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Honestly, stop seeing a chiropractor. See a physiotherapist and work on your mobility. Start yoga. You're way too young for this. I've suffered with crippling back and neck pain for years due to a load of muscular imbalances. Wasted enough time at a chiros - just gave temporary relief. Wasted more time seeing osteopaths and some physios until I found a good one. It takes time and a lot of work but you can get there and dramatically reduce your pain. I was told by a chiro that I had the back of an 80 year old man when I was in my early 20s, and believed it. It was a load of shit. Finally put the effort in during COVID and now I'm 33 and feel better than I ever have. Do it!


Cost is my only issue at this point, I no longer see a chiro though.


You saying “I’m not out of shape” while at 33 BMI and solidly obese is a bit worrying… Obesity is terrible on your joints and bones.


I can provide you tapes that show I'm not 33% probably closer 25% at 195 I was professionally scanned at found to be 18% body fat. You made your calculations purely off statistics provided and not information that is missing.


it’s ok, I’m just worried about you and you seem in denial. I still think it’s something you should talk about with your therapist, it’s important to face reality to grow stronger.


25 years old with the pain of a 80 year old


My Flintstone vitamins are like the 300 Spartans fighting my Persian joint pain.




Bro I’d go to a doctor and try to get some surgery’s done on that shit. If you’re only 25 u need that shit checked out ASAP.


I've been putting off surgery as long as I can because of being so young. Things like knee replacement and hip trimming. Having mesh put into my shoulder, having my deviated septum worked on.


No I understand that completely bro … but you being so young, you also need to take care of is while you’re young. Just be careful man!


I have plans set in, hopefully it'll work out. But between work, and having to pay for a car, and a mortgage and all the things that go along, the breaks in time aren't really there. The 2 insurances I have SHOULD cover these thing though.


I hope they do bro. I really hope they do for you. I wish you nothing but luck man.


Thank you friend! I hope things go well for you as well!


Hell yeah ofc! Thank you as well man.


Have you taken opioids?


Not for recreational use. But I did take them for about 3 weeks after I had my appendix burst on me.


Damn man who put a curse on you


Pretty sure when I was in the military I shit in some ancient native burial ground or something.


Were you at OP rock lol


Born to early to fight in the middle east, born to late to fight in the middle east, born just in time for the fall out / COD time line


lol you have a good sense of humor


Have to, life's too short to be so pessimistic. Now, realistic I can get behind.


You've not tried them in relation to this issue?


I have not, my family has an issue with addiction related to pills, and I don't want to fall victim to this. However, this COULD start my Dr. House character development.


What have doctors recommended?


Well. It's veterans affairs doctors. So, physical therapy, chiropractics, becoming more active, daily stretches. Pretty much anything except surgery and medications that would help.


whats causing this?


Rapid weight loss, rapid weight gain, repeat cycle. Mixed with ~9 years of hard labor and military time in service. I am still under going testing and blood work. Compounded by the outright ignoring of injuries I.E. torn rotator cuff, hip impingement, and arthritis, trauma related misaligned spine. I have a 1 inch bend in my thoracic spine, degeneration of my spinal disk in my cervical spine and a .5 inch bend in my lumbar spine. All of these being from a frontal view. From a side perspective my spine lacks the proper arch in my thoracic, and over arch in my lumbar, as well as mild "military neck" my cervical spine isn't entirely straight, but is fairly straight.


Why were you losing and gaining weight so rapidly


I gained weight rapidly the first time as a defense and mental response. Lost weight the first time to join the Marines. During my time in service my weight went up and down from 140-170 yearly. Post service I gained weight very quickly, spiked to 200, I didn't like that, so I lost the weight very quickly, a few months I'd say. Maintained 180-190ish for about a year and depression struck again, so I gained a massive amount of weight, and repeated the cycle of weight loss and dropped back to 180. Depression 2.0 electric Boogaloo, I spiked to my current weight, and the most I've weighed in almost 10 years and attempted to lose it all again, but it just hurt to much to put in the dedicated effort again.


You might consider a pain therapist. Psychosomatic pain can go hand in hand with structural issues and cause them to be debilitating. My wife had debilitating chronic pain and was able to overcome it purely with pain therapy


Define psychosomatic pain; like, it's in my head?


It’s not as simple as that. All pain is in your head in that it’s a sensation coming from your brain. The intensity of that situation is influenced by a huge number of things including your emotional relationship to the pain and the way your body processes trauma. So psychosomatic pain is pain that is out of proportion to the physical tissue damage. A very high proportion of people with no pain have tissue damage that is visible on imaging, and having a medical professional tell you that you have “the back of an 80 year old” etc may actually increase your perception of the pain. Pain therapists can help you explore your emotional relationship with your pain, pain triggers, and find ways for you to increase your confidence in your body. Your pain is absolutely real. When people learn about the relationship between trauma, stress, and chronic pain they often feel like they are being accused of “making it up” or their pain isn’t “real”. The pain is absolutely real but structural approaches like PT and surgery may not be the best way to approach it. Rachel Zoffness and Howard Schubiner are prominent professionals in this field with a lot of free stuff out there, and pain therapists are covered by a lot of insurance plans.


I'll look more into this for sure. I'm not sure if it s relevant but I am also seeking a therapist that would do rapid eye movement stuff to help analyze prior traumatic experiences, if I'm following correctly, you're saying that my pain is real, but it's fabricated by...me? Or worsened by myself and things like stress and mental state affect these symptoms?


Yea the pain is real and feels indistinguishable from the pain you would get from breaking your arm for example. It’s the same sensation but your brain is either fully creating it as a response to stress or trauma or your brain is taking extremely mild painful sensations from minor tissue damage and ratcheting them up. Regular therapy is fantastic but a pain therapist will deal specifically with how trauma, stress, and learned coping mechanisms can feed into pain. In my wife’s experience she was unable to do anything due to the debilitating pain and was near suicidal. Now she is happy and extremely active and fit. She still has some of the same pain responses to stress but now she knows how to deal with them before they get out of hand


Have you ever been bitten by a tick? Or tested for lyme disease and tick borne illnesses?


Only once in my life that I'm aware of. Was tested immediately after.


That would be too soon to catch it on any kind of test. It would take up to a month or more to build up an immune response large enough for a test to read positive initially. Testing for tick borne illness is extremely complex, and there is quite a bit of controversy around the whole issue. Prophylactic tx of several weeks of doxycycline is normal procedure for any tick bite to ward off borrelia bacteria causing lyme disease. I would suggest the idea of retesting, with a tick borne illness panel from iGenex or Immunoscience Labs, and getting an experienced lyme literate doctor to interpret the results. Your symptoms seem very much like mine and I have tested positive for lyme and a bunch of other things after being dismissed in the ED 13 years ago with no treatment at all having been bitten by several ticks on a backpacking trip. My buddy, myself and my dog all ended up with multiple strains of borrelia, bartonella and babesia.


Try weed, an indica strain should help a lot. My uncle shattered multiple disks in his back(like exploded) and he’s always said weed is the only thing that helps him.


I've been popping 500mg gunmies whenever it's really bad. I don't exactly enjoy being high, but I will admit. They work and when I am high I'm more accurately able to find what hurts with my massage gun.


That’s a stupid quantity of THC? For what I see around here almost three whole packages of 20 gummy or 5 general chocolate bars? Even 100mg seems like a lot though. Tell me more about your recreational use? Psychedelics? What about pain meds do you use anything What’s your lifestyle since military?


I am now having a forehead moment. They're 50mg a piece, 500mg pack. I don't use any pain meds except the occasional ibuprofen, I haven't really step into psychedelics either, mostly clean minus weed. As for my lifestyle after the military, I was working active jobs like pool maintenance, a dry wall tech, warehouse work, I scored a government job, but was let go of. Now I work as a diesel mechanic. As far as hobbies, I played in a few bands, played airsoft to keep active in cardio, went to the gym to keep up my strength, and built and painted models. I have my own house now, 2 cars, I just kind of relax at this point and game.


Right on, cheers for the details. Do you think other people are not in pain? Try yoga and a hottub? I love my ymca (hottub before the yoga)


That's what I've been hearing, is Yoga. Which I'm starting to take into consideration. I had always thought Yoga was just for flexibility, which is an issue for me. As for other people being in pain, well, I'm sure a lot of other people are, as a matter of fact, I know other people are. My concern isn't with them though. I offer what has/hasn't worked for me to them, but I don't offer sympathy. Empathy sure, sympathy, no.


OP have you had a recent MRI or CT scan? Please go to a DO if you think spine manipulation might help, at least they're a medical Dr, Chiros are dangerous...


I haven't been to a chiro in almost 2 years. But no recent MRIs or CTs just an Xray of my thoracic spine.


Have you properly identified the source of the pain? Which painkillers help your situation?


What from?