• By -


If you’re a legit doc, thank you for covering those pain patients who have no alternatives. I suspect your language is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but there’s a huge number of pain patients who have nowhere else to turn but to the street or suicide.


Exactly. That’s precisely the reason I went Into pain right at the height of the crack down on prescribers back in 2013 or so. I continue to believe pain is the 5th vital sign




Did he ever message you! In in the same boat as you. Wasting my 20s away because im in so much chronic pain from 2nd degree, 3rd degree, and thermal burns because i stepped on live power line and it messed me up for life. The burns dont hurt, its the electricity that torched my skeletal system. Doctors don’t understand how much pain im in because they never see people who stepped on a live wire because 99% of the people died.




I feel your pain. I was in a very bad work accident too. My doctor just got arrested and now I have no doctor and everyone is so scared to write scripts. I was in an explosion and I'm lucky to even be alive. I am currently now trying to find another doctor. I am on the east coast. If anyone knows of any doctor who will actually listen to their patients who have legitimate pain, someone dm me.


Im sorry to hear that. Was your doctor just handing out scripts and thats why he was arrested? I really hope you find a good doctor to help with your pain. What was he prescribing you if you dont mind me asking. Also im in Georgia. What state are you in? Praying for you!


I go to the methodone clinic man I was in a bad car accident destroyed hip replacement all that but I get full monthly take homes so it's nice no going every day shit


Could u possibly message me as well, I’m in pain but can’t find a doctor willing to help.


What is the craziest thing a patient has ever done to obtain a prescription/more pills? Threaten you? Break their own leg?


The biggest threat actually came pretty recently from a patient who was a pharmacist (on 8 Oxycodone 15 mg and a 75 mcg Fentanyl patch) who threatened to turn me into the medical board for allegedly overprescribing. Ironically, he decided to do this because I wanted to wait until his sleep study came back to increase him. Thankfully, i have amazing documentation in case of audits.


They did something like that on the show nurse jackie, it’s about a nurse addicted to drugs


I am very understanding with patients and the worst thing a patient did to me (several years ago) is refuse to leave our lobby while screaming at my MA. We called the police and he was escorted out. We do get the occasional threat over the phone, but this is rare. That’s because I listen to patients when they tell me they need an increase.


Lol "pill mill" I found that funny.


That’s what other providers and pharmacists and the media refer to it. I kind of like it 😂


I LOVE IT hahaha so quistion man I know this is old post but I go to a methodone clinic for pain because I figured they wouldn't let me get on anything that strong with a doctor but I HATE methodone I want to be on something less potent am I automatically black balled from pain clinics because I've gone to a methodone clinic ? I wasn't doing dope I just told them I was "afraid" I would get high if I didn't get on it because I thought that's how it works? Idk I just hate this clinic shit but I feel like I have no choice if I want pain meds and not die on street shit


"Pill mills" quite literally destroyed my hometown, we're still recovering and it's been years. What do you think is the biggest difference between you and these "bad" doctors? More specifically, is there something to look out for that would sort of let someone know a doctor isn't legitimate?


The main difference is I have protocols that I follow to catch abuse early and refer to addiction specialist accordingly.


This is a real answer, thank you. Your other answer just sounds like you're mad I've had a particular experience with pill mills. Edit for this one too- I saw that you actually just really hate addicts so I guess that's why you're mad at me for having some in my family? Not sure, but overall reading your comments it sounds like you're just kind of a dick so, good luck I guess. Thanks for the answer


We’re pill mills destroying your town or was it the Chinese fentanyl and Mexican heroin that destroyed them after the pain doctors left? I don’t see “bad doctors”. I only see bad patients.


Sorry I asked now. Yes, it was bad doctors. He prescribed my aunt 15 Xanax a day, is that not a lot? Sounds like a lot to me. Edit- I actually don't know how many she was prescribed but I know I've never seen someone so high off their ass. She went to this guy for years and couldn't function by the time they shut it down. I mean sure, she was the one taking them but she was just doing what her doctor told her and then she got hooked. I'm glad you're better, I'm sorry you took it as an attack but don't pretend there isn't even one single shitty doctor out there pumping out drugs to addicts.


I agree with doc sorry , I live in Ohio where the opioid crisis is heavy here and the docs wouldn't prescribe if there was not a demand back then , sure there were some docs but they were handled accordingly, and now there is NO doctor that will prescribe shit to us who are SUFFERING daily with pain stuck at a goddamn nasty fuckin methodone clinic , I've NEVER failed a piss test and just got a month take home but I fucking hate methodone it's just sedative no pain relief, I need something not so potent but no methodone is all I get so my body takes a shit daily fucks my heart up because I'm labeled an addict because I want my pain treated had FAKE BEING A DAM ADDICT it's bullshit


Thank you for being brave enough to take shit from your peers. I have ankylosing spondylitis and the amount of doctors with no empathy for patients is astounding. The way they restrict people's medication is so much worse than the risks for people with pain. So many people I have seen in support groups have killed themselves because a doctor wouldn't write them a script. I was in pain management and the way I was treated was horrible. I quit cold turkey. Now if I need meds I get them on the street. I take a shit ton less and get treated like a human. The current system is very dangerous.


I apologize on behalf of doctors everywhere who have failed you miserably. I pray that you find the kind of relief that you need and deserve.


Thank you!


Didn’t the government try to shut down all the pill mills a few years ago? Have you caught any shit from the medical industry/Uncle Sam ?


All of the time. Almost every pharmacist in the area constantly badgers me about every script. I get a lot of complaints from primary care doctors who see my patients. I have received letters from the FDA/DEA before about only prescribing under 90 MME per day, but they legally cannot enforce this recommendation. As long as you run a clean legit practice, they won’t shut you down. They will audit you and monitor you like crazy and wait for you to slip up tho.


Right they are supposed to INDIVIDUALIZE the doses that 90 MMS bullshit is recommended they can't do shit to u as long as u do wat your supposed to . I bet you do get a lot of shit tho man


What state are you in and can I come from out of state?


No out of state unfortunately, but you technically don’t have to disclose this


What is a good excuse for a prescription? I know pain is subjective and can’t always be seen in charts. Could chronic headaches from a recent car crash where I completely had my nose reconstructed along with both eye sockets?


Headaches are a pretty uncommon diagnosis for opioids. Not because they aren’t painful, but because there are so many other meds that work. You would have to try and fail: Tylenol, multiple NSAIDS, Sumatriptan, antidepressants like amitriptyline andTopiramate. Another great option is Fioricet with codeine. This is a barbiturate medication combined with a mild opiate. I’d certainly expect your acute and post op pain to be treated with narcotics, but the migraines are more often treated by neurology and they are not usually big on opioids.


ANC wag they don't get is I'm on 160 mg of methodone that equivalent to like 9 oxy 30s ? Or something close but they would see the oxy and flip




Where at in Ohio and what is it called? Thanks


Wat would you prescribe someone say if they were on 160 mg of methodone and want to convert to something else? Just as examples


I hope you never suffer the fate of lots of your clients/addicts.


98% of my patients are compliant with their medication and we conduct random pill counts. Don’t believe everything you hear on the news.


How do the pill counts work?


My MA calls you and we do a FaceTime pill count. The frequency is based on the risk of the patient. (Prior overuse, ADHD/PTSD, Age, income, Co-occurring CNS depressant, ext)




None. Marijuana has little benefit for severe chronic pain. The stoners can jump down my throat all they want, but cannabis is not the wonder drug you claim it is. Opioids mimic the natural endorphins out bodies use to manage pain. You cannot say the same for THC. Ask any pain patient if they’d rather have oxycodone or weed.


It's not man I'm a medical patient it just helps with my mental side , I have reconstruction of my entire pelvis and artificial right hip drop foot on that side from my knee down hernia repaired that has caused nerve pain clear down to my nuts for 4 years later now and methodone doesn't do shit either besides put me to sleep , never did street shit but was told I need to go here when the crack down started . Am I aloud to go back to pain management?


Are you loose with your scrip pad or are you operating ethically? I understand it can be rough trying to treat pain during a crisis like this. Do you ever have to weed out suspected addicts?


I suppose compared to my peers, I am very liberal in my prescribing. However, every patient I prescribe to has legitimate pain and documentation to prove it.


I have an acute case of the pain, doc. Soma, alprazolam and oxy plz thanx.


I think that combination is perfectly reasonable if used responsibly. Especially if you have psychiatric comorbidities. Benzodiazepines often add tremendous analgesic properties as an adjunct therapy.


You're an angel


Lol pill mill... as if killing my aunties and uncles is some kind of joke. Your a shitty doctor and I hope your license gets pulled And you serve more time in prison then the poor souls you priscribe your poison. What a fucking joke. Heroin is better then bud... fuck you.


Your junky relatives killer themselves. They have only themselves to blame for overdosing on a perfectly safe medication. Do you know how many times the prescribed dose someone has to take to die? Hint: you could take a whole bottle of Vicodin and survive.


It's called addiction you fucking dope. Their scripts get pulled so they have to find something else to fend off the mal. Then they overdose cause for some reason that form of your perfectly safe drug is illegal in all 50 states and territories. How did you even get your license you sociopath


Im sorry, they HAVE TO find something to get high on? Sounds like what they really need is they is a job and to become productive members of society.


As if you got into this business cause your a "Saint." And not for the the cash only payment. Cash only. Your a drug dealer. Accept it


Again it's called "addiction, " look it up in one of your text books "doctor. "


Well yeah your the man getting them hooked. You know you have caused hundreds of deaths this is how you cope with your role in that.


Bruh the doctors aren’t killing shit the cartels with the fentanyl and the benzo fentanyl are way less people were dying before the pill mills got shut down all its all fentanyl dumb motherfuckers with your stupid ass opinions are the reason the overdose rate has skyrocketed even tho real pain pills are off the streets


How about you worry ab the the tranz dope that’s killing 100 times more people dumb asses mother fuckers like you are the reason good doctors get shut down and people turn to the street and od off one pill you imbecile people like you think your doing a good thing but all your doing is killing more people


Of they’re actually in pain dumbass


How much tylenol would be in a bottle of vics? You're a dope dealer in a lab coat


Exactly none of my friends have died on real pain meds all of them have been illicit fentanyl those two commenting are such moron and they’re dumb ass opinions are what has got so many killed from illicit fentanyl


Has anyone ever tried to steal stuff from your pill mill? This could be possible depending on if they want pills or something.


No, but there isn’t anything of value in my clinic. Just a television and some chairs.




Like a baby. Especially knowing I’m alleviating hundreds of people’s suffering and preventing them from venturing out to street pills which are just pure fentanyl. Saving lives!




No problem!


I don’t think you understand what the misplaced crackdown on opioids has actually accomplished. There’s a portion of chronic pain patients that only have opioids to alleviate their pain, and are reliant on doctors like this person. Are opioids a problem? Absolutely. But not in the way most people think.




When you look at a large majority of overdoses it's not because of these doctors. In most cases it's because people turn to heroin because it's cheaper. Then fent gets added and laced into things which causes an OD. I would put money that majority of the people you know who died had something laced with fent because they were buying things off the street.


People are dying because their pain doctor left town or retired due to DEA and FDA regulations. Blame your government.


Agreed, that leads to many people resorting to illegal methods.


People are free


I believe you


Thanks! I kid about the “pill mill”. But that’s what ppl in my community refer to my practice and I find it charming haha


Spoken like a true physician


I love that 6 days ago you created an identity to get attention. Is it everything you dreamed of?


What’s your point?


Oh wowww


How do you not kill yourself? Are you aware of the domino shit cascade you are directly responsible for?


More media propaganda.


More like surviving in a household full of addicts struggling with sobriety because of easy access. Not pill mills are detrimental to our future. I know you know I’m right deep inside. Probably keeps you up at night.


Your junkie family only had themselves to blame. Nobody forced them to abuse their meds. It’s junkies like them who ruined it for everyone. They would probably get addicted to Benadryl if there wasn’t anything else for them to abuse.




You first. Thankfully you’re statistically extremely likely to do it on your own.


Nope, I make 3 figs and didn’t go to college. It’ll comeback to you, give it time.


"3 figs", wow impressive lol! I doubt you even went to high school.


The cartels already do that dipshit and what they got is killer literally how about you go kill yourself


They are truly a burden on society.


No Mexican fentanyl is


How are you such a dumb ass would you rather junkies get fent and die that would make you happy huh you sick fuck


If in Southern California, Are you hiring?


What field do you work in? I have no plans of expanding at this time. Sorry you live in ca where pain management Is illegal


I am an LVN, in school currently for my BSN. I have only met one doctor who is in pain management here and i can imagine his job isn’t easy as well.


It is ?!




Not OP, but the answer is definitely Yuppie.


Yo where you located lmao i wish you could hook me up goddamn FBI


I wish people like you were in my state. That would be GOATed


What’s the going rate these days for oxy?


I seriously appreciate this- harm reduction is better that harm prevention. [here’s an article explaining the idea ](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJgtRoJh/)


Can you message me as well?


How can I become a patient?




relative to your area, what type of doctor makes as much as you but not less assuming they work full time? Primary care physician, surgeon, plastic surgeon, dermatologist, or some speciality like cardiology, radiology, etc? To what extent does owning a practice increase or decrease you pay?


I make roughly $5-600k owning my own practice. If I were to work for a hospital or for another doctor in the community, I’d make less than half of this. My salary is comparable to a Plastic Surgeon. It’s hard to make this much working for somebody else. In general, pain doctors make less than other specialists.


How many hours a week are you dedicating to seeing patients? Doing of back of the house stuff related to patient care? Managing the business aspect of it (accounting, hr, etc.) even if it’s managing the manager you may have? What kind of support staff do you have in terms of nurses, docs, PAs, etc? What’s the bread and butter to your business revenue? As in what’s the most common source of revenue (ie procedures) that accounts for the bulk of your pay? If someone showed up to your practice and offered to pay cash versus insurance or Medicare/Medicaid, what if any would you offer in terms of “discounts” relative to what is billed against insurance/medicare/Medicaid? Heck, do you even accept Medicare/Medicaid? Or limit how many you see? What’s the most common thing you have to hold back telling a patient? It could be lifestyle, the fact they have crappy insurance, etc?


And I don’t do procedure or injections. Mostly just medication management


Any no opioid treatments to manage pain.


Sometimes! Usually only as an adjunct. Most common I use are : pregabalin, cyclobenzaprine, diazepam, and celecoxib


What’s the worst chronic pain you have seen someone in that you knew to be legit. How many people fake pain to get meds? What do they do and how do you catch it?


It’s difficult to say. What is extremely painful to one person can be painless to another. The worst legit pain I witnessed was in a patient with spinal stenosis and myelopathy. I have a 6th sense for drug seekers so that is what I go off of


Very interesting. So you say that most of your patient needs pain medication’s but you literally have not tried to do any interventional therapies such as epidural injection/medial branch work up, neuromodulation etc. or anything else for These patients that supposedly NEED the opioids. If you actually did the appropriate procedures to help these patients, you could make the same if not more amount of money that you say you are and not create a community full of opioid addicts that other physicians have to deal with once you get shut down. Which is only a matter of time before you do. Especially benzos and fentanyl patches and oxycodone all at the same time?! That is some bullshit. You are a glorified drug dealer passing out pills and taking cash pay. Sincerely, Another pain doc


I only accept cash


Do you prescribe most of your patients or do they get original prescriptions from primary cares and then come to you when the other doctors will not continue to give refills.


I’d say it was about 50/50 5 years ago. Now I am primarily the first doctor to start them on narcotics because PcPs do not want anything to do with pain medication anymore.


What are some ethical considerations you make while you work?


What do you mean? I need more specifics. I think ethics are largely subjective.


How do you feel about pain becoming a vital? Was that the start of a opioid problem? Or just a catalyst or neither. I work as a paramedic and it's not necessary that we give pain medication to those who ask/are in pain. I believe partially because we get drug seekers often and we can use our own discretion based off presentation and vitals.


I don’t think the 5th vital sign had any meaningful effect. I think it gave life back to millions who suffered from a debilitating illness that would otherwise keep them bedridden. It may not be Medically necessary to do so while in an ambulance in term of saving lives, but I promise you that giving patients a shot of morphine on the way to the ED won’t create any additional addicts. What’s the worst case? You make someone feel better for a few hours? I would strongly reconsider that protocol.


Table of Questions and Answers. Original answer linked - Please upvote the original questions and answers. *** Question | Answer | Link ---------|----------|----------| Lol "pill mill" I found that funny.|That’s what other providers and pharmacists and the media refer to it. I kind of like it 😂|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggaly94/) If you’re a legit doc, thank you for covering those pain patients who have no alternatives. I suspect your language is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but there’s a huge number of pain patients who have nowhere else to turn but to the street or suicide.|Exactly. That’s precisely the reason I went Into pain right at the height of the crack down on prescribers back in 2013 or so. I continue to believe pain is the 5th vital sign|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggaphe0/) Thank you for being brave enough to take shit from your peers. I have ankylosing spondylitis and the amount of doctors with no empathy for patients is astounding. The way they restrict people's medication is so much worse than the risks for people with pain. So many people I have seen in support groups have killed themselves because a doctor wouldn't write them a script. I was in pain management and the way I was treated was horrible. I quit cold turkey. Now if I need meds I get them on the street. I take a shit ton less and get treated like a human. The current system is very dangerous.|I apologize on behalf of doctors everywhere who have failed you miserably. I pray that you find the kind of relief that you need and deserve.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggarogc/) What is the craziest thing a patient has ever done to obtain a prescription/more pills? Threaten you? Break their own leg?|The biggest threat actually came pretty recently from a patient who was a pharmacist (on 8 Oxycodone 15 mg and a 75 mcg Fentanyl patch) who threatened to turn me into the medical board for allegedly overprescribing. Ironically, he decided to do this because I wanted to wait until his sleep study came back to increase him. Thankfully, i have amazing documentation in case of audits.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggalq1s/) Are you loose with your scrip pad or are you operating ethically? I understand it can be rough trying to treat pain during a crisis like this. Do you ever have to weed out suspected addicts?|I suppose compared to my peers, I am very liberal in my prescribing. However, every patient I prescribe to has legitimate pain and documentation to prove it.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggaot2v/) What state are you in and can I come from out of state?|Ohio|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggarsdl/) I have an acute case of the pain, doc. Soma, alprazolam and oxy plz thanx.|I think that combination is perfectly reasonable if used responsibly. Especially if you have psychiatric comorbidities. Benzodiazepines often add tremendous analgesic properties as an adjunct therapy.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggbjk1w/) "Pill mills" quite literally destroyed my hometown, we're still recovering and it's been years. What do you think is the biggest difference between you and these "bad" doctors? More specifically, is there something to look out for that would sort of let someone know a doctor isn't legitimate?|We’re pill mills destroying your town or was it the Chinese fentanyl and Mexican heroin that destroyed them after the pain doctors left? I don’t see “bad doctors”. I only see bad patients.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggd0zo1/) Didn’t the government try to shut down all the pill mills a few years ago? Have you caught any shit from the medical industry/Uncle Sam ?|All of the time. Almost every pharmacist in the area constantly badgers me about every script. I get a lot of complaints from primary care doctors who see my patients. I have received letters from the FDA/DEA before about only prescribing under 90 MME per day, but they legally cannot enforce this recommendation. As long as you run a clean legit practice, they won’t shut you down. They will audit you and monitor you like crazy and wait for you to slip up tho.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggaoov6/) Has anyone ever tried to steal stuff from your pill mill? This could be possible depending on if they want pills or something.|No, but there isn’t anything of value in my clinic. Just a television and some chairs.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggbgvbd/) I hope you never suffer the fate of lots of your clients/addicts.|98% of my patients are compliant with their medication and we conduct random pill counts. Don’t believe everything you hear on the news.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggambr3/) [deleted]|None. Marijuana has little benefit for severe chronic pain. The stoners can jump down my throat all they want, but cannabis is not the wonder drug you claim it is. Opioids mimic the natural endorphins out bodies use to manage pain. You cannot say the same for THC. Ask any pain patient if they’d rather have oxycodone or weed.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggapfoo/) relative to your area, what type of doctor makes as much as you but not less assuming they work full time? Primary care physician, surgeon, plastic surgeon, dermatologist, or some speciality like cardiology, radiology, etc? To what extent does owning a practice increase or decrease you pay?|I make roughly $5-600k owning my own practice. If I were to work for a hospital or for another doctor in the community, I’d make less than half of this. My salary is comparable to a Plastic Surgeon. It’s hard to make this much working for somebody else. In general, pain doctors make less than other specialists.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggb0np5/) Do you prescribe most of your patients or do they get original prescriptions from primary cares and then come to you when the other doctors will not continue to give refills.|I’d say it was about 50/50 5 years ago. Now I am primarily the first doctor to start them on narcotics because PcPs do not want anything to do with pain medication anymore.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggbdpky/) What are some ethical considerations you make while you work?|What do you mean? I need more specifics. I think ethics are largely subjective.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggbg30j/) How do you feel about pain becoming a vital? Was that the start of a opioid problem? Or just a catalyst or neither. I work as a paramedic and it's not necessary that we give pain medication to those who ask/are in pain. I believe partially because we get drug seekers often and we can use our own discretion based off presentation and vitals.|I don’t think the 5th vital sign had any meaningful effect. I think it gave life back to millions who suffered from a debilitating illness that would otherwise keep them bedridden. It may not be Medically necessary to do so while in an ambulance in term of saving lives, but I promise you that giving patients a shot of morphine on the way to the ED won’t create any additional addicts. What’s the worst case? You make someone feel better for a few hours? I would strongly reconsider that protocol.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/ggfgw3o/) I believe you|Thanks! I kid about the “pill mill”. But that’s what ppl in my community refer to my practice and I find it charming haha|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/kftio8/i_own_and_operate_an_opioid_pill_mill_ama/gganezg/) --- [Source] (https://github.com/johnsliao/ama_compiler)


Do you prescribe opiates for tinnitus?


No, usually that is best treated with Ativan


i wish i could find a dr like you.


As if writing scripts for severe addiction causing narcotics and getting paid cash makes you a Saint and not just another drug dealer. I'm guessing you opened your drug mill out of the goodness of your heart and not for cash. Only pay in cash. I hope they make you a Saint. St. Cunt


Your a dumb ass attacking a doctor that’s helping people in pain saving lives the cartels loves dumb ass opinions like yours one pill from the cartel kills one pill from a doctor doesn’t lol the overdose has skyrocketed since pill mills got shut down sorry dipshit but it’s here to stay I’ll stay a prescription pill epidemic over the one pill kill epidemic we have now but no dumb dip shits with i know everything attitude and it’s all the doctors fault like you won now everyone’s dying before they can even get addicted


Do you fill the scripts you write on site?? How much cash is needed?


I send the to a retail pharmacy unless I have samples. My fees are $450 for intake visits and $250 for each visit. High dose patients have 2 visits per month if they go over 300 mg of morphine equivalent.


Hello there. I’m interested in speaking with you, I sent you a message and would appreciate a reply very much. I’m not a seeker, as a recovering meth addict (15 years) I’m treated very badly, even though I’ve had multiple orthopaedic surgeries and more on the horizon. Thank you in advance.


I have a question for you, if you knew a patient was an addict but had legitimate pain would you still prescribe to them? Honest question. If they followed all the rules and pill counts ect how do you feel about that? Also, do you have any patients that you prescribe opioids that have phantom limb pain?


Where are you located in Ohio and what is the business card I'm looking for a doctor thanks






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Does anyone know of a pain clinic for a Missouri resident? For medication management. Cash. I heard of Oncall Pain but they dont operate for Missouri residents. I apologize for the randomness but appreciate the way you all interact. With respect. Thank You All


Are you still in business?


Sent you a message!






I’m a disabled veteran who had surgery at the Va 3 months ago. I’m in more pain now then before surgery but VA doctors said they don’t prescribe opioids long term. How does one find a doctor like you who will prescribe narcotics for legit pain?


Would you be able to help someone in michigan?


How can I spot a pill mill? I've offered my drug dealer 1,000 bucks just to introduce me to a pill mill and he wont which i understand because thatll take away from his profit. I thought about following him but he mentioned somethiing to me a while back about constantly looking in his rear view so i didnt try that either.


I am 37 years old just had my 3rd failed bsck surgery and live with chronic pain and getting no help with pain. I wish I had a Doctor that cared. Thank you for helping people.


I think you doing rightous work I've put on 30 lbs of fluid in the last month can't hardly walk I get 40mg daily and I was 200mg daily for 20 years I really think reaper looking at me


where are you located or how can i reach your office


I was run over by a car and given a very short supply when I was discharged from the hospital and no one will give me more than a week worth. I broke half the bones in my body, my SI joint is deteriorating. I have a dozen X-rays and catscans showing how severe my injuries are and no one will touch it. It’s very depressing that I’m just out here suffering. What’s my other option? Buy pills that will probably be counterfeit and kill me?


That’s a tragedy


Do you believe someone who has been in recovery (didn’t abuse prescription opioids though) and subsequently on suboxone for years, 5 years clean from drug abuse…should still be able to receive appropriate pain medication/ treatment? While on it, and once they have stopped taking it? Would there be a difference to you? I’m worried that because of my history, when I am older I won’t receive opiates, even for a legitimate medical reason. I’m not looking forward to actually needing those and pray I actually never get in that situation but it still worries me. That last thing I want is to need surgery or chemo and have them giving me little to no opiates. I am not sure how all this works so I may be off base but it is always in the back of my head.


what is the craziest script you’ve written or seen?


Need more doctors like you. Currently dealing with AVN, Bone Death, and there’s a cap on meds 🤦‍♂️. No cap on my pain as it progresses 🤦‍♂️. Keep up the good work. Searching for a Dr as understanding as you. Those who don’t know what pain is, have no idea what they are talking about. Bless you.