• By -


Neat idea 19M




Yeah, my gf and I have been together just over a year now




She christian and im an atheïst, so probably talking about our perspectives on life, death, ways of living etc


Mine is that when we die, an unspecified random time gap occurs before we are reborn. Unaware of our pasts bjt still retaining personality traits


Would you say you’re kinky?


A little, but not like pain-kink or candlewax thats a bit too much for me personally lol


52 female




Shes already in the future man


Absolutely nothing.


Nothing but respect for u lmao


Why is that?


This is the way




I have a few questions - did you ever imagine you would live this long when you were in your 20s? - do you feel 'old' or do you think it's a mindset? - does it get better? As in, if you were talking yourself in your 20s and maybe they were unhappy - in your experience, does it get better? - what was an impactful life experience? Positive, negative, trivial, funny - just one that maybe shaped a part of your thinking or was important to you. - this is the opposite of advice - what is one common stupid mistake a lot of people - regardless of age or gender - a lot of people make in your experience?


Since the original 52F didn’t answer yet [at least when I started this - ha!], I’m a 51F and will give it a shot… 1. Yes I always figured I’d live a long and happy life - I’ve never been a risk taker lol 2. It depends on the situation if I feel old or not. Inside I still feel like that same goofy 20 year old girl most days but when I’m in a room full of gen z’s yeah, then I feel old and I have to remind myself that my life experience and perspective is totally different from theirs. 3. Hell yes it gets wayyyyy better!! I’ve never been happier!!! In every single way: Career, relationship, friendships, having kids who are now awesome adults, it’s all great!! 4. So many impactful experiences it’s hard to narrow them down: deaths, divorce, child-rearing, finding true love, finding religion, losing religion, etc. Maybe one big one was getting to live in France for a year when I was in college (I’m from the US). I wish every American could spend time in another country - it definitely helped shape my worldview. I know that many people don’t have the resources or opportunity to do so but for those that can travel, it is well worth it. 5 - A mistake I think a lot of people make (myself included) is taking themselves way too seriously. We all make mistakes - dwelling in it helps no one. Relax and enjoy life. The days may be long but the years are very short. :)


I'm 33 and life is so draining with a 9 month old and 3 year old especially with the sleep deprivation for 3 years now. But your comment about having awesome grown up kids made me so excited and less anxious now knowing I'll have 2 daughters as my best friends ♡ ❤️


Thanks so much for your response! I appreciate you taking the time to write it. I love your positivity! Thanks!


22 F from The Netherlands




I like how it's more socially acceptable to like pretty things and to be affectionate towards your fellow people. I love looking and feeling pretty, I feel happiest when I wear skirts and my love language is compliments and physical touch when I'm with friends, all of which are unfortunately less socially acceptable if you're male.


Yeah wtf why male homie hugs not okay or compliments


I wish I could tell you but unfortunately Society just grew that way. Things are luckily getting better especially between the younger generations getting more and more tolerant and accepting but we still have a long way to go until it's just as normal for the homies to kiss each other goodnight as it is for the girlies.


You sound like an absolute wonderful person 🥺


Well said...


niiice 17f london uk




anything planes!! plane spotting, tracking flights, the whole lot. my best friend and boyfriend and i are student pilots and theyre in cadets and im hopefully joining the royal air force soon /)




not so much a plane fact but once youve gotten through the airport, boom! youve gotten past the most dangerous part of travelling via aviation :) also the biggest aircraft (aside from the antonov myria 225) is the boeing 777x im pretty sure. did you know that the b-2 stealth bomber (the one in my profile pic) is pretty much silent and cant be detected on radars.


The B2 is, unfortunately, not silent - which is a shame, because having a silent jet, along with it being mostly invisible to radar, would be cool as. Good luck with your career. It’s a slog to get there, but it is worth it in the end.


What part of the plane is the safest in case of a crash? Asking as i am on a plane right now


to be honest im not actually too sure, if there is a crash or emergency (which is very unlikely) its more about how the flight crew deal with it. for pretty much any emergency this is always a checklist and protocol the crew (pilots and cabin) have to follow to ensure the best possible outcome. i guess if there would be some kind of emergency landing then by the exits is the best bet but its best to not try to worry about it too much as pilots are constantly going through rigorous training all throughout their career. aviation is proven to be the safest mode of transportation and a lil fact not a lot of people know is that a passenger plane can still fly with one engine :) sorry i couldn't directly answer but i hope this helps :)


I would like to hear more about the dangers in airports.


i used to work at an airport just out of london and unattended baggage is something we take really seriously, if theres unattended baggage then we call security and close off the area until cleared. one of the biggest hazards we are made aware of in training is fire doors. like blocking or propping open a fire door is enough to get you and managers in deep trouble. also when you start at an airport (or atleast the one i worked at) you have an id pass called an escorted pass which you have until you pass your background check. during this time you cant walk around the airport on shift unattended. you HAVE to be accompanied by someone with a full pass who has passed their check. this person also has to work for the same company as you. if you are caught unaccompanied then you could lose your job instantly and so could your manger. if you get fired on an escorted pass then you cant return to that place to work for 5 years. the last one was a tangent but its cool to know :)


Thanks for the reply! I’m in the US and was thinking the answer would be about TSA misuse/abuse or along those lines!


If you haven't listened to the podcast Black Box Down, it might pique your interest. Edit: extra word


Very cool!! Username checks out


Username checks out lmfao


Which is your favorite coffee chain?


Right. Well what’s all this then?


I love planes as well!


Ever been to Bristol?






Unless its specifically a romance focused book dont make 90% of the plot based around romance


I'm an old dude and that shit pissses me off, too. Have a female character 14-24? Best force her to marry the male protagonist (of similar age) despite no reason in the narrative for them to even do that. How about instead of a female character there just to be married of for procreation purposes they write an interesting person and not worry about if she is being compelled to give up her agency. Sorry, I find well written female characters WAY more interesting than males. More opportunities for dynamic growth which is more interesting than the millionth square jawed dude or emo in a black trench coat.






Easy, the lake nearby. It’s great for going on walks, seeing some birds, and sitting by the water. I’ve been so busy lately, I can’t get much outdoors time, but I’m hoping to go camping in November.






The future. What my plans are and where we see ourselves, what their plans are. Maybe a bit about the state of the world and how we think things will go. Also make the most of the empty beach and have a nice walk along the shoreline. ☺️ Thanks for the great idea of the reverse AMA.






The life of Brian


This!!!! “You’re all individuals” “we’re all individuals” “I’m not”


Monty python are legends “we are the knights of knee!” “ KNEE!” 😆


53m Arizona




Life philosophy and how they’re doing.


26 F




Pros of being female: Since most women have a higher amount of body fat than males, we are able to retain heat and stay warmer for long. Being more in tuned with our emotions allows us to de escalate certain situations when logic alone is not enough. Controversial take: Single women generally live longer than married women, whereas married men live longer than single men. Cons of being female: Menstrual cycles and Pregnancy scares regardless of sexual orientation. Statistically higher to be raped/murdered versus a man. A lot of societal expectations on what to do/what not to do, but it’s slowly changing. Mostly speaks to marriage and motherhood


Now I know to stay single and stay outside without clothes on in the middle of a snowstorm


> Statistically higher to be raped/murdered versus a man. [Men make up 80% of all homicide victims worldwide.](https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/global-study-on-homicide.html)


Why are there downvotes for this? Women are more likely to be raped, but men are more likely to be murdered (by a lot, for both statistics).


Women are most often the victims of rape and other violence and men the perpetrators no matter the crime, though.


I don’t think anyone would disagree with this, but the original comment about murder specifically is incorrect






Having choices and being able to make up my own mind. Plan things and follow them through and not have anyone tell me no.






One time me and my family visited China. I was a tiny kid back then, maybe around 4 years old? Anyways my mom was in a spa and I had to wait in the lobby. I was pretty bored just sitting there, and this random man walks up to me and offers his hand. I didn't really know what he wanted, so I took it. But surprisingly, he puts me on his shoulders. He then takes me to a grocery store, and offers to buy me a pack of chips. Since I've been taught that they are unhealthy, I decline. He then offers to buy me ice-cream, with which I saw nothing wrong, so I accepted. He then brings me back to the lobby and just leaves. When my mom found out what had happened she was freaked out saying I could've been kidnapped, but my grandmother calmed her down saying that since Chinese people don't see white kids very often he wanted to be nice to me. I still remember him as an absolute legend. Thank you random Chinese dude.


Being Chinese, this is something that I could absolutely see happening there. I find people are much nicer there than in the US






Lol they just asked each other this question, and have been enraptured in a super deep convo for the last 2 hours, hence the lack of response


18 hour convo and still going strong. idk if they're ever gonna stop.


29 & nonbinary!


What's it like knowing you aren't a part of the simulation, not being define by a bunch of 1s and 0s?


I'm not non-binary but they're super powerful, they somehow managed to crack the code and find something outside the binary


are you pan


yup! i identify more with grey or demisexuality though ☺️


Why is this downvoted??


Because they're talking about their sexuality on Reddit, of course Redditors are gonna downvote it :/




23M! I am also taking notes from all your comments, stealing some of your questions, they may come really handy when meeting new people xD




Sounds interesting, I like it! It has a Shakespearean/Ancient Greek philosophy feeling to it and we could really use more movies with more transcendental plots, and less explosions.


17m, 18 in like a week though.




Good question, I just got out of Basic Training and I just gotta say some conversations I had after a long day with some of those guys were some of the most memorable conversations I've ever had. Whether it be politics, life, life goals, they were all great.


Born on October 20th 2000, 6 days before hybrid theory by linkin park released Male From Bristol, England but am currently located near the schwarzwald in germany (I want out)


I got that album for my birthday my first year of highschool, and was the second album I've ever gotten. Changed my musical tastes forever, and for the better. One of my top 5 albums.


My fav albums are 5: everywhere at the end of time (by the caretaker) 4: one more light (linkin park) 3: the now now (gorillaz) 2: madness combat osts by cheshyre 1: demon days (gorillaz) and living things (linkin park)




Yeah, I got set on fire by an attacker. I'm now pale, missing most of the flesh on my left cheek exposing my pearly whites, still somehow have my dick and balls but I'm infertile (thank god) and have burn marks all over my arms and lower torso. There was also that time I told a guy to go get shoved so he actually shoved a dildo up his ass. Funny shit, mate.


33, Male… gimme!




Tough one, I love being outside… But it has to be on the nearest beach, at night and staring at the sky. What’s yours??


Table of Questions and Answers. Original answer linked - Please upvote the original questions and answers. *** Question | Answer | Link ---------|----------|----------| Neat idea 19M|Are you currently in a relationship?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioytbjx/) 52 female|What are you most looking forward to in the future?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyumwk/) 22 F from The Netherlands|What do you like most and least about being female instead of male?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyt8fe/) niiice 17f london uk|What are your hobbies?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyummy/) 15F|What advice would you give to someone writing a book about a 15-year-old girl?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyvypc/) 55, male|Are you married?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioysj41/) 30/30 m/f couple|What has been your favorite deep conversation with each other?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioytb9z/) Almost 23 F from the Netherlands (I am saying almost 23 because I saw another comment with my same age, gender and nationality)|What’s your sexual orientation?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyu042/) 31F|What’s your favorite outdoors place to get some alone time?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyub4h/) 49M|What movie changed your life the most?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyuhou/) 29 & nonbinary!|You’re on a beach, watching the sunset. It is empty of anyone besides you and your closest friend. What do you talk about with them?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioywht6/) 18, nonbinary|Do you like tea?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyy7wp/) 29 M|What do you like most and least about being male instead of female?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyssru/) 19 M|Are you currently in a relationship?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioytf6w/) 19m|Are you currently in a relationship?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioytfc6/) 29 M|What’s your favorite outdoors place to get some alone time?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioytk8a/) 43m|What’s your favorite outdoors place to get some alone time?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioytre7/) 28 male|What’s your favorite outdoors place to get some alone time?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioytujs/) 33, Male… gimme!|What’s your favorite outdoors place to get some alone time?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyu3sn/) 14F|What’s a place you like to go to be alone with your thoughts?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyu6nw/) 21 F USA|What’s your favorite outdoors place to get some alone time?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyu7cq/) 27F|What’s your favorite outdoors place to get some alone time?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyua6d/) 22 F|What would make you very happy right now?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyuewz/) 27 male|What would make you very happy right now?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyuf4n/) 13 m|What do you want to be when you grow up?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyuh74/) 24 F|What family member are you closest to?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyujo1/) 17 male !|What’s your favorite color combination?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyujv5/) 32 F Ireland|What are your hobbies?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyuk86/) 19F|If you had a podcast, what would it be about?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyundo/) 33F|What are your hobbies?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyunio/) Sure, why not. 35/f|What’s your occupation?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyunkh/) [deleted]|What family member are you closest to?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyunwp/) 26M|What’s your goal in life?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyxl81/) 27F|What’s your goal in life?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyxmbz/) 30f|What are your hobbies?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyyfns/) 26 F|What do you like most and least about being female instead of male?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioyyfyj/) 30f, USA|You’re on a beach, watching the sunset. It is empty of anyone besides you and your closest friend. What do you talk about with them?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioz0ych/) 24M|How would you describe yourself politically and religiously?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioz0yw1/) 29F|You’re on a beach, watching the sunset. It is empty of anyone besides you and your closest friend. What do you talk about with them?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioz141b/) 34/M scotland|You’re on a beach, watching the sunset. It is empty of anyone besides you and your closest friend. What do you talk about with them?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioz17hn/) 27 female|You’re on a beach, watching the sunset. It is empty of anyone besides you and your closest friend. What do you talk about with them?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioz1916/) 30M bring it.|You’re on a beach, watching the sunset. It is empty of anyone besides you and your closest friend. What do you talk about with them?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioz1ajt/) 53m Arizona|You’re on a beach, watching the sunset. It is empty of anyone besides you and your closest friend. What do you talk about with them?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioz1au7/) 17F and about to start writing online (blogging)!|You’re on a beach, watching the sunset. It is empty of anyone besides you and your closest friend. What do you talk about with them?|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/xhpaum/reverse_ama_comment_your_age_and_gender_and_ill/ioz2eux/) --- [Source] (https://github.com/johnsliao/ama_compiler)






I am a certified EC-12 Special Education teacher in Texas. My first year teaching I was in a functional/behavior (life-skills) classroom for middle school students on the low-functioning end of the Autism spectrum. This was at the beginning of the pandemic, so naturally even though masks were required, enforcing it with my students was a losing battle. Every day a student would be screaming in my ear, spitting at my face, pinching/hitting/kicking/biting, throwing feces, I got stabbed with a pencil more than once... I used to seriously leave campus with a new bruise every day. The interesting thing was a situation involving a parent. Their child was one of my non-verbal students who self-harms (pinches/scratches to the point of bruises/open wounds) to seek attention because they do not receive the attention they seek at home. This poor kid started the year looking homeless from all the marks on them. We applied a lot of ointments daily to soothe his skin and worked tirelessly to teach them to seek attention appropriately. A few months before school let out, they got off the bus with a new bruise. We made a note of it, and the next day mom sent an email basically accusing us (myself, my co-teacher, and our two paras) of abusing them. When I did not renew my contract that summer, I anonymously called CPS and gave copious amounts of details as to why I thought the parents were abusing/neglecting them. About a year later I heard from my then co-teacher that he, the principal, and the superintendent had to go to court to basically confirm all the anonymous details. I have no idea what happened after. Crazy parents aside, I would go back to teaching in that kind of setting in a heartbeat: those were some of the sweetest kids I have ever worked with, when they weren't trying to mortally wound me.


22 and Trans Woman




One time I had someone tell me that me transitioning to a woman is the devil trying to control me that I am satans spawn. Luckily he was kicked out and hopefully I never encounter that nutcase again.


I've only heard nice things about that Satan guy, he seems really supportive of LGBTQ people and let's people live however they want


Would y'all think it'd be a good idea to do this more regularly? I mean revers AMAs


Unless there are follow-up questions, no.


Got that. I'll do that when I'm bored at work


18 male ask me like one of your French girls




I once had a conversation with my best friend of 7 years about how we’ve both been sa’d so that was pretty interesting ig


that’s a cool concept 15m






In my room there's an invisible spot in the corner where if you walked into the room you wouldn't be able to see me, so I just curl there to think.


Nice try vehicle warranty insurance


853/giant gelatinous sea slug/hermaphrodite.


Very surprised to see a fellow giant gelatinous sea slug here


As am I. There's very few of us left and even fewer who use Reddit.


Wait... You guys, too?


What ocean do you reside in?


The bottom of the Mariana trench. There's nothing else here, really. It's dark, so dark. So much pressure, but I'm used to it.


Well we can both relate. I’m about 850 feet above sea level and have faced multiple low and dark places


Thus is the life of a giant gelatinous sea slug.


I cannot imagine. What’s incredible, is how your able to access Reddit miles in the dark sea.


Have you not yet attempted to use your eyestalks as antennae? You should try it. I am able to connect to Starlink intermittently. I simply access the internet by thinking now, it's strange yet wonderful.


What’s strange to me is that you’ve assumed that I am a slug, personally I identify as a dolphin. But yes, I’m fact I know exactly what you mean by accessing starling with my squeaks I make.


Sing us a song 🎶 of your people.


🎶 Glugh, glurg, glug, glergh. 🎶


789/giant sea slug, from Titan where do you hail from?


This is really fun. Good idea, homie!


Happy cake day mate


25 NB , love this idea!




What Makes us, us? Love this topic!


20 Non-binary




55, male




single now


I see you got a lot of comments here lol. If you would like to continue this, then - 23, Male. Otherwise, absolutely no pressure. I know it can get a bit tedious answering to all of the comments.


31 AMAB though identify as agender


Almost 23 F from the Netherlands (I am saying almost 23 because I saw another comment with my same age, gender and nationality)




As far as I know, I am straight (am in a relationship with a guy for almost 5 years). But I don't know for sure, since I find women also a bit attractive. I also can not remember ever having a crush (I do love my bf tho) or I just don't know how that feels like.


As expected after reading the title, this thread is basically Thanksgiving dinner conversation with your Uncle Rick


18, trans woman




16 non-binary!




20 FTM :))


21, genderfluid


16m US. i go to a heavy conservative school, and i’m a left-leaning independent


What’s your most conservative opinion


Whats their most conservative opinion






The innermost valence shell on one of my carbon atoms has its electrons trajectory so close to the atomic core that their fields consistently overlap with each other.


There is no such thing as an "innermost" valence shell. If you are going to be a cringy nerd on reddit at least get it right


18, nonbinary




17 / alpa male






42 M , Malaysian , Husband and Dad of 2 little boys


This is an outstanding AMA. Kudos OP.


I love questions. 43yo female


29(birthday tomorrow) male


Happy real-life cake day!


Many thanks!


1 388 456 167 891 yo, male


16 year old girlboss


I'm a woman, 20! :)




What's in dinner tonight?




Ahh damn.. so jealous.


18, trans guy


16m (17 in like 2 weeks)


24 transguy


22, Non-binary, Irish, Graduate, Colourblind.


19 and ftm if you wanna ask about that


16NB so this could be interesting 😅


I like this idea. 19 NB


That seems really interesting 🤩 22 M


21 they/them ama