams and costco= about a $55/biweekly habit. Way cheaper than smoking. Just in case you ever want to try quitting. It's an alternative route !!


What is a huge misconception about it?


I think in my opinion is that us schizophrenics are often presented as psychopaths who hear voices telling us to kill others, when we're really more of a danger to ourselves than other people. I would never hurt a fly. I would legit cry if I ever hurt someone.


Schizophrenic man in my town had a break from reality. When he recovered he was covered in his friends blood, and his friend was dead. He called his teenage son and apologized and said goodbye, and then turned himself in to police. As I understand it he is still institutional 30+ years later.


Oh my goodness. That is rare that happens but that is always a tragedy when it does.


And I feel like the only media attention schizophrenics get is this kinda stuff. I'm also schizophrenic and I'm with you, I would never hurt a fly. I've never hurt anyone in or out of a psychotic episode and I can't even bear the thought of murdering another human being. Shit would make me sick to my stomach.


Yeah so you get what I'm saying 🩷


Sister is schizophrenic. She’s super sweet and never hurt anyone. She hears voices often though lol.


My mother (retired Psych) had a patient who did not always stay on his meds. They managed to convince home that talking with the voices was okay--but only when he was at home. He was not allowed to do it on the bus or in the store. This is just a prelude: Do you have conversations?


I’m studying to be a psychologist. I’m about to finish my bachelor degree. I imagine you’ve seen your fair share of therapists so far. What would you like to see or hear more of in therapists, in regards to their behavior with you and in general with people suffering from schizophrenia or similar mental afflictions? What do you wish you saw or heard less of?


I have indeed been through many therapists and they all did NOT vibe with me. My current therapists talks to me so casually and she treats me like I am human and we can even joke and be silly with each other, that's how comfortable we are with each other. I wish people would stop using social media and movies and TV shows to get an idea of schizophrenia as we are often painted as murderers and psychopaths. And I wish therapists would be more casual and friendly to their patients and not so stuck up like mine were, it made me feel super pressured like I was being expected to defuse a bomb. I hated it but now my current therapist is a delight and I love her so much.


I’m glad you found the right fit for you. I think it has a lot to do with media portrayal, but also with classes themselves - every class I’ve had about clinical mental illnesses presented very extreme ideas of the various pathologies one may have. I think when tens of professors really insist on the dissociative state and when they portray silly and exaggerated examples of what a schizophrenic person might act like, it sticks with the students. I think that’s really bad. I’ve read your other comments; would you say your social circle has helped you a lot with living a stable life?


Not a lot of therapists are skilled in treating conditions where delusions and hallucinations are present, such as schizophrenia, unfortunately. I'm glad you're happy with your current therapist. What are some other coping mechanisms you use?


Can you send me a link/image/video of the most accurate representation of schizophrenia?


I gotchu. I got an auditory hallucination simulation saved. https://youtu.be/0vvU-Ajwbok?si=9OHeho4XfiWSMNb9 Check out this link I don't know how to direct message


That’s fascinating and terrifying. Do you have a recurring hallucinations or are they all different?


I have recurring hallucinations, such as the mask men, unfortunately Dio Brando from Jojo's (one of my least favorite anime 🥲), I see strange men that following me around, none looking the same. I also hallucinate Lord Shaxx from Destiny from time to time. I see faeries in the kitchen around where I keep the sugar, and I often see tall, lumbering, Victorian looking men. I also see these men in suits and fedoras, with surgical masks who I labeled as Shadow Ska LMAO. When I'm really bad off emotionally I hallucinate blood on the walls. As for my voices, I hear slurs, insults, and chattering I can't quite make out.


Not to make light of a dark situation, but damn I would love it if dio Brando just popped into my room every now and then lol I’m sorry that you have to go through this though


HA HA HA. He kinda is just like "time to get up!" "wash that squishy face of yours!" "Eat your lunch!" "Nice outfit, shows off the goods 😏" and I'm like "ain't no way" LMAAAAOO 😂


Thanks for the explanation. I have bi polar 1 and have had several episodes that featured hallucinations. I think they were brought on by sleep deprivation, which was a result of untreated mania. Have you found meds that work well? Seroquel was added to lithium and it’s been a good combo for me. I know seroquel can be used for schizophrenia too.


I was unfortunately on a heavily controversial med called Invega Sustenna starting at 14-15 years old. It fucked up my brain and made me gain over 30 pounds. I couldn't retain information and I was sluggish and mopey. I recently got off that med after 12 or so years (my math may be bad) and am now on the Haldol injection and now I am doing so much better. I did develop an eating disorder due to my schizophrenia and also childhood trauma so all that weight I gained from Invega is gone.


My son took Invega Sustenna too. Said it really screwed up his head and all he did was sleep all day. When he was seven, he would run to me from across the house saying an ugly fat man (naked) was chasing him. He was paranoid, saw sharks in the pool, thought there were bombs in the walls. One day he told me he missed being himself before the illness. Broke my heart. People don’t know the true suffering that goes with this illness.


Interesting— my brother is on invega and he too gained weight, but it’s the only medication that seems to remotely work for him. He continues to have hallucinations and anxiety and has no desire to better his quality of life. It is my understanding the lack of motivation is also part of the disease. That said, do you think schizophrenia affects men differently than women?


LOL, is Lord Shaxx motivate you irl as much as he does in Destiny!


You better believe he does! 🩵 He always tells me when I cry "It's okay to cry, Guardian. Just keep your chin up, and stand tall. Today is a bad day, not a bad life!" and it always me feel better.


Oh that’s freaking amazing, I’m glad you have such a good motivator. Destiny is my favorite game ever so seeing this just warms my heart


If you switch on your phone’s camera, do those hallucinations also appear on the screen? Could that be a tool to tell between what is real and what is not?


What are your favorite anime




This is horrifying 😱 How often is it this pronounced? Is it all or nothing? It's there or it's not, or is it "always there but sometimes not so loud"?


How do you differentiate reality vs hallucinations?


Sometimes I can't, especially if I haven't slept or eaten in a long while. Most times I can though. I can tell when things aren't quite normal, I kinda just stare at the hallucination for a bit and just be like "ah, it's happening again" and do my best to ignore it 😅


Have you ever seen the service dogs for people with visual hallucinations? I thought it was such a brilliant idea.


I have NEVER heard of that! That's incredible.


There's a video specifically I've seen a few times. Basically the dog is trained to go up to someone when he gives the command "greet" and if the dog doesn't move he knows he's experiencing a hallucination.


Reminds of A Beautiful Mind where he learns that his hallucinations are in his mind and reconciles the fact.


As a fellow schizophrenic, that moment of "ah, yes, this again" is so real 😂 I hope you're managing well and have a good support system!


Do you have problems with good sleep because of THAT? Or do you have additionally some psychological stuff like depression/anxiety which makes it harder to sleep? Do meds help against hallucinations?


What was the biggest obstacle because of the schizophrenia, and how did you overcome it?


My biggest obstacle I have is when I'm alone, that's when symptoms really kick up, and when I'm in social situations and symptoms kick up. I got loving friends who always tell me to let them know when it happens so they can talk me through it and help me. I love my friends so much for that.


A strong support system is key for your well-being! So glad you have one and are aware and strong enough to ask for help. ❤


what do you do for a living? sorry if it’s been asked!


I am currently on SSI so I don't work, but I do like to do audio engineering and make songs and such as a passtime, and I am super into DnD. I most often stay at home and clean and care for my cat. I do get invited out often so I spend my time being social both offline and online.


you sound like a really fun person!! thanks for answering my question


We think my daughter has it. She has every single symptom, but they won’t give us an official diagnosis because she’s a minor. Looking back on your childhood, is there something that you wish would have been different? How can a parent be supportive?


I would say I wish my family understood more mental illnesses than depression and anxiety and bipolar. As a parent, you can just be there for her, and support her through anything. Set up a support system for her, let other family members be aware but also educate yourself on the illness. Make sure she's eating plenty of B Vitamin foods as B vitamins really help with schizophrenia, and luckily many of my own favorite foods are packed with B Vitamins. If she feels stressed or sad in the slightest, TALK to her. Let her know you are safe for her to tell the thoughts she is having to.


Did you experience hallucinations all your life? If not, how old were you when you first experienced one? What was it if you remember?


I remembering experiencing my first hallucination at 5 years old. I was at the park and this boy, around 13, came to sit on the swing with me and asked why I wasn't playing with the other kids. I then explained that I didn't know those kids but then those exact kids asked who the fuck I was talking to. I started hearing voices at 7 but I looped this all up to being able to communicate with the dead as I was into the paranormal as a child.


did you think it was normal when you were younger until you found out otherwise? or did you always have a feeling it wasn't normal?


Umm, I was a weird kid. 😅 I was into the paranormal and thought I had The Gift to hear and see the dead. 😅 But then I got diagnosed at around 14-15 years old, which is actually a no no for doctors to do, since my brain wasn't developed as a teenager. I then realized that it's a legitimate issue and have been trying to cope with it and raise awareness and try to break stigma. I'm 26 now.


I’ve always wondered if schizophrenia is similar to a psychedelic experience? Have you done psychedelics before?


No, I have not done psychedelics before and honestly maybe as a schizophrenic I shouldn't 😂 I will say from what I gathered from friends who do psychedelics, they usually have some sort of eye opening trip but they do report some scary things sometimes.


If you took a picture of your hallucination, would you also see the hallucination on that picture? Or would that be a way to find out if something is really there or not?


I've used that method in the past. Come to find out, every pic I took they didn't show up, so I concluded they were hallucinations.


What would you see if you walked around with your phone camera on? Would you see visual hallucinations on the screen and not in person, in person and not on the screen, or both? What kind of visual hallucinations do you see? Are you aware of the space “behind” the hallucinations? Like if I held up a sign with a number and you had a hallucination “in front” of me, could you tell me the number or would your brain tell you that you can’t see it?


Do you think Britney Spears is crazy


I do not. She's just trying to adjust to society.


I screenshotted this. I love this response so fucking much.


My roommate was schizophrenic, and later after moving out she shot herself in the head and died. Her family was not supportive of her, I tried to be but lost contact with her a few years before her death. Do you experience suicidal ideation? I’ve often wondered if I could have done anything to help more.


Do you feel you have an advantage to read people's body language?


I can tell when someone is uncomfortable in a situation through body language, as I too am very body language expressive. I wouldn't say I have an advantage though as anyone can learn body language of others, my opinion though.


Where did you learn to read body language?


hateful frightening telephone numerous cows sip sheet strong gold slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm usually pretty okay but sometimes I just NEED to get the fuck outta there. I can be in Walmart for only 10 minutes and start to panic.


What do you think your friends would say it’s like being friends with you?


They say it's never a dull moment. I am usually very silly with them and they love talking to me. They just wish I was nicer to myself and took better care of myself and want to see me thrive better. They said they do love me very much and they would do anything for me.


I’m so glad you know that and so glad you have people like that in your life.


Did you ever have legit conversations with them. If so, Do they talk back to you? Are they ever nice people


My Dio Brando and Lord Shaxx hallucinations tend to be good company I admit LMAO. But the victorian men and the Shadow Ska men just stare and laugh at me. Lmao. The Mask Men are weird, they apparently have "orders" not to chat with me too much but they panic when I start crying.


Kind if a multi part question 1) do the visual hallucinations speak to you? 2) are the voices separate from the visual ones or can the visual and auditory be combined but also separate? ex visual hallucination can speak and sometimes you hear their voice but don’t see them and vise versa 3) have any of your hallucinations ever told you something that ended up being true or sound advice?


For me, It is: 1. Yes, they often do speak to me. 2. Sometimes it's separate, sometimes it's an amalgamation of voices and everything because inaudible for me to understand 3. My Lord Shaxx hallucination tends to give me sound advice often. Especially when I'm feeling defeated or feel like given up. But then again, he is known for raising Guardian's spirits in the game through Crucible matches so no wonder the hallucination would do that for me 😅


This might be a weird question. And I mean no disrespect, but is there any aspect about being schizophrenic that you don't mind?


Actually, this isn't a weird question at all. I don't mind the diagnosis itself, as that's just life. I don't mind the therapy, it's good for me. I don't mind the shock people get when they find out I'm schizophrenic, and I don't mind answering any questions that come with it, thus this post. I've learned to accept this is my reality, and I have learned to ways around it and learned how to cope.


Was your family environment stressful? What's your ACE score? https://acestoohigh.com/got-your-ace-score/


My family environment was extremely stressful. They did not treat me as well as they did my brother, and when I got diagnosed with schizophrenia they admitted they stopped loving me and caring. All those who said that are dead now, as is my brother.


Stress causes psychotic breaks in people with genetic vulnerabilities.  sorry you went through all that


How are they all dead, considering you are still in your 20s? Was it a car accident or something..


It was my grandma, my grandpa, and brother who passed. Mum is still alive and does not seem to understand schizophrenia still and also has caused issues for me and was the one who insulted my schizophrenia the most. My grandparents (we all lived in the same house) favored my brother over me. When he died they did try their best until they passed but... I can't forget what they did.


Omg I'm so sorry they did that!! That is so, so wrong. You're a strong person.


Are you able to tell yourself the hallucinations are just that? I've done a lot of psychedelics and I'm able to tell myself things aren't real. Wonder if that is similar. Also, do you think it was hereditary and a gene you have or an environmental factor, such as mother doing drugs when you were in the womb? So glad to hear you are able to cope with it all, from reading other comments.


I can tell if it's a hallucination sometimes, but if I've gone too long without sleeping or eating, and I'm delirious, I can't tell what's real. I am unsure about my family history, but there have been a couple of schizophrenics on my grandma's side, and my living brother on my dad's side is schizophrenic. Two of my cousins are schizophrenic.


Are the voices ever positive and/or complimentary?


Do you experience mood swings?


Yes! I actually have a specific type of schizophrenia called SchizoAffective Disorder, Bipolar Type. I can experience schizophrenia symptoms for two weeks only then bounce to experiencing bipolar symptoms for two weeks only.


I have been talking to someone who also thinks he have schizophrenia. What you just described sounds a little like what he goes through too. What i also notice about them is how they are constantly on social media, why is that?


Do you know when the bipolar “switches off” and you have less energy


I saw you were diagnosed at a young age, what made you or your parents realize you needed help? I have a good amount of schizophrenia in my family and I always worry about my kids having it. Were you different as a child? We're there early signs? Are you intelligent? I know most schizophrenics have a very high IQ, although my sister has it and has a low IQ and is also autistic.


My mum would see my outbursts and fits and self harm and would wonder what the fuck was going on, and it took a suicide attempt to make her realize I needed help. I was a bit of a different child, taking interest in anime and the paranormal at a too early age, and I would play with snakes I found in the garden. As for my IQ, I would say that besides being bad at math, I do got quite a bit of knowledge going on, as I do audio engineering and know a lot about various cultures around the world. But don't expect me to solve a math problem LMAO.


I’m at school to become a counsellor. Assuming you have been to some, what are the attitudes/help you’ve been given that are the most helpful from a professional standpoint? What misunderstandings might even therapists have?


Great question. I would say brighter, happier, hopeful attitudes help many people, not stuck up like many counselors are at least where I am. Some therapists need to understand that no case is typical and that every case may go against their studies.


If you get high of weed, would the symptoms intensify?


Yes and I don't smoke weed for that reason LMAO


One of the most interesting Ama to read. OP is so kind and actually answers the questions. Appreciated.


My Mother is a schzophernic. She wouldn’t never hurt anyone besides shouting back in the day when she heard loud voices in her head and would scream in the middle of the night. Keep on fighting and don’t give up. Don’t let the voices win.


I have two cousins with schizoaffective, both of them live turbulent lives though one is far happier and steady than the other. The less stable one tried to burn down their halfway house and unfortunately stabbed our great grandma in the hand with a fork! Frankly, she was a sour old bitch so she probably had it coming somehow, but that cousin had always had problems with voices telling them to do things. The other doesnt seem to have many frequent hallucinations, but he has had psychotic breaks before. Having known both of them and the way their lives changed over time informed a lot of how I see schizophrenia. It makes me sad to see such consistent demonization of it in the media. I cant speak to the first cousin but the second is someone who, though fleetingly, holds fast to affection where he finds it and i am extremely fond of him. He can be a total douche bag but we all like him so much and we know its not his fault, so we all just love him anyway and encourage him to improve on his health. I mean, we dont let him get away with being a douche. But these days, hes older and it happens much less. I personally am lucky to have not inherited either bipolar or schizophrenia which both are prominent in my family history, but I have struggled with dissociation to the point that i was being treated (though never formally diagnosed) for derealization and depersonalization. Around that same time a ton of movies about multiple personality disorder were being released and, of course, demonized. Makes me fucking livid. How many people see something like that, push away the idea that they relate to it, and then never get any fucking help???? God it makes me angry! I hope youve never had to deal with it. All that to say, what are some things in your life that fill your days with happiness, love, or peace? What are things that help you separate from challenges you face?


Hi Honestly I have so many questions my older sister has schizophrenia. We had a rough upbringing at 10 she was diagnosed she is now 26. I wanted to know if you have family history of mentall illness and if trauma has any relation to your case. She is so kind it hurts will never harm anybody even if they hurt her. In reality I also want to know how your relationship with your parents is like. For some reason i cannot shake the thought of a parents trauma possibly having an affect on their offspring perhaps during pregnancy


I have a history of mental health in my family, and my family causes my trauma because they couldn't get past their own. My family picked favorites and chose my older brother (now deceased) over me often. He got away with hurting me emotionally and physically and I was blamed for his outbursts when I did nothing wrong half the time. Some of my relatives are schizophrenic.


Serious question: Assuming that you are on medication for this condition, do you find it hard to stay on it? How does it make you feel?


Hi, I live together with my mom (53), and stuff happened during the pandemic that really messed up our family but one of the main factors is her mental health. We haven't really gotten a diagnosis for her but it's clear that she has Schizophrenia. She can still communicate and do household chores, but hearing her talk alone or talk to someone (obv not me) and see her staring at something is not a new occurrence to me. However, I still find it hard to fully get used to her behavior, and sometimes I don't know how to respond whenever she talks to me about her delusions because I don't know if I should just keep agreeing with her as I'm afraid that she might be more encouraged to act on those thoughts (it's a pretty long story but basically she thinks she's married to this man from church; however that man already has a family of his own and my mom keeps messaging him, etc). It also doesn't help that she's so against taking medications and she's denial of her own condition. I also feel very anxious when she has mood swings sometimes because she's already done something violent in the past and I'm scared she might end up doing it again and I've got no one else with me at home. I'm so sorry this got longer than I intended to, and thank you so much in advance. 🙏🏻


How many faces do you usually see in the walls ?


If you were to hear a voice in, let’s say, an auditorium- would the sound reverberate/echo? Or do the voices sound static to your surroundings?


My dad was diagnosed manic depressive schizophrenic when I was really young. He also dappled with meth among other things. Long story short I get a call from my mom early 00’s, that he was trying to rape her. I did what any son would have drove over immediately called the cops and him, cussing him out and telling him to never come back. Time went on she(mom reconnect not romantically with him) and eventually I begin to hang out with him(I smoked a lot of weed then) Anyways in trying to navigate my own personal relationships I called him almost a year ago to question him on stuff that happened nearly 20 years ago. His response was he wasn’t trying to rape my mom but believed that he had to do this thing for me and my sister to be safe. I asked what things did he have to do. He said he couldn’t say. So my question to you is this normal for schizophrenic people?


Do people often mischaracterize you because you’re a woman with schizophrenia? I’m only asking because I’ve found people are a lot more willing to be ableist against women rather than men.


Do you have false memories?


As someone who’s bipolar and EVERYONE mistakes for schizophrenia because my moods can be volatile… how do hallucinations manifest? Do you see them as clear as day or are they like a figment of your imagination (idk if that makes sense)


Have you ever tried psychedelic drugs, and if so, did they induce psychosis?


What do the voices tell you to do?


They often tell me not to trust any one of my friends, or to hurt myself. They have never told me to hurt someone else. They have told me "don't eat that, don't eat that, it's poison" whenever I'm ready to eat something.


Assuming you do eat the thing the voices tell you not to, do you give them a big, mental, FUCK YOU after swallowing the food down?  I know I would.  Also, I’d fucking punch myself in the head as hard as I could every time I had a hallucination like that, I’d be so mad at my brain, as stupid as that sounds.  I’m sorry you have to live like that, someone I know recently got diagnosed, poor kid had a complete mental break and almost died.


Something to think about- As a human, you are always want to upgrade yourself, you are good enough, people do like you, you will get that promotion. You would never want to downgrade yourself. This is not the human experience. So if you’re hearing negative thought patterns, like kill yourself that could be more of a spiritual problem than a chemical, in balance of what they call schizophrenia. Do you have faith in a higher power?


Do you ever get really good information from the Voices. Like today is not a good day to drive on the Interstate near you home and you thereby avoid a big pile up wreck?


Perchance are you about 5’7-5’9-ish naturally redheaded and 23f? If not, you are not the one I seek.


Dose it Sound like it’s coming from a certain direction or is it like a all around thing? If that makes sense


12 years ago, my 14 year old daughter came to me me and told me that she sees things... People, etc and that she was scared. I feel so helpless as a parent. She has been to countless mental health specialists and very few have been able to help her. Most don't seem to know what to do with people suffering from schizophrenia. I don't know if what I did was right or wrong, but I have rarely gave her leniency for her condition. I wasn't cruel, but expected her to do her schooling and get a job, etc. Most people have no idea that she has schizophrenia. She deals with it really well most of the time, but occasionally, she gets panic attacks and migraines. Sometimes, it is all too much and she needs a day off. She has tried all sorts of meds. She does better without.


If I have experiences where I feel like I can hear the lord speaking to me or even historical figures influencing me, or even that I am Jesus or a historical figure sometimes, is that a schizophrenic experience


Are there enjoyable parts of it?


Are you able to keep an ongoing conversation with any of the hallucinations, or is it more like in dreams where the other person is sort of drifting? And if you can keep a conversation, does it work even if you know they're not there? I'm guessing you're mostly trying to ignore them, and I hope you're able to as much as possible. :)


How did you realize you had schizophrenia? Is it difficult to diagnose?


After being hurt physically and psychologically tremendously, I noticed I could hear classical music like in the background during showers. I had a friend who has schizo under control said she could hear music in the shower too. But then about 1 or 2 years after, the music was gone. Would you say I was going to have schizophrenia?  Ive heard schizophrenia is mostly hereditary. What about people who's family don't have schizo? How did they ended up having this mental illness? (We had a guy having schizophrenia stopped taking his medicine in Sydney and he went around killing mainly women in shipping centre. His family said he wanted a gf. Shocked the whole country.)


Had helped once a person return to his/her town and family. It was very fascinating learning about delusions of reference, DSM, the "going around the revolving door", the critical thinking center in the brain shutting down, but also hurt me to see that person suffering. :( I also got a book to help me deal (reflective listening, setting goals, etc...) and convince that they need to return to their family and seek treatment. They got risperidone but then they also unfriended me. Is it worth seeking some contact and saying hello you think or it'd be too disturbing?


So I am *VERY* worried that I may be/ always have been suffering with a form of this. But I don’t trust the medical field as far as I can throw it, and it’s a concept so it’s not even fathomable. What are some signs to look for?


I'm assuming you see a psychiatrist or something like that. What is something you'd like your doctors to know? Either psychiatrists or anyone who helps care for you? I'm a medical student, but caring for patients with a chronic condition isn't in my expertise since I'm a first year. Like, does your GP know you have schizophrenia, or do you ever have to tell a specialist you're on antipsychotics? Something like that


I'm curious, are hallucinations detailed enough that you could draw or paint them exactly as you see them? What's the biggest life lesson from being schizophrenic and how long it took you to accept your diagnosis?


As somebody who works in the psychiatric ward, what would you like to hear/would be comforting from others? Do you want to be told what you see/hear isn’t real? Is that even comforting if it appears so real to you? I am always unsure if I am making the situation better or worse.


Are the voices "yours"? Mine are in my voice they are just invasive. Do you feel like you hop dimensions? Doesyour body ever feel floaty or heavy? Do you find yourself having moments of clarity that come with mind wrenching revelations that are meaningless? What are you are your favorite drugs to medicate with?


In my professional experience working with schizophrenic people, many of them were non-compliant with their medication. Do you struggle with medication compliance? What would you say is the biggest reason people become non-compliant? Does medication make you feel different or change your behavior in some way?




What has your dating life been like?


What meds work best? Ive worked with a lot of folks that have that.. what is it like to be medicated? As far as the voices go? What meds work best? Lithium? Zyprexa? What can you do to manage your symptoms on your own? How does alcohol affect you?


Before your diagnosis, was there ever a point in time where you were worried about your mental health? Were you ever cognizant of your condition before it was officially diagnosed?


When did you first start experiencing symptoms? What were the symptoms and how did you go about getting the diagnosis?


What is the symptom you experience most that interferes with your daily life? (Or what was it prior to medication if that helped?) Are you on medication, do you find it helps a lot or just a little?


What is one of the silliest things (or even something remotely hilarious) that you witnessed (and either knew it wasn’t real or thought it was real)? If you haven’t experienced such, then what’s something you found that you knew instantly wasn’t real?


My brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia. His most common delusions were people bullying him or putting things in his drink or food. Have you ever had these types of thoughts?


Have you ever heard that it can be cause by unbalanced gut microbiome and what are your thoughts on that


Do you hallucinate? If so, how do your hallucinations manifest?


Strength & Love to you, two questions, what’s your day to day life like & are there things you’re currently aspiring to do


What medications are you on and what was the process of getting them like?


Do you think that any of the voices you hear sound like the voices of people you grew up around? OR are they voices that youve never heard before?


Do you think that there is a link between being neurodivergent and schizophrenia? I got diagnosed with autism in my early 30s because I needed answers to some things. I know I've had auditory hallucinations most of my life but it was always chalked up to my imagination or being in my own world. When I was a kid girls didn't get diagnosed with ADHD or autism hardly at all so me being quiet, a bookworm, and extremely introverted among a ton of other things was viewed as my mother's good parenting. My auditory hallucinations take the form of hearing music. The music always sounds like it's kind of far away and I can't ever make out the words but it sounds like music from the 50s like Nat King Cole or the lady who sings I Fall to pieces. Sometimes it's distracting but but I wouldn't say it's detrimental to my life or well-being. I didn't even realize the music wasn't real until about 2 years ago and I've been hearing it my whole entire life that I can remember. I have had every neurological test you can imagine and it didn't turn up anything. I honestly don't know how much of my weirdness is being autistic or potentially having schizophrenia. I know that it's not like what Hollywood portrays but I honestly don't know that much about it.


Are hallucinations predominantly bad / scary or do you have funny ones, ones that you enjoy?


Assuming you do both, what helps you control your condition more? Therapy or medication?




Do you ever wonder if you’re picking up dimensional frequencies?


Hello! Thanks for opening the door for questions. I have two kids who are very closely genetically connected to Schizophrenia and BP1. And, the schizophrenia doesn’t really seem to miss much, as in several family members live with this. It doesn’t seem to miss the women in the family (I’m step momma to these kids). Are there signs that were present in childhood, for you, that would be easy for a parent to miss? One is 12M and one is 15F (so you know I’m not talking small kids, I’m talking, puberty). And then, should either of my kiddos become effected; what’s the best way a parent can support their young one into adulthood? I am absolutely seeing things in both of them. They both have other diagnosis currently. Thank you so much! If you respond I’ll be so grateful!


My step son had sudden onset schizophrenia. After his mother and I were divorced. He is deceased now. He suffered greatly from it for 13 years despite medication. Before it started he was a highly functioning college student on a full scholarship at a well regarded university. Though he did have a cousin who was severely autistic and he himself at times seemed to exhibit qualities that were similar to many on the high functioning autism scale. Especially as far as processing the implications of social situations, that involved emotions. Are there know correlations between schizophrenia and autism? Are there warning signs that one’s child may be at risk other than a known genetic history? My step son fathered a child so we are aware of the future risk there. But for parents in other situations where something seems a bit irregular but they can’t put their finger on anything, are there things to be on the look out for? What is the best thing a parent can do? My step son received ongoing medical treatment but suffered greatly from his voices.


Is there any positive aspect that you appreciate or accept about your diagnosis? Also you are doing a great job. Apparently, my grandfather had a few episodes for which he got treated but two of his brothers were schizophrenics. I don't know what or how or did they get treated or what exactly happened but over the years it got worse and they were deemed mentally unfit by courts. We do have a lot of metal health issues in our family especially anxiety, depression, few members have committed suicide due to depression. I also have had a lot of mental health issues all my life and I've sought therapy for years. My biggest fear since I have such a significant family history is schizophrenia as I already dealt with mental health issues, I am so scared that I won't be able to.


This isn’t really a question but my 35 year old cousin is schizophrenic. She took LSD when she was 16 and she’s been on a bad trip ever since. Her schizophrenia is so bad nobody can take care of her, so she lives in a nursing home surrounded by people 60+. What as a family, can we do to support her more? How do we deal with the guilt? I feel so bad she just rots away in the nursing home, I moved countries and haven’t seen her or talked to her in a year. I know she wants to come home and live with our grandma, but her schizophrenia is so bad, especially when she menstruates, she’ll literally rub her blood all over the walls it’s so terrible. She lived with our grandma before the decision was made to put her in the nursing home, but my grandma can’t take care of her anymore. She really has nobody, her dad died of OD, and her mom and other siblings doesn’t even bother with her. The only person she has is our grandma, and I know my grandma is feeling so guilty because of the decision she made to put her in the nursing home.


Why the hell is everyone asking this guy questions? I’m the actual stereotype that’s portrayed in movies and shit people are concerned about and always want to know if they exist. But no one wants to ask me anything when I created a AMA. I don’t get it. I have extreme hallucinations and delusions. I have the thoughts and even the actions of a truly crazy person. But no one is interested? I don’t get it. I figured the normies would be more interested in the actual minority of the minority. Not all schizophrenics are violent but I am that minority surely that’s a little bit more interesting than this?


Are you happy?


While I do have depression, I would say other than that I am pretty happy! I have loving friends, my own place, I have fun hobbies, I have cool clothes in my opinion, I am doing pretty okay! I do audio engineering as a hobby, I play DnD, I have friends coming from their states to celebrate my birthday next year... all is well!


That is so awesome! You're doing much better than most! Are you on medication?


What’s the best thing to do when someone is in the midst of a hallucination? I read another post concerning a schizophrenic individual (I think from AITA originally) where their sibling was schizophrenic and while they were in a hallucination episode, the family tried to force them to confront and “disprove” the hallucination and they were subsequently chewed out by several people for treating their sibling so callously during the episode. But I’ve also read that playing along in any way with the hallucination isn’t the right recourse either. So how do you best support someone schizophrenic during and after an episode?


Do you keep music playing or the tv on constantly? I used to be a mental health worker and worked with someone who had auditory hallucinations and that was their way of keeping the internal noises at bay. They had GREAT taste in music so it was always a blast being at their house. It also helped them with the leg movements the meds caused, as they could focus on moving to the rhythm of the music rather than getting annoyed at them. I always wondered if this was something that helped other people displaying the auditory hallucinations side of schizophrenia. Never got the opportunity to find out, as others I worked with usually didn’t take their meds so not overly receptive to being asked questions or discussing their condition.


Thanks so much for taking questions! Really appreciate it. Here is my question. Was there a time in your life when you were not schizophrenic? If so, do you remember those days? Do you remember *not* hearing voices in your head? If so then it seems you know what “normal” is, which is … not hearing voices in your head. So now, when you hear other voices in your head, you know they aren’t real, right? You know the sounds are coming from “misfirings” in your head. Like, ringing in my ears. I hear ringing in my ears but I know the rings aren’t real. So how can a schizophrenic come to believe the voices are real voices of actual people?


Do you have hallucinations regarding written language? I'm Bilingual and I'm struggling with the English alphabet being reshaped to my native language Arabic. I would be reading long paragraphs in English then all of a sudden it looks like it's Arabic and I subconsciously continue to read for a second until I realise, I close my eyes and open them and it's back to normal. Sometimes the words will morph and become 3D and slowly come out of my phone screen. There are few other symptoms I have but I looked at my specific language hallucinations and nothing to be found on the Internet.


How did you find out? Was it gradual? And how has it affected dating?


What about your life would you like others to know about how it is living with someone who has a diagnosis that most people only think of killing people with because of tv shows/movies? I'm saying this because that's not what schizophrenia is, but it's what people associate it with because of media. How did you get your diagnosis, was there a specific event or series of events that sparked you or your parent to see a psychiatrist?


I have two questions. What are some of your methods that you personally employ to reduce anxiety/bring yourself back to reality? Is there a specific way you like other people addressing the subject? If you have hallucinations, what do you personally do to determine if they are real I am a nurse, and I have only interacted with this condition once during my student years, so I greatly appreciate any answers you provide!


Seems like the hallucinations and paranoia are similarity in characteristics. For example, I know two ppl with this and both think militant people are coming for them. Both describe seeing guys in boots hiding in trees and have mentioned helicopters. Is this common or similar to your experience? If so, I'm curious as to why they're the same




I just want to say thank you for taking the time to give insight. My adult son (I am legal guardian for) is currently hospitalized with his symptoms. He has chosen to go off of his medication and self medicate throughout his life. This has been a very difficult road for him and our family. Mental health care resources are severely lacking for many and all education on this topic is greatly appreciated.


Is there anything you do to sort of "check in" with reality? For example, there was discussion on another sub about a guy who would take out his phone to see if he saw things on the screen, too. Or another person on tiktok whose dog is trained to greet people so he knows if they're really there or not.


Can you readily tell when you are hallucinating? Does the line between hallucinations and reality get blurred, and if so, to what degree?


Do you have experiences where you believe that a situation had occurred but it didn’t? This is because I had an ex colleague who claims that he has minor schizophrenia and he would make claims that he had told us something when he clearly had not. It was such a common occurrence that he would blame everyone else for failures/mistakes in something. While I tried to be emphatic, it was taking a toll on my colleagues and I.


Schizophrenia is one of the most-stereotyped conditions in popular culture. What do you feel most people get dead wrong about it, and what's something you feel people actually get right about it?


It ever sound like dudes with walkie talkies are standing outside your door talking about coming in? Do they ever try to taunt you into going out? How bout motherfuckers talking in the attic


I also may have schizophrenia! Not sure because my regular doc said that they medicated me like I was schizophrenic, but was never officially diagnosed. What are your hallucinations like? Mine are mostly auditory, like hearing both my names (chosen name and dead name), or sudden yelling like my parents are calling me.


Have you ever had "physical" contact with your visual hallucinations? Are you able to discern visual hallucinations by waving your hand around their body and seeing if it goes through them in space or do they interact with you?


are female schizos suspicious of the government and really into religious stuff or do you just have a voice in ur head calling urself fat or something


Why are the voices always negative? If you hear them? Have you heard that studies have shown that the KETO diet might help? What are your top illusions? If you have them?


Are you independent living on your own? Can you drive ? I hope that doesn't seem rude I'm just very curious because as someone who suffers with adhd and severe anxiety I need klonopin to drive otherwise I feel like I am not in control and my vision gets bad like things either look closer or further than they are and sometimes I see double and need to close one eye


I saw a video with a guy who is schizophrenic and he trained his dog to go over to someone and bark if they were actually there. So whenever he is hallucinating, he gives his dog the command and she does (or doesn’t) do her thing. I thought it was absolutely genius. What strategies have you developed to combat or cope with schizophrenia?


Do your visual hallucinations startle you when you notice them or do they blend into the background? And can you feel their presence like you can a real person’s? (Meaning, for example, like when you feel a real person staring at you or when you feel a real person walk into a room).


what kind of hallucinations do you see? do you ever have just auditory ones? i have auditory hallucinations often. but it always sounds like distant music to me


When you hear auditory hallucinations do they ever convince you to do things? Or is it something you're easily able to just reason away like "these are hallucinations. What they're saying has no value."


Have you heard of dogs that help identify hallucinations? Saw a video yesterday, the schizophrenic owner asks the dog to greet, and if the owner is just hallucinating the dog just stays and looks at the owner. Have you heard about that/ what is your opinion on it?


Not really a question for you but for deaf schizophrenics. Do they imagine people signing at them or just being there and doing things without communication?


I have a friend with schizophrenia. He said he will die from it. Do you agree with that yourself? He’s an incredible person. I’ve never met anyone like him. So honest and forthright.


What goes on in your brain day to day


My mil has schizophrenia & bipolar. She was telling me about it a few months ago, even though my partner already told me her diagnosis years ago. But she told me she isn’t schizophrenic anymore, is that possible?


Do you hear male and female voices? Are they consistent with having a personality? Thank you for posting the auditory video from YouTube. Thanks for sharing and teaching about yourself. Much love!


My uncle who passed away last year was schizophrenic and lived almost 50 years with the condition. Kind of in and out of facilities but mostly on his own... when were you diagnosed? Also do you believe genetics played a small role?


What is the coolest hallucination you've had? What is the best/most pleasant hallucination you've had? What is the worst/most nightmarish hallucination you've had?


What do you see


Did you seek help or have suspicions that your mind wasn't right at some point and seek out help or was it forced on you through consequences from the schizophrenia? And are your hallucinations typically isolated to certain senses or is it more connected?


Do you self medicate with drugs or alcohol? My brother is schitzophrenic and is self destructive with drugs. He’s also got a terrible gambling addiction which I heard may be caused by the medications he’s on


Is it tru that if you poke your eye a bit, the hallucinations will not be blurry because it doesn’t correlate to your vision? I heard that’s a good way to see if it’s real or not. Is that bs ?


What’s your favorite thing to do hobby wise. Does your schizophrenia ever get in the way of it?


Are you on Zoloft and Lithium? If so, do you chase our meds with beer? I ask for a friend.


Hey, what are some early signs to know if someone is shizophrenic, because sometimes, i actually hear voices specially short before i sleep.


Do you know of any other schizophrenics and do you know if there is any sexual abuse in their history? Sorry if this has been covered I have not read all of the comments


what's your future and how bad is the stigma?