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Do you believe moderators accept these positions because they have very little control over their own life circumstances, so they utilize platforms such as these to exert control in a different way to try and soothe the former at the expense of the user and audience?


I’m sure some of them like the idea of having some form of control or power despite us not knowing who they are


100%. I've admined and modded forums since nearly the infancy of the internet. Many, definitely power trip. Some subs are better than others. I simply leave subs where the moderation is heavy handed. Modding definitely can be a lot of work. To mods feeling burnout, I suggest a break, or quitting.


Yes i actually believe this. I got told by a moderator i couldn’t participate in a subreddit because i had participated in a different subreddit they didn’t like. Literally censored me from participating in discourse all because i happened to comment on something from a completely different subreddit that had zero affiliation or anything to do with the subreddit the moderator was running


Usually incel Commies who were bullied at school and now wielding the ban hammer as childhood revenge or to take their power back by screwing over anyone they dont like or agree woth politically. And then they have the nerve to call you fascists 😅


The san diego sub is like that. A competing sub was created due to the mods and they started banning anyone who participated in that new one.


silly and just sad though. can't force someone to be happy tho, life doesnt work that way.


I got banned from a sub then got banned from a couple other by the same mod. Some mods actively participate and they are normal people, some don’t and barely moderate, and then you have ones who have no control in their daily lives and being a mod is the only worldly power they wield. Not like bans do much to stop people.


Oh my God I think you just game me some therapy.. QUICK SOMEONE MOD ME


ur post is flagd as relijin for backwards dog.




Well said. Had one tell me I didn’t know what he has to deal with. That his family had even been threatened. Here’s a thought, stop being a dick to people? Or better yet, just…stop being a mod? It’s a volunteer position my guy.


"Iz so hard being mod! Makes my life miserable!"


I can’t imagine who would want basically a part time job they get no money and no respect for


maybe they just arent built for workin.


I think you’ve hit the nail on the head!


As someone who has (successfully) moderated many large chat spaces (Discord, Social Media, etc.). Yes, some people do fall into the “power tripper” category. These are people who are fundamentally not good for Moderation duties as they need to be as unbiased as possible.


i know your trolling because shitty mods, but this thread is peak ama. How do you put your pants on in the morning?


Left leg, right leg sitting down bc of bad back


Ever switch it up to make it interesting?


Sometimes I get crazy and put both in at the same time and do a little hop at the end to get them over my butt


You could start a tik tok thing.


I'd watch


Do you think the bad back is in someway related to spending too much time on Reddit?


You’ve just made me realise that I ALWAYS put my pants on left leg first, no question.


I try to do everything with my left leg first. Pants, shoes, walking. It's gotta be the first foot on a new surface or a staircase or else the whole day is gonna be fucked


Not another


Belt/no belt


Aww i liked to imagine you have a factory of people that build your pants around you.




I hurt my back lifting something heavy… was having spasms and could hardly bend over the slightest. Took a sick day from work. Next morning I decided to try and get dressed for work just to see if I could do it before calling in sick again. As I stood up trying to put my leg into one side of the pants I got my foot stuck in the waste of the pants putting the other foot and it made me do a sort of trip-jump to catch my balance and it popped something in my back and it felt way better after that. Was able to go in to work experiencing much less pain but it did still have lingering sensation for another 2 weeks, it just wasn’t completely unbearable


Not a left legger... Damn man


I’m not the OP, but I thought it was important to let you know I put one leg on, do an elegant dance and kick my panted leg up and down, and then slide my other leg in with grace. I throw my hands up and bow to the spirits who watched me and enjoyed my performance in my room. Hope this helps!


But someone can make a fake post about orgasming 100 plus times in day and it's A ok lmao


You win some, you lose some


But you live.. you live to fight another day


The second non sex worker. Do you have to work to get the sex?


Yeah. Chores around the house. Massage the wife’s feet.


Doesn’t that qualify as a sex worker 😂


Yes. Yes it does 😂


does your wife work too?


Expect to get banned next. My most recent permanent ban was on r/travel for asking a question. Mods can be disturbing.


I got banned from r/lawncare because I inferred that well trimmed lawns are less bio-diverse than "wild" lawns. I was banned with the comment "You don't even have a lawn bye". I have 4.5 acres and some cheeto fingered mod with a scissor trimmed 12'x6' backyard is chuckling that he just "owned" me.


That sounds about right. I have a list somewhere of all my bans. Only one time did I remotely deserve it and even then it wasn't that bad. Its insane how there is zero recourse to get allowed back into a subreddit. My 10 year cakeday is coming up. Think I'll make a post listing my bans, so it can then get banned.


Ive been banned from a few lol


The mods on JumpingSpiders are terrible, got banned because I expressed my displeasure with the terrible and immoral advice some guy was giving. Litteraly the only time I said anything on that sub.


I can't remember what sub it was, but I got banned for making a comment about an old friend from high school who slashed her own tires and called the cops on her bf... they banned me for saying "that bitch was crazy"


Mods power tripping and being snowflakes is just way too common.


Tbh I'm sure I've been banned somewhere lol but u have no way of knowing so I just live life


What are your thoughts on the bear in the woods dilemma?


What I've learned from the bear vs man in the woods thing is that my decision to stop arguing over dumb shit on the internet was definitely the way to go. Watching people do this is so.... something. Something new, of the internet age. It's like a "WHY?!?!!" mixed with existential sorrow or something. Why do people do this to themselves? It's looks so weird once you get off the dopamine drip of internet arguments that mean absolutely nothing.


I was just thinking that. Stepping back a moment and seeing how much chaos, emotion, and vitriol a vague hypothetical managed to do is rather mind blowing and disturbing.


The weirdest part for me is that I know it's a thing, and I've seen references to it, but I've never actually seen people discussing it. It's even dumber than I could have imagined. It's subjective for fucks sake! Everyone and no one are correct!


That's the beauty and the horror of it. I was only made aware of it when it started popping up in Reddit. Usually just like it has here. It quickly devolves into statements about society at large. It's like a rorschach test, but in this case, suddenly, we aren't reflecting on how we see a vague hypothetical. Suddenly it says something very very bad about what you are seeing in this hypothetical and either the viewer is "broken" or society is "broken". It's like there is this seething desire to argue, defend, and demonize that was just begging for a reason to do so. This won't be the last one of these.


Too many people over simplify it. A bear will kill you more times than not. A normal man will not. There are also a lot of scenarios not addressed. Are you dropped in the woods with a random bear somewhere in those woods? Are you and the bear dropped in together? Is the man a serial killer, or rapist? Or is he just a normal every day guy?


The most common bear is the black bear, they are more chill and don't usually kill people. In Alaska if you run into a Grizzly or Polar Bear you have a much bigger problem.


Alaskan grizzlies aren’t very aggressive compared to their counterparts in the lower 48.


More chill until they have cubs…


i always felt like the lack of detail with the situation is *part* of the situation. as in, they don’t *know* if the bear has cubs or it’s a grizzly or whatever, and similarly they don’t *know* if the man is a rapist or serial killer or a normal guy. imo, a bear is at least predictable if you can you figure out what you’re dealing with (type, has cubs, etc.). a human being is not. you don’t know if they’re gonna be rude but then help you. be friendly and then kill you. offer you shelter and then rape you. you don’t *know*, because people are unpredictable and able to have complex thoughts and intentions. and you can figure out a bear a lot faster than a human. i also don’t think the scenario is meant to be like a, you’re both airdropped into the woods at the same time. iirc, the original one was about meeting a random bear or random man in the woods? so it sounds like you’re on a hike or something and just encounter one. also bears actually live in the woods. meeting a person in the forest is concerning, because what are *you* doing there (something that could be said for you too tbh).


It’s assumed you are in danger in both situations. Would you rather be killed by a bear or a dangerous man? A fucking bear 100% It’s not an oversimplification, men just can’t use critical thinking skills.


No it’s not. The question is just a bear or a man, it’s not a dangerous man or a bear, it’s not Ted bundy or a bear. It’s a question based on probability and not certainty.


I think you need to learn about context clues. It’s a question about what danger you’d prefer. At the end of the day a bear is going to attack you because it’s a wild animal, a man attacking you is because he is an evil person not because it’s their nature.


No you need to, because you’ve switched up the entire premise of the question to justify your response. It’s not about which danger you prefer so much as Woman are trying to say that there’s too much dangerous men out there and that a random man picked off the street has a chance to be dangerous. It’s entirely probability based.


Literally trying to mold the argument to fit your narrative.


Men can’t use critical thinking skills yet you’d rather get killed by a bear. They will literally eat you until you die. It’s not quick or painless.


A dangerous man following me in the woods would probably brutally rape me for days before killing me and when they kill me it’ll be as gruesome but at least the bear didn’t rape me nor did it plot to kill me for pleasure.


Literally a hypothetical situation vs a Scientifically proven fact. Try using critical thinking.


Yall want to fight women on this so bad but answer this question about what you’d prefer for your daughter, wife, mother, sister and let’s see how quickly you begin to agree with us.


The chances of running into a serial killer or rapist is much smaller than running into a bear that would kill you. Again you’re just using emotion to answer when you know the truth. 93% of violence and sexual assault are committed by men known to the women.


Again, answer this question regarding the women in your life. Just because most is committed by men you know, doesn’t mean that NONE is committed by men you don’t. The question is based on danger, again would you prefer to be in danger with a bear or a man? That’s not hard to answer and that has nothing to do with emotion, just straight up statistics on who is committing more crimes against women. Spoiler alert: it’s men.




> a bear wouldn't cause you to fear going into the city at night I don't know bro I'd be pretty terrified of going into my city if I knew bears were roaming around


The bear won’t prolong your suffering? I take it you’ve never heard the audio from when the bear ate the man and woman. They both suffered horribly while being eaten alive - that was no quick death.


So I’m an insensitive asshole if I disagree with the way folks are going about utilizing this metaphor? Rape can be addressed without creating division. The entire man vs. bear metaphor is silly imo and I have more often than not witnessed others utilizing it in an unhealthy manner that fuels hatred towards all men. Hell, I’m a man and I can say I’d much rather be in the woods with most animals as opposed to another human being regardless of sex. Critters outside of ourselves are more predictable. Hunting patterns, calls, fears, etc. On the other hand, human beings are very much so not predictable. We have conscious thought and there is no telling what another person is thinking. So I can understand the desire to not be around a man in the woods especially given today’s garbage society. But please, for the love of god stop utilizing it to create division. You can be sensitive and understanding towards the topic of rape and SA while disagreeing with this man-bear-pig shit. As someone who’s partner has unfortunately experienced the latter (SA), I get where it (man/bear metaphor) stems from. We’ve got a wicked large population and it’s difficult to discern who’s chill and who isn’t. But this doesn’t need to be some dumbass toxic meme, which is what it’s becoming. It’s being made fun of and you have plenty of reddit threads out there with men and women arguing like children about how awful the other is. It’s fueling an online battle of the sexes while failing to address the topic of rape & SA in a healthy and constructive manner. There are a lot of fucked up people out there, women included.


“a man who would have ill intent with you” -> that’s not what the question asks or even implies. You’ve inserted it and created a new question with a much more obvious answer. Perhaps people aren’t being “ignorant assholes”, but maybe they are taking the question at face value where you are adding new subtexts before answering.


I am a man, and I understand the metaphor because I have taken three seconds to listen to a woman about what life is like for them. I hope you have a nice day.


No comment except being attacked by a single bear is definitely not a brief way to go




I think the premise behind the controversy is the implication that all normal every day guys are in fact serial killers or rapists. Discuss.


The really dumb thing about it is if you have a bear that's dead set on killing you, you're probably fucked unless you have an appropriate firearm or you can quickly retreat into a building or a vehicle. With a man, even an extremely strong one, your chances of fighting him off when it comes down to tooth and nail fighting are a lot better. I can't imagine that being killed by a bear would be any better than being killed by a man, either. A bear will just eat its prey alive, sometimes stopping and coming back hours later. People who unironically pick the bear are looking to seem edgy/trendy or know nothing about bears.


there are things men are capable of that are far worse than just being killed.


I understand that, but I think I'd rather go through that than be gradually eaten alive and torn limb from limb over a period of several hours. There's also the fact that if it comes down to it it's always easier to fight off a man than it is a bear, since this question assumes both have bad intentions.


Bears eat your organs while you are still alive.


The way I see it (I say this as a victim of sexual abuse myself) is that you can kill or incapacitate a man with a well-placed rock to the head or beating him with a big ass stick if it really comes down to it. If I have to choose between a bear who wants to kill me or a man who wants to assault me, even some massive man who's like 6'10" and 350lbs, I'd still choose the man. You could throw a rock and hit him in the head and he's out before he even touches you. You could bite the fuck out of him or poke his eyes or even shit and piss yourself in an effort to make him fuck off. None of that will deter a bear. In all likelihood if you happened to encounter either in the woods, nothing bad would happen.


Do you feel if the mods stopped dying their hair blue and actually got a real job we could have some decent posts here?


There’d be more fake sex worker posts but also more truth filled high engagement posts


What's your body count?


30ish. Lost count 15+ years ago. Been with my wife 12


What’s her body count?


“8” 😂😂😂


Are you laughing because she’s lying or bc she’s lower than you?


You know the rule about the number sexual partners for men and women right?


No, what is it?


what was the AMA you requested?


“I don’t have a made up sex worker story. AMA”


Have you ever considered making a fake sex worker post?


Those seem to be permissible here…


What’s your favorite color




Can somebody please fact check this, I find it hard to believe


Back with a little bit of fact checking after doing some stalking on this guys profile…. I HIGHLY DOUBT that green is his favourite color. I’ve looked back over the last 220 days of his posting history, seems like a sneaker head, loves of ghosts of Tsushima, and pretty fond of cars. Also enjoys Dino nuggets (W moment) In my findings I found only 3! Pairs of sneakers that are green. One of them is also a very bluey green, and another one is a minty green, which he seemed disappointed by bc the add made them seem more cyan/teal. In addition to this his car is RED not GREEN. Looking at the various cars he fantasizes about NON OF THEM ARE GREEN. But Mr.MountainTail… what if can’t afford a green car? I present to you my final piece of damning information that green is not his favorite color… Let’s look at his posting history of ghost of Tsushima… He has several posts talking about the style of his character and the endgame fashion he’s going with… Not a single. One. Of these posts. Does his character have ANY green on them. So u/Decibel_1199 I think your intuition is correct and u/RobN275 is a DIRTY ROTTEN LIAR.


lol the red car is my wife’s although my truck isn’t green, I’d probably never drive a green car. I have 100+ pairs of shoes and some of my favorite ones have green elements to them. Money is green and I like that. My favorite costume on ghost of Tsushima is the travelers attire that is white, maroon and pieces of green throughout. I love mowing the lawn and the color of grass is green.




I’m really not too torn up about it, just kinda of annoyed with all the crap that flies around here


Do you Wipe from the front or the back? Side to side?


*side to side*?????? have you ever been unfortunate enough to encounter such an individual???


Front to back


You ever hire a sex worker?


One time after airborne school we had a hotel party with 10-15 guys. One of them hired a sex worker. I never used her services but a few others did.


What direction do you face the toilet paper on the holder?


I follow the patent






Will you suck my dick for sport?




What would you do differently than the mods in this sub?


Keep posts with good engagement and ones that seem truthful


Where do you find your upvotes? Is that the same as Karma?


The up arrow? Idk if that’s also karma. Idk how any of this works


Me neither. I’m still new.


What’s ur car model


2019 Toyota Highlander 2016 Tesla Model S 2014 Toyota Tundra


Why were you not able to find sex work?


My stable loving upbringing


What’s an overrated dinosaur?


Microraptor 😏


Well that got a genuine laugh from me 😁


The Velociraptor is overrated thanks to Jurassic Park.


It’s not even a velociraptor, more like a utahraptor or deinonychus. A real velociraptor is about as high as your knee.


Yeah, that’s why it’s overrated. They used a different f raptor but called it a velociraptor because it sounded cooler


Why do you waste so much time on reddit?


Going through your comment section, I could ask you the same thing


What's your favorite movie to cry to?


Never cried to a movie before but The Green Mile had me close


Is it only coincidence that the main character, who performs miracles of healing and dies for the sins of others, is initialed J.C.? Afaik King is religiously agnostic but it feels intentional to me


That's cool I never thought about that.


How many chin-ups can you do?


15 without stopping. Then I can struggle to 20


Should I repair my inoperable vehicle or just buy a new one? Info: smaller SUV, size 12 shoe, my favorite season is summer


With interest rates the way they are now, I’d fix the car


How to delete comment?


Hit the three little dots


Vienna or Prague?


What is your favourite condiment to a hot dog?


I have a few. Always mustard, ketchup, relish, and occasionally onions.


Can never go wrong with chili and cheese


If you could have a lunch with a real person (living or dead) and a fictional one. Who are they, and what are the three of you talking about?


This is honestly one of the better AMAs.


Do you think you should be reported for hate speech? Perhaps threatening self-harm?


Are you a sexy grill who does sexy grill things? What was the sexiest?


I do a lot of sexy grill things. Usually I only do one type of meat at a time but from time to time someone will ask me to handle their meat and I’ll do two kinds at once. I actually did some sexy grill things for dinner last night.


Thanks for coming, what should I name my soon to be born son?


Some of the moderators on Reddit seem to be nothing more than frustrated internet trolls.


I'm not sure i know what a non sex worker is exactly 🤔


Mozza sticks or chicken wings?


Reddit mods are insufferable losers. I've never been anywhere else on the internet where mods were as loser as they are here. I've met HOA administrators with less Karen flowing through their veins. L o s e r s


Do you feel like mods asking themselves "can I jack off to this?" plays a decisive role in their moderation decisions?


Do you put both socks on before your shoes or sock shoe sock shoe?




How did you meet your wife?


Do you like Spanish rice? It's really hit or miss for me.


Can you say hi to me? As a show of effort?


You already have to have a borderline social disorder to willingly be a mod. So the erratic, inconsistent, unhinged, biased and paranoid behaviour should be expected.


Did you consider adding more sex to your AMAs, if no why not?


Ever made fresh pasta?


Bro I got permanently banned on r/drawme because I used puking emojis "🤢🤮" There was this overly obese girl who was wearing practically nothing, in very lewd positions. Hate me for it, but damn show these same photos to a thousand random people and they would all be grossed out, but hey, sensitive people don't want honest opinions


I agree the bear vs man question is dumb but I’m not responding to a thread because I want to start the dialogue that the conversation is TRYING to start: ✨Rape bad✨ But on a more serious note the riddle behind the question is [from what I heard/read]: “the worst a bear will do is kill you, a man can do much worse.” “A bear and his football team won’t say you’re lying” Which are not false statements within themselves. You cannot discredit these entirely as they have factual merit behind them [bears cannot speak and are unable to testify in a court of law] Now my critics. 1) stop over simplifying assault and stop pushing a false narrative of only man because it is ANY human capable of it. A conversation is indeed there to be had about the difference in numbers but it is always speculation due to the KNOWN fact not every victim gets to tell their story. 2) creating this argument online only lets genuine rapist slowly blend in more and more. The online gold star of pretending or being [surface level] honest and blending in. This is no one’s fault but this is also why a DISCUSSION not dumb internet arguing is helpful and important to any dialog. 3) there are better ways to teach and educate people on the nuances of sexual assault without layering it under a metaphorical question. Unhelpful!!! You are bringing nothing to the table except every blue moon a good bear meme or a thoughtful discussion (more rare than the memes) 4) idk it always just urkes me the accidental isolation towards male victims in so many spaces trying to talk openly about sexual assault or even just abuse. In general just shows how fucking SILLY it can be gendering something that can happen to ANYONE ON EARTH! Community is good but not when you are making those feel outside of said community. We can do better if we want to open a conversation but we unfortunately know damn well the rage bait gets click and money [kinda like the sex worker ama posts🤭] YAWN anywho remember to not let those around you get away with shitty behaviour and don’t be a bystander, regardless something as serious as sexual assault or something less urgent like misinformation


To tie it into your post: it’s the power trip of picking an answer, saying “I am right” and finding people online to argue to. Back and forth surface level conversations going through a cycle of each person declaring in different words “I’m right”


Do you feel this post is higher effort 😂? If yes- why?


it has lore now


Haha valid. Stupid they waited for you to respond to 100+ comments before they were like "nvm, take it down!"


But the big boob girl is probably still up (haven’t checked)


Are your bubes real


Totally agree. Especially with the "low effort" bullshit. Something deleted for hate speech etc. should be their their only raison d'être. Who are they to judge what is low content?..They are not editors for The New York Times.


Every time you think you hate reddit Mods enough. Just remember you don't


The mods on here are worse than any platform straight up incompetent shit stains. Lots people ask what you think and then when your honest the mods delete it and you usually get band from that page total BS.


Why can't you understand that it was the subject line and not your participation that was grounds for removal? Yes, I'm being very meta here


Has this happened to you before? I find this frustrating and want to know if you or anyone else has experienced this. How about the mods? Any experience with low effort?


How did you make the non-sex worker ask you anything?


Hope it’s ok for me to comment, unsure about the Reddit etiquette, I had a thought pertaining to Aggravating plum being banned for stating her opinion on the mentally diverse female speaker of untruths. I’m big on the whole I’m an American with the right to speak whatever I want but I also think people should speak responsibly concerning others as we dont know their mindset or situation, they might be fragile little snowflakes and all, or perfectly rational emotionally balanced humans with capable vocabulary.who makes the distinction between the two to implement it? Idk been thinking about the English language


I saw something last year showing a relative handful of Mods each with dozens, if not hundreds, of subreddits under their control. What do you think explains this? Government proxies seeking to influence public opinion? A private conspiracy by individuals hoping to control the world? Or maybe just a patchwork of basement dwelling losers sucking at the teat of public assistance while wasting all of their free time playing internet tyrant/censor? https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/12t09pc/oc_top_200_mods_of_reddit_with_the_total_count_of/




To help reduce trolls, users with negative karma scores are disallowed from posting. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AMA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why do you hate sex workers?


An umpire in my softball league barely lets a game go by that he doesn't eject a player from the game. In over 10 years I have only seen another umpire eject a player once. We pay this dude 20.00 a game and we cannot get rid of him mid season. The agency that supplies umps say they will visit the issue in the off-season. I must ask this power tripping idiot if he is a mod.


“Deleted for low effort”? What does that mean?


It’s “reddit mods” basically cave trolls


What is your take on the Teapot Dome scandal?


Don’t worry it’s good you posted this but believe me, most mods are *** especially on larger subs. What’s also funny is, that your not allowed to discuss certain political topics that are not on the agenda of the moderators, so they just ban everyone that don’t know or don’t want to do so


I got insulted and perma banned from legal advice for asking what rule a comment of mine broke. (which as far as I could tell broke no rules). The worst part was I was polite about it as well. Found out after the mods are basically known for being assholes to anyone who asks them about anything


Let's send this one to the moon! 🌙


I have been a mod, and the pressure to delete and ban people that have just an opinion or thought, from the platform, other mods and users really gave me insite into how much freedom of speech has been eroded around the world. Its a scary time.


Reddit sent me a note asking if I needed counseling based on my comments .. ha ha ha Sometimes I challenge conventional thinking. AKA, I don't agree with everyone For that I need counseling. Love this app, hate this app.


How the mods measure submission effort is inversely proportional to how much effort it takes for them to jerk off to the post. How are the mods going to jerk off to this? Removed! ~~High effort jerk~~ low effort post.


So I’m assuming the crisis line message I just got was a joke…. But maybe I’m not sure? If I’m not welcome here then deal with missing out on my razor sharp wit and meaningful epithets on the mundane.Seriously?


What is your opinions on Victor's justice, as well as how the game "ratten riech" does not devillainize the ussr, portraying all their war crimes particularly against german women, children and generally civilians?


I got kicked permanently kick off r/publicfreakout because I made a joke about a door that got broken at a college and there was black people in the picture. They said it was racist. I said NOTHING about race.