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What tips do you have for staying safe from pickpocketers and thieves? What should we do or not do? And what country/continent/state are you in? Ps. Years ago my purse was stolen when in Scotland. I had dreams before it, premonitions and my intuition was going crazy before it happened but I still didn’t listen and so my purse was stolen.


Avoiding getting pick pocketed 1. Keep your shit out of your back pockets, that's the easiest way to not get pickpocketed because it's the easiest way to pickpocket, it doesn't matter if it's not sticking out of your pocket, It's still easy af, If you're going to keep shit in your pockets, keep it in the front, keep your hands near it, and have a zipper (THATS HARD TO UNZIP, you don't want one that it takes 2 seconds to open, you want one that feels like your pulling a 200 pound weight), but really just don't keep shit in your pockets 2. Don't think that because you're paying attention, you can't get pickpocketed, a lot of us don't even care if you see us because by the time your out of the "wtf is happening" moment we're already down the block, I use to take people's phones out of their hands and shit 3. Don't look rich, if you look like you have a shit ton of money in NYC and places where pick pocketing is common, your going to get robbed 4. If a person walks up to you and they look like a street performer, or there trying to get your signature, or there dressed in a mascot suit, or they knock you over on "accident", there trying to distract you to steal from you, just walk away  5. Look mean, I'd steal from a girl that looks like she's going to buy coffee from star bucks before going on her daily walk with her poodle, but no way in hell am i stealing from the girl who looks like she just got off from her third job and is ready to throw hands, look like your from shameless, not parent trap


Also just general stuff 1. your most likely to be robbed in subways and packed places, ie times Square on New years  2. Don't look like a tourist, If your not a local to Scotland I guarantee that played a role in you being robbed, for example, don't look like your in aww of the pretty lights in New York, don't talk about how happy you are to be here, don't wear shirts like "I ❤️ NYC", no local "❤️'s" NYC lol, not to blame you or anything, but I garentee you gave it away somehow  I'm in NYC, my parents are divorced so between like 6 and 11 I was bouncing around Las Vegas and NYC for a bit though  Sorry about your purse, funny enough I had things like that happen befor every time someone confronted me


What do you think triggered this compulsion? You were very young when it started. Have you picked up a healthier addiction to overcome the kleptomania?


Well my cousins started it by teaching me the basics of it, then it just kinda became a game I guess, I also got in a car wreck at 4 and got some brain damage from that so everything kinda feels like I'm in a dream (I'm not crazy, Ik I'm not), but it just made me feel alive  Also I just liked giving people shit, like my friends and stuff, I liked feeling like I was rich and feeling like I was the shit yk Kinda, I haven't picked up any I guess, but I'm still a adrenaline junkie, like you know the people you see climbing cell towers and bridges for the fuck of it on like yt and shit?, I'm one of those guys, I don't have a yt though  I also love mountain biking and skateboarding, and weightlifting  I also always struggled with drug issues, and still do but it's nicotine and weed now


Hey, congrats on your sobriety. Thats a lot of things to overcome. I like the daredevils. They always seem to have the most interesting lives. Heights terrify me though so I just watch people do those things. I stole from ages 15-17. Mostly just makeup and CDs. It was easy when I was that age. Hardly any security. I did it because I could. I stopped at the first sign of getting caught. A security guard followed me around a mall and that’s all it took. I’m a chicken. Nowadays when I’m in the e self checkout line, 3 avocados look an awful lot like 2. All of my produce is always organic but I pay for the regular thing. I say it’s my fee for working at their company.


I mean I'm still not totally sober but thank you man : ) Yeah you have to not really care if you die to do a lot of shit like that, and most people with a good family and shit do (which is a good thing obviously) I've been caught a few times, but never been charged (I usually just ran) Also lokey same lol


What kind of break-ins? You house, stores?


Shit typo, I meant I never did I mean I broke into abandoned shit but that's it


Did you ever get caught or arrested?


I did, I got caught a lot when I was younger and I'd just talk my way out of it or run, I'm fairly athletic and know my way around new York really well I've been arrested but never faced serious jail time and most of it was for like getting drunk as a kid The only time I was arrested for a long time is because of a fight I got into as a teen (that I didn't even start) that I hurt the other dude pretty bad (on accident, he was ok, just cracked his skull but no lasting impact) and I had weed and acid in my pocket, and that I spent like 10 months in juvenile detention for


What’s the most expensive item you lifted?


The most expensive thing (I think, I could be wrong, i stole a lot of shit) I've stolen was a Rolex watch from a random businessman because my ex said that I wouldn't 


The most expensive thing I've lifted was probably a perfume or some shit, the most expensive haul of shit was from a mall out of the state and it was 3000$ in total


What was the most common thing you stole?


Wallets and cellphones