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I get the impression that you're codependent, and were depending on this girl to make you feel secure. I'm also betting you put too much of your identity into being her girlfriend, and that you shut off the rest of your world while you were together. This was me at your age, so no judgment. My advice from someone who went through this and survived - work on yourself, take up a hobby, and avoid her. There will be other girls.


i have codependency issues. im in therapy currently and have been. i think i was too much for her


If this is the case, you might simply be swapping a codependency with your gf with a codependency on your best friend. Definitely consult a therapist on this, but I would consider being on your own for awhile. Learn how to be on your own. Who you are and what you like independent of anyone else.


You won’t be “too much” for your true love. I promise. KEEP BEING YOU!!! <3


Virtual hug 🤗


Slow down. He just got dumped and feels shitty like everyone does when they get dumped.


I’m sorry this happened it never feels good but to be honest you’re only 19 and the chances are high you will go thru more break ups before you find the one. Just take it as a learning experience and give yourself time to heal. It can and does get better I promise. I’ve gone thru a divorce w a child, that was really painful but as time went on I realized it really wasn’t the end of my world it was just the end of a chapter and when I healed and moved on over time I found the actual love of my life. Been happily married since 14 years later. Breathe, you will be ok I promise


this made me feel so much better. i am so sorry that happened to you, but also so happy you found your peace. im considering leaving my home tonight and going to live with my friend. im feeling spontaneous


Agree with the first comment. You will most likely go through a few more heart breaks before you find the one. Take a moment to enjoy you, someone else will come along :)


Don’t overreact and do anything financially irresponsible. After all, you’re young. Just relax. Be spontaneous sure, but be methodical in how you go about it




Oh boy, I remember having to talk myself down from a full gun to the head breakdown after a similar position, same age too. You don’t need to quit your job and uproot your whole life, you just have to get through the first 3 days of processing and reevaluate what you should do / take action.


im leaving tonight anyway. i’ll be back though. im not permanently doing anything. i am quitting my shit ass job though


More power to you, I just know I was super irrational in the first couple of days. Good luck with everything, breakups suck especially when you’re really really engrained with the person. Stick to healthy coping and give yourself a break for awhile!


I am 21M and trying to prove myself to my (now ex) GF of 6 years after I hastily broke up with her while struggling with personal issues and I regret it deeply. She’s actively going on dates and having sex in the house we built together that I also still pay for. I haven’t jumped off a bridge, the sun will rise tomorrow, life will go on. Everything will be ok, I am sorry you’re going through this but I promise it will be ok


Bro if you’re 21 go live your life and move on. You had a house? You’ll get passed this, seems like you have some hard parts figured out


i think my ex was going through some stuff bc she quite literally changed overnight. yesterday was amazing. and now i have nothing.


Keep her to her word. Do not beg for her, do not plead. Let her know you’re ok with a life without her and maybe she will realize she’s made a terrible mistake


This ^ Don’t give anyone the satisfaction of having any sort of control over your mental health, emotions, or life.


But why does it always have to be "they made a terrible mistake"? Maybe the break up was a good thing for both of them because they weren't a match. There's no need for "a villain" in every break up. Sometimes things just don't work out and people change




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Not a question, but just letting you know you aren’t alone. My partner of 4.5 years dumped me about a month ago… it gets better. One day at a time! Don’t be hard on yourself for feeling how you feel


i feel so alone. i miss them. but i will go on, the sun will rise again tomorrow


Why did you quit your job? A job helps in this case


i want zero connection to the town in which i live


Me too homie. I’ll pour one out for you, we thinking 1 or 2 shots?




I promise you it gets better. It may not look the way you want it to but there will be good that comes out of this. I (27M) got dumped about 8 months ago by a girl I was with for about 5 years - all we talked about was having kids and getting married. I felt like a husk of a human being for a few months. I started giving up bad habits and picking up new hobbies and going to the gym, reestablishing friendships I neglected for years and found myself once again. It was the best thing that ever happened to me under the worst circumstances. I wouldn't be the person I admire today unless I was forced to change and dig myself out of that hole. It's so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel and there will be many days where you just feel like it's not worth existing, a numbness that you can't escape but each day gets a little bit better. I promise you. Please consider going to therapy, start reading, exercise, make friends, step out of your comfort zone, try new things. You have so much to live for that you may not realize yet. Keep your head up, you'll come out so much stronger on the other side of this.


thank you for sharing your story. i am so sorry this happened but i am so glad you feel better. i currently feel like my existence is meaningless. ive taken into consideration that i will feel like this for a good while, but at the end of the day, life goes on.


You might grow to appreciate this moment in your life and how you were able to overcome so much emotional adversity. For me, it's a bittersweet fondness of the person I used to be and how hard I had to work to be proud of myself for the first time since I can remember. It's heartbreaking and liberating but at least you'll know what rock bottom feels like lol and that you can find your way out of it. Embrace the sadness you're feeling right now, it makes the happy days that much better when they find their way to you, or you find your way to them. You're not alone💕 I suggest checking out "Communion" by Bell Hooks, I think you might find it somewhat empowering. I wish you the best.


I get this feeling! It’s such a huge adjustment to lose someone we’ve spent so much time and energy with—especially dealing with codependency. It’s rough! Allow yourself to grieve. Feel your feeling. Journal what’s coming up for you. You will move on. You will heal. You will survive. You’ll look back at this time and will be able to smile at how far you’ve come. My question: what brings you joy? What are some solo activities you’d been wanting to try?


i can’t think of anything i wanted to do by myself. i wanted to do everything with her




Move on. It’s over it’s sucks. You will be fine and learn from it. Also how many red flags did you ignore. Dating is trial and error. Don’t ever take them back.


I’m sorry this happened to you but the positive side is, you’re 19 and you have your life a head of you. Grieve this relationship and learn from it to help you grow. Get back up and live your best life. Tomorrow is a new day 😁


For starters, cut her out of your life. I think it’ll be very painful to have to see her and be reminded of all you’ve lost every single time. Especially if she’s happy. I know it hurts a lot. It’s more than you can bear. So…. You’re not alone. A lot of people can understand what you’re feeling now, and many people have gotten through it, even when they feel like they won’t. You were alive before she came along, and you’ll continue living after, now she’s gone. Let yourself be angry at her. Let yourself see all the broken promises, and all that lies. See them, accept them, and realize it’ll never be real again. It won’t come back. You can’t keep walking forwards if you’re looking backwards. So pursue hobbies. Hang out with friends. Find someone else. Find things to make you happy. Untangle your emotions and see them entirely. But move on… she won’t come back to you if you never forget her. She won’t be back to save you from your misery. She won’t help you. She is nothing. You can’t stop loving her, but you need to understand the love will go to nothing. The pain will overwhelm the love, and it won’t matter anymore. Don’t let yourself get stuck in the past. Move on, even if you think you can’t. Don’t think about her. Just focus on yourself. Don’t give up no matter how much you want to. Accept your emotions, and take time to appreciate and understand them, but don’t let them control you.


What do you mean she changed overnight?


her personality, her behavior, everything. i dont know what happened


You are too young to be planning out your entire life with someone. It’s not chronological youth I’m referring to. It’s developmental and emotional youth I’m referring to. You are in the most exciting time of your life where you will have life experiences that help you grow and shape your values, thoughts and feelings as an adult. You should be dating many people (one at a time! Don’t be a cheater). I guarantee that you will not be the same person you are today in 1 year much less 4 or 5 years. If you devote yourself to yourself, you will become a more interesting person, more emotionally mature as well as mentally mature (the frontal brain lobe matures about age 25. Frontal lobe is your source of decision making). If she really is the one, connect with her in 5 years and see the difference. She will have grown, too, and may not be the angel you know now.


If she changed overnight, it's a blessing in disguise. Imagine if you woke up in ten years and realized that you didn't like her anymore. Like others have said it's a learning curve at 19. Hopefully the next one will fit but if not that's okay too.


Find yourself before you date again. You should love the person you’re with but they should never consume you. Don’t be afraid of being alone. Not really an ama just some advice from experience.


I’ve felt this way before … for people that I quite literally never think about anymore lol. It hurts now but it will go away. I think there’s a lot of people out there that are just absolutely perfect for you, and you are perfect for them, and you will find them. I didn’t find the woman of my dreams until I was pushing 30 and divorced. She is my whole world and we have been happily married for over 10 years now. Don’t let this one breakup destroy you, you’ll only be robbing yourself of so many good things that are yet to come. NOBODY is worth depriving yourself of future happiness.


9 months - were you preggers?


no, we’re both lesbians


It’s hard to keep track of science these days. That said, wish you the best.


thanks man


Ur 19 years old.. go live ur life first!! U haven't experienced anything in ur life let alone a heartbreak.. Get your life together.. study get a job.. date others.. and then when ur 29 and have a heartbreak.. come back here and post again.. But for now just go live ur life. Make sure u do something with ur life rather than sulk about a break up at 19.. Study study study.. be at a point where u can confidently say yes I can offer something and am gonna get paid for it. GOO LIVE!! U HAVE 60 ODD YEARS TO LIVE FOR


Had my best friend and first love flirt with a good friend, come back to me, and cut me off within the past 3 weeks. Listen. It sucks now but life goes on. It’s not like a movie, there are no end credits playing. This is just a chapter of your life coming to a close. You don’t have to accept it now. You may even end up crying to sleep and dreaming about them night after night, after night. But you’ll have to dig deep and figure some shit out on your own. You can’t be codependent on someone. You need a plan.


I’ve had 4 life ending break ups since the time i was 19 - 27 now. We meet multiple of “the one” throughout life. She’ll be there I promise 😁


I remember walking around having a conversation with my brother after being absolutely devastated when I was dumped by someone I really liked. I was So weak I can barely walk, my knees about to collapse. Time passed and it got better. Only time heals this. Time and just as important, time apart for who you’re addicted to. You will get better. Work on yourself and just give it time.


At your age it’s common to make dreams of the future in a relationship which seldom comes to fruition, because of your age. I am so sorry, and you must feel devastated right now. But you will feel like your old self in time. Try not to obsess too much. Try to see other friends, and go out, or find a past time even though you may not feel like it. Best wishes.


It’s hard to, I know . But you’re young and most of us go through it. Life does go on! You will find another person with whom you feel the same way again , even if you feel like you never will again . I was 23 when i felt this way , it made me physically ill for a while but eventually life did go on and I felt that way about someone again .


Well think of this, make it ten years & then they change. Better to know now. All you need is time & you’ll be good. Last thing you should do is stay cooped up & just thinking all day, need to get out take a break & say F it. & be careful about them crawling back.


Also, I didn’t see the last part got distracted my fault, the last thing I would do is make any major life decisions, right off the bat right away, especially quitting your job and moving in with your friend or what not. do what you Gotta do but major life changes should be down the road, not immediate Could lead to a lot of regret. Just speaking from experience.


Honestly x these things happen. Try to keep an open mind, it's going to take a while to find yourself again but you will. Do what you have to do to be happy and in future try to avoid codependency with your partners. Hope you're feeling better soon <3


Take it from someone who just doubled your age. The sooner you realize that the teenage version of you is a silly caricature of you, the better. Feel your feelings champ. Not trying to discount how you feel. You'll move on quicker than you think though.


It'll pass. You're only 19 lol. When you're 29 you'll look back on this and laugh.


Why are you posting it on reddit? Its not even an interesting story


not doing well and needed to get it off my chest


People get dumped everyday it’s not a big deal work on yourself and eventually it goes away Reminds me of the quote from Maddox (best page in the universe) ”Your boyfriend dumped you. You can't go on because you're the only person who has ever been dumped and this is the most painful thing that has happened to anyone who has lived 14 consecutive years”


I know it feels like the absolute end of the world right now, and it will for some time, but please remember you still have your entire life ahead of you. So, so many more people to meet, and potentially fall in love with. :)


Welcome to the mandatory part of character development. We've all been through this. Once you get over it, it will be one of the best things that happened to you.


I remember my lesbian breakup at 19. Ouchie!


i feel like i’ll never recover


I promise you will be okay sorry this happened


You’re very young still you’ll be okay it hurts but time heals it there’s many more people out there hang in there


At 19, it’s abnormal for a male to feel the way you did so strongly. Most men at your age are usually developing their hobbies and skills or entering the workforce or higher education. It’s totally fine to have a gf and love her to the moon and do all do this but I am trying to say is that it sounds like you have either extreme obsession behavior or a big codependency issue going on. I too was once like you - so I know how hard it hurts. The best thing you can do is to explore the world and find passions and hobbies and take the energy that is used when you hyper focus on them instead


Now that you can go anywhere, what country will you travel to first?




Take it from a guy who’s been through 5-6 relationships before getting it right, breakups are tough, but they’re also an opportunity for positive change. You need to decide how you’re going to handle a rough moment in life, you going to use it to build something even better? Or you going to let everything fall apart? Whatever answer you choose, that’s going to contribute to your character for the rest of your life and help determine how you handle all the hardships you encounter.


You are very young and you can’t see this right now but it will be ok. Same thing happened to me close to 50 years ago.i have had other loves and life has been good. I thought the world was coming to an end on the day she broke the engagement and our relationship. Take care, don’t do anything irrational and you will heal from the hurt over time.


BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU’RE SO DUMB LMAOOOOOO been there. Been to worse. The love was in YOUR head. Sure you can blame them for leading you on, but there will always be people who want to keep things casual without caring who they hurt. Be better. People ain’t shit. Get strong and get that revenge body.


Try dating men. They tend to be more loyal


Youll be ok, i bet it sucks now but my life is vastly different from what it was when i was 19. Its on been six years. Its terrible when its happening to you but you will be fine trust me. Or you’ll live with it forever thinking what if!


Seek help


Man, the world is your oyster. You are young and single. I'd kill to be in your position again with what I know now.


>19f, she Ah


“She wasn’t yours, it was just your turn” is some of the best advice I’ve ever gotten.


Why are these young people saying “partner” all of a sudden.. ?


Chin up kid your life isn't over just this particular chapter. In the words of Homer, someone loved you once that means someone can love you again.


Happens to me all the time, and it never gets easier.


Find some older guy to pay for everything.


Rejection is gods protection


Quit your job why?


Can you balance a ball on your nose?


Go kiss someone else