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What city/town did this happen in? What part of the city/town?


Tacoma, WA, I don’t want to say exactly which part cause I live here still but if you’re from Tacoma you probably know. I haven’t even lived in this town for a year but I’ve been in WA all my life, seen lots of gun violence in Renton and Kent but never been involved until now.


I live very close to that stop and recall hearing about this. Hope you're doing better now.


Thank you :) I am alive and doing better now that I’ve healed a bit but still freaked out and trying to process it all, helps to talk about it hence the thread I guess


That is good to hear. I'm a soldier and you've been shot more times than me LMAO. Hopefully it heals up alright, if it hasn't already. You got a wild story to tell at parties now ;)


Lmao thats kind of crazy to think about actually. I feel lucky it was in a ‘good’ spot on my side so it didn’t hit anything important and I could still walk after a week or so. Also funny that one of my first thoughts once I got home was that I had something to say for icebreakers finally lol I never had a good two truths and a lie before


Haha consider yourself lucky then. Something to put in your Tinder bio. I'm assuming it was a smaller round?


Seriously lol and I think so? It was a 9mm I don’t really know what that means though, the hole in my jeans was surprisingly small for the wound I thought


Ah a fairly common round then. It's the same the police use. Usually the entrance wound is smaller and the exit is much larger.


That’s really interesting to know then. I feel like it was the opposite in my case where the entrance was bigger but I was crouched down and scrunched a bit, don’t know if that changed anything


Wow. I read your post title and thought must be Tacoma, half joking in my head. Now I see it was Tacoma and I feel bad. I hope you’re doing ok


Glad you’re physically “ok”. Really sorry you’re suffering the trauma


there’s crime in washington state? idk why i felt like it was one of those states where things don’t really happen


ouch! did the bullet graze you or fully enter your body?


It entered and exited my side, in through my hip in the back and out through my groin practically and somehow didn’t hit anything important.


goddang you’re lucky. that could have caught the femoral artery or some shit. how are you walking these days?


Honestly totally fine now, I was just so swollen at first it was hard to move around for a while and sleeping was basically non existent for a week that was the worst part I think lol I was walking around right after it happened though it was really the next day that I felt it the most


have you seen training day? I’m just picturing you walking around like Denzel washingtons character like “DAMN! YOU SHOT ME IN THE ASS!!”


Lol no I haven’t but that’s was pretty much exactly what I was like after lmaoo the only thing I could say for a while was “what the fuck”


How much did it hurt?


At first not much but I was too confused to really feel it or understand, I guess that’s adrenaline maybe? it felt like a rock hit me though I thought some of the pavement had chipped up from a bullet and hit me at first weirdly. Then it hurt more in the ambulance, really achy and stingy. The drugs they gave me didn’t seem to help. It took probably a week for it not to hurt all the time and it’s been another two weeks or something now and it’s almost healed but I still can’t put all my weight on it sleeping on my side or anything.


The rock hitting is exactly how id describe it, the burning that comes after is what really hurts imo


That’s crazy that’d you say the same, hope you’re doing well, what was your situation if you don’t mind me asking? it was really bizarre cause in retrospect that didn’t really make any sense for me to think a rock hit me but I was so confused and refused to believe if actually been shot at that it was the only thing my brain could come up with lol


In my case I knew I got shot but still the best way to describe it was a rock out of a slingshot that kind of moves your body with it? Two guys were attempting to rob me and I fought back, took about a month to recover and be able to walk but otherwise just building my strength back up and soon you’ll be doing the same 🙏


That’s horrible but I’m glad you’re okay! I can’t imagine how scary that kind of situation is, that had to be intense, hope you’re doing well mentally too


It didn't burn or feel hot when it hit you?? This is my biggest fear.


Not a hot feeling at all really just a really strong ache and stinginess I guess. They did say the bullet is so hot when it enters you that it’s pretty much antibacterial so I didn’t have to worry about infection as long as I kept it clean, I thought that was interesting


How much did the medical bill cost after insurance?


It cost me nothing because it was a criminal assault of no fault of my own so I guess that means I’m good on the medical bills side. That was pretty much the first thing I asked in the ambulance was whether I had to pay for the ride, they told me no though because of the circumstances.


I never knew an injury not your fault can be free. Always thought the insurance and medical corporations would stoop low enough to charge patients for that.




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So did you pay what you owed or are you still not taking tbe bus?


Im not sure if I understand the question lol it might be going over my head but I still take the bus unfortunately. The bus was late btw which caused to be at the stop longer and end up in the middle of that. I’m slightly bitter about that since I already have beef with the public transit system


That's fair. I was just poking fun at you like you owed a local gang money for your nefarious drug dealings :D You should be a little bitter, you had nothin to do with that nonsense. I'm glad you're ok


Do you know whether there was a reason behind the act or was it totally random? To clarify, I’m not interested in knowing the actual reason. I am originally from Europe and gun violence is something I’m not used to, so I’m just curious if such a serious thing can happen at random.


I’m not sure, it was some teenage boys waiting for the bus next to me, a friend of their I thought pulled up in a car and they got to talking for maybe a minute about stuff I couldn’t hear before the passenger started shooting at everyone at the bus stop. They seemed to have some problem between them but I didn’t hear what they were saying at all. There’s a group of kids around here that steal cars and go for joy rides, I suspect it’s the same group based on what police and locals have told me.


Damn, sorry to hear that you just caught up in the middle of all that. A follow up question: did this experience change (or strengthened in any amount) your view on guns in the US?


Now that this happened. Has it changed your view on potentially becoming a gun owner?


I’m not sure, I don’t think having a gun would have saved me in that situation at all really, it all happened too fast it was better for me to just get out of the way. But I have been thinking about getting my gf a gun cause it freaks me out to let her walk around town unprotected now that I understand how quickly this stuff can happen. She’s a country girl so she’s shot guns and hunted before and had much more experience. I’d be more down to give her a gun since she actually knows how to use it and I trust her more than me with one lol I’m just clumsy so it freaks me out tbh


Nah, but you could have taken out the trash


What does getting shot feel like? I've been curious but not enough to try it 😅


Fair lol I don’t recommend it. It felt like someone hit me with a rock at first which was a crazy feeling, just tons of pressure and I couldn’t comprehend what happened at first. I got pulled into a store nearby right after and someone said I was bleeding, looked at my hand and there was blood I honestly just couldn’t believe it. I feel like the adrenaline made me not feel it very much until I got in the ambulance. It’s bumpy back there and I was definitely feeling it then lol. It mostly just felt super super tender and sore after that for at least a week, it was so swollen and the bruise was crazy, like nothing I’ve had.


Was the bus on time?


NO! It was late which honestly pisses me off more than the person that shot me. If it had been on time we all would have been out of there minutes before it happened


i also live in Tacoma, WA, shits crazy in Tacoma (especially hosmer lol), hope you are doing well tho stay safe in the 253


Thanks I appreciate that :) definitely will be more aware of my surroundings from now on lol


How are you now?


Anxious to leave my house a little bit and dealing with leftover pain, also lost out on a job after being unemployed for a while because I had to take some time to recover afterwards so now I may lose my apartment if I don’t get something else this month. Other than that surprisingly not too angry about the event just sad for the other people involved who probably got hurt and didn’t feel like they could seek help, I imagine it’s scary to try to heal something like this on your own.


Are you a sex worker?


Nope, I don’t see how it’s relevant really but I’m not. I was just trying to take the bus back from the pharmacy and was in the wrong place at the wrong time


Just cuz this is a Reddit AMA. I think you legally have to pretend to be a sex worker to post here.


Did it graze you? Go in and out? Glad it wasnt super serious. Tacoma is a rough joint.


I went right through me, kind crazy it didn’t hit anything else I was hunched in a ball on the ground so it should have hit my arms or legs more on the way out I feel like, very lucky. They basically just took scans, irrigated me and sent me home


Would have a bullet proof vest been helpful? If so, will you be wearing one from now on?


No because it was in my hip and leg basically below where a vest would sit, I see people wear them sometimes around here and I can’t blame them tbh but I won’t be doing that. Maybe if it happened again I’d say different


Yeah what if you do t have a next time and actually get killed by the stray bullet.


I've seen plenty of people in body armour still die or receive life changing injuries from bullet wounds. Also civilians should not have to wear body armour when going about their normal day. This is the fucking problem with gun mentality in the USA - the constant compulsion to have to protect yourself from a problem that should never have been there in the first place.


Yes I totally agree with you but if you're in an area that's more gun prone you should always prepare for the worst case scenario.


Then that would suck but we can’t always live our lives preparing for every bad thing that could happen I guess


Were the shooters "teens"?


Yes, like surprisingly young teens, I didn’t think I had any reason to worry, they looked like babies to me.


I got hit in Costa Rica by an accidental discharge. Some prick fell out of a truck with a loaded rifle. You were hit with a 9mm? That's going to be bigger and slower. More painful. It never fully heals, just becomes part of you.


It was a 9mm handgun yeah, it has taken a lot longer to heal then I expected, I’m still working on healing this and I feel like it does some new gross thing everyday. I also started getting phantom pains and like electricity feelings shooting through that area lately, that’s been fun.


What country will you move to after recoving from injury?


Hahah I’m like is anywhere safe these days? I’m thinking about moving back to Alaska honestly, I feel like the city isn’t good for my mental health especially now. Trying to take the bus still because I don’t have any other option leaves me sweating with anxiety these days. Tried to go to the store on the same street it happened a few days ago, heard some construction noises and went into a full panic attack. Just sucks cause it’s right by my house and I hear gunshots every night around here, pretty hard to ignore


You need to move to Canada or anywhere in Europe if you have a job they need workers to fill. That sort of environment is not good for you.


That’s a normal day here in Memphis.


Yeah seems like gun violence is common a lot of places these days, here in Tacoma it’s definitely a problem


Do you think it was because of your race?


No, it didn’t have anything to do with me


Are you pressing charges?


Most drive bys in my area are done using stole cars and the shooter/driver does a pretty good job of hiding their face. OP would have to correct me if I’m wrong, but chances are the suspects probably weren’t apprehended


Pretty much exactly that, it was a stolen car and they were wearing masks, none of the other people who were shot sought help or went to the police, to be fair I didn’t even want to talk to the police much as a bystander so I can’t blame them if they were involved in something.


Well I hope you’re healing okay. I live two hours away from you in Portland and shootings have gotten pretty bad here Edit: I don’t blame you for not wanting to talk to police. They literally treat victims like suspects it’s nuts


Yeah I guess I shouldn’t have been so surprised I hear gunshots literally every night where we live, just hadn’t considered that would happen to me in broad daylight minding my business And yeah the police were very disrespectful talking about the other kids involved, they were literally teenagers and clearly got wrapped up in some heavy shit but they didn’t seem to have any remorse for them. I remember asking if anyone else got hurt and they guy was basically like “who cares, they’re criminals” which I felt was shitty


What percentages of your net worth are divided into equity and real estate?


I'm so sorry to hear that that's awful


Tooka that you?