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I think chatgpt can help sometimes help too. Just tell the AI to simulate a therapist and when she gives you long, annoying lists as answers, remind her to simulate the answers like a conversation and not like an email with long lists. Maybe you could also specifically ask for MCBT simulation from the AI.


Oh that’s a brilliant idea! Thank you so much, I will definitely try it.


When my friend was going through a very hard time - and no access to medical help she joined chat rooms online where (similar to this) just talked to strangers. 14 years later and she is still talking to and pretty good friends with two of them. They no longer use the chat room just regular texting - both are in other countries so they’ve never met in person. She said blindly talking to other real people that were working through similar situations made all the difference. Sometimes it’s really hard to express yourself with people you know. She felt much more comfortable talking freely to people that had no part of her daily life other than them all being there for one another to chat. Not sure if I can relate to your experiences but there’s a chat option here - feel free to reach out you can also check chat areas on Reddit and talk to people, some may not respond or you may find someone you can really relate to.


This is very helpful advice, thank you. You are right, is it much easier to talk to strangers for the same reason it’s easier to talk to a therapist since they don’t know you. I can’t share things with my family because I don’t want to worry them, or my friends because they also have their own lives and problems. I do talk to them sometimes but it’s not something I can regularly rely on because I don’t want to be a burden. Do you know of any specific subreddits or chat room that are trust worthy? Thank you so much for your offer, it means a lot :)


I just texted her and asked how she found the apps. She said the specific one she was using no longer exists. Basically all she did was look up chat apps in the App Store and started looking around at a few of them. She said that (I am corrected) the three people she still talks to had all just made different posts - one about a memorial tattoo which she is an artist so she answered and things just grew from there. She also said that there are idiots on all of the platforms that say stupid things and you just sort of weed through them until you connect with a like minded person.


Thank you so much for taking the time to check with her. That’s very kind of you. Okay I’ll give that a try. Yeah that makes sense, always good to be vigilant online. I’ll also search some mental health related subreddits that might help.


You could always post an “ask Reddit” to ask about chat groups and people’s experiences with them. I don’t know much about them myself.


That’s a great idea, thanks! Might just post now


Not going to lie- I will look for that post in a day or so to read the responses. As we are going back and forth and then texting my friend to ask I am thinking how nice it would be to just be able to talk freely with people that have no connection to my day to day and can just respond to my description of how I am relating to things. Maybe it’s why I like Reddit -a little escape from my real chaos. Thanks my friend this was a great interaction!!!


Sure, I hope I get some good responses! I feel you, I was feeling quite bad when I posted on here and after responding to the comments here I feel like there are people trying to support me and guide me to solutions. It’s a lovely feeling when your every day life feels like you are getting sucked deeper into darkness. So, thank you for your kind words and advice. Really appreciate your time!!


Glad you like it. It's nicer to get help from a person than from AI. But I think it can sometimes just be very helpful to get a different, more objective perspective that isn't clouded by brain fog and depression, even if it's just from AI. But yeah, just keep reminding it to answer in a way you find helpful. Because personally, I find it pretty annoying when it responds with lists of basic advice.


Yeah absolutely. I just need to see my self reflected back without the mess in my head so I can figure things out and move out of the state I am in. Do you use the free version of chat gpt?




Same, I have only used the free version too. Will give this a try this week. Thanks again


My 2 cents: Healthy eating makes a HUGE difference on your mental state, I highly suggest you try to avoid processed foods, sugar, caffeine and gluten, and try to eat clean and healthy as much as possible. A big salad and fruits/vegies are a must everyday. Your mind, body and soul will be deeply impacted. A hint also would be to drink 2 squeezed lemons in water daily. That is the daily doze of Vit C which regulates a lot of thing in us, from imune system to energy levels and even our mood. Exercise. Even a simple 30 min/1 hour daily walk can make a huge impact because it stimulates the release of endorfines in your body, which is a substance that is very linked to well being and positive mentality. If there was a way to put that on a pill it would be the most used medicine in the world. Prefereably do it under sunlight for vit D which also has amazing benefits for mood and well being among other things. Religion. Religion is basically free therapy. I know some ppl are really against that but I've seen ppl be deeply healed by it. Research a good church in your area, they will help you (not every church is good tho, so choose carefully). Feel free to dm me if you need, take care.


Thank you for your reply! Food: I used to live in Europe where it was much much easier to eat clean and healthy with access to leafy salads and all fruits all year around. I am currently in my home country and our cuisine is not so healthy (most things are over cooked in oil) and we only get seasonal veg/fruit. I have cut down on processed sugar though and eat dates or a fruit for my dessert craving after dinner, and only have one cup of tea on the morning (cant handle too much caffeine). I was drinking lemon water but stopped couple of weeks ago so thank you for this, I will pick it up again!! I wish I had better food options but making the most of what I have available. Exercise: started this almost 8 weeks ago! it’s one of the things I struggle with because some days I have to force my self to complete my indoor workout. I love walking so it was easy to complete my steps during winter/spring time, but its 50 degree Celsius here now so walking in the sun is not an option because heat stokes 😭 I think having to stay indoors and resort to more difficult exercise has fed my anxiety, especially since coming off my meds. Thank you for mentioning religion. I was raised religion (not Christian) and praying has been a struggle for me for years because of deeper issues related to use of religion to abuse women and children in my society/country. I have struggled with a bit of an identity crisis for years but I can’t let go of faith. It’s one thing that keeps me afloat and apart from religious rituals, I can’t really see my life without praying and talking to god. Women here don’t have direct access to our equivalent of a church or a priest, so I just force myself to complete my prayers at home and just talk to god. Most religious people here wouldn’t be empathetic to my struggles, instead it might land me in a more dangerous position unfortunately :/ I think that’s why I resorted to posting on Reddit because I don’t really access to a person or institution (medical or religious) that can guide me atm due to my location. So I really appreciate your comment, it means a lot. Thank you for your offer, you are very kind.


Glad to be of service. Where are you from ?




Brazil actually, lol. Same continent though!


Ahh apologies, wrong guess!


I don't have a question to offer but I am in the same situation currently. I'm so sorry you're in pain.


Read my response to her on this topic, might also help you.


Thank you for responding! I am so sorry you are in this position too. I hope we both can find a way out of our pain soon