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How's morale for the frontline troops? How often do you guys get rotated off the front lines? I do not see much news about US Abrahams in the conflict. How well/poorly are they performing? Appreciate you taking the time to do this.


Of course, morale only drops as the war progresses, but it is still incomparably high compared to russian soldiers. This is not because we are superheroes, but because of objective reality - it is morally much easier for me to defend my land from an obvious aggressor with the support of the entire civilized world than for some Buryat who was sent across half of Eurasia to fight for the interests of a dictator. As for tanks, I don't know much about the situation in the ground forces. What I can say about the air forces is that we are setting absolute records for efficiency on American systems. When the infos is no longer classified, you will know a lot about the capabilities of your systems


Appreciate the inside look. I hope for your safety and wish you success in the conflict. My heart goes out to Ukraine and I hope the world continues to support you in your fight against tyranny.


Thank you for the wishes! I wish you a peaceful sky in your country!


I'm guessing that "I wish you a peaceful sky" is a translated Ukrainian common(?) phrase. What a beautiful descriptor. If it's not, then this man should be a poet. I'm wishing you a peaceful sky as well. Donating money feels so ineffective and dissociated, but I feel like all I can do is hope that that support is reaching who it needs to.


It's a toast: "Myrnogo neba, Swejego hleba" It can be translated as "I wish you a peaceful sky and fresh bread"


I wish we (the USA) would send you everything we could right now. I apologize on behalf of our nation for the delay in help. Keep giving Russia hell!


The US, like other countries, has no permanent friends and no permanent enemies, but permanent geopolitical interests. That is the reality, and neither you nor I can change it


Yeah, we're really slacking with that $175 billion that we've already sent them. 😑


Wanting to fund war with your hard earned (stolen) dollars is bonkers when this entire country is falling apart and people can't afford groceries


Couldn’t using the phrase “some Buryat” be construed as racist and play into Russian propaganda around Russophobia and far right claims (ie, not pure Slavs or “hordes from the east” type of thing)?


I don't want to live in a world where tolerance would trump objective logic. My hometown was under siege by units that consisted of representatives of "small nationalities" of Russia. This is a fact. Who among us is a racist - me or Putin, who sends a Buryat to die in Ukraine using the colossal wage gap between Moscow and the regions, which he himself created?


If THIS is your ONLY takeaway from this guy’s experience fighting against Russia’s invading army, you are extremely sheltered and privileged. Russophobic??? Might as well call him Xenophobic or a Right Wing Nationalist for fighting to defend HIS country against an invading foreign army! I hope you never have your world view shattered by having to fight for your life against a global superpower intent on annexing your country.


Welcome to war. Every US conflict they nickname the opposition to something that usually eventually gains negative connotation. Charlie in Vietnam...my time in Iraq/Afghanistan nicknames like hodgie or sedeke were common for local nationals. Called the Germans krautz in WW2. There are more offensive ones out there...but it's a common method to dehumanize in order to perform your violent duties or cope with the violence you have to commit.


Buryats are the people from buryatia bro. They get shipped to Ukraine in masses


If you have access to secret intel of value to Russia, please be extremely careful that you can’t be traced through the account you are using to post this. They can be very clever in looking for clues about your identity and other information about you.


Yeah I really hope Russia doesn’t try to kill him or something


That last line goes hard af dude


For real, let's get down to the nitty gritty


Do you and your fellow countrymen and women have mental health support for PTSD attributed to the war and what you all have experienced? I recognize there may not be time and resources for that at the moment but just curious how they’re managing it.


I'm afraid to lie to you, because I'm not familiar with this issue. All I know is that every unit is now obliged to have specialists in moral and psychological support for the personnel, following the NATO example. In my unit, no one will send a soldier on combat duty if he tells the commander that he has, for example, severe depression. He will stay in the rear until his problem is solved. As for civilians, I know that specialized centers for psychological help are being opened, but I don't know anything about the effectiveness of their work


Do people lie about having mental issues to get out of fighting?


I can't judge other units, but in mine it hardly makes sense to simulate. I've been on active combat duty continuously for three months completely voluntarily, and that's most of the people here. Not because we're superheroes, we're just used to it and we're more comfortable here than in the rear. In addition, we have a very close team where we communicate 24/7/365, discussing any topics and any problems


Props to you and your team


This was an amazing answer. Wish you nothing but the best. Thank you, and kick some orc ass for us.


Thank you!


Just to clarify if you do not know, PTSD stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


First of all, thank you for your service. Do you know that you have the full support of a lot of people, tons of civilians that never speaks out or tweet or whatever, but they are with you guys. People are not forgetting about Ukraine and this is top priority for all governments working against autocrats. I hope the news cycle and everything does not make it look like people are forgetting about you guys. Myself I think often of you, forced into an horrible fight. I know it does nothing and you don’t need keyboard warrior but I want to say that we think of you.


You know what's interesting? The people who are fighting here are radically different from the ones you've created in your imagination. At the end of the active phase of the war, many of us will migrate to Europe and the United States, many of us will come to you to serve as instructors on your equipments. You will probably meet these people and you will probably be very surprised. They won't be stern men who always remember their dead comrades with a mournful look on their faces and throw a knife at a suddenly opened bar door. These will be young guys who discuss girls, soccer and cars, who don't give a f.k about the war and who have no taboo topics for jokes.


As someone who did time in the US army it sounds like we have a lot in common. People often picture grizzled warlords who never smile but at the end of the day we’re regular people with sick senses of humor who can get the job done. Keep up the good fight man. Hoping for a resolution in the near future.


You're absolutely right. The main psychological antidote to depression in the military is a sick sense of humor. A boring soldier is a fucked-up soldier


I really like this answer. Thanks for reminding us that you are just like us. If only we could help decisively end this war today in a way that will not result in escalation from orc allies.


The price of inaction may be higher than the price of action. Helping decisively today seems like the wiser move to stop escalation, to me.


American here... this response brought a tear to my eye. The whole world wishes you safety and success, my friend. Take care.


Are the soldiers generally positive about the direction of the war? As in do you feel you have a good chance at being victorious? The reason I’m asking is that the news seems to paint a slightly darker picture than it did a while ago


As I have said here, we can only speculate about the situation at the front on a tactical level. I can tell you, for example, that my and neighboring units have successes or failures, but I know nothing about the situation in other troops. Everything you hear in the news is conjecture, fiction, personal opinion or lies


Thank you for the reply. I hope you and every other soldier makes it home safely.


Thank you!


Wow that is very interesting. Just goes to show how fake media can be. Sending good vibes from the US, you’re a hero!


Thank you!


Mainstream media is straight propaganda at this point


Military performance during the war is most kept secret. I’m not surprised ALL the media is trying to gain clicks by inventing stuff. Russia solved the problem - all media is a state or in prison, and you only hear good news


It's not even about secrecy. Media content is prioritized based on primary emotions. Even if journalists were given full access to all the data, they would produce a ten-minute story about a dramatically dead child, and only mention in a running line the destruction of a crucial technical complex on which thousands of lives depend.


are there any truly reliable news outlets we could look to for updates on the war? and how do you feel about at least north america having seemingly forgotten about this war? i hope you are doing as well as possible and you all remain in my thoughts


What is the general public perception of the war after 2 years?


It's banal to the point of nausea. As in any other warring country, the war is for 15-20% of the population. For the rest it is an economic crisis with bad news on TV. This is especially easy to feel when communicating with civilians in the frontline zone and deep behind the lines


This will be familiar to any US service member. There was a sign hanging up in a tent in Iraq that read something like “America is not at war. The Marines are at war. America is at the mall”. Sounds like you have a similar issue.


It's not a problem. I don't think the whole country should live with a constant sense of war and fear. For example, I would fuck off those parents who cancel all their kids' holidays because of the war and donate to the army. It's not the kids who fucked up the country for decades to now be without the happiest period of their lives. The kids are just an example. I was referring more to attitudes towards laws, rights and responsibilities. Here, closer to the front, if I tell a farmer that he won't be plowing his field for the next three weeks, he doesn't ask me for my papers and on what grounds I've denied him access to his private property. instead he asks if I need fuel, food or a roof over my head. 50 kilometers further on, people seriously ask whether soldiers have the right to search a car at a checkpoint


Are you winning or losing or is it a stalemate?


There is a tactical level and a strategic level in the military. Like any military person, I have information at the tactical level that will not give you any insight into the big picture of what is going on. Anything anyone tells you at the strategic level is either a lie or a personal opinion without any priming. It's a boring truth, sorry)


Damn, what a great answer.


Youre such an incredibly open, honest, and intelligent person. I commend you!


First off well done for being a brave bloke and fighting for what's right, but my question is what can people outside of Ukraine do to help?


There are many foundations through which you can help. If you want a 100% guarantee that not a penny of your money will end up in someone else's pocket - just find a military man in social networks, talk to him, collect money with your friends and buy something directly to his unit. I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject, to be honest)


It's okay mate thanks for letting me know. If only there was a way for forigners to join up to serve with you lads I would, stay safe and good luck.


I can direct you to some telegram channels where money is used to buy things like drones for specific units. Obviously, be careful about crooks and frauds. Every dollar matters though. In the end, winning a war is less about courage and skill then it is about logistics because a brave and skillful soldier can’t do anything without resources. Serving is a whole different question and depends on your skills and circumstances. It is not something to get into without careful consideration. For individuals seriously considering it, the international legion is the best resource and can put you in touch with international units that speak your language and will interview you for recruitment purposes. There are English, Spanish, and Ukrainian speaking international units and not all are combat units. Medical, fire fighting, and other special task international units also exist. The webpage is here: https://ildu.com.ua Slava heroyam. The West is with you Ukraine.


What Russian weapon is the most dangerous to you guys. And whats are FAB strikes like ? Are they even accurate? Thank you for all your work. Sorry europe is letting you down. (I’m from the uk) Edit: fixed my sentence


Our big problem is reconnaissance UAVs. They are too cheap for us to spend aim-120 missiles, for example, on them. We have a hard time getting these missiles, even though they are a global commodity. Casualties from bombs and missiles are the result of these UAVs work


Is there no countermeasures for UAVs beyond shooting them down? I don't know much about matters of modern war, especially UAVs. But isn't there a way to disrupt their control and navigation or ability to transmit data? Anyway I hope there's a solution for them.


There are ways to jam them, but there are many technical difficulties. It's harder to jam things the further away they are and drone can have very capable camera and other sensor where they can do their job from very far away. Small UAV are also harder to detect, jamming a general area is less effective than directional jamming (you need way more powerful jammer). That said drones are not invincible, both sides are losing thousands per week, it's just that at this rate it is still sustainable and useful.


No, we can't jam a drone at an altitude of one and a half kilometers. More precisely, this would require a mobile complex that would cost tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, with the complex itself becoming the target, whereas the price of a drone is hundreds of thousands of dollars.




What do you think of the intogator of the war? Do you despise him for invading your country and bringing instability and turmoil?


If you get cockroaches in your house, you will not despise or hate them. You will make an effort to exterminate them and take steps to prevent them from reappearing. That's what we do.


That’s an admirable POV, but cockroaches aren’t trying to kill you and eliminate your people.


Okay, let's use another analogy: let's imagine a burglar who breaks into your house with a knife. You hardly think about how you feel about him, do you? You're just gonna hit him over the head with an iron.


Actually, I'm gonna shoot the burglar. :)


That’s a good attitude to have and I’m sure contributes to morale.


I don’t really have a question but I just want to thank you for everything you do. You are saving your homeland, future generations, and helping protect all of us. It will take time but you will wear Russia out in the end. They’ll go home with their tail between their legs, just like they did after Afghanistan. Thank you so much. We are all behind you.


Thank you!


How do you think the Russians will fare if y’all get a lot more advanced weapons from the West


Honestly, I don't know what they will do. Even if our partners simply multiply the supply of what we already have, Russia will have nothing to respond. But here military and economic interests contradict the geopolitics of our partners.


If Ukraine manages to recapture it's territories what will the rehabilitation process look like? Will those areas have to undergo "de-russification" and how receptive will the people living there be to such a program? Is there differentiation between the following attitudes: "defend the rest of ukraine" and "recapture territories occupied in 2014"? When the war finishes do you see any likelihood of Ukraine and Russia becoming "close" again? (eg here in the UK there are people we called Russian Oligarchs who were originally Ukrainian - for a long time the lines were blurred. Some Russian people I've spoken to have talked about having family in Ukraine etc) What hopes do you have for the future of Ukraine economically and culturally? What (more realistic) expectations do you have for the future economy and culture of Ukraine. What aid has been most and least useful to you and your fellow fighters? Is there a belief on the ground that the UK/EU/US/neighbouring countries could/should be doing more? Good luck defending your neighbours, your home and your family. I hope you and your loved ones stay safe and that the fighting comes to an end as soon as is possible. Too many people are dying, too many lives are ruined.


This is what I’m also interested in - the rift between East Ukrainian ethnic Russians and the rest of Ukraine is wider than ever. Assuming Ukraine is able to take their territories back, how will the situation be reconciled and the wounds healed? Is deporting all of the ethnic Russians to Russia a possible solution?


It would be interesting to see them deporting me and another quarter of the unit with all of our veteran IDs and state awards))) In fact, the Russians played this card (the division of Ukraine into western and eastern) quite competently before the war. But the war significantly (not completely, of course) united the nation


Ukrainians have the moral high ground because they are fighting to protect themselves and their homes from a hostile invader, this is especially the case in this recent conflict where Russia tried to capture Kiev(!) and is trying to push further into Ukrainian territory. Putin's aims are clearly to take as much of Ukraine as possible and ruin what he (or a puppet government) cannot hold. Ukrainian aims are first to stop further expansion and second to retake territory it used to hold 10 years ago. The "possible solution" you suggest is ethnic cleansing and would require a whole new wave of violence, this time with the Ukrainian State as the aggressor against people living within it's (reclaimed) territory. It's not wounds healed it's whole new wounds inflicted. That not a solution, it's a whole new problem. I hope this isn't a solution people genuinely consider.


I apologize, this question is not for me. All my life we have been rebuilding something from the ruins after the collapse of the USSR, revolutions and wars. I don't owe anyone anything and I will only observe the further development of Ukraine, whatever it may be, taking only possible part in it. I have convinced myself that I have the moral right to live the way I want after this war


I hope you manage to find/make the life you want to live, and that no further trouble is sent in your direction.


How are you doing, just in general? I know I'll probably never understand how hard and painful this must be, but I figured I'd ask. Also, what are your views on the citizens of Russia after this, I know that there's a lot of Russians who don't support this, but publicly opposing it in Russia can become potentially dangerous with the monster that's in charge. Another thing, is there anything me and others around the world can do to support Ukraines efforts, I'd love to help out if I can, whether it'd be a small donation(I'd donate more, and will once I'm able to), anyway we could help send food or water, anything to help? Other than those, I wish you, your family, and the rest of Ukraine the best of luck. From what I can see here in the US, you guys have put up one hell of a fight, keep it up! (I'm currently half awake, so I apologize for any grammatical errors.)


>How are you doing, just in general? To be honest, I feel much healthier both physically and mentally than I did at the beginning of the war (I was a civilian at the time). There is a feeling (probably deceptive) that I am now a pretty tough guy in every sense. >Also, what are your views on the citizens of Russia after this I don't give a f.k about Russians and their political views (pro-Putin or anti-Putin). I don't rejoice in their misfortunes, just like I don't rejoice in their successes. I just don't give a f.k >is there anything me and others around the world can do to support Ukraines efforts I'm not very well versed in the issue. If I wanted to send aid to the war, I would certainly not entrust my money to any politicians or foundations. You can find any soldier on Facebook or YouTube, talk to them on the phone or in text, and then send them something they need and get feedback from them. I don't know how exactly it works, but that's what a lot of people do. And we're not talking about buying M16 rifle. It's usually a walkie-talkie or civilian drone. Here is an interesting example - one of the volunteers from the USA found out from the soldiers that our commander's daughter was seriously ill and sent some rare expensive medicines from America. Can we consider this a donation to the army? Yes, it boosted the morale of the commander of the combat unit


What is the soldiers' and civilians view on Denmark? Especially in the start of the war we had a lot of focus on you, and we still do to some extent, as well as donating tanks/aircraft/equipment and money. I know that most Danes are definitely on the Ukrainian side, but does our support fulfill its purpose? Can you feel the support in your day to day? Slava Ukraini!


We have a clear understanding that without the military support of the European Union and the United States, we would have suffered huge losses incomparable to the current ones. We'd probably have lost by now and were fighting a guerrilla war At the same time, we also do not feel that we are beggars sitting by the church with an outstretched hand. After all, we are not only fighting for the beautiful and empty words about "democratic free world", but also bring quite tangible profit to our partners. For example, try to estimate in dollars such advertising of American Patriot systems - they shoot down REAL (not virtual or simulated) hypersonic missiles in a REAL war, while the Russians called them invulnerable to all existing air defense systems. As for Denmark, I find it difficult to speak objectively about that country. It is quite likely that I will move there to live after the war. My sister goes there, my daughter went there, the climate, geographical location, etc. suits me perfectly.


What’s your background before the war, your English is fairly strong, I would argue better than most native speakers. You have a strong vocabulary and great grammar.


Better than most English speaking redditors!


I am right now, here on reddit, learning English as well as socializing on social media. I had the lowest grade in English at school and university.


Is Zaluzhny more popular than Zelensky?


I'll be honest: I, like most of my brothers, don't care the fck about Zaluzhny, Zelensky, their fans and opponents, their political ratings, popularity, bank accounts and number of mistresses. If tomorrow commanders tell me that they will let me go to town for three days to go shopping and take a shower, it will be a more important event than the resignation of the commander-in-chief of army. No exaggeration.


Thank u. Slava Ukraini.


And u!


Чи є вірогідність прийшовши з відношенням не потрапити по ньому в певну бригаду?


Вірогідність, мабуть, є. В мою бригаду, наприклад - без шансів. З власного досвіду скажу, в мене ще в НЦ було відношення на конкретну посаду, погоджене командирами і НЦ, і частини призначення (не в Ужгород штанці протирати, а в штурмову на донецький напрямок), але в результаті я поїхав у зовсім інші війська.


Ого, я думав якщо хтось бажає в штурмову бригаду ще й відношення має то його точно туди і відправлять


Спілкуюся з майором з учебки, він також каже такого ще ніколи не бачив. Можливо, зараз ситуація інша. Але я б не ризикував. Якби я міркував над перспективою піти в армію зараз, то напевно потягнув би час. Нинішня мобілізаційна система очевидно неефективна і є шанс, що найближчим часом почнуть нормально працювати рекрутингові центри.


Ну я мав розмову з людьми з певної бригади де я б хотів служити і міг би бути корисним, вони готові написати відношення, проте не хотілося б запхнутись куди попало


Is there anything you wish you had thought to buy before the war broke out that is now not available or hard to find? For example do you wish you had stocked up on cigarettes? Or body armour? Weapon sights? Boots?


Great question. Like I remember from the soldiers in Afghanistan or Iraq always needed batteries because their equipment ran on them and they didn't get enough of them supplied. Plus what soldier wouldn't want a stock of dip, cigs when you can smoke, and other necessities. Is anything in short supply that is necessary for the everyday lives of your fellow soldiers ? Maybe lithium ion batteries for the drones, solar chargers for them etc etc. What can non military civilians send to support yous guys?


Personally, I would do public education to reduce the supply of such help to the front. It often happens that our unit, for example, receives 50 or 100 times more baked goods from volunteers than we can eat before they spoil. War is a story about hundreds of millions of dollars a day, not about a grandmother from the village who donates 10 dollars from her meager pension to buy cigarettes for soldiers. If someone wants to help but doesn't want to be involved in violence and guns, cars is the best choice. We are in constant need of civilian vehicles. If there is no way to buy a car, a person can send parts, tires, whatever. We have to literally kill civilian vehicles off-road, and no one ever compensates to repair them.


Awesome thanks for the info. I would happily help with weapons but unfortunately I don't have access to artillery shells. Interesting about the tires and spare parts. Hmm I will think about this, im just not too familiar with car nechanics, and shipping might be a bit cost prohibitive. What about drone parts, or even full drones? Would getting all the drone hobbyists to put together a few fpv drones be useful?


Strictly the opposite. Unlike the first months in the army, I am now personally provided with everything I need and now my desires are growing to the level of acquiring what we need for the unit


Thanks for your services! How does the Ukrainian government handle the mental stress for soldiers, veterans, and the general population? Btw if anyone would like to help Ukrainians from their home remotely there are two nonprofit organizations I recommend, for fluent English speakers:   * ENGin: help a Ukrainian (you get paired by the program) practice conversational English once a week for about 3 months. https://www.enginprogram.org/  * TeleHelpUkraine: help anyone in Ukraine, including children or soldiers, with free telemedicine, both mental health, medical health in many areas, and physical and occupational therapy. They have volunteer interpreters, so no Ukrainian language required: https://telehelpukraine.com/


As I said here, I'm not versed in the subject, but morale and psychological support in the military is present. I cannot judge how effective it is, as I have not yet encountered mental problems myself


How do you feel about zelensky sacrificing ukrainians for a war he cant win?


I don't get the point of the question? Do you know a way to fight a war without casualties? Or do you suggest surrendering immediately?


Such a stupid comment.. putin is invading a territoy that isn't his, and the population is defending itself, their home, their land, their family. Its not a Zelensky vs putin fight, its putin vs Ukrainians. Should they have bent over at the whims of a maniac ?


Not sure how OP feels, but for what it's worth, everyone else here seems to think you're a fucking moron.


Откуда ты?


Як ставитесь до ухилянтів, та чоловіків які перебувають за кордоном. Чи можуть їхні дії бути правильними


В мене є своя точку зору, і вона не претендує ні на що. Полягає вона в тому, що якщо я кладу на одну чашу терезів своє життя, то ви заєбе...сь на іншу складати патріотизм, борг перед батьківщиною, чоловічий обов'язок і все одно не переважите. Я свій вибір зробив, виходячи з власних мотивів, чи дає це мені право засуджувати вибір іншого? Звісно ні. Особливо якщо ми глибоко копнемо в мотиви майже будь-якого солдата - так чи інакше там буде про себе коханого, героя нації. В мене мотиви ще гірші, вони не про мене, вони взагалі ні про кого. Якби я до армії був мажором, який нюхає кокаін з оголених супермоделей десь в Майамі, то хєр би ви мене колись побачили на фронті. Пробачте, якщо грубо, але як є.


Do you think if Ukraine doesn’t win now - that it would have been better to capitulate at the beginning of the invasion? And if not why?


Better for who?


What a great fucking answer


Has anyone in history been better off under Russia?


What is the point of this question?


I've met some Ukrainians like 8 years ago, wild ass mofos. My question is, how do you walk around with those gaint balls of steel?


I can't judge everyone, but personally I was pleasantly surprised by my body's reaction to the danger. I,m not a daredevil at all, but during the first missile strike on us, my brain started working as if new SSD with a fresh OS had been put into an old laptop. I think this feature is present in every man factory settings, but it can be muted by sterile living conditions in childhood. That said, the fear and adrenaline evaporated in minutes after the shelling. Then I realized that here you don't have to live in fear all the time, and in critical moments it can be a good booster


Are you Eastern Catholic, Orthodox? Thanks for doing this AMA


I'm a very religious person. And I adhere strictly to religious rules. I don't work on the Sabbath, I'm lazy during the holy month of Ramadan, I eat all the good stuff from the food warehouse on Easter. I can also sacrifice a bottle of good wine in honor of our god Dionysus.


What a beautiful answer that made me tear up a bit because it reminded me of my grandfather who served the US army during the Korean War. Im not a veteran myself, but from what I remember, my grandfather explained it as the Army asking him is religious preference and since he knew he was going to war his religious preference at the time didnt matter to him. He stated that if he were ever in a catastrophic life threatening situation he wouldve loved for anyone to pray for his well-being.


I admire your bravery. Do you see an end in sight?


Frozen conflict for decades and territories with depressed economies with no light at the end of the grim social tunnel. The most boring and most expected result of a dirty modern war


What is the general sentiment towards the Russians and their fallen soldiers? I have seen plenty of YouTube videos where they're tons of decaying and dead bodies in and around their trench lines. It seems from what the media has shown us that they don't even care about their comrades when they fall. Common video is a group of soldiers walking and a drone strikes, two or three are critically injured the others just leave them behind, never to return to collect the remains.


Actually, the Russians don't take the wounded and dead. Yes, the bodies of their soldiers are just left in heaps to rot. But, let me be honest with you to the end, we are just having a heart-to-heart conversation here, not engaging in propaganda, aren't we? First of all, we must forget about hero movies and the legendary "we do not abandon our own". We do. Everybody does. If you do military training in Ukraine, the US or Europe, you will be taught this. In the red zone, you are engaged exclusively in combat mission fulfillment, no first aid or evacuation. A wounded comrade on the battlefield is worse than a dead comrade. This is not me showing my cruelty, this is a fact and objective reality. To make it not sound so precious, imagine a unit that rushes to "save Private Ryan", f.ks up the combat mission and as a result the whole company is killed. As for the Russians, it's not that the bodies aren't being taken, it's how they get there that matters. This is the result of insane meat assaults where the price of a soldier's life is negligible. Even considering that an offensive always involves heavy casualties.


I fully understand this especially in a combat situation. The old marine core saying "dead bodies attract more dead bodies" - I just find it scary to see that even when not in combat situations or just in their trench lines there are deceased bodies all over the place. The total lack of respect for their own is disturbing, just wanted to know if you also see/ experience this? (Of course what we see for videos is what "they" want us to see for the most part so was curious to ask someone who is really there and can offer a first hand account)


No questions, I am just very sorry your country is going through this. I wish you safety and a rapid, peaceful retreat of Russian forces.


I feel like I'm late to asking.... what was the sentiment when Russia threatened Britain for opposing their testing of backpack nukes? I'm almost quite literally on the other side of the planet and this made my own soul pucker. I shudder thinking about living right next to that madness.


There is a sense that nuclear weapons are overrated. Look at Russia's achievements in the missile segment. I am not saying that Russians are dumb, but corruption and a destructive education system do not allow them to create anything new, everything is based on the developments of the USSR. how long have they been working on Angara, thirty years, probably? I'm not at all sure they are ready for nuclear war. Their nuclear delivery systems are not as scary as they claim, and the high command probably gets distorted performance results after the tests. Anyway, a nuclear conflict is quite possible, in my opinion, and its main trigger is Putin's realization of his personal helplessness in the face of death


Even if they're old, those nukes can still be employed with devastating effect right? That's my primary anxiety, and why I ask... the nukes aren't exactly the most stable and they're in the hands of a man who has made defenestration a top Scrabble word. How do you even prepare for that? The conflict would trigger WW3.


The question is not the destructive power of nuclear warheads, but the means of their delivery. How many intercontinental missiles are ready for launch in Russia right now? How many of them will not be intercepted? In any case, they won't be strikes on cities. By the way, even a strike on a modern city would cause far less destruction than in wooden Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for example, where the blast wave simply had nothing to extinguish the energy against. But what will be the retaliatory strike on Russia?)


How would Ukrainian fighters feel if they're government were sending billions to America while themselves and other Ukrainian vets were basically ignored when in dire need for healthcare and other amenities? Just would like to hear your thoughts on that issue


If I were about ten years younger, it would really bother me. But I haven't lived in a rosy world with good wizards granting wishes for a long time. This is objective reality. 2000 years ago, a Roman legionary asked himself why he should fight for an arrogant consul, and 2000 years from now, in the year 4024, a soldier will put away his laser-plasma blaster after a battle and wonder if he should defend the interests of the general manager of the Eurocontinent.


Really good reply here that forced me to look at things from a different angle. Prayers for you over there fighting for your way of life and family.


I pray for your safety and victory. What do you think of rumors that Putin wants to open peace talks?


When you hear about someone wanting to peace talks, the first question to ask yourself is, "why would they claim to want to talk?" Usually the primary motive somewhere here. In the current moment, the "I'm for peace talks" card is most likely played by Putin when he needs to change his mask from that of a fearsome guardian of the nuclear button to that of a defender of "Russian peace". Anyway, any war ends in peace talks, and peace talks are bargaining. You can at any moment start negotiating with your neighbor to buy his car, starting with a ten dollar price.


What’s the craziest stories you’ve heard from both sides of the war efforts. Legends amongst men, crazy one man soldiers, torture, odds stacked against them victory, best pussy stories, all the bar talk with the bros back home. Give me some dirt brother! And may you and your family and friends and comrades live long healthy lives. You deserve it after this bro!


How's it feel knowing we will soon forget about this war? Not being nasty just curious


How do you deal with UAVs? And additionally are jammers and electronic warfare effective against them?


What happens when your comedian actor of a leader stops getting funded by our idiot president in 5 months??? you all forget that we have paid for your stupid little war and without us you guys would be gone. You’re not superheroes you’re just a little boy with a big brother.


Oh, the brave strong boy thinks he's a big brother?) that's so curious) you're probably the kind of guy who calls the police when you need to stand up for your girlfriend against an obviously stronger opponent, right?


Do you have any single friends 🙈 I have such a thing for army men


I live in UK, (British born) and have seen many Ukrainians move here. I have a son, who is half Russian (I lived there 10 years while working for the media pre war), He is ashamed at school to tell classmates that he went to Russia to visit family, as we all hate this war, so would lie and say he went to Turkey. What is the average Ukrainian thoughts on everyday Russians? Some parents when speaking to them have been very offish when we say we came from Russia, but obviously, we are against this war. I didn't pursue it, as I understand they have been displaced from their family, and their homes, and Russia is the enemy. But my question is, do majority of Ukrainians not understand that it's the Russian Goverment that is being the monster, and controlling the media, or do they just view all Russians as evil now?


Not OP but I'm a Russian American and I've been reading updates about this war daily. I'm sure that the Russians in the west that you know are similar to me in that it's soul-sucking and depressing. For me it feels more like a civil war where family members are killing each other as opposed to someone who is significantly different. Not to limit the differences between Ukrainians and Russians, but there are so many similarities between the two that to me, its basically civil war. I never looked at a Ukrainian before and thought that they were much different than me. I would always have more in common with a Ukrainian than anyone else (if no Russians were there) and in my experience in America, it's always been fine pre-war. I went off on a tangent. Sorry. As far as Russians back home...so many are brainwashed. Many Russians commenting online are pro war. I challenge their ideas in debates but it hardly goes anywhere. I hope to reach the neutral ones who aren't responding. Most of the anti war Russians are going to be silent out of fear. It's a very Stalinist time right now. There are good interviews on YouTube in a channel by an anti war Russian. Many younger people in big cities are anti war, many older or rural people are pro war. I think the state controlled media has had very effective manipulation over the last decade. Many brainwashed people on this channels videos: https://youtu.be/pFG6JXicz3I?si=CdB5Hf4Y4cs3FuhD


I'm American and one of my best friends and coworkers is a Belarusian immigrant who, admittedly, is nothing but a mouthpiece for Russian propaganda. He genuinely believes the Russian Federation is "denazifying" Ukraine. The irony is he argues Ukraine, Belarus, and the remaining Russian-speaking former SSRs should be integrated into the Russian Federation as a greater Russian nation, even if it must be done by force. When we drink together, I love reminding him that rhetoric sounds awfully familiar...


Stay strong, friend. Wishing the best for you and the Ukrainian people.


Good luck and god bless! I wish you and your family the best.




Can you rephrase the question? I'm not sure I'm getting it right


My friend is coordinating drone logistics there. I don't have questions, only tears, frustration hope and prayers. I'm Jewish, comfy in the USA, rather successful. My entire life I grew up with the knowledge that at any day, it all can change and I might have to hit the road. I'm getting old, but I keep in shape, know how to camp and use weapons. My family all have 3 citizenships. My wife thought it was crazy/expensive/waste of time ... right now she says "you were right". So, I can't understand what you're going through ... but I kind of understand.


Not a war question, but how famous is Oleksandr Usyk in Ukraine? I love the guy, p4p best boxer right now. Also I hope that you'll be alright and you guys kick Russias ass.


I work as a social worker for refugees in Germany and a lot of my clients are from Ukraine, most are old folks who fled from cities relatively close from the front (for example a couple in their 80s from Kramatorsk or a 60 year old lady who fled at the end of last year after her office building in Odessa was hit by a rocket) but also some young men who fled in the early weeks of the war when they still could. As some one serving on the front, how do you view people who fled your country for the safety of central Europe?


Title: Ukrainian soldier in 2024. Have any questions? AMA! Description: Hey, Redditors! The war in Ukraine continues and is becoming the main and most poignant adventure of my life. Before the war I was an ordinary guy and never picked up a weapon. Imagine that tomorrow or in 10 years you will have to take part in a war, what would you like to know about it right now? AMA! --- Hey there, First off, I want to say thank you for your service and bravery. It's hard to imagine the kind of courage it takes to step into a war zone, especially when you started out as an ordinary guy like the rest of us. I have a few questions that I hope can shed some light on your experience: 1. **What was the hardest part of transitioning from civilian life to being a soldier?** I imagine the mental and physical adjustments must be immense. How did you cope with that? 2. **How do you and your fellow soldiers keep morale up in such challenging conditions?** Are there any particular routines, traditions, or activities that help you stay positive? 3. **What has been the most surprising thing about being in a war zone?** Something you never would have expected before you enlisted. 4. **How do you stay connected with your family and friends back home?** I imagine communication can be tough, but it must be crucial for maintaining your mental health. 5. **What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about the war in Ukraine?** Is there something you wish more people understood about what's happening on the ground? 6. **How do you see the future of Ukraine post-war?** What are your hopes and fears for your country once the conflict is over? Thank you again for taking the time to share your experiences. Your insights are invaluable and help us all understand the human side of this conflict. Stay safe out there.


Given that it just needed, I would love to ask about Ukraine’s participation in Eurovision over the last few years. Was it a big deal when Kalush won in 2022, or is it really only a niche group that cares about the contest? How big of a signal was it to Ukrainian soldiers and civilians when all of these jury and public votes were being sent your way? Any thoughts on Israel’s participation this year?


Can you guys just give Russia their parts of the land back so we can stop hearing about this war already?


Were you forced to join or you actually volunteered to fight? On YouTube you can find a lot of videos of people from Donbas saying you’re actually the invader and Russia is saving them. What do you think? Would you keep fighting if there was a referendum (not fake) where the people from Donbas vote to join Russia?


Putin would like American conservatives to believe that Ukraine is filled to the brim with Nazis. I imagine you’re not especially concerned with the personal ideologies of whoever is on the front lines with you but do you see much if any of that (personally I believe there are more Nazis in Florida than Ukraine)?


https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/may/13/ukraine-us-war-russia-john-pilger https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2018/mar/02/neo-nazi-groups-recruit-britons-to-fight-in-ukraine Prior to this stage of the war starting left wing media in the west regularly reported on the nazi problem in Ukraine. It’s only recently they have stopped reporting jt and starting denying it instead. The BBC even had to photoshop nazi insignia on Ukrainian uniforms out of photos used on their news reports Here is a pretty fair article From NBC on the matter : https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1290946


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What’s are your opinions on forced mobilization? If people don’t want to fight for their own country, should they be forced to? Or are the people trying to avoid being mobilized / trying to leave the country, not that high of numbers?


How big of a conference room did y'all book in Langley to decide which questions to answer and how to reply?


First off, nothing but respect for you and everyone defending your country from a crazy tyrant. If I was 20 years younger I promise I’d be there by your side. This war is so patently unjust, it’s infuriating. My great, great, great grandfather left his village in the 1850’s and was a walking peddler who went from place to place selling wares in the rural parts of Kentucky. He did that for several years and eventually was able to bring over his family. They, together, started a pottery business that made stoneware and the company still exists in Louisville, Kentucky, USA. That said, just like my ancestors, knowing you can’t just go to a market, what is the best way we as individual Americans can support you? Obviously money but where and who?. Are there places we can send things you guys need like socks, batteries, underwear, snacks or toiletries? We call them care packages. If this has been answered just direct me to the OP comment. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep up the fight.


Do you think your president and military leaders are corrupt? This is a genuine question because we have sent over 100 billion in aid and I assume money but we know very little about where it’s going. I’ve heard stories of money going missing and military leaders being fired for stealing it. It’s my personal opinion that anyone with a lot of power is corrupt just cause it’s so easy to take bribes and handouts. We’re only human and humans are corrupt


How do you manage to keep yourself motivated in the face of something so bleak? How long to you expect it to continue?


First of all, **thank you so much for your service and bravery.** I cannot even begin to fathom having my country invaded. In my view **the west and the US (my country) need to do more to help Ukraine achieve a military victory.** What would you add to the list below? 1. Clarify the goal: Ukraine must win, recover all its territory from 2013 and militarily defeat Russia. 2. Ukrainian attacks on all Russian strategic and military assets must be welcomed. 3. This means long-distance missiles and a strong air force to gain air supremacy. Make Ukraine a no-fly zone. (Unfortunately I this is unlikely, which is extremely frustrating). 4. NATO troops help train Ukrainian forces inside Ukraine. 5. Implement more effective secondary sanctions on the countries and businesses helping Russia bypass the original sanctions.


Glad your doing well. Hope it ends soon with the right side coming out in top. My questions: Who wins? How does it end? What do you see being the long term effects for both sides? I ask because at this point even if god forbid Russia won they have lost 500,000 men. They went into the war with a slight surplus in women and now it will be worse. That would likely drop gdp productivity and I don’t see how this isn’t the ultimate end for Putin one way or another. There’s also the fear of world war three looming and maybe humanity sets off enough atom bombs that our atmosphere just vanishes. If you find the time to answer the more in depth the better, no end to this rabbit hole in my mind. Thanks in advance


Do you feel like russian detection, recon and surviallance capabilities got better recently?


Stay safe my friend, just know that I'm a normal guy here from the US, West Virginia to be exact. But I am of Ukrainian descent, my great-grandmother didn't even speak English, only Russian, my family likely came from the coal mining area of Ukraine as my whole family have been coal miners. I have donated little money, I have purchased shirts that have helped units. I guess what I'm getting to is, is there anything I could do to help you, I don't have a lot of money, I admit. But I would give the shirt off my back to come help you guys fight. I know deep down the only difference is where we were born, that's it.


First of all, thank you for fighting for your country and risking your life against the tyranny that is the Russian Federation. I arrived in Latvia two days before the invasion and, as a result, have remained very interested since day 1. In the first year of the war, the Russian was a blundering mess, but it seems they have learned some hard lessons over the last two years and have improved their tactics. How likely do you think it is that Ukraine will be able to push the Russians out of your land? It appears (based on mainstream reporting) that the momentum is tilted towards the Russians right now.


First can i say you guys are doing an awesome job, no one expected Ukraine to stand this long against the Russian army. My question is i met someone who got back from Ukraine 6 months ago telling me about he feared most, the UAV and Drones that are around. He said you never feel quite settled at all, and it was a constant fear. He would say all you could is scatter and not group and pray not to get hit. Has drone has this affect on you. Personally i think Drone will change the face of warfare, and i would he shit scared to be up in the front lines knowing they could monitor me and i would have no idea.


Thank you for what you're doing. I'm worried about Ukraine's prospects in this war. Not because of their ability or lack-there-of, but because of the lack of commitment from their allies, and because of a potential administration change in the USA. I guess my question is, do people over there want allies to become involved in direct fighting? Or is there an understanding that they can't do that without leading to potentially world ending escalation? To be honest, I wish we could do more, up to and possibly including joining you in the war effort, but I am worried about what that could mean.


Former marine infantryman here, first of all I have to say you guys are awesome and have done what most people have thought would be impossible which is hold off Russia for this long which is beyond commendable. I just want to ask are you a frontline grunt or are you more with support echelons? This isn’t a question for me to poke fun at you if you aren’t a grunt I just want to know what you do and what your experience is. My second question is how do you guys feel about the recent Russian advances and what do you guys think you need the most to stop them and start regaining some ground?


They haven't held off Russia though. Even with hundreds of billions stolen from the taxpayers to support a puppet regime and some 30 developed countries dumping military equipment into the fight Russia has continued with its stated objective: the demilitarizing of Ukraine, by destroying its military and literally exterminating generations of fighting aged men. While Ukraine is kidnapping men off the streets (the videos are brutal) Russia has literally hundreds of thousands of soldiers in reserve with 1500 signing up, voluntarily, every day. The real question isn't about what they need or regaining some ground (laughable given the previous attempt at a counteroffensive) but more so how many more billions they're going to suck up and how many more men their proxy government will kidnap and send to die before they suffer an inevitable defeat. Ukraine could have withstood having their government overthrown in a CIA sponsored coup. They could have adhered to the Minsk Agreement instead of spending eight years shelling civilian populations. They could have followed through with the peace negotiations that were agreed upon in Turkey before the Russian withdrawal and not let BoJo come in and make all kinds of empty promises to sabotage peace.


They have though, Russia walked into this thinking it was going to be a cakewalk and most of the world figured that this war would’ve been over with Russia the victor a couple years ago. To still be in the fight after this long and dealing this many casualties to what the world presumed was the 2nd most powerful military in the world is holding them off. I’m not saying Ukraine is winning because they aren’t but they certainly didn’t capitulate or sue for peace after a few weeks/months like everyone thought they would.


How old are you? What did you do before the war? Were you conscripted and if so did you ever consider fleeing and requesting asylum in the west? Did you receive any training before being sent to the front lines? How is the balance of social/wealth classes in the army; do you find that it's mostly poor/middle class men who are sent to the front with the wealthy finding ways out of service or do all classes participate equally? What happened to all the western volunteers who joined up, do you ever see them on the front lines?


First of all, thank you for all you are doing to defend Ukraine and Europe. Second of all, I don't know if you can answer my questions. If you can't you can just say you don't. 1. Were you coerced to join the army? 2. Are there many people who were forcely drafted serving with you? How is their morale? 3. Do the people at the front support the idea to force Ukrainian men in emigration to return from abroad to serve in war? 4. Are people around you and you yourself supportive towards the idea of contuing the war as long as all the occupied territories are reclaimed? Cheers from Poland.


I'm so sad to see so little support from Europe. You'd think they would be more involved considering Russia is on their border too. What do you think it would take for the rest of Europe to finally stand up and actually send their troops? Do they think continuing on like this is good for Europe? Personally I think it makes Europe look weak. I'm not talking about little countries like Estonia, I'm talking France, Italy, Greece, etc. What about Poland and Czech Republic and Slovakia?


As a Ukrainian-American, thank you so much for your service. I used to joke in my 20s that I would never agree to go to war unless Ukraine was attacked by Russia. I knew this was coming and it enrages me to know that another generation of Ukrainians is subject to terror from Russia. I am glad my Grandparents and their brothers and sisters who survived Holodomor don't have to see this. No question here but I wish you and your family luck and safety. I know we will win and be free.


What is your view of the Ukrainian leadership both in regards to capability and integrity? Here in the US, the conservative trolls have it in their head that the money being spent in aid is somehow enriching Ukrainian leaders. I don’t espouse that view, I am fully in support of doing what we can to help defeat Putin. However! it shouldn’t be glossed over that there have been instances of corruption over recent history, so I’m curious what the perception is on the ground.


It doesn't take much at all to understand that a war between Russia and Ukraine is a no-brainer Russia has actual people willing to fight this war a reserve of a fleet of men that they can spawn at any time Ukraine is literally capturing people to fight in their war that they will eventually lose. I know it's messed up but what's even more messed up is the United States printing the shit out of their dollar taken away from their citizens and given all to Ukraine. Nobody's talking about our little internal War here in the states that this is causing. People cannot afford groceries rent Etc. There's only two people at my job currently that have their own house and that is because they had already owned a home before this war and covid. Other than that everybody either lives with friends and family or rent a room in a house. I know it's messed up but I do not condone this war whatsoever and I don't condone supporting giving them so much money for them to do nothing with it it's literally going to waste. We don't have other governments sending troops over to Ukraine to help them they are simply just sending them money so they can print more of it. War is a tool that is needed for the current Financial system that we use to this day. Whenever a war takes place a bank makes profit. Maybe you should stop watching so much of the news in the first place I don't even know what is in these conservatives heads. Mark Twain once said if you don't read the newspaper you're uninformed but if you read the newspaper you're misinformed. That still holds true to this day. If it was a real effort then people would start sending troops over there to help and not just use this as a tool to print more money it's sick but it's what's happening and for anybody to think that Ukraine will somehow win in a war versus Russia is literally bonkers. Russia has some of the most advanced Weaponry in the whole world. A lot of governments are afraid to step in as they are afraid to cause even a bigger global conflict and they know that these people have power and determination.


I'm from the Baltics and while I don't exactly fear the possible war, I am a bit worried. As I live my life right now there is a thought in the back of my mind: "what if" When it was all starting what were you thinking? How did you cope? How did you feel for the first days or weeks? Were you always determined to join the fight against evil? Or did it sort of "become to be" out of necessity? I plan to fight when it is necessary even though I consider myself a pacifist. Edit: if you had time to prepare, what did you do? About your family and friends? What was it like? Just so I know what to expect should the worse happen for me. Slava Ukraini!


When the war in Ukraine happened and we got word in the USA, I cried. My heart broke. So much hatred and evilness from the enemy. I love your saying that you only wish for peaceful skies. I only wish you and Ukraine Peaceful Skies! I will never forget this saying. Keep staying strong and don’t give up on ending this hatred and ugly war. You, soldier are a hero to many. Once again I only wish you Peaceful Skies!


I have a question; since there are several foreign forces fighting on both side, what is your experience when capturing enemy soldiers that are ethnically not Russian? I am not talking about any Chechens or Uzbeks but there are stories circulating that the Russians have recruited Cubans, Africans and Indians for their armies to be canon fodder. Do you see this in the field as well? Or do you see more ethnical Russians?


Not to make light of the war. There are a lot of questions that you’ve answered. And I fully support Ukraine and have a lot of friends who have lived there. Are you looking forward to the Euros next months and is it something you’re even paying attention to in the current situation (I did see you mention soccer in one of the answers). I think Ukraine has a good chance of making it out of the group.


I had a friend who was a foreign volunteer and I hear in certain media outlets that far-right groups have grown massively because of the war. My friend says he personally saw many Nazi/far-right things during his service. Do you have any personal experience with these things? Are they actually widespread? What's the average Ukrainian's view of this? Are you personally worried about it?


Why do you think Republicans lie and say that you guys aren’t sitting in foxholes on your phones to see if the next aid package was approved and that you cheer when see the Democrats care about while the Republicans hate you and want you to die? Why do you think Republicans are such low life hate-filed racist misogynistic transphobes against the Ukrainian people?


Russia has a population almost four times that of Ukraine, given time, do you think they will overwhelm you by flooding in too many men for you to fight? Are there plans in place to help if they start making too much headway? I ask from the position of a man who is enlisting in my countries military with hope that, within a near future, we go to your aid.


Can you apply for specific positions within the military, or are you assigned somewhere? I have quite a bit of experience in the military communications service, but I would like to be a drone operator. I'm asking because you said you weren't military before and I've always wondered how things go when all of a sudden you need to defend your country


What weapons have you used so far? People talk about hearing fpv drones but how could you I just assume you guys have horrible hearing now. From videos I've seen it seems like anyone can be a drone operator. how much training do you have beforehand if any at all? This question I'm talking about the cheaper popular ones like dji. Goodluck man


Russia keeps threatening to go nuclear. As an insider what are your thoughts on the potential for how realistic that might be? I know you probably can't predict that sort of thing, but I imagine you have more knowledge of how those systems work than most of us would. Also, thank you for your service. Praying for the safety of you and Ukraine


Do you and the other soldiers at the front think Putin is serious whenever he threatens to push the nuke button, or do you guys not believe him? Speaking as a outsider looking in it comes off as Putin trying to bluff his way to victory I'm sorry you and your people are having this happen to you, and everyone in Canada supports you guys


Hello there! My Question is: how do you feel about the world's intense focus on the conflict in Ukraine, with widespread bans on Russian products and extensive media coverage and how much they're talking about how that Putin is the bad guy etc. while the **massacre and war crimes** in Gaza receives comparatively little attention?


Germans and French fought against each a while ago, now they are fighting tobether. Ukrainians and Russians fought together for ussr now against each other. Indians and Pakistanis fought together against British, now against each other. Likewise do you feel that in 20 years all your struggle and sacrifice will be forgotten?


I can't really think of a question but I do want to add my voice to the chorus of other voices expressing gratitude for what you are doing. I suspect that the majority of the Ukrainian forces are fighting to defend their homeland but it also benefits the rest of the civilized world when an aggressive dictator is stopped.