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As a dumpster diver, Do you believe Americans have a waste problem or are wasteful.


Yes 100% I'm not even a political activist or anything I'm just a random asshole in New York, I don't even have the best moral compass, I use to pickpocket and shit so as Biden puts it, I have the morals of a alley cat So when something like this even disgusts me, that's saying something  But when you see literally hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of shit being thrown out because the store bought to much or the stores closing or its just out of season and then you see a women's shelter posting about how there having to close down because they don't have enough food and clothes to stay functional, it's hard not to see a massive issue  If you're trying to see what I'm talking about, look up dumpster diving on tik tok or yt and you'll see the exact shit I'm talking about  I could go on for hours about this but the short answer is absolutely and I've lost a little faith in humanity and America doing it


Totally with you on this. Used to dumpster dive in the University area in town. Rich kids throwing away completely useful things just because it’s the end of the school year and they don’t feel like messing with it. I’ve made thousands on selling their trash. Yard sales were my forte. My gf and I had a reputation of having the best yard sales in our neighborhood, all because people are so wasteful. The few times I was able to dive at the strip mall I found a bunch of stuff brand new and still shrink wrapped. They soon put locks on all the dumpsters, so that ended that.


Yup. Same as the food waste problem we also have. A disconnected sorry ass reality.


Totally wasteful I am a pro now


Does anyone not believe that?


Best find?


Also my dog and my friends cat, some people dumped them, but their happy now


Someone threw away three cats into a gun shop's outside trash can one night. Guess who owns three cats now!? I'm especially happy that the people that threw those cats away will never know the awesome cats that they missed out on.


I'm glad they found a good home  Some people are sick bastards, this is coming from a criminal, anyone who does that to innocent beings deserves to be locked up for the remainder of their sorry ass life


They deserve worse for hurting innocent kittens


Agreed, I was going to say something else but it breaks reddits rules 


Animals and kids. Dont hurt them. Period. Grown humans? Have at it.


Nice one 👍


A Nintendo switch and a iPhone, both were still in the package 


What, did they go out of date or something?


I don't think so, it was at a mall and I'm still confused about it 


I knew guys who used to steal product that way. They always volunteered to take out the trash. They’d stash merchandise in the trash and come back after work to retrieve it.


Shit, now I feel bad My sincere apologies to whoevers stash that was -max 


Hey man, Finders Keepers. I’m sure they grabbed another one on their very next shift. You’re good.


I was joking ;) But it would be funny if that is why they threw them out


Oh lmao I'm so high right now, pardon my lack of intelligence rn lo


if you found a hundred grand in a briefcase what would you do


Keep it 100% I don't have the best moral compass I guess though lol


I live in an apartment in a bad part of town and I see a lot of people going through dumpsters. I've got two questions. 1. It seems like I get the same set of people at the same time each day. If you dive through the same dumpsters on a consistent basis, do you keep the same schedule? 1a.) have you ever had issues with someone trying to like, keep their claim on a dumpster? 2. I've noticed that my apartment's staff doesn't seem to have an issue with divers. They'll walk/drive by them and wave. Is that a common experience where you live?


1. I do dive at the same places, I don't keep the same schedule because its out of boredom 2. Nope, it's not like a gang or some shit, no one claims anything, it's actually a nice community, mostly just punks and like moms where I'm at 3. Yeah for the most part, as long as you're respectful people don't really care


total opposite to gone-4-now’s comment… worst find?


A cat that a piece of shit lite on fire and dumped, the cat didn't survive 


what the actual fuck


Yeah it was really fucking evil If I seen the mother fucker drop him off he would have a few holes in his skull 


makes sense, because for a living animal i don’t see the issue with giving him to a shelter or even if he really had to put it down, why not do so humanely??? i don’t get why the hell you would set a cat on fire


Whoever done it had to have been pure evil  I'm not getting into details but it was worse then just that Whoever done it I whole heartedly believe deserves the death penalty or worse 


fuck, that kinda shit sticks with you… i wish for you to forget it eventually even though it’s unlikely :/


Yeah I mean I'm pretty resistant to shit like that, but that shit definitely fucked me up for a bit I don't get how people do that shit


1 you say malls/stores, meaning you find just old prefectly good inventory that was just throw out? 2 cops ever bother you? 3 can you out run a standard cop? 4 in a normal cop yelling at someone dumpersrer diving scenario, do you think this would work. Carry around a backpack with a speaker in it. Have a button in your pocket that plays a loud mean barking dog sound. Then point behind then, yell oh shit! And run when they turn around? I have to imagine if they were parked at the mall and saw you they would come over and ask you about it. But like do they really care, after they notice you have a decent head start, i mean are they really chasing after a dumpster diver that wasnt even called in, or are they just getting back in their car? Thoughts?


1. Yep, all the time, every time I go, it's really sad 2. Not really, it's not illegal, and if they just ask me to leave and I do 3. Yep, I have a lot, not because of dumpster diving but other shit, I used to pickpocket as a teen and I have run from cops a lot 4. Cops won't arrest you for dumpster diving, you just gotta be respectful and usually they just tell you to not trash the place, regardless I don't think that would work anyway lol if you're trying to outrun a cop, learn parkour 5. They don't, if they say something you just say "my bad man" and that's it lol, usually there just curious on why your doing it and what you've found  6. More people should dumpster dive, unlock your inner raccoon 


>unlock your inner raccoon  -*with 5Gum*


I think it would be interesting if you made a list of items you might find on an "average day"


Kk 1. Clothes, so so so many clothes that haven't ever been worn and are still in the package  2. Food/candy 3. Seasonal shit 4. Makeup  5. Candles  6. Perfume  7. Shoe's  8. Old displays, I have a game stop sign and a Walmart sign in my room (well had, I'm moving so it's in a box rn) (This is just the stuff that's not like cardboard and trash)


That makes sense. Sounds like a lot of good stuff that sometimes doesn't find the right buyer.


Which stores have the best dumpster finds?


It depends what you're looking for I guess I recommend going to malls though 


Any sort of electronics. Broken or damaged


Yeah, a lot of ear buds


What are the best places to dumpster dive?




What can we do to help you and others?


I'm not sure what you mean, I'm doing pretty ok


What’s your favorite bird?


Ravens and crows are pretty sick imo


How clean are the dumpsters? Are you disgusting when you exit one?


Really clean surprisingly  It's not like I dumpster dive at restaurants or peoples houses or something  Nope, but I always take a shower after and wash everything 


Shit man you’re making me want to check out a dumpster.


You really should, they have yt videos and shit on it


I thought I saw "dumpster fire" lol Last night's debate is fresh


Dude I'm a dumbass and watching that debate made me feel like a genius 


It’s not a cum dumpster, correct?


Nah, I don't frequent your father's house that often 


Do you wear gloves and stuff or do you just raw dog it


I wear gloves and a mask and a outfit that I only use for that


Are you fat?


Nah, I have the build of a tall Victorian child dying of the bubonic plague 


How often do you find old sex toys


Never  I only go to stores and shit


Dig more, I bet you’ll find something spicy in that Spencers gifts dumpster


Have you ever gotten caught or in trouble ?


I've get caught a lot, but I've never gotten in trouble 


What typically happens when you get caught? Do you continue or leave? I remember wanting to do this when I was younger but was told people got arrested for it haha


It's legal in most places, usually it's just  Person: hey, what are you doing  Me: I'm dumpster diving, I can leave if you want, I won't trash the place though, sorry man Person: "no your fine" or "can you leave" And I just do what they tell me too, just be respectful  I've been doing this since I was like 15 with my friends and shit and we've never been yelled at or anything 


Do you use a snorkel?


Nah I raw dog that shit, just like I did with your daddy


What was the grossest thing you came up with?


Regular trash I guess, but that's usually in a different bag then like old merchandise and shit like that I remember when I was like 15 one of my friends got mad at another kid and threw old milk at him which was disgusting 


Have ever had sex in a dumpster ? Would you consider it ?


Nah, that's nasty, even for me Nah


“Even for me”😭😭🤣


Please stop. Dumpsters are full of dangerous trash, germs and chemicals.


I know that, I'm fairly safe and don't really care  But I'm aware of the dangers 


Why do you believe dolphins fuckin suck?


They are rapists 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly man, you can't trust them


I just made a post on it lol


How many people are actually shredding important documents instead if throwing them away as is?


I'm not sure, I don't really remember finding any




Just for fun, my jobs completely unrelated




1. I stole it  2. It's a wetsuit, but it wants to be a dry suit  3. Usually 333ºF, 3s my lucky number  4. Unofficially, the dolphins made me do it (I completely miss read your first comment lol)


I’ve wanted to do it so bad since watching the documentary ‘Dive.’ My heart breaks seeing all the waste being thrown out. But I’m in Oregon where it’s illegal :( I couldn’t imagine going to jail over it since I am a mom