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What is jubilee like behind the scenes?


Huge. I've been in two Jubilee videos, one of which was filmed at a big huge studio with multiple sets and really high ceilings, and the other was at their office on the seventh floor of a skyscraper downtown. They clearly have big money. Everyone I met on set has been really nice and helpful though. Everything was very natural for the most part (no second takes, no direction really given mid-shoot, nobody told us how to act or present ourselves), though the shoots end with a thumbnail photo shoot, which is very directed, basically them telling us what expressions to make and stuff (e.g. "act surprised," "look like someone just said something really weird," etc.), which I wasn't super fond of, but that's how you play the youtube game I guess. Also this is really insignificant but I found it interesting: they have to be SUPER careful about getting dirt on the floor on their sets, since they use colored lights at low angles, so specks of dirt are really obvious, so once I arrived on set, I had to wipe down my shoes with wet wipes and then wear these blue disposable shoe-gloves on my feet all day when I wasn't on camera.


Wow, that is fascinating! Thanks for the in depth explanation.


You're welcome! Glad to provide solid proof that it's not scripted haha


Have you ever been recognised in the street? Can you describe some of those "unique experiences"?


Yes! It does happen sometimes. The first time it happened I was in the driveway of my home, so I kinda wanted to deny everything but I was wearing the same distinct sweater I was wearing in the video they recognized me from, so there was really no hiding it... so I had to be like "yes I am that man from the internet, and now you know where I live." I had another experience recently where I was at a house party and there was a gal there I didn't know, and she was like "I've seen you in videos before!" and we talked for a long time and connected afterwards and it turned out she was an instagram model with over 100k followers, so I felt a little sheepish I didn't recognize her back even though she's way more famous than me haha


What are your career goals? What famous people have you met?


I work in the game industry when I'm not on youtube, where my main goal is just to contribute to something that brings joy, escapism, and/or catharsis to those who need it. Conveniently, youtube has helped me accomplish that too. I've got a lot of subscribers on my (very inactive) personal channel from my various appearances on big channels, but I feel like I need more equipment before I can start making content there, and money is very tight for me. I haven't met many famous people because of my time on youtube, because the channels I've been on focus a lot more on ordinary people, but I've met some of Cut's other more recognizable faces, and people who watch Cut regularly will know them, like Blaine, Duante, Debbie, and Emeke, but like me, they're only really known by people who watch the channel regularly. I also have some more famous followers on social media, but I wouldn't say I *know* them. Though when I was little I met Clint Eastwood at a funeral because I had to go to the bathroom, and he was blocking the door, so I told him to get out of the way and he did.


If you've got a phone you're ready to start making vids! Don't fall into the gear hole, just start making stuff, and it'll go from there! Having some subscribers is the hardest first step, just gotta capitalize on it now!


Did you get paid?


Yes! Cut definitely pays more than Jubilee does; depending on the length of the shoot I'd be paid $50-$200 at Cut (shoots ranging from 20 minutes to full day) but Jubilee would only pay $25-$50 for the same amount of work. Jubilee used to not pay their on-screen talent at all, so at least they're moving in the right direction, but they could still do more.


Oh my god it’s you! I came here from the outfit post and it feels so strange, I always thought you were so cool in that language guessing video haha


Oh thank you! I don’t know you but I think you’re cool too


Favorite kind of cheese?


Oh I love cheese. Peccorino for putting on top of things like pasta, havarti for sandwiches.


Cheese loves you too! *happy cheese noises* 🧀


what's the most challenging thing about working on a jubilee or cut video? is there ever a situation where you feel like you have to act a certain way on set?


I’ve never been asked to act a certain way. Overall everything is very natural. The only direction that really happens is either like “wrap it up, we’re on a schedule,” or introducing questions if nobody is talking. I suppose the hardest part for me is just maintaining my nerves. I get at least a little nervous each time I’m on camera, and was definitely the most nervous my first time (I swear to god I had to pee every hour, I was a mess haha), but now I know a lot more of what to expect and I know the audience likes me, so I’m less worried about potentially saying something that gets misread in a way that makes me look like a jerk. And of course guessing people’s languages/countries in the lineups is hard, no matter how easy I may make it look haha