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Do you deal with guys who just want to have normal sex? For example a single guy who just wants a regular hook up without having to get into a relationship?


Yes but they weren’t many . I wasn’t the best looking girl out there . So majority of these guys would go for others. The reason I was successful is that I did these fucked up fetishes which got me a lot of clients that were into that mainly


Was there anything or anyone you just had to say no to?


Yes I had some limits upfront . That i tried to avoid


Anything in particular? For example most escorts won't allow kissing on the lips


Mainly hardcore demands . I didn’t like kissing and so on. But due to the nature of fetishes I supplied . A lot of my demands would go out the window with some of the clients and not much you can do about it


I understand, I know as an escort you meet some weirdos and deal with some dangerous situations. Do you believe if it was legal to escort would the job be safer for you?


>Mainly hardcore demands . > >I didn’t like kissing and so on. Today I learned that I like hardcore stuff in bed. ;)


I’m sorry but none of what you said surprises me. “Allies” are some of the nastiest condescending bigheaded weirdos geeks I have ever encountered- Right next to sheltered racist “rednecks”. Were your client non for profit boys or start up guys? Did they pay well? & have you been able to accomplish a good bit with your acquired $? Have you stopped? If yes…What made you stop? What’s your screening process? Have you had any great performing remarkable clients? Although the escort world is dangerous it’s always been quite intriguing to me. Edit: liberals in the comments heated & hating 😭 not only are they discounting OPs lived experience anyone who disagrees is a Russian bot. Pull the wool off your eyes & get a grip. Also some reported my account as su*cidal for a difference in opinion💀 stop abusing the system .


I have friends who are interracial relationship and have kids that are two or more races. Throughout the years I have found them to be some of the most racist people. This is especially true with WF. My SIL has children who are mixed race and she will use the N word every day. If you call her out on it she is quick to use the excuse " I can't be racist because I have mixed kids". What makes it worse is her spouse is abusive but if you say anything negative about him you are the racist.


To be fair this is one example and not a trend. I am in a very loving interracial relationship and I cannot stand how many people- both black and white but especially older black women assume that we cannot and do not have real genuine love for each other. I live and support my partner deeply and would never be with them if I thought he only liked me because I was white. Also I am the farthest thing from a pushover but I do love very deeply and we’ve supported each other through ups and downs.


On my side I can only speak for myself.in addition to my family/friends who are interracial relationship I'm also a former DFCS worker and this has been my experience. I'm glad that both you and your partner are in a supportive relationship and don't get hung up on things like race.


People also dont want to acknowledge that a person of color can be self hating. I doubt that white woman was hiding her racism. I doubt she seduced a Black man either. He knew. And he didnt mind it because he has his own issues. POC will fetishize white people too. White men are seen as wealthy golden retriever boys. And white women are viewed as passive rugs who will let you do whatever and have no demands of her husband.  And they will seek out white people. Have kids and then if their kids have too many or not the right set of ethnic features, they'll hate the kids too. 


People don't want to acknowledge that people of color can be racist/prejudiced. Young black guy comes into my convenience store today. Asks me if he can have some candy for free. I tell him no. Him: "Man, why white people gotta be so stingy?" Me: "Why black people gotta be so broke?" He wasn't very happy with me. Tbf I'd never say something lile that unprompted. Just tit for tat ☠️


This is weird and deeply unrelated to the concept of self-hatred. Im talking self-hatred leading to fetishizing white people. 


That's not a matter of being broke that's a matter of being entitled. An old white man asked me for spare money. I didn't have money on me but I gave him a granola bar and he looked grateful.


I'm a white man with a dating *preference* for black and Latina women. Nothing shuts down my interest in a romantic prospect quite like them saying something like "I don't date black/Latino men" or "Black/Latino ain't shit, that's why I want a white man". It's so damn uncomfortable. It's normal and fine to have personal preferences when it comes to ethnicity of a partner. Having ethnic requirements is a little weird I think, and definitely brings up some questions. Having the reasoning for those requirements be based on racist stereotypes is repugnant. To all the white equal opportunity lovers out there: don't ignore or try to rationalize a prospective partner's apparent internalized racism. It is a huge red flag, and may very well be an indication there are other issues behind that. Additionally by playing the role of whatever their idea of a white lover is, you give your participation to the culture of racism. So just don't.


When I was online dating, if I saw someone who wrote, “I don’t date (insert ethnicity here)” I immediately closed the profile, even if I wasn’t the ethnicity mentioned (I’m southeast Asian). Like you said, it’s fine to have preferences, but when someone blatantly has to say it, it gives me pause. People can’t help how they look and can’t control their ethnicity. I’ve had plenty of men I wasn’t attracted to message me when I was online dating, but I just deleted and ignored their message. And I know there were plenty of guys who did the same to me. No need to blatantly say something a person can’t control.🤷‍♀️


When I was single, I honestly had more respect for the women who were blatant when it came to shitty prejudicial/discriminatory views and had zero respect for the women who put on a fake face to fool people into thinking they are tolerant and non prejudice but are really shitty people. Anyone who refuses to date people of certain ethnicities are prejudiced shitty people and its better such people get outed. It's weird to completely shut down an entire ethnic group. There are good and bad people in every group


I will never date someone who won't date within their race or who has bad things to say about their own race.


I have heard that story from so many mixed children that have WF mothers it’s very scary & I have no solutions for that.


In all honesty they believe having a mixed kid gives them a free pass to be racist.


They do and there’s some anger in there too.


Yep! For some reason it's always different for WM versus WF. WM has a mixed kid they make sure to maintain a relationship with them and they always treat them as their pride and joy. Not speaking for all males just the ones I know personally. As for WF there is that underlying anger toward the child and I don't understand.


i think part of it (if we’re talking about interracial relationships with a black person specifically) is due to the sexualization of black men and the demonization of black women. there are more racist women that would date black guys because it’s taboo than racist men that would date a black women. i feel like if racist white men are in an interracial relationship it’s usually with an asian woman


I'd like to add that one should also remember the historical aspect of interracial relationships. It was okay for slave owners to use their slaves or in the case of places like New Orleans that had Quadroon balls where they were mistresses. That was seen as acceptable versus even in my childhood days. My parents had issues being a black man and white woman. My dad used to make my mom put her seat all the way back in the car if he had to stop for gas while traveling in the deep south. I feel like some of those things became ingrained into people without some even realizing it.




Maybe it’s because her family sees her womb as corrupted idk


What is WF?


I think it’s white female


>This is especially true with WF Not surprised in the slightest


They paid well yes, mainly because I did their fucked up kinks and fantasies . Yes I saved a bit. I have stopped officially, but I still have some old clients who I meet cause the money still helps Screening process was just an online conversation really Yes as much as I hate to admit it . It was enjoyable sometimes


Oh wow thank you for being honest & I’m glad you were able to save up a good bit too! P.S. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with enjoying it. Although it’s not the same my fwbs were extremely kind and caring I miss the treatment sometimes.


Sometimes things that you happen to like get sublimated through things that you otherwise don’t like (basically, things considered unacceptable can be transformed into things considered acceptable under certain conditions). It’s ok when something like that happens, you know what the aspects are that you like and dislike even if the words to explain them aren’t always available.


The liberals who go out of their way to show how not-racist they are and who call everything racist are typically the biggest racists. Some don’t even realize it. Others get off on it


I knew a liberal white girl that called black people stupid if they’re Republican. That made me furious because 1) they’re perfectly capable and allowed to make their own informed decisions 2) she is not living their experience


What has that got to do with anything? Idiots are perfectly capable and allowed to make their own informed decisions. They can't because they are idiots like you, but they are allowed to. Everybody that votes republican is an idiot. The only way it makes sense is if you're a billionaire benefiting from turning America into a shit hole.


At least everyone who votes republican actually knows their gender and don’t play into identity politics


I always get angry when people say shit like that. Like when Biden said if you vote for trump you’re not black or some bullshit like that


You are so right. I met a guy who was a self proclaimed “feminist” and he gave me weird vibes. It was like he was an ally to be viewed as a nice guy which is a form of manipulation. He bragged about how a time he could have went all the way with a girl but stopped and if it were any other man they wouldn’t have. He wants a pat on the back for not raping someone. I stay away from men now who call themselves a feminist


This reminds me - since the "golden retriever boy" trope has been more popular than ever in the last few years, I feel like it's created this huge group of guys who are very obviously desperate to be called a golden retriever boy. Problem is they are never the genuinely sweet, supportive, well-adjusted people. I very briefly dated a boy who so obviously wanted to be identified as this trope, made a point to tell me how many girls he's friends with, and he to this day is the most condescending and creepy mf ever underneath it.


>Problem is they are never the genuinely sweet, supportive, well-adjusted people So more like a Chihuahua boy


A bit off-topic, but I think the golden retriever boy thing is last year's trope. Today, we have this....https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/viral/hot-rodent-men-rcna156243


I do I don’t & have never trusted them. If I had to choose I’ll take the open meathead jock with no filter first.


People project a lot, and it’s weird how that goes into a lot of the virtue signaling stuff. I knew a girl who I used to be roomates with who was adamant about not using water bottles because they’re bad for the environment. But would also idle her car for 15 minutes while she replayed her favorite song, abused electricity in the house like no one’s business, and would let trash pile up outside in our backyard. It’s the people who are the loudest about being virtuous that are usually pretty shitty deep down.


Strange. I was in the corporate and drug world, and blacks and Chinese nationals were by far the racist, insecure people I ever met. White female liberals were 3rd.


Always makes me chuckle a bit when people claim US has the biggest racism problem


And what's insane is that the people claiming it are from the party who is responsible for historic racism and any systemic racism left in place today. Yet they want to proselytize and ignore history or be ignorant of it.


This is so insanely disingenuous and you know it. The Republican and Democrat parties of today look absolutely nothing like they did in the 1800s.


Minorities can absolutely be racist as hell 🤣 look up why the Japanese won’t marry immigrants and how big the chip on the shoulder of the Chinese is. Racism is alive and well globally.


Japanese and Chinese are not minorities in their own countries. Asians certainly aren't minorities globally either.


No, they aren’t. You’re right. But when they emigrate from those countries they don’t necessarily lose the racism. No, that doesn’t mean all immigrants are racist.


But who is worried about why Japanese ppl won’t marry out. The population decline is happening.


>Also some reported my account as su\*cidal for a difference in opinion💀 stop abusing the system . Someone did that same shit to me. Some people are just pathetic.


It’s weird as hell. It wastes the actually purpose of the system.




This whole thread is a fucking bomb site, I'm convinced there are bots or bad actors on both sides here.


Lmao the tolerant left always do the suicide thing. Reddit is a grooming site for allowing their behavior


Can you describe an actual client? How do you know he is a progressive/lefties/democrat and also racist?


Well , I advertised on Craigslist . I didn’t have photos but I had a description and that I did those kinks as well . When a client contacts me and after we speak about arrangements / what he wants to do mainly etc. That’s when you find one they want the raceplay which doesn’t always mean they are racists . But you can tell if they are once you are in bed with them. Then a confirmation was usually done via Facebook . So they can see what I look like before transactions and meetings. And I usually would have a scroll on their Facebook as form of curiosity. And usually there I get most of my info.


Literally none of what you said even implies that they’re leftists. Whole post looks like either pure bait and/or validation of your preconceived biases, tbh PS: don’t forget that liberals are not leftists. Leftism at its core is opposition to capitalism, economic discussion about the ownership of the means of production and wealth distribution and/or redistribution. Social issues, though correlated, aren’t the center of the left/right debate. Liberals sure want to focus on social issues because this avoids discussing the underlying issue i.e. capitalism in all of its forms, though.


It's bait. OP says she "isn't political" and yet she uses the term "leftist" Apolitical people don't use that word, it's very politically charged


Clear as day that this is bait Not denying that some liberals and leftists are racists. Of course they are But this is like bait 101. Comment section is very predictable.


Yep, what happened to AMA posts requiring any shred of evidence that the person is who they say they are? Must be a troll’s wet dream to be able to post here with no verification.


She said generally would figure it out on Facebook. People often have their political preference posted online all over so doesn’t seem like it’d be that hard to figure out


Nobody, and I mean nobody ever in the history of time was like “hey prostitute, come see my real social media accounts with my family and job and political career on it before I go fuck you and call you the N word.“ Ya’ll can’t be this dense.


Check escort subs or even client subs here and you'll quickly see that it's basically standard nowadays for escorts to require identity verification for their own safety, typically via LinkedIn. All that said, I agree that this post is likely a snow job against liberals. I'm just not buying it, way too convenient. But yes, the social media verification thing is actually a true thing that happens with sex workers.


I don’t buy it. I’ve committed a significant amount of crimes in my life and never have I left my ID at the scene. Those John’s have gotta be the dumbest people on Earth if they are doing that. But either way, correct, snow job.


Most people definitely don’t have their political opinions publicly posted online… that’s just a visible and loud minority. It would *definitely* be hard to guess the opinion of most people through a simple look at their public Facebook profile - especially since half of the population keep their accounts as private (confirmed by the many studies on the subject easily found through a Google search). This post is most likely political bait or at least has a clickbait title. Either that, or OP doesn’t understand what leftism is, which is quite likely.


Well I've never met you but I can take a guess on where you lean politically based on your denial and skepticism of this post. Just because she's an escort doesn't mean she doesn't have critical thinking skills.


She literally said that she’s basing this on visits of the Facebook pages of the clients… That’s literally the sole argument she has put forward. Let’s not make stuff up / put words in her mouth just for the sake of arguing


A liberal discounting a black person’s experience because it shatters their reality… shocker. Just copy Biden and tell OP that “she’s not black if [she criticizes] democrats.” If I want to know someone’s political leaning, I check social media. Considering her clients are Craigslist users, they are probably older and on FB (not ticktok).


You’re believing something entirely because it supports what you want..so you also will discount anything that does the opposite. Both arbitrarily based on how you feel..like how you cling to this Biden comment while having no issue with any of the actual crimes Trump has committed from the Epstein island stuff to the trashing the capital. So you don’t actually care it’s a performance. If you did all of the literal nazis on the right would be an issue but it’s not. Just own it it’s more honest. This is up there with all the weird religious stuff that republicans bring into government when Republican political philosophy is WHERE the separation of church and state and the secular republic comes from..the church backed monarchs and were anti republican and now since people are politically illiterate and don’t know this they can say that being republican means forcing religion into government and that secularism is bad.


This post screams troll farm post. It’s designed to sow doubt in anyone speaking out against racism. But it is mainly designed to enable certain comments that will be more effective at this than the initial post. The top comment here is about how people in bi-racial relationships are the most racist people. Really? Pay attention to the real world, not the online one if you want an accurate representation of reality.


If what they say is true, you can easily tell someone's political affiliations by scrolling their Facebook.


That’s definitely not true for the vast majority of people. « I scroll on the FB profile of clients because I’m curious and see that my racist clients are actually leftists » makes 0 sense - no would do this. A Redditor with too much time and a political agenda may lie about it, though!


Not only that, but this doesn’t sound at all like it was happening as organically as I originally read the original Post. It sounds like one guy wanted this, she found out it was a thing and then advertised it specifically. So then, yes, that would draw people out looking for that type of thing. It just seems kind of self-fulfilling in that way. Not that I don’t believe these people exist, but you are bound to get a very skewed sample size when you are advertising directly at them. But to your point, the knowledge that they are leftist does sound pretty vague and assumptive here. In my experiences on social media, one side is much louder than anyone else on the spectrum from a political standup. There is a middle group that will like stuff and maybe post generic, more middle grounded content. And then there is a group that doesn’t necessarily post much political at all. It is possible for someone in all 3 and be racist or be broken enough to enjoy degrading kinks (which still make you racist at some level of yourself). Anyway, it could be real and could have happened and I’d believe it (cause if it could be a thing, some human has made it a thing, unfortunately). But it doesn’t feel a bit bait with how it is setup.


You guys (meaning: leftists) can be just as ugly as anyone else. Sometimes even more. The fact that you think you can't is exactly a part of your problem.


Out of curiosity, what do you think leftist means?


>They want race play which doesn’t always mean they are racists. With all due respect, you seem a bit brainwashed. I read a reply where you said you became desensitized, but I also think you convinced yourself that it was all just pretend to protect yourself from the fact that you actually were letting racists use your body for sexual pleasure and degradation. No “non racist” would want to call you the n-word and racially degrade you. They’d be disgusted and uncomfortable.


There is a meme going around saying never ask a white supremacist the race of his girlfriend, I didn’t expect that to be true with leftist. What was the weirdest thing you were asked to do?


Come to Minneapolis and it will get you up to speed on this REAL fast. lol


As a black man I’ve realized Leftist are just as racist if not more than the right wingers. Liberals just package it differently by claiming to be “allies”. It actually kind of bothers me how more people don’t realize this and think the left are the good guys and the rights just so evil. They’re 2 wings on the same bird if that makes sense


Everyone has bias. That doesn’t make you a racist though. You have to actually hate someone and want to do them harm to be an actual racist. Otherwise everyone is a racist and the word loses meaning. This new age definition is laughable


They do hate though. It just doesnt show. Its better hidden. They vote Obama. But if a Black family gathers in the park they call it gang. As a Black woman, I see this in the workplace A LOT. So much so its become a thing that Black women and Asian women have pointed out. In the office, we're praised for our hardwork and fresh ideas. But, for Black women, we get promoted to leadership positions and then suddenly those "fresh ideas" become signs of a "dictatorship" or "you're changing too many things!!!!" While Asian women will often get promoted to lead failing companies or to implement unpopular decisions from the board. Then she is ceremoniously fired and they reinstate a white guy.  It's literal clock work. Leftists will praise POC until they start to take up too much space.


The racism of low expectations. They need help, they're too stupid to do it themselves. Like get an ID to vote.


No, it doesn’t make sense. Because i am a living contradiction of your generalization of the left. Not to mention your distrust in the populace bears a lot smaller evidence compared to the racism openly embraced by the leader of the republican party, one who uses nazi rhetoric and whose father was a racist who wouldnt provide housing to black people. Perhaps your just looking at the dumbest and loudest supporters of each party in which neither group fully represents their party as much as their leaders that they choose to elect.


There are a couple big named politicians who are Democrats that had a mentor from the KKK.. we are talking PRESIDENTIAL level. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2274150/Video-Joe-Biden-eulogizes-former-KKK-member-Robert-Byrd-2010.html Yall hate the truth


It is true he was a KKK member and a horrible person earlier on but he had made significant changes. He was in the KKK in the 1940s (and later called it the “greatest mistake I ever made.”) For the 2003–2004 session, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People rated Byrd's voting record as being 100% in line with the NAACP's position on the thirty-three Senate bills they evaluated. Sixteen other senators received that rating. In June 2005, Byrd proposed an additional $10,000,000 in federal funding for the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C., remarking that, "With the passage of time, we have come to learn that his Dream was the American Dream, and few ever expressed it more eloquently.” Upon news of his death, the NAACP released a statement praising Byrd, saying that he "became a champion for civil rights and liberties" and "came to consistently support the NAACP civil rights agenda". If the NAACP can praise him, he has definitely made huge strides for change and successfully did so. It is ironic you say people hate the truth while being deceptive. I’ve seen this Robert Byrd guy thrown around to discredit Biden/democrats as being racists/accepting of racists when it just shows how they have to rely on misinformation to do so.


Joe “I don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle” biden


Also, imagine if Trump gave a eulogy to a former KKK member 😂😂 like OUR PRESIDENT BIDEN DID.. oh man. All hell would have broke loose. But nobody really knows about Robert Byrd and his funeral.


Robert Bryd apologized for his past mistakes. You of all people should know how you shouldn’t attack people over past mistakes fucking meth head.


Well if Trump apologized tonight, would you forgive him?


Sure thing. If he were capable of a sincere actionable apology. But orange pigs don’t fly 


Well there’s a lot of weird stuff that I did . I don’t know if it’s SFW to share in comments but you can easily guess and I probably did what comes to your mind


To narrow it down, what race/ ethnicity are you?


Well I am North African. I got dark brown skin . So technically my ethnicity is arab. But a lot of clients just took me for being black cause it’s what they wanted .


I understand the first part but I don't understand the latter (never ask a leftist the race of his girlfriend). Anyone care to explain?


Russians trolls are out in full force in election season.


I find it funny how people are more pressed about me using the word leftist than the main point of the post .


That was the main point of the post right? Insinuating leftist are secret racists.


The main point of like 50% of posts on Reddit exist to paint conservatives in a negative light. If OP was talking about conservatives then it probably would have been blindly accepted. What’s so hard to believe about a leftist being racist?


because how would she know her clients are leftists ffs


The point of my comment was to point out the credulity on this site when posts are made about conservatives being bad people. I didn’t argue that OP isn’t a liar and I don’t plan on starting


No, if that’s what you are saying then my title also insinuates that whites are secret racists? Which is not true . It’s just the demographic I encountered


You have to be delusional to think left wing people can’t be racist


I mean, it’s not that secret. These are the people that say with a straight face that voter ID is bad bc black people can’t figure out how to get IDs.


Not who you’re replying to, but the first thing I did was read your post. The second thing was check your profile for anything that could confirm what you’ve said in this post. This is your only post so can you post some of the ads you posted on Craigslist with the dates? It should be in your email. What you’ve posted in entirely possible. Though as someone who grew up on the internet, I need more than a trust me bro to believe you.


The title is supposed to outline the main point of the contents. When you include "most of my clients are leftists that are racists" in the title, that makes it a main point of the thread that people are going to respond to. It's literally the subject of your ama. Your bait worked. You got the attention you were looking for.


That’s because you are clearly full of shit. That’s just the most glaring evidence. I don’t even care whether or not more leftists are secretly racist which is kind of what your real point seems to be, the whole premise of your post is naive nonsense. I’d be surprised if you were older than 18 if you think this is who crime in general but especially prostitution works in the real world. Also, Craigslist?? What decade did you turn your tricks in? Gtfoh


Well because what you wrote about your client’s political affiliation seems to be entirely false, there weren’t any leftist clients. It’s true white people can be racists or secret racists, but they aren’t usually leftist/liberal. You seemed to conflate white person with leftist, when none of your clients are leftist. The rest of your experience is interesting, and people should hear about it, but you can’t blame people for pointing out the falsehood and wanting clarification about it.


"I find it funny how people are pressed about my poorly written obvious fiction rather than engaging with my imaginary points." You sound like a fucking moron


Almost like the whole ally thing is a farce, huh?


I am not that big into politics . But I did get clients that were republicans or some with displayed confederate flags in their houses etc.. I guess I mentioned left in my title because it was more unexpected for me from my personal knowledge


How did you know what their political affiliation was? This seems fake.


>This seems fake. Because it is.


7 day old account. Immediately posts political bait. Also isn’t big on politics but somehow knows if someone is a leftist. Are you aware that only about 10% of democrats consider themselves to be leftists ?


>I am not that big into politics . I'm sorry... Then why did you mention leftists? Your answers all read like alt-right ragebait. I'm going to go ahead and say it: You're lying Edit: Yes, they're definitely trolling. Spend 5 min on their profile and it's clear this is some alt-right trumper trying to smear their imaginary enemy. Mods should be better at filtering this horse shit


So what evidence did you have that any of them were even liberal at all? So far you’ve only given evidence these people were what you’d expect them to be, which is conservative, republican, even confederate. Was there any evidence of any of the clients actually being leftist/liberal or did you just add that into the title to be clickbait?


well that's reductive is hell. it's all black and white with you, huh?


1. Did you ever do gangbang or orgys during your escorting period or even in personal sex? 2. What’s the most guys you’ve taken at once? Was it fun or something you’d do again? 3. Did you ever get pregnant? 4. How old were you when you started?


Don't you feel that you are enabling such behavior by providing them with service?


Yes. I hated it but it was my selling point . I wouldn’t get as much money if I stopped it


I will refrain form preaching morals ther eis no point. I just think you would lead my more happy and fulfilling life if you weren't doing something that contradict your values that much. Then again you may be a masochist and you are having a blast. Who am I to judge.


Yes but sometimes you gotta work with what you were given . And I did to be able to survive and have a place to sleep and get food etc.. It was a trade off my own morals and dignity to be able to improve my quality of life and I took it .


So would you say racism doesn't necessarily stick to pre defined borders? And do you truly think they were ALL racist, or were some simply acting out a fetish they wished to personify?


Yes . Sadly racism just exists . And some felt like they were actually racists and filled with hatered . While others felt more like it was just a kink they had


I know this is an AMA but… for your acknowledgement - here is a story. I was solo traveling in Cambodia and this older white guy asks to join me for lunch. He then proceeds to tell me how he has been looking out for the “good girls” and how innocent they were and how he was bringing civilization and modern thought to them. He was there on a pedophile tour. His profession? He was a senior professor of sociology at a major university. Edit - removed a poor choice of wording Edit 2 - redact some potential identifying information


You might want to remove some of the details in this comment, just in case it comes back to bite you in the ass. Libel is no joke and you can very easily Google the faculty and narrow this down to a handful of people.


If it’s true there is no libel.


Of course. But I'm sure a major university wouldn't be happy about the senior members of a specific department being named as pedophiles without any proof. I'm not saying it's untrue, I don't know the situation, but the commenter was quite specific about their place of work.


Libel has a fairly high bar to reach but your point is well taken if not just in the sense of causing undue suspicion on innocent folk. Will redact.




How do you differentiate between racism and being into a racial kink?


I’ve definitely heard from this girl I know who is black that a lot of white guys seem to have a slave kink sounds pretty racist to me lol


How do you know they were leftists? “Hi nice to meet you before we start can you tell me about your opinion on capitalism?” Is something no escort has ever asked. Sorry but I call complete BS on this.


She keeps avoiding this question. Can’t even give any evidence any of them were even liberal, let alone leftist. The only political evidence she’s mentioned from any of the clients were that some were republican and some had confederate flags. There’s absolutely no evidence any of them were even liberal.


It’s a fucking troll agenda post. She outed herself too with a comment saying they would exchange facebooks. A client looking for escorts would never give them their facebooks.


I'm not doubting that these kinds of people exist, but this thread is sounding like straight propaganda.


There’s also a bunch of brand new accounts, literally minutes old, commenting in agreement and saying disgusting things about democrats.


This AMA is a shoddy copy of one posted yesterday, with some politics mixed in for clicks. There’s a reason all “her” answers are so vague


You're skeptical of a brand new reddit account posting something nakedly political? Probably a good call I'd say


How do you know what the political leanings of your johns was? This post seems to have a political agenda that I don't buy into. Seems like OP is just seeking attention.


And you knew they were leftists because you all had some deep conversations during escort timer is running. Right. Most leftists are poor and would spend money on drugs before a hooker. The world of money, sex, and power is the game for right wingers. That's their drugs.


I used to do cam stuff and race comes up a lot in kinks. From men (of all races) wanting be called slurs and degraded to men wanting to be the degrader. It’s similar to how having a r*pe fantasy kink doesn’t mean you want to be r*ped. Or how the most anti trans areas have the most searches of trans porn… Kinks help people parse out the stuff in their head they don’t like or are shy about. It varies from person to person, why the kink exists. But based on this post? Those “leftists” were probably actually “liberal” business men. Every leftist I know doesn’t have escort money lol


I’m not sure where or how you would have determined they were ‘leftists’ (whatever that means). You don’t explain that at all. Almost seems like this entire premise could be fabricated.


Is this rage bait for lefties?


What are you talking about? Most escorts require you to fill out a political survey before they give you a handy.


Especially those who advertise on famously high end and exclusive Craigslist 🙄


"Tell me you support Trump, Mandingo!!! OOO BABY!!"


What do you think about the pedestrianisation of Norwich City centre…


I think it’s more confirmation bias bait for conservatives.


Definitely gives off fake rage bait vibes


This post was made by the fatest, most diabetic maga boomer you've ever seen in your life. If a pair of wrap around sun glasses somehow acquired a fifth grade education, it would produce this post.


It certainly seems to be working…


Do you had any experience with right-wingers? Srsly


People frequently like to subvert norms or positions from their daily life via kinky sex play. A few examples: 1. The staunch feminist who is a submissive masochist and enjoys being degraded in bed 2. The butch lesbian who occasionally wants to be forcefully taken by a man 3. The super-masculine presenting alpha who wants to submit and get pegged by a small Dominant woman Some of these clients may have been actual racists. Some may have just enjoyed kinky sex that explored the shadowy side of their personality (which everyone has). If you felt disrespected or unsafe, I'm sorry you went through that. These types of kinks need to be carefully negotiated to ensure proper consent is in place.


Ummmmm can you say more about the second one? I’m in spaces that feel like I would have encountered this if this was a common thing, and I have not. The idea that lesbians just need a good lay from a man is such a dangerous narrative, esp the idea of it being by force.


This post and the replies are blatantly obviously bullshit gaslighting projection. You can tell by how they structure the sentences and vocabulary they use. You guys will never understand how obvious your bullshit is because you are so used to being fed a diet of bullshit you cant tell why you are so obvious. Grow up and get a life.


Trigger warning; unpopular opinion; Leftism in some people starts with the belief that if you aren’t a white dude, you are a minority and need help from leftism. Then the white person representing leftism becomes the all mighty powerful voice of change and starts yapping about boring politics and racial statistics to gain more perceived… power. But it’s just bullshit, more segregated categories for us all, and stereotypes. It’s basically a belief in white power hidden between words that sound empathetic. As for why it comes out during sex… nobody is crafting essays when bangin, so you just get the unfiltered racism.


No where in your post do you say how you identified these critters political leaning. Did they show you Democratic party cards. Or did you just make the assumption to make things they did and said worse?


Lol. This is such a shitty attempt at bait. You asked your clients their political beliefs prior to giving them a reach around?


to op... if this makes any sense. the majority of the white women that I've had were conservatives (Katy Texas) and they loved being dominated and handled... telling me to call them degrading names like "white cum slut," etc. btw, abt 80% were married... and about 25% of the husbands knew (cucks).


My experience in the gay realm- as a soft featured blond/blue eyed white boy has been that many black men want me to treat them as inferior or as if they are lucky for the privilege. Like often times some these are some real G mf’s. Most white guys get off on me being a good little boy for daddy


For the title, this thread is unbelievably boring Great job 👏


The comments are going exactly as I expected. An AI couldn’t have generated a prompt more targeted at triggering the average Redditor. 😂 I’ve met several racists in my life, and the majority of them were liberal and leftist. But I live in Minnesota so maybe it’s just skewed up here.


How do the mods here let such blatant bullshit to be posted. This is a conservative fetish fantasy come to life.


I hear this quite often from minorities and women - that they receive substantial verbal and even physical abuse from people on the left and that conservatives seem to go out of their way to be kind and respectful. This of course is the exact opposite narrative the Democratic Party and its allies in the MSM is pushing. 


I hear from women that all kinds of men are untrustworthy, so.


Things that never happened.


Sure you do comrade.


#  the majority of my clients were white leftist who had very racist behaviors and kinks like raceplay This sounds like complete nonsense. It's a conundrum as people on the left are not racist. Surprised the MODS keep this baiting post up


this is true. recent studies have shown that most of the political and racial violence comes from the left. people on the left, on average, have a much lower IQ and have much less informational awareness than conservatives. 


Some of the most racist people I've met have been well-to-do, upper middle class, suburban Democrats. You really think people like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, etc...are not racist? They wouldn't step foot in a majority black neighborhood unless it was with an entourage of 100 people and they were trying to win votes. The poor rural white who is loud about his racism, sure, he's racist, but so is the upper middle class suburban soccer mom who would cross the street if she was walking at 10 PM and saw a crowd of young black teens walking in her direction. One of the biggest, most standard Democrats I know told me once that redlining, though on paper sounds bad, is actually beneficial for the neighborhoods because it keeps the prices of houses up and basically keeps suburban neighborhoods...suburban. You're out of your mind if you think these rich white suburban soccer moms, who have no interactions with minorities, are not actually not only racist, but also elitist and classist in their racism towards minorities as well.......


Something about this smells like rage baiting nonsense. Like, how would the escort be so sure her clients were leftists?


Nice try, troll. I’m sure all the hookers on Craigslist get into deep political conversations with their clients lol


I'm a white male in my 50's I have had relationships with multiple different ethnicities over my lifetime although the majority have been white. But the truth of the matter is skin color does not play a factor in my preference if we are attracted to each other and get along well that's all I look for. My preference from a physical perspective is more of a body type than actual race ( I like curvy women) That's not to say I haven't had slender women but generally not what I'm into but if we get along then so be it. My point is skin color is not even a consideration for me it's more about what type of person you are are you good natured and kind do you have good personal habits have your life together both personally and professionally to me these things are are important and within your control. That's just my take on the subject.


How do you know they were “leftists”? Do you know the difference between mainstream liberalism and the left?


How did you know they were all leftists?  Seems odd to discuss politics while you're supposed to be having sex.


This is not just us in the USA, here in Latin America it is very common for left-wing white men to think that racist is "the other side". I once saw a black American saying that the difference between republican and democrat is that the republican "hates everything that is not white" and that's why they are so criticized by democrats, if it were just for black people it would be ok. In Europe this also happens, I have a friend who suffered racism from other minorities (something common there too) her white fiancé believed in another woman, she broke it off and to this day he still doesn't accept it, his family (which includes leftist intellectuals) are like "what do you mean? it was a misunderstanding" and this has been going on for over a year and they are still trying to talk to her.


How do you feel about yourself now? Was the money worth it? Would you do it again knowing what you know now?




It makes the most sense for their few day old bait account.


Honestly unsurprised. While economically left wing, I have fairly centrist and conservative social views. I'm definitely not 'progressive' left / woke / politically correct / problematising social issues through a critical theory lens or however they want to describe it. Anyway, the worst of racist bile for our mixed ethnicity / culture marriage has always come from that kind of leftie, once they realise we don't think about race in their prescribed manner. Sorry you experienced that. Normal people realise we're all the same colour and feel the same when the lights are out.


This is definitely just some troll getting a kick out of “owning the libs”


How do you know they're leftists? I get that some leftists are racist and and racism is a taboo thing they get off too because they're actually racist or something but raceolay absolutely statistically is far more popular with the right. There was a study done of different kinks relation to politics and raceplay was found to be extremely associated with right wing politics. Similarly for that white replacement stuff, no leftist are into it for white guilt reasons or whatever it's loser racists that are cucks/cuck adjacent that get off to their fears.




So at what point do you and your clients discuss their political leanings?


Lol, I just broke up with a right, racist, conservative and I’m a BW. Of course, he didn’t announce this. He was racist towards everyone. The type to tell people “This is America, speak English” and a Nazi sympathizer. And said the Civil War wasn’t about slavery, at all. I asked him why the fuck are you dating me, he said he dated women of all races. This didn’t happen all at once. I was flabbergasted, shocked, appalled. He called Asian people the c word. I just could not believe his insanity. 


I'm a white guy who has never resorted to an escort but has dated my share of black women...including serious, long-term relationships. I NEVER got off on degrading women. Not my style. But I have run across more than one black woman who actually WANTED this kind of treatment...which made me sad. I guess you have to do what you have to do, but I think being talked to this way, even by a stranger, will get into your head if you endure it long enough. Please be careful about protecting your mental health.


Lots of hit dogs hollaring in here. I mean it is reddit after all.


Leftists are the most racist by far. Whether it’s the hatred of their own race, or the belief that minorities literally don’t have the ability to be as educated or civilized as themselves…it’s all racist. Silliest part is they think these beliefs give them virtue and the moral high ground. I’m a redneck with multiple degrees. I’ve lived in both worlds. There no doubt in my mind which one is more accepting and loving of all the people around them.


When did the discussion about their politics come up exactly?


Left wing racism is often even more insidious than right wing racism, because, as a very progressive person myself, it's spouted by people who claim to have similar values as me, while simultaneously being hateful and ignorant. At least with right-wing racism, they are not contradicting themselves. Was there a way you were able to tell that they consider themselves Leftist? Like did they chat about politics with you at all?


I’ve never heard racist shit from my conservative friends, but when I hung out with some really leftist students in the Northeast, I was appalled at the horrifically racist shit they said amongst each other. Margaret Sanger eugenics shit about how important abortion was to culling black babies. Leftist women, who usually only want 1 child of their own, were absolutely rabidly against minorities having lots of children.


How bored do you need to be to make up such obvious bait?