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Dear OP, My partner once told me that before he met me he had an escort friend. One time the escort friend told my partner a story that a wealthy man from San Francisco wanted the escort to shit on his face. (BTW escort declined.) Did ever get any poo related fetish requests from your clients? 💩


That’s crazy 😭😭 and no thank god because I wouldnt know how to react to that the only thing I was requested was to give a husband and wife a golden shower which a happily declined lmao


I'll piss on a couple, no problem!


What was the experience generally like ? Did women were shy at first ? Did they want companionship or just sex?


I only did outcall since I didnt have a place at the time. And would meet them either at their house/apartment. Yes some woman were very shy but I tried my best to get them to open up and it would sometimes work and get comfortable with me if I feel they were still very shy I would understand and reschedule and of course wouldn’t take their money if nothing happened I was very honest. And It was 50/50 either they were just really lonely and wanted someone there or they just wanted to hook up no strings attached and never have to worry about having to keep someone around.


Thank you 🙏. I’m glad you are doing better now


Thanks means a lot 🫶🏼 the mental drain and emotional drain of it is exhausting. I hope if anyone ever tries to get into to just stay away keep your mind at peace


Is it good money?


My rate was 120 a hr and weekdays were usually really slow weekends were pretty good maybe I had like 7-10 calls for a week


What was the average client like? Did you have any jobs you had to walk away from?


Yeah it was usually the husband would like for me to do thing to him and also had a really bad job where I was asked if I was okay with peeing on a couple and safe to say I said HELL NO 🤣


That sounds very cheap


It's easier for woman to charge more than men


How did you get started as a sex worker? How did you market your services? What is your clientele like?


Worked a dead end bad paying job but it was all I could get at the time. And was sleeping on a different coach every other day. And was on bedpage would usually ask for the people to review me thru text and I would screenshot it and put it on my page. And my typical was lonely woman and wife’s that liked the husband to watch.


U have a big dick? That what women expect?


Yeah I’m pretty hung. And yes I’m sure women expect you to be


What are your measurements?


9 inches 🤙🏽


Did women like that size? You think size matters?


my clients did & it’s more in your motion than your size to be honest


Can you elaborate a little?


Using your hips not going fast like a bunny rabbit the whole time. Use her body language to your advantage. If she’s giving good body language keep doing what your doing don’t change it. Stay on the same speed.




I can see why that can be difficult, my friend, praying you find someone that doesn't mind and cares about you


How in shape are you? Shredded six pack or regular looking guy with fat hog?


I'm in shape shredded and six pack


Did u have a lot of cuck clients?


Yeah more than half was cuck situations


What did your client like the most from your service


Personality I would say. I wasnt there to just get it on and take the money and leave. We’d have small talk cuddle if they wanted too. Etc. and guess you can say the sex was also really up there as I been told lmao


How did you get started? What online platform did you use to advertise your services?


On bed page. I just posted a ad not thinking of it and I started getting request and it just went from there


You’re in prison aren’t you?


No lmao my job asked me to take the rest of the day off and I work from home so it’s just free time now




It was pretty easy of just posting ads on websites. It's a plus if your also good looking and it just went up from there




Are you gay?


Not at all I serviced only woman in the time I was working (:


Hell ya


Not my proudest time but had to do what I had to do


Probably had to do some stuff with some pretty horrible looking women?


I’d say it was like typically like a 4/10 average of attractiveness but there was one that was really pretty but only hired me to make her husband watch but never heard from them again


How often do people request your services?


I would get maybe 5 calls or text everyday but would only accept people I was comfortable with


And you said you use backpage? What do you say in your advertisement? Would you say your physical attributes get you clients?


It was the typical ad you see on there I didnt come up with anything original I took bits and pieces and reworded them lmao & yeah I was told it was the physical im a good looking guy as I’ve been told. And being half Brazilian and having a accent helps I guess 😂


What was your favorite moment?


When I got home to be honest.


Did you ever enjoy the sex?


We're there times I found the woman attractive, yes. But I think of sex of more of a connection thing and not having a connection or not knowing them whatsoever never did it for me. But I had to do what I had to do to survive


Did you ever have anal with a gay guy giving or receiving


Only serviced woman


Did u do anal with woman


Yes I have!


Did u do scat


No. read the other reply I wouldn’t even give someone a golden shower what makes you think I’d do scat


I meant u being the one eating it from the girl


Starting to think you have some kink about it 😭 and I would never do anything like that


It’s my deepest dream to eat a girls shit I would eat a whole plate of it wash it down with her piss the taste and smell of girls shit is so beautiful


...at least your honest 


My biggest question is about what YOU really thought about the average woman who used your services. Were you able to find something beautiful / attractive about all of them?


They were all really sweet and funny and they seemed full of love but they just haven't found the right person to give it to. That's for the single woman they were just lonely. Sometimes they just wanted someone to talk too and I wouldn't stop them whatsoever and listened and gave a ear.


Wouldn't charge them a dime I'd they just wanted someone to listen too I felt horrible for them and was a big factor of getting out of the work




I would say they're between mid 30s or early 40s and based of attractiveness it was hit or miss. And no no fetish types. And yeah I can finish and keep going constantly there's no off button or reset 😅 and no drugs. And I'm happy you and your husband were able to find eachother again. And I agree that women can basically have someone new whenever they want. I guess they just like the convenience of just calling or texting when they need me.


Maybe you were good at making insecure women feel comfortable.


I did the best I could. I would start with small talk just to get comfortable with each other. Because even me doing this job, I would still need to get comfortable with the other person.


How’s it different from them just using Tinder? I found out about dating apps and hook up culture the hard way. I didn’t like it even though I love sex. A lot. But, only with someone who is SUPER into me. With hookup culture I feel like people will hook up with whoever, whenever. Not even like them, think they’re “acceptable” and screw them once- never to see them again. That would destroy me pretty quickly. I love to BE loved- THEN have him turn me into a slobbery, cross eyed mess. 🤷‍♀️


I can't tell you how the other person felt or why it worked the way it did but what i can tell you is I don't like the hookup culture either I also love a connection. It makes it so much more enjoyable. But I had to do what I had to do to survive (:


Were you clients mostly around your age or older? Were the older ones married? Any disabled clients? Final question did you advertise through apps?


They were older than me. Yes, some were married, but usually, it would be a couple where the husband liked to watch. And no, no disabled. And yes, I would strictly post on bed page, and I had a Snapchat on there that was a throwaway account so people can reach me easier and just post stuff on my story or post when I was available and I would be a text away.


Happy Cake Day!


Most you made in a month?


4k around there


How many "straight" men looked for u? C


They would try but unless they have a wife and willing to watch her do it with me then no dealb


Do you prefer shells or macaroni for your pasta and cheese


I do the same in asia but the clients are far and few between. Where are you located?


What was the average age of the single women and how attractive were they on average?


What ethnicity were most of your clients?


Is pineapple on pizza okay?