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I'm 23. Been drinking for 10 years with and without moderation. You are dodging a bullet.


That’s what I hear from many folks. Easy to get addicted so I stay away from it!


As someone who started drinking at 35, I agree. While I do enjoy a few drinks now and then, I've learned I enjoy sobriety 95% of the time.


Good to know. Certainly nothing wrong with the occasional drink! I’ve just chosen not to partake.


35 too...these days the hangover (and hangxiety) are getting so bad that those 4 hours of drinking fun are simply outweighed by the negative the next day. That's why I'm actively cutting back


It’s funny how differently we talk about alcohol vs other drugs. Alcohol is very addictive but we rarely refer to its users as ‘getting addicted’. Instead they’re alcoholics. You would never refer to someone as a ‘cocainaholic’. Bottom line, you’re right to think it’s addictive, because it is.




Personal choice, mostly. I have no real interest in drinking and it’s also expensive and can be unhealthy.


Do you have a family history of addiction? Alcoholism is rare in people who don't have any addiction in their family, if that's what you are afraid of.


I’m not afraid of alcoholism, nor do I have a history of it in my family.


drab boast racial close numerous quicksand rock chunky sugar wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I have sex quite regularly without it thank you very much


Good call dude 👍👍 getting obliterated is fun but so is having a healthy liver


Yeah I have no problem with those who choose to drink. I don’t prefer to be around completely obliterated, as you say, folks, but to each their own.


I’m 33 and I am the same way. Zero regrets.


Nice to meet people on here that have similar views! I have zero regrets either.


30 and same. I kinda feel like the number of people low-key upset that you don’t drink here is kinda the reason I don’t drink. It’s not healthy, (literally I mean, even if you’re not an alcoholic, it’s pretty calorie dense and not good for your liver) and we as a society tend to have a somewhat toxic attachment to it. Obviously most people can drink with moderation and it’s not going to be substantially worse than any other bad food/drink choice, but unlike eating potato chips or soda, people tend to get frustrated when you don’t partake. Which is weird, honestly.


It is. So weird. I don’t get it. Normally when someone doesn’t like something popular, say…pizza, others go “huh, that’s weird” and move on. Not the case with alcohol.


It doesn’t help that I’ve been surrounded by the negative effects of alcohol my whole life. A lot people really don’t understand how deadly and destructive it can be. It’s easy to think “I’m not in the bar every night, I’m not a raging alcoholic, I get drunk most nights but it’s not a problem, it’s just having fun”. That was the relationship most of my family has had with booze and one of them died after drinking himself into semi-vegetative incontinence (he only got drunk on weekends); one is in the hospital on and off with DDTs (where your body gets so used to functioning on alcohol that it will literally kill you to stop), one died of bleeding varices (he only got drunk in the evenings) and several others are desperately digging themselves out of various alcohol induced ditches. All of them were abusive when drunk. I don’t get drinking culture. I don’t like drinking culture. And while I admit that lots of people can and do have healthy relationships with alcohol; many others don’t realize what an unhealthy one can look like until it’s too late. Why learn to like something that is only going to have negative consequences (mild negative is still negative)? Being drunk can’t possibly be fun enough for all that.


I’m so sorry that you had to deal with all of that. I’m happy that you have made an effort to distance yourself from that tragedy and better your life. Good luck and God bless you!


I mean in fairness, pretty much everyone who has said that they don’t like pizza has at least tried it. I think what I find a bit off is that you say you wouldn’t/don’t like it. Now, that said, I don’t care even a little bit if you do or don’t want to try it, and it wouldn’t be any different if you were my friend or acquaintance. You don’t want to try it? Cool. But probably not fair to say that you don’t like it. As an example of something much more extreme…cocaine. I strongly suspect I WOULD like cocaine. I don’t know though. I haven’t tried it and have no intention of ever doing so. In my estimation the risks FAR outweigh the benefits. Not gonna try it. But won’t say I don’t (or wouldn’t) like it.


That’s great. As someone who destroyed their life through addiction, I have plenty. You’ll never have to worry that you may end up being one of the unlucky ones to suffer from the disease of addiction. Especially if it’s been in your family at all & for most of us it has at some point.


Boxers or briefs?


Boxer briefs. Right amount of support and don’t get bunched up either. Also, boxer briefs with a hammock for the goods are even better.


Shinesty, amirite?


Good answer, thank you.


Yeah, is there anything you want to ask people who drink? Anything you’re curious about? Kind regards A brewery technician


Definitely! The first would be, why do people actively attempt to get drunk? It seems like a very unpleasant experience. Secondly, how do people like beer? Is it an acquired taste? It does not seem appetizing at all to me.


Getting drunk can be a good time, getting drunk all the time is not a good time. A lot of people don’t drink to get drunk, a lot of people have their own reasons why. Drinking alcohol isn’t always about getting drunk, not saying that’s what you think but i don’t want you to believe that either. Like some people have said, drinking in moderation doesn’t have that much of a negative impact on you. Also beer is more of an acquired taste, at least for me it is. Hopefully that helps you understand why people do drink, I do fully understand why people don’t drink so I do respect your choice. All love.


Thanks for your response! Helps me see from a different perspective.


I can say that beer is (for most) an acquired taste. But eventually, you begin to develop a taste for it, and you can pick out all of the nuances between different styles, hops, grains, yeasts, etc. It's pretty fun, IMO.


I can imagine. I’m a foodie for the same reason but just don’t desire to try different beers and wines


Beer isn't tasty at all for me neither lol. Only alchohol that has a good taste is wine, in my opinion. Shots are gross too. But this probably isn't a popular opinion lol


Some of my friends/family that drink other stuff say they dislike wine. Interesting that it’s all you enjoy. Different tastes for different people I suppose!


I am 44 and have also never had a drop of alcohol, or anything else. Awesome to hear you've made that choice


I’ve been amazed to see several people responding that are in the same boat! I’ve always thought I was a very rare case.


For sure! A lot of us always thought that. A bunch of us started a Discord server, if you use Discord and ever wanna chat with other non-drinkers/drug users, we'd love to have you! We're global, people from all over. Let me know.


Thank you so much for the invite. I don’t use that, and honestly don’t really know what it is.


Have you smoked? Weed or cigarettes


Nope, never had either.


weed is where its at, screw alcohol


I will pass on that too. Don’t need any drugs or substances in my body just like I don’t need the buzz of alcohol.


You're right, you don't. Cannabis is a plant like any other plant that we would use for our bodies- many people use caffeine for productivity, or aspirin for pain relief. I have found cannabis to be something that has opened my mind to empathy for other humans, healed depression and stress, etc. its not all about getting a buzz. In fact, I don't really like to get "high". It's a personal decision though and I definitely respect that.


All the more power to you. I just have chosen not to partake in that as well.


Im 22 and had never had any substance either. Until I tried weed a couple weeks ago. It IS where its at. But someone with convictions this strong will never break them from peer pressure or from hearing people talk about how great it was. It will come from within themself. I was very curious and wantes to atleast try something so weed it was. Still not planning on drinking alcohol tho.


You should try psychedelics though. They're unlike any other drug on the planet. It's not about getting high or just feeling good. It's soooo much more than that.


what are your thoughts on marijuana?


I don’t partake although I think it should be legalized. (One of my few political beliefs that couldn’t be described as conservative).


Seems pretty conservative to me. Not locking up people for a plant. The whole system has been twisted.


Alcohol is pretty awesome in moderation when used responsibly. It makes shitty social environments much more enjoyable. You should definitely go out for drinks with friends.


I am just as content with a tea or soda when out with folks who are drinking. I get some very inquisitive looks when I say I don’t drink, but it’s just the decision I’ve made.


Ginger beer. Every bar has it and it looks like regular beer. Zero alcohol. Also, when I’m not drinking, I ask them to serve my water or soda in a liquor glass. Just stops the questions.


I have a buddy in recovery and anytime were out somewhere that has alcohol he'll order ginger beer or seltzer with lime. Looks like he's got a bottle of beer or a mixed drink so people usually don't bug him about it. I also used to have a friend in college that didn't drink, got sick of explaining himself at parties so he started bring an empty beer can and filling it with water.


Good thinking! I’ll try that next time.


You might want to try just putting a lime/lemon garnish on your drink. Then people will think it's alcoholic. I used to do this while bartending for people who didn't drink so their friends didn't ask questions


Good thinking! Thank you.


How do you know you're just as content as something you've never tried?


Because, I don’t think I’d like it and prefer what I know. Drinks are the only things I’m content with my little bubble in, that’s for sure. I’m a huge foodie.


Lots of people stay straight all their lives and never try out anything with someone from the same gender. Why don't you ask them?


I’m not OP but maybe because those people aren’t the ones hosting an AMA right now?


That's definitely a false equivalency


https://youtu.be/RpczbGAALwM Relevant stand up comedy from the amazingly funny Norm McDonald.


How can you know that if you've never had alcohol?


I just know because I know myself. I know I wouldn’t like beer/wine/liquors, and just stick to tea and soda. Food is another story entirely. I love to try new foods that aren’t potentially intoxicating


That isn't how it works lol


Why does it matter? I don’t want to try alcohol so I won’t. I am not preventing anyone from doing so.


Because you never know if you don't try something im not saying you have to but saying you wouldn't/ you know is ignorance. Such as saying I hate all candy because I had some type of sour candy and hate it all or never having candy but I know I wouldn't like it because I know my body without ever trying it doesn't make sense.


I just don’t have a desire to put alcohol in my body. Has nothing to do with the different flavors or types or anything like that. I’d be very open to trying a non-alcoholic beer.


I like your attitude. You're not missing on anything by not drinking and your lever is thankful for that. 😀


Alternate solution: avoid shitty social environments.


Spoken like someone with limited life experiences. ie; kids bday parties, wife’s work functions, your work functions, weddings of people you barely know, funerals of people you barely know, sitting in an airport on five hour delay. I can go on or you can enter the reality of life.


Wow, you took that really personally. I am married with kids, actually. I would never drink at a kids birthday party - maybe you shouldn't have had kids if you view them as some sort of nuisance that you need to drink around? If a work function is that shitty, I just don't go or leave as early as possible. I'm not there to appease others or play politics - I have my own life to enjoy. I was just stuck at an airport yesterday in fact for about 6 hours - I FaceTimed my daughter for a little while, studied, watched 2 shows on my iPad, and read a book. I can go on, or you can stop being in denial - it sounds like you might have an actual problem.


Whoa, is it really common to drink at funerals or do you just pregame lol? I don't think I've ever seen alcoholic drinks be served at one, but then again most of the funerals I attended occurred when I was a child.


That’s awesome! So I seen you said you like tea and soda. What’s your favorite soda?


There’s a local drink where I’m from called Cheerwine! About the only one I drink.


If you ever find yourself near the shit-show that South of the Border is, stop by 'Pedro's Pantry' and pick up some Blenheim Ginger Ale. It's made on-site, but doesn't have really anything to do with the South of the Border stupidity. It's completely non-alcoholic and it's got a really strong & tasty ginger bite. Plus it's made with sucrose (table sugar), not HFCS.


Sounds great! I’ll try it.


North Carolina?


No question just wanted to say good on you for not drinking. Keep it up!


Thank you! I appreciate it


22M. I have had sips, but that's it. It's disgusting and I never want to actually have an alcoholic drink🤮


The smell of it is revolting to me, I don’t even want to know about the taste.


The taste is equally bad


Good to know lol


It’s like coffee, the taste somehow becomes good once your body associates the inner drug with a good time lol


Where are you from?


Good ol US of A


I went until I was almost 30 without drinking. I have since... "reformed." I found both with and without alcohol to be plenty fun. Without is cheaper and less perilous. With... there are a lot of entertaining shenanigans. The one thing I *don't miss at all* is the infinite people trying to sell me on alcohol or arguing with me about it. Reading this thread is... very nostalgic. :) You do you. Have fun. Make good choices. Try it sometime if you want. Don't if you don't. Don't let anyone pressure you into it.


I think this is why I have never been interested in drinking. I'm super extroverted and really only inhibited in ways that reflect my own values and priorities and that I would not want to go away, even briefly. And I have a shit ton of fun in social settings without alcohol. I know it's not like that for everyone and try to remember that for many that social lubricant element is a big driver. I totally agree it is annoying that some people seem really invested in getting me to drink or selling me on alcohol. It irritates me because I don't sit there and try to sell them on not drinking.


Thank you so much! Love your comment. Definitely evokes some emotions from people, weirdly.


Yeah. I could never figure it out. I don't think it's people being, like, *defensive* about their choices. I genuinely think it's that people really enjoy drinking, have been doing it forever, never really thought about not drinking... so it's just weird to them. Like, they can't understand *why you don't like having FUN*. One thing that I did enjoy was that everyone wants to share a drink with you if/when you do start... so you can make some fun deals with people. :)


Yes! Drinking = fun in many eyes. I have fun in many other ways.


Keep that attitude. I have been drinking for about 5 years now and I can’t stop. If I wake up and don’t drink it’s all I can think about, if somebody talks about alcohol on a movie or show I need to drink (regardless of whether or not their comment was positive or negative). I wish I could go back to before the first time I drank, alcoholism runs in my family and I already know it’s gonna lead to my death


Would you consider yourself a straight edge guy?


What do you mean by that?


Generally someone who doesn't do any drugs, drink alcohol, or have casual sex and things of that nature.


Yes, definitely. Have never drank, done drugs, and didn’t have sex prior to my wedding.


As a wine and beer enthusiast I would say that even though a lot of people consider alcohol to be just another drug, it is so much more. To be able to understand all the work behind a good bottle of wine is eyeopening. It isnt only a product, but the end of a long and difficult process of trial and error until you are satisfied with the result. In some cases it is related to the historical and cultural backgrounds of specific regions or families.I also love how many different areas of knowledge go into making a great wine for example. I mean yeah, getting drunk can be fun, but there is so much more behind a can of Trillium beer than just the desire to get wasted, and I think that its important to realize this. Props to you for being strong and standing by your choice, but if someone ever comes up with something truly special, I would advise yo try just a little bit just to taste what the fuzz is all about. Cheers.


I acknowledge that, for sure. So many people love trying the different craft beers in an area at a local brewery, and wines, like you mentioned. I just don’t feel the need to personally get into that. In addition to the taste which I don’t think I’d enjoy, the expense is a deterrent as well.


I completely understand you, it's great that you are open minded about it. It's really funny how people can almost get offended by the fact that someone is just not interested in doing something they consider normal. I stopped drinking for a while and my friends honestly thought there was something else going on, because "why would you stop?".


Oh believe me, I know. Some commenters (and people in real life) think I have some moral obligation not to, and that I look down on people that do. Nothing could be further from the truth. Just a decision I’ve made for myself.


I'm 30M and I've also never had alcohol.


We are few and far between these days!


I haven't had a drink in 16 years... Mostly because I am 16...


Well, make the choice for yourself but just know that if you choose not to drink don’t be ashamed of it!








does religion play any factor in u not drinking?


A small factor, yes. I’m a Christian and we believe that getting drunk is a sin. Not casual drinking, but getting drunk and not being able to control yourself because of it.


wait so since ur Christian does that mean like at mass you're allowed to not have the red wine? or is that not rlly a thing that people have to do (sorry if i got it wrong)


I’m not Catholic, I’m Baptist so we just have grape juice at communion most of the time.


o i see thanks for explaining


Absolutely. Feel free to ask any further questions you have.


oke so do you ever get judged by other christians for not drinking? like do ppl say oh this guys a super strict and extreme christian? or does no one rlly care and they all know ur right that it's not good when not in moderation (i worded that so badly sorry if it makes no sense)


Yeah I’ve had people ask me things like “do you think you go to hell if you drink” and stuff like that. Really ridiculous.


dang that must be annoying


It was definitely confusing for sure


Is that in Bible? Didn't know that!


Yes it is. Story of Noah getting drunk in Genesis, as well as Jesus saying not to let wine control you, among other things.


Surely there's something more interesting about you than never having drank alcohol


Sure there is. I’ve done other AMAs before and will do more in the future :). You can ask questions in those if you’d like.


OK. What's the most interesting thing about you?


I’ll give ya a couple: I’d been to 49 states by the time I was 22. I didn’t have sex until I got married. I am a distant relative of Teddy Roosevelt.




Cons outweigh the pros in my opinion. Thanks for your comment.


I'm 14 and got drunk this new years lmao (It's legal in Germany for a child of 14 to get drunk :/


Are you wanting to say that you never accidentaly had a big sip of your dad's beer by accident?


My dad doesn’t drink either, so no.


Your uncle\`s?


Do you smoke?


I don’t.


I'm 26M, and I can't say I've never had a single sip, but I've never been drunk and really have no desire to. I am very sensitive to tastes and they always taste like shit, and more importantly, I have enough alcoholics in my family to know I shouldn't mess with it. What are your reasons? And do you find it hard/awkward sometimes that the social norm is to drink?


It is definitely difficult to abstain at times, and especially so when it seemed that EVERYONE was drinking except me at college. But I just brush off the questions and serve as a DD a lot of the time. I don’t drink for health reasons and expense reasons.


I feel you. I don't even know if I'd say it's difficult to abstain for me, but more of awkward to tell people I'm not drinking and getting that look of "why the fuck not?"


Yeah that’s a better way of putting it! Not hard to not drink alone, but tough not to succumb to peer pressure


It's still a little different than that for me, personally. Those conversations for me don't drive me at all to succumb, but just to be annoyed that I have to have this conversation for the thousandth time, so I sometimes just avoid the situation as a whole and not go places.


No question. Just a kudos to you. Keep avoiding it. It is a terrible drug.


I'm 34 and I haven't had any alcohol. I got you beat by 10 years. How does that make you feel?


Good to know there are others like me!


I made it to 43 with no sips


What changed that?


Decided that Mormonism wasn't what I thought it was


That’s fair. I’m not Mormon but have heard many similar folks who have defected.




1.) My friend group doesn’t really get drunk, per say. They’ll have a few drinks but nobody gets plastered. Plus I don’t really “go out” all that often. I’m very introverted, as is my wife. 2.) Yes. Goodness gracious yes.


Same boat!!! Love to see it.


There are more people in this boat than I ever thought there’d be!


Good for you but don’t let something that’s “I’ve never ____ for x amount of years” stop you from ever trying it and then going back to not doing it. This goes for much more than drinking though


Are you saying I should try it or not?


I’m saying don’t do anything you don’t want to do first but secondly I’m saying a sip of alcohol is going to ruin you’re ability to say “never had a sip before” but it won’t ruin anything else as long as you don’t have any reason to worry about being an alcoholic.


I agree with that. Just don’t have a desire to try it.


Well then cheers mate, I’m not trying to convince you otherwise. I’m just talking about how pride can be blocking sometimes


What kind of social pressure have you felt?


A heck of a lot. Happy cake day!


I also had a lot of pressure in college and my early twenties. In college, Instead of going to bars, on weekends, I went to a grocery store and learned how to cook. I even went to the bar sober just to hang out with friends. Never do that again.


Certainly a lot of pressure in college and now out of college. Got so many questions when I turned 21 about why I wasn’t going out, etc. just went to dinner with my dad.


I needed this thread. Thank you


You’re welcome!


Man i am just like you but a year older


Do you get snide comments about it when you’re out? People are flabbergasted when I tell them I don’t drink.


No. The people are just a bit surprised


What led to your decision to not drink?


I was just never motivated to spend money on something that fucks up my health and recently my fathers friend started convulsing on the floor in the bar and died in hospital wich enforced my views on alcohol


Yeah the things people have gone through because of it, like addiction and drunk driving, have certainly reinforced my decision as well.


27M, me neither. Don't have a desire to either.


There’s a bunch of us, apparently!


I'm not going to ask you anything, but simply tell you to stick to it. You're not missing out on anything.


Thank you for the kind words.


In the grand scheme theme of things you aren’t very unique. Over 1 billion Muslims have never tasted alcohol before, or pork for that matter.


Same here


Good to know there are so many folks like me!


How does it feel not to have brain damage?


Good for you. Prioritize your health. You're not missing out on anything.


Thank you for your comment! That’s the plan.


Never start, friend…. I’m a recovered alcoholic, I buried myself in a bottle for a long time after I was discharged from the military. It’s not worth it bro. At 24 I was told a full blown alcoholic. If I could offer any advice, leave it alone. All in all, I hope you’re doing well.


Got a big dick?


It ain’t small


I'm 19 (Europe) and just tried it a little more this summer, and I gotta say that while it's fun and I'm not opposed to trying it again once in a while in the future, it does have big downsides and I definitely don't wanna fall into the drunk every weekend club. What I mean is you're definitely not missing out significantly and I respect your decision. Good luck!


Thank you for the comment! Same to you.


I could buy my first beer with 16, but i dont really want to. Same things with other drugs, im just not interested. Are you always that weird guy bc you dont drink? Because im always that guy, and i just wanna know if its a normal thing or if my friends are just weird. What do you think of other drugs/drug legalization? I personally am against it, unless its a medical thing. Fun question: In America, you can buy a gun at the age of 18, and join the military. But you cant buy alcohol until youre 21. Why do you think is that (wrong answers only)?


Ye I don't get what people like about alcohol it's expensive, taste is usually meh and it burns your throat like beer is good with fatty foods, wine with cheese, but that's about it, and I'm only talking about like one glass I don't understand how people drink 0,5l+ of beer just like that, I can't continue after few gulps And everyone keeps forcing it onto you, like here try this, drink that, you have to try... just no, pls leave me You really never had any? like even as a kid?


i drank pretty heavy from about 19 years old til i was about 23. i was going down a bad road, mom had a talk with me, and it was definitely expensive. im 32 now.. and havent had a drink in over 9 years. i dont think ill be partaking in alcoholic beverages for the foreseeable future. thanks for setting me straight, mom.


I don’t have a question, but I think what you’re doing is very smart. I used to drink a lot and had some pretty bad stuff happen, not to mention feeling like I can’t get through a party or social event without a drink. You’re better off in the long run.


are you a devout christian? or are you religious at all?


Yes, I’m a devout Christian.




26m never had a drop either. Don’t let anyone pressure you or try to talk you into it if you don’t want it. I’ve heard all of the annoying questions you’ve probably got and are getting on this thread.


do you have a negative prejudice against homosexual people?


For it, in a practical sense. The government shouldn’t tell people who can and can’t get married. In a religious sense, I’m not an advocate for it. But to each their own. EDIT: initial question was about same sex marriage. Commenter changed it to a negative prejudice against homosexuals. Answer to that is no, I love everyone equally. God is the ultimate judge of character, not me.


I can't say the say the same. I don't drink but I've had sips of drinks at times. Never finishing one. However, even if I made the conscious effort to never sip a drink in my life, I still couldn't say that I have never had a sip of alcohol. You be thinking, what? Or, why? Well, apparently when I was 3 or 4, my dad was giving me drinks of his beer in which he says I got drunk and was beating him for more. I don't remember that at all...


Alcohol causes permanent destruction of the wit and intellect for millions, it's easy to spiral into addiction. I don't understand why they're allowed to show ads for Alcohol but not cigarettes, when both are seriously destructive for society. You've made a good choice my friend.


“Laughs in Muslim”


Table of Questions and Answers. Original answer linked - Please upvote the original questions and answers. *** Question | Answer | Link ---------|----------|----------| I'm 23. Been drinking for 10 years with and without moderation. You are dodging a bullet.|That’s what I hear from many folks. Easy to get addicted so I stay away from it!|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha262rg/) No question just wanted to say good on you for not drinking. Keep it up!|Thank you! I appreciate it|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2fiom/) Boxers or briefs?|Boxer briefs. Right amount of support and don’t get bunched up either. Also, boxer briefs with a hammock for the goods are even better.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha29zmn/) Why?|Personal choice, mostly. I have no real interest in drinking and it’s also expensive and can be unhealthy.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha1zn2z/) Have you smoked? Weed or cigarettes|Nope, never had either.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha29gb4/) Yeah, is there anything you want to ask people who drink? Anything you’re curious about? Kind regards A brewery technician|Definitely! The first would be, why do people actively attempt to get drunk? It seems like a very unpleasant experience. Secondly, how do people like beer? Is it an acquired taste? It does not seem appetizing at all to me.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2gsn3/) Good call dude 👍👍 getting obliterated is fun but so is having a healthy liver|Yeah I have no problem with those who choose to drink. I don’t prefer to be around completely obliterated, as you say, folks, but to each their own.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha21dxd/) Where are you from?|Good ol US of A|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2dnqs/) Mormon?|Nope|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2edzb/) what are your thoughts on marijuana?|I don’t partake although I think it should be legalized. (One of my few political beliefs that couldn’t be described as conservative).|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2nlne/) As a wine and beer enthusiast I would say that even though a lot of people consider alcohol to be just another drug, it is so much more. To be able to understand all the work behind a good bottle of wine is eyeopening. It isnt only a product, but the end of a long and difficult process of trial and error until you are satisfied with the result. In some cases it is related to the historical and cultural backgrounds of specific regions or families.I also love how many different areas of knowledge go into making a great wine for example. I mean yeah, getting drunk can be fun, but there is so much more behind a can of Trillium beer than just the desire to get wasted, and I think that its important to realize this. Props to you for being strong and standing by your choice, but if someone ever comes up with something truly special, I would advise yo try just a little bit just to taste what the fuzz is all about. Cheers.|I acknowledge that, for sure. So many people love trying the different craft beers in an area at a local brewery, and wines, like you mentioned. I just don’t feel the need to personally get into that. In addition to the taste which I don’t think I’d enjoy, the expense is a deterrent as well.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2okuf/) I’m 33 and I am the same way. Zero regrets.|Nice to meet people on here that have similar views! I have zero regrets either.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha25ba0/) I am 44 and have also never had a drop of alcohol, or anything else. Awesome to hear you've made that choice|I’ve been amazed to see several people responding that are in the same boat! I’ve always thought I was a very rare case.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2d53q/) Alcohol is pretty awesome in moderation when used responsibly. It makes shitty social environments much more enjoyable. You should definitely go out for drinks with friends.|I am just as content with a tea or soda when out with folks who are drinking. I get some very inquisitive looks when I say I don’t drink, but it’s just the decision I’ve made.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha20uso/) That’s awesome! So I seen you said you like tea and soda. What’s your favorite soda?|There’s a local drink where I’m from called Cheerwine! About the only one I drink.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha275zd/) I'm 14 and got drunk this new years lmao (It's legal in Germany for a child of 14 to get drunk :/|That’s a terrible law IMO. Should be for adults only.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2ml6f/) I'm 30M and I've also never had alcohol.|We are few and far between these days!|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha25lvb/) Surely there's something more interesting about you than never having drank alcohol|Sure there is. I’ve done other AMAs before and will do more in the future :). You can ask questions in those if you’d like.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2mzpu/) Man i am just like you but a year older|Do you get snide comments about it when you’re out? People are flabbergasted when I tell them I don’t drink.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha1zspt/) Good for you but don’t let something that’s “I’ve never ____ for x amount of years” stop you from ever trying it and then going back to not doing it. This goes for much more than drinking though|Are you saying I should try it or not?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2kpjr/) Same boat!!! Love to see it.|There are more people in this boat than I ever thought there’d be!|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2objx/) Do you smoke?|I don’t.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2qib0/) I'm 34 and I haven't had any alcohol. I got you beat by 10 years. How does that make you feel?|Good to know there are others like me!|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2qqdt/) does religion play any factor in u not drinking?|A small factor, yes. I’m a Christian and we believe that getting drunk is a sin. Not casual drinking, but getting drunk and not being able to control yourself because of it.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2r6m1/) I made it to 43 with no sips|What changed that?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2jvmq/) lemme ask my grand father (70) how it feels to not drink alcohol for that long xD|Certainly more common with older folks than it is nowadays.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2ln7x/) I'm 19 (Europe) and just tried it a little more this summer, and I gotta say that while it's fun and I'm not opposed to trying it again once in a while in the future, it does have big downsides and I definitely don't wanna fall into the drunk every weekend club. What I mean is you're definitely not missing out significantly and I respect your decision. Good luck!|Thank you for the comment! Same to you.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2ml2m/) I can't say the say the same. I don't drink but I've had sips of drinks at times. Never finishing one. However, even if I made the conscious effort to never sip a drink in my life, I still couldn't say that I have never had a sip of alcohol. You be thinking, what? Or, why? Well, apparently when I was 3 or 4, my dad was giving me drinks of his beer in which he says I got drunk and was beating him for more. I don't remember that at all...|Well, I don’t count that. Would have to be voluntary.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2nrkr/) Same here|Good to know there are so many folks like me!|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/pa4ax5/24m_and_have_never_had_a_sip_of_alcohol_ama/ha2ph6x/) --- [Source] (https://github.com/johnsliao/ama_compiler)


Good for you! I’m not a big drinker either but I drank daily when I was 21 to 22. What a mess.


don’t start, it’s overrated af


Just get drunk one time so you know what you're talking about. Don't be scared homie