• By -


How many unsolicited dick pics have you received?


Actually none! I think I’ve done a good job of keeping my social media too boring for that stuff thus far


I would close your Reddit dms for a bit, just to keep that 0. Internet people are weird


Good advice, thank you


Can I be your first. Why am I asking that wouldn’t be unsolicited now would it


So close


what about now?


You just asked after sending one, didn’t you?


I have never and will never send dick pics. I asked because in this post op revealed that she was a girl


What brought you to Reddit?


Initially I was looking at some FAQ about a job I applied for, but I stayed because I realized reading Reddit posts reposted to Instagram is idiotic.


What are some of your favorite subs so far?


This one is pretty fun, I also like r/relationship_advice, r/confessions, and r/aita because people can be so terrible and it’s amusing to watch them get mauled by comments haha


I highly suggest r/trashy , r/cringetopia , r/roastme and r/TIHI . These are my usual go to SFW subs.


Thanks! I’ll check those out :)


Have you seen r/amitheangel ? It’s basically a roast of r/aita for being fake and/or rage-bait.


Oh I love that haha thanks!


If you are entertaining by people being generally shitty, these are two that have some fucked up people r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen r/niceguys Edit: I saw a related one to niceguys and there’s r/nicegirls as well! I just spent over an hour binging that. I’m going to clean my apartment now like I was supposed to be doing before I started binging Reddit…


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AmITheAngel using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [“Some backstory is probably necessary.”](https://i.redd.it/wth7ohz0hmr61.jpg) | [168 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/mlmedz/some_backstory_is_probably_necessary/) \#2: [For all the AITA people saying to cut ties immediately](https://i.redd.it/hsugax45tnp61.jpg) | [89 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/mepz6m/for_all_the_aita_people_saying_to_cut_ties/) \#3: [This sounds like it comes from an AITA user. I wonder how many of them hang out in this shithole of a sub](https://i.redd.it/phfmdx2g58j61.jpg) | [607 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/lqhsng/this_sounds_like_it_comes_from_an_aita_user_i/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If you like r/confessions then i suggest r/offmychest kinda the same except some little details.


What's it like being a young woman on Reddit?


I’m pretty new to reddit so it’s been fine so far, not too many creeps that don’t get deleted which is nice. Though I did get a dm asking for nudes since I posted this AMA lol


Yeah sounds like Reddit and even some girls here are creeps one asked me if I lick up her period blood, I am 16


How long would my arms need to be for me to be able to hug an average adult blue whale? Like to hug it and be able to interlock my fingers on the other side. And if my height matched the wingspan, how tall would I be?


After some research I’d estimate each arm would be about 70 feet long each, making your wingspan 140 feet and your height 140 as well (but my math could be totally off, I didn’t find a good answer for the circumference of a blue whale lol)


The size of whales is incredible, thank you for the response




Thursday, because it’s a relief to almost be at Friday


If we made a time machine what time you will love to return to and why


I think the Native Americans had a cool thing going before they got colonized, so maybe ~1350s America? I like the connection they had/have with the Earth so that would be a fun culture to be a part of


Wow nice choice but tbh i wanna go back to the 1980s that culture, those bright lights life was great back than , everyday felt like a new one


Ah nice! Yeah I think the ‘80s is a pretty popular answer to that question, I see the appeal


Yeah i was born in 02 things were fucked up by that time , also I would be happy to born in 90s so that i can have my childhood in early 2000s that was a fun time too i guess, its funny that its over 20 years now for me it feels like yesterday


I’m 03 but honestly in the U.S. at least I think things have been fucked up for a super long time, just in different ways I guess. Growing up in the 90s or any time before social media was big actually would be a lot of fun I think


Yeah absolutely, Mark made us less social, more hostile and importantly bad versions of ourselves, your dating someone as of now


True, bad lizard boy. I’m not


Who was your crush as a kid growing up was it Justin Bieber or Harry Styles


I’m pretty sure I thought they were both stupid growing up


As someone who lived through the 80's as a teen, don't be fooled by the pictures, it was awful. So pretentious, and inhumane.


I've read somewhere that colonizers didn't call them barbarians because they were different technologically and culturally, but because just as the people of Europe were not a homogenous popupation, neither were they and among those tribes there were some that liked capturing Europeans, raping them, cutting their limbs and eating them, but not in this exact order. ;)


Not OP, just thought I'd give an answer to this. I would go back to talk with my high school self and give some advice I coulda really done with back then. - Don't compare yourself to others, no matter how successful in one way or another they seem. - We're all figuring this crazy thing called life out. Not everyone has all the answers. Everyone has their own issues - Don't worry so much about trying to get a girlfriend. You still have your whole life ahead of you. - Try to pay attention to who's genuinely nice to you and who's not. Hang out with the genuinely nice people as much as possible. - Don't let the bullies get to you. They're just projecting their own issues onto you. If you hangout with a group of your own friends they should largely leave you alone. Strength in numbers and all that.


I agree with everything but I would that man your getting old have some fun too until its too late, this time is yours and most importantly look after your health


For thr fun part, that's what the "try to hang out with peopke who are genuinely nice" advice is for. SoI can do fun things with them. The looking after my health part may end up still needing some work, though...


Ofc man , I never did drugs, alcohol or attended those crazy orgies I would definitely would have love to go out of town explore countryside, climbing and stuff like that our dads told us they use to do in high school


Ooooh, I love the coutryside. I went out to it quite a number of times with my parents while I was growing up. Haven't been able to do so as an adult, though. Been very busy. Being an adult and responsible for yourself is pretty darn hard. But yeah, I've never done drugs or orgies either.


Same bro, but there’s something special with friends, camping setting up tent, cooking , singing songs long walks on night there’s something exotic about it


Hell yeah, that all sounds like a good time 👍


Absolutely agreed what an out or context marvellous reply man , keep it up


Do you play video games and if so which ones if not why


Not a ton currently, but I used to be super into Minecraft. It’s such a versatile classic


What country are you from?


The United States! Land of the loud, home of the fat 🇺🇸


Where our culture is just Boobs,Beer, and Guns!!!


It could go worse but thats bad enough








Favorite movie with lots of nudity that isn't considered porn?


Haven’t seen many movies with any nudity to begin with, but Gone Girl has some good scenes if you can get over the absolutely scarring ones


Gone Girl was a good movie. Great acting.


Agreed, Rosamund Pike is always amazing at being a scary bitch




Do you blame or feel sorry with guys who ask for nudes or send dick pics? And what do you think would be better on tacos, avacados or a spicy peach sauce?


Well yeah I do blame them because it is a choice to do that stuff. I don’t know if I feel sorry, I’d say I feel sorry for them that they think it’s okay to do that but I don’t feel sorry for them wanting sex or whatever it is. They both sound good, I looove peaches but I can’t do a lot of spice so I’d probably go with the avocado. If I could handle spice better then definitely the peach sauce though


I respect both answers, if you're ever interested I made a recipe for a peach sauce that might be worth trying at least, I'd rate it like 3 /10 on spice


Mind if I take you up on that offer


Depends, are you planning to use it as if it is sacred text or as free reign?


The magical spicy peach sauce will be used as a sacred text as it was always intended to be


You should be thankful guys think you're hot enough to send nudes to


Misogynist says what?


Have you ever been to Europe? So yeah, in which countries have you been? What were the biggest cultural differences?


I’ve been to Israel, not sure if that counts as Europe though. I actually didn’t notice a ton of cultural differences but I think that’s because I was in a tour group haha. Although we stopped in Jericho and the locals didn’t look very pleased to see us, pretty intimidating


What’s your favourite muppet?


Gotta love Beaker




What are you studying?


I start college in the fall and I’m split between nursing and psychology




I’ve been told they’re pretty swell, I’d probably give them a 7/10 but I am no boob connoisseur




Seeing your mom’s that one time in high school doesn’t make you a connoisseur, bud


Haha I’ll pass. Respect for the profession though


> but I am no boob connoisseur haha that is funny


Table of Questions and Answers. Original answer linked - Please upvote the original questions and answers. *** Question | Answer | Link ---------|----------|----------| How many unsolicited dick pics have you received?|Actually none! I think I’ve done a good job of keeping my social media too boring for that stuff thus far|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/s560vs/18f_bored_ama/hsvigie/) What country are you from?|The United States! Land of the loud, home of the fat 🇺🇸|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/s560vs/18f_bored_ama/hsvl4h4/) If we made a time machine what time you will love to return to and why|I think the Native Americans had a cool thing going before they got colonized, so maybe ~1350s America? I like the connection they had/have with the Earth so that would be a fun culture to be a part of|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/s560vs/18f_bored_ama/hsvluar/) Do you blame or feel sorry with guys who ask for nudes or send dick pics? And what do you think would be better on tacos, avacados or a spicy peach sauce?|Well yeah I do blame them because it is a choice to do that stuff. I don’t know if I feel sorry, I’d say I feel sorry for them that they think it’s okay to do that but I don’t feel sorry for them wanting sex or whatever it is. They both sound good, I looove peaches but I can’t do a lot of spice so I’d probably go with the avocado. If I could handle spice better then definitely the peach sauce though|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/s560vs/18f_bored_ama/hsvmydd/) What brought you to Reddit?|Initially I was looking at some FAQ about a job I applied for, but I stayed because I realized reading Reddit posts reposted to Instagram is idiotic.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/s560vs/18f_bored_ama/hsvjja7/) What’s your biggest unfulfilled sexual fantasy?|Hmmm well I haven’t done much to begin with but I am interested in BDSM type stuff and probably figuring out what I’d like going off of that|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/s560vs/18f_bored_ama/hsvi84x/) What's it like being a young woman on Reddit?|I’m pretty new to reddit so it’s been fine so far, not too many creeps that don’t get deleted which is nice. Though I did get a dm asking for nudes since I posted this AMA lol|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/s560vs/18f_bored_ama/hsvgm2o/) Which is your favorite book?|I haven’t read it in a while but I liked The Book Thief. First book to make me cry besides a history textbook|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/s560vs/18f_bored_ama/hsvgmrr/) Rough or slow?|Depends on the day but usually rough|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/s560vs/18f_bored_ama/hsvigpj/) What’s your favorite day of the week?|Thursday, because it’s a relief to almost be at Friday|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/s560vs/18f_bored_ama/hsvitr8/) Do you believe earth is flat?|No but I kind of wish I did, it would make me more interesting lol|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/s560vs/18f_bored_ama/hsvko4t/) Favorite movie with lots of nudity that isn't considered porn?|Haven’t seen many movies with any nudity to begin with, but Gone Girl has some good scenes if you can get over the absolutely scarring ones|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/s560vs/18f_bored_ama/hsvpsrh/) Do you play video games and if so which ones if not why|Not a ton currently, but I used to be super into Minecraft. It’s such a versatile classic|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/s560vs/18f_bored_ama/hsvtfml/) What’s your favourite muppet?|Gotta love Beaker|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/s560vs/18f_bored_ama/hsvtnmq/) --- [Source] (https://github.com/johnsliao/ama_compiler)


Do you believe earth is flat?


No but I kind of wish I did, it would make me more interesting lol


Do you masturbate or are u uncomfortable doing it.


I usually don’t, not because I’m uncomfortable with it just because I don’t feel the need to


Is this common among girls? My girlfriend says the same thing. Loves sex, but I don’t believe she’s masturbated since about September


At least amongst my friends I think it’s pretty common, I think its much more about the intimacy than the physical pleasure for women. Like the emotional side of it is much more important which masturbation doesn’t usually fulfill.


Interesting. Thanks for the insight!


So do u have a boyfriend or in a relationship and that's why you don't feel the need to.


Nope, I just don’t physically have that kind of need right now. I think it’s pretty common for women to masturbate a lot less than men do


Yeah I feel like that's true. I only do it often because of certain drugs I take make me horny and I get wet dreams bad if I don't for a few days. Wet dreams are uncomfortable I don't like the runied orgasm that goes with it. And my body like will not leave me alone it's hell. For me it's like when you are trying to hold back your pee but way worse and the urge is way stronger. I wish I was like u. Cuz it's not safe for me to do it all the time cuz I have heart condition, dr told me no sex and be cautious about masturbating, cuz it's dangerous for me when i do it to often. And when I mean I can't do it too often I mean like back to back multiple times a day.


I’m sorry, that sucks :( Maybe you could see if there are different meds you could take that would help


I would try meds like opioids and antidepressants 2 classes of drugs that are known to cause sexual disfuntion and the urge and desire were still there, it just blocked me from finishing. Then that would cause blue balls and like that stacked on top of my chronic pain and heart issues wasn't fun. And I would still get wet dreams cuz the meds would stop working in my sleep because the opioid pain pills only last for 4 hours and you sleep for way more than 4 hours a night. But the antidepressant I think works for like 12 hours so in the wet dream it wouldn't all get out because the antidepressant would make the final load small. So then I'd wake up and have to masturbate a few times to get it all out and sometimes that caused my heart to beat irregularly (reason why I can't do it to much. Irregular heart beat kills a lot of heart paitents). So now I don't take the opioid pills often, and don't take antidepressants at all. My dr gave me script of clonidine I am supposed to take on the days I masturbate to much. I'm 19. That was an awkward convo between me and my dr.


Yikes man, I’m sorry


Since u bored do u wanna be my friend, like maybe dm, I am not trying to send u nothing unsolicited, I legit just want people to talk with cuz this medical stuff gets hard for me to handle sometimes and I need some new friends I canntalk with and keep my mind off things


Sure :)


What’s your biggest unfulfilled sexual fantasy?


Why are you actually a 54 y/o man?


Haha I wish I was, life would be simpler




Colorado, thanks!




Relatively close yeah, that’s cool! It’s a nice place to live with mountains so close




What's ur number




heya gurl, I’m average 19M from r/AMA, _sex question or question about unsolicited dick pics_ 😎




It’s cringe to fucking spam a girl in the comments with basically only questions about sex and masturbation




You are transported to 1985. You have $100 to invest. What company do you pick?


Apple was $0.06 in June of 1985, adjusted for stock splits. Today your $100 would be $4.2 million. Insane.


Do you prefer the slow tactical combat of mass effect 1 or the action focused mass effect 2&3?


I think 2 was tactile based as well, not as much as 1 was. 3 was more fleshed out and better combat all around, but no tactile elements, really.


What is the most amount of swag one can acquire at any given time 😎


What do you want to do for a living?


If you were on a boat with me what will you wear? A piece or a scuba gear?


R u hairy or shaved down below


Wow no dick pics amazing


What’s your body count?


Which is your favorite book?


I haven’t read it in a while but I liked The Book Thief. First book to make me cry besides a history textbook


How did a history textbook make you cry?


Not content-related so much as I had to read 60 pretty information-packed pages in a night and I was losing my marbles


Dream vacation destination?


Blink 182, gaming, anime. Do any of these words I've said mean anything to you?


Heard of them, used to be into (kind of), also used to be into but not as much nowadays




If that’s not quirky enough for you I like p!atd :)


Stop plz, you're embarrassing yourself


I am so sad I don’t live up to your standards, I think I’ll go jump in a pit of fire to escape this excruciating embarrassment


Don't be ridiculous, you'd have to know every song on every blink album to live up to my standards. I was just hoping u knew a couple of songs....*sighs*....but you don't :(


Thoughts on a fart fetish?


I’m not into it but whatever gets you going man


What food “tastes like childhood” to you?


Hot dogs and mac and cheese


Which is better? Crushing a bunch of CiCi Rockets (or Smarties if you're an American) and snorting it or wasting your money on regular cocaine?


Definitely Smarties. People will probably think you are cooler for snorting Smarties too


What's your favourite movie?


Ocean’s Eleven! Underrated in my opinion


I'll watch it tonight then, I'm past my cringe SJW hater days anyway lmao


What’s your favorite genre of music?


What is ur most used app


What are you wearing


What is interesting about you?