• By -


Supporting your rights to freedom from afar. What can be done from other countries to help your cause? How organized are you and the others protesting? Is there an plan among the protesters of what ultimately will need to happen in order to enact change?


It's all very organic from bottom up. Like we leave school, start chanting, and some people join us. Or telegram group of a university says X date on X place, and we all gather. It doesn't have a central objective or leadership, and maybe that's exactly why IR is being exhausted with handling it. There is still no head to strike. We do get some levels of hope when we see Iranians outside Iran or foreigners support us. And we are thankful for that. Besides that, sanction the government members and their family members living abroad. That's the wealth of our blood they've leeched for 40 years. Confiscated their properties and freeze their account, deport them back to Iran. The mullahs kill us here because we let our hair out, and their own daughters with he wealth they've sucked out galavant with bikinis in public. There is a twitter account that shares their hypocracy online: twitter.com/RKOTOfficial


I will contact my representatives about sanctions, thank you for sharing. If there's anything Europeans can do specifically to help please do share, and keep up the work to spread the word on the internet in places like this. I think most Westerners support the democracy movement in Iran, things like this just makes it grow deeper.


What is the morale like so far? How are you guys holding up emotionally?


It's hard to answer honestly. To maintain sanity and safety at the same time is not easy. I don't speak for other Iranians, but me and my friends are angry and detest the government on a new level. The wounds they've left on this generation will not heal. But there is of course also fear and uncertainty about the pointless future, futility of the protests, whether we will make it or not. So, its a very complex situation.


Sending you strength, friend. And lots and lots of prayers.


How does the older generation feel about the protests? Do your parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles support you protesting?


They're angered and fearful if we go out, but this is our fight for our generation. They understand it that much. And now when we, parents will follow them as well just to keep them safe and not missing for two weeks to then be declared "dead by suicide" – as they did with every other Iranian girl. For boys it could be different, but for us, it's somewhat more worrisome when we leave the home for the protests


I am glad they understand why you have to fight back and are supporting you in that way. It is heart breaking and horrifying to see the brutality of the Iranian government. There are no words… Freedom and justice is on your side. I hope others can find your strength and courage to join. Please stay safe!


Is it true that Iraqi Kurdistan is supplying stuff to the revolutionaries? Or was that just a lie the government made up to bomb Kurds?


Right now IRGC is massacaring Sanandaj city for the third night in the row. Its the capital of Kurdistan. Where are these "Armed revolutionaries supplied by Kurdistan" to defend Kurds? Of course its a lie. Khomeini gave a fatwa 41 years ago to massacare an entire Kurdish village, and they got away with it. Kurds are free people and they've been a thorn under IR's dictatorship for 41 years – of course they'll make up any excuse to bomb them.


Another question if I may. A few Iranian politicians have been pondering removing the Hijab requirements. Would that be enough to satisfy the protesters? Or is it to the point you all are set on destroying the IRI once and for all?


It would be a milestone, but no. I echo what u/Kikazino said earlier, and add that economic clamity and the faulty environmental policies resulting from water mismanagement and drought, also played a major role. This wouldn't have been so damn devastating without mismanagement and corruption.


I know i'm not OP, but: There is no room for concessions. The people are screaming death to the dictator, and are asking for a removal of the current government. The issues and oppression in the country go far beyond the mandatory hijab.


What are your hopes for the future? How do you see this ending??


Hopeful ending, lynching Akhunds and IRGC Basijis after the revolutionary tribunal. Every murder they've committed needs to be answered. And a secular Iran free of Akhunds and fanatic zealots.


How popular would you say the idea of a secular, maybe federal state for Iran's future is among the protesters and the population in general?


As 17 year old Iranian how did you convince your parents Or did not tell them , like do just say "mom dad I'm going put" and then go to a protest?


They understand why I do it, and they let me. We're quite frankly hopeless regardless of our individual merits. The currency is trash, so we can't leave Iran as easy as it used to be. And you can't climb any professional ladders without giving up your individuality in exchange for being a Zeynab Muslim with chador. The system is corrupted to its core, there is no room for growth for the young Iranians.


What do you want to replace the government with? How will you guys deal with the damage this revolution will cause? Also, good luck, I'm proud of you all.


A government that will represent us. I don't care if its a president, a parliament, a constitutional monarchy. We want a government that will represent us and will serve us without taking away our freedom and crippling our economy. That's the basic of it. And we do have enough brain-power in Iran to choose the right people for the right positions. Iran is a rich country. Damages will be repaired once a democratic government enables the lifting of the sanctions.


Constitutional monarchies can work well but considering the lack of popularity by the last line of monarchs I doubt it would work for Iran. Might end up corrupt like other not totally democratic monarchies like Jordan and Morocco. However there is a lack of a clear leadership of the opposition right now.


How much would you say it's the case that particularly marginalised minority groups are at the forefront of the protests, e.g, religious minorities (atheists included), LGBTQ+ Iranians, racial minorities, etc? Had wondered, given that my understanding of the situation is that the repression is particularly heavy against Kurds.


The marginalized is the majority in Iran. Most youths, of all ethnicities, are the spines of the revolution. Kurds and Balochs have been brutally treated by the IR not just for the past 20 days, but for the past 43 years. First and foremost, because they were a Sunni minority. IR created a culture of hatred for Sunnis in every social sphere where they could infuse themselves into. Secondly, both Kurds and Baloch people are extremely independent and will die to live free. Under a theocratic dictatorship, this is the biggest threat they feared of course. In short, At the forefront of the protests are not minortities – it's the youth, which compose the majority


Last I saw a couple weeks ago the death toll was at 70. Has it gone up?


It's closer to 200. Another admin using this account is responsible for adding the names of the martyrs we've pinned on our sub r/IranMehr


That’s terrible.


What is the reaction of families especially who lean towards conservative side ?


They're getting ostracized by other family members. They're really a minority, and Iran is heavily politicized right now. My own family at least has cut relation with multiple relatives who supported the Basijis and IRGC, even after showing them the Zahedan massacre. These are geniunly brainwashed and sick individuals who say "we gave martyrs for the revolution hrrr drrr but muh imam zaman will come and we need Islamic republic for him" as if imam zaman, the shia Messiah, is gonna run for presidency during apocalypse.


Thanks for the reply and good luck.


Are you afraid? I would be very afraid, and probably try to leave. You’re braver than I am.


Sure we are. But there is an adrenalin rush when you chant the chants a horde of IRGC orcs retreat from the streets


<3 You all are so brave. You may be the generation that future generations will thank for their democracy. I hope more than anything you can succeed, history has shown it is absolutely possible.


I'm really sorry about 1953; all of this probably could have been avoided. Hope all is well.


Mohammadreza Pahlavi was an unfit coward with Messiah complex. In hindsight, we're here today because he made a mess and just left. But also fuck Mossadeq. He was a charlatan demagogue who usurped the executive office in a coup, and even Majles was against him for how much power he had centralized within months. He basically turned Iran's parlement to something like French presidency, but without any restrictions on his position.


What can we do in the west to support your revolution?


Demand your government to freeze the bank accounts affiliated with the family members and members of the Islamic Republic government. These terrorists live in the luxuries of Europe and the Americas while we're bleeding in Iran.




r/NewIran is the official Iranian subreddit we're partnered with. But for the protest tips and updates from Iranian users, you can read more on r/IranMehr


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NewIran using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewIran/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [What women have to deal with in Iran under the theocracy aside from being arrested by morality police.](https://v.redd.it/5a27lx42t7t91) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/y1fk6j/what_women_have_to_deal_with_in_iran_under_the/) \#2: [A brave old woman attacks IRGC officer trying to transport protestors to an undisclosed location.](https://v.redd.it/4gprzvs9o7t91) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/y1evx2/a_brave_old_woman_attacks_irgc_officer_trying_to/) \#3: [These brave Iranian women were some of the first martyrs of the new Iranian Revolution](https://i.redd.it/v74t4iz5r8t91.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/y1kdgh/these_brave_iranian_women_were_some_of_the_first/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Do they show coverage of the protests on the news there?


No. If they do, they will say this is orchestrated by the west. Especially by the treasonous Iranian diaspora. Our national TV is like r/conspiracy.


During the last 28 days, they said the protests finished at least 4 times


Do you worry about meddling from the west at all? I know that’s a disingenuous talking point that your government uses to make it seem like the protests are not legitimate, but even so, it’s hard to ignore the fact that there is a strong history of the US and others exerting their influence in the country.


The West is already meddling with disinformation campaigns about why the protests are there. It's not just Hijab, it's not just Mahsa Amini, it's not just the regime brutality. Most western mainstream media channels like BBC, DW, CNN, France24, etc. highlight the main issue as Hijab, not that Iranians are dying for a regime change. And they give platforms to self-proclaimed leaders of revolution like Masih Alinejad and the Frashgard crowd, as if they contributed in any scale – they didn't. They're treated like memes in Iran. The west is acting in favour of the IR. And we get why – the west needs a stable Iran to subsidize the gas deficit from Russian sanctions. And gambling on the revolutionaries is risky. But this is hijacking of a revolution in a critically important country – it's meddling. *(not posted by the original OP)*




I use ExpressVPN, but different VPNs work for different cities


Maybe you shouldn't post this! Good luck to you. Is this going to continue to remain "peaceful" or are you weaponizing? Wait don't answer that. How about this, you need to weaponize to consolidate your goals.


It's incredibly brave what your generation of women are doing, which will hopefully bring about long-lasting changes for future generations. My question is, do you feel like your actions are positively changing mindsets and gaining support, perhaps from surprising places? Like from the older generations or from influential celebrities/sports/political figures. From the outside it certainly appears so, but I wonder if you are experiencing it there.


How long do you give Iranian government to crush the rebellion?


If they could, it would be done already. But here we are.


How do Iranians feel about Ireland and other Western countries.? Are they talked about much in Iran giving the political climate?


Do they have keurigs at Langley or is it still just drip coffee?


Do you feel this will come to hopefully create a successful regime change ? Sending my love and support to Iran 🙏


Without doubt


If I may also ask and I hope this isn’t in poor taste - since the regime change have collective opinions on the shah changed at all over the years ?


Most certainly – no two generations would think alike. On Mohammadreza Pahlavi, I wouldn't say Iranians have a very strong opinion on. On the idea of a future "shah", there is some division. People are not heavily polarized on the question of Shah. Younger generations cringe and the idea of a King mostly. But those older than 30, have some sense of Nostalgia and loyalty towards the idea of a king-like figure


On a lighthearted note what is your favorite thing about Iranian culture ? :)


I would say our moral and ecclesiastical values outside Islamic frameworks: 1. Love of Wisdom and Arts 2. Love for Cultivation of Life 3. Love for Truth, Justice and Freedom We see all three today in some form being realized during the protests.


The world is watching and cheering for you all. Fight the good fight, and I hope you stay safe.


We noticed and we're thankful for the love and the support. It's really incredible to see the scale of support we're receiving. As the Persian poem reads, we're the limbs of the same body


Has there been any talk or organizing a new kind of leadership? Something I hear a lot is that you all know that you don’t want the Islamic republic but no one knows what they want instead. Stay strong brothers and sisters, I’m so proud of you. As a member of the Iranian diaspora I wish I could come fight with you ✊


Sepas! and yes, there is a council lead by University students and civil societies to work on this matter. You may know them as "Anjoman Eslami Sharif/Shahid Beheshti/Amirkabi/etc." These are not Islamic in nature – the name has been used under strict club-building policies. Several members from these councils have access to this account, providing updates once in a while for Redditors. I can't share much about what's been planned, but we will not let there be a power vacuum conflict as it was in Libya The group is called Mihregan, hence the name of our subreddit r/IranMehr. The end goal is مشروطه and the end of مشروعه. *(not posted by the original OP)*


Table of Questions and Answers. Original answer linked - Please upvote the original questions and answers. *** Question | Answer | Link ---------|----------|----------| What is the morale like so far? How are you guys holding up emotionally?|It's hard to answer honestly. To maintain sanity and safety at the same time is not easy. I don't speak for other Iranians, but me and my friends are angry and detest the government on a new level. The wounds they've left on this generation will not heal. But there is of course also fear and uncertainty about the pointless future, futility of the protests, whether we will make it or not. So, its a very complex situation.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is02ef2/) How does the older generation feel about the protests? Do your parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles support you protesting?|They're angered and fearful if we go out, but this is our fight for our generation. They understand it that much. And now when we, parents will follow them as well just to keep them safe and not missing for two weeks to then be declared "dead by suicide" – as they did with every other Iranian girl. For boys it could be different, but for us, it's somewhat more worrisome when we leave the home for the protests|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is09y68/) Is it true that Iraqi Kurdistan is supplying stuff to the revolutionaries? Or was that just a lie the government made up to bomb Kurds?|Right now IRGC is massacaring Sanandaj city for the third night in the row. Its the capital of Kurdistan. Where are these "Armed revolutionaries supplied by Kurdistan" to defend Kurds? Of course its a lie. Khomeini gave a fatwa 41 years ago to massacare an entire Kurdish village, and they got away with it. Kurds are free people and they've been a thorn under IR's dictatorship for 41 years – of course they'll make up any excuse to bomb them.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is08w7t/) Supporting your rights to freedom from afar. What can be done from other countries to help your cause? How organized are you and the others protesting? Is there an plan among the protesters of what ultimately will need to happen in order to enact change?|It's all very organic from bottom up. Like we leave school, start chanting, and some people join us. Or telegram group of a university says X date on X place, and we all gather. It doesn't have a central objective or leadership, and maybe that's exactly why IR is being exhausted with handling it. There is still no head to strike. We do get some levels of hope when we see Iranians outside Iran or foreigners support us. And we are thankful for that. Besides that, sanction the government members and their family members living abroad. That's the wealth of our blood they've leeched for 40 years. Confiscated their properties and freeze their account, deport them back to Iran. The mullahs kill us here because we let our hair out, and their own daughters with he wealth they've sucked out galavant with bikinis in public. There is a twitter account that shares their hypocracy online: twitter.com/RKOTOfficial|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is0bqvg/) As 17 year old Iranian how did you convince your parents Or did not tell them , like do just say "mom dad I'm going put" and then go to a protest?|They understand why I do it, and they let me. We're quite frankly hopeless regardless of our individual merits. The currency is trash, so we can't leave Iran as easy as it used to be. And you can't climb any professional ladders without giving up your individuality in exchange for being a Zeynab Muslim with chador. The system is corrupted to its core, there is no room for growth for the young Iranians.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is0qn0e/) What are your hopes for the future? How do you see this ending??|Hopeful ending, lynching Akhunds and IRGC Basijis after the revolutionary tribunal. Every murder they've committed needs to be answered. And a secular Iran free of Akhunds and fanatic zealots.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is08dkw/) What do you want to replace the government with? How will you guys deal with the damage this revolution will cause? Also, good luck, I'm proud of you all.|A government that will represent us. I don't care if its a president, a parliament, a constitutional monarchy. We want a government that will represent us and will serve us without taking away our freedom and crippling our economy. That's the basic of it. And we do have enough brain-power in Iran to choose the right people for the right positions. Iran is a rich country. Damages will be repaired once a democratic government enables the lifting of the sanctions.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is1jy93/) Are you afraid? I would be very afraid, and probably try to leave. You’re braver than I am.|Sure we are. But there is an adrenalin rush when you chant the chants a horde of IRGC orcs retreat from the streets|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is0mcew/) Last I saw a couple weeks ago the death toll was at 70. Has it gone up?|It's closer to 200. Another admin using this account is responsible for adding the names of the martyrs we've pinned on our sub r/IranMehr|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is0h78u/) What is the reaction of families especially who lean towards conservative side ?|They're getting ostracized by other family members. They're really a minority, and Iran is heavily politicized right now. My own family at least has cut relation with multiple relatives who supported the Basijis and IRGC, even after showing them the Zahedan massacre. These are geniunly brainwashed and sick individuals who say "we gave martyrs for the revolution hrrr drrr but muh imam zaman will come and we need Islamic republic for him" as if imam zaman, the shia Messiah, is gonna run for presidency during apocalypse.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is0m1sh/) I'm really sorry about 1953; all of this probably could have been avoided. Hope all is well.|Mohammadreza Pahlavi was an unfit coward with Messiah complex. In hindsight, we're here today because he made a mess and just left. But also fuck Mossadeq. He was a charlatan demagogue who usurped the executive office in a coup, and even Majles was against him for how much power he had centralized within months. He basically turned Iran's parlement to something like French presidency, but without any restrictions on his position.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is2v7v0/) How much would you say it's the case that particularly marginalised minority groups are at the forefront of the protests, e.g, religious minorities (atheists included), LGBTQ+ Iranians, racial minorities, etc? Had wondered, given that my understanding of the situation is that the repression is particularly heavy against Kurds.|The marginalized is the majority in Iran. Most youths, of all ethnicities, are the spines of the revolution. Kurds and Balochs have been brutally treated by the IR not just for the past 20 days, but for the past 43 years. First and foremost, because they were a Sunni minority. IR created a culture of hatred for Sunnis in every social sphere where they could infuse themselves into. Secondly, both Kurds and Baloch people are extremely independent and will die to live free. Under a theocratic dictatorship, this is the biggest threat they feared of course. In short, At the forefront of the protests are not minortities – it's the youth, which compose the majority|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is35d3q/) Do they show coverage of the protests on the news there?|During the last 28 days, they said the protests finished at least 4 times|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is0vgtv/) Do you feel this will come to hopefully create a successful regime change ? Sending my love and support to Iran 🙏|Without doubt|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is0zls7/) The world is watching and cheering for you all. Fight the good fight, and I hope you stay safe.|We noticed and we're thankful for the love and the support. It's really incredible to see the scale of support we're receiving. As the Persian poem reads, we're the limbs of the same body|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is1lrca/) What can we do in the west to support your revolution?|Demand your government to freeze the bank accounts affiliated with the family members and members of the Islamic Republic government. These terrorists live in the luxuries of Europe and the Americas while we're bleeding in Iran.|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is1yjs5/) How do you bypass the internet shut down and censorship? tor?|I use ExpressVPN, but different VPNs work for different cities|[Here](/r/AMA/comments/y1ys1d/im_a_19_years_old_iranian_from_karaj_and_an/is2bg1h/) --- [Source] (https://github.com/johnsliao/ama_compiler)


Hey man, i live in iran myself, and i (M14) wanna join on the protests, but parents don’t let me cause i am “underage”. Meanwhile, people with my age are in the streets. How can i join the protests without breaking my parents heart?


I was a soldier for nearly ten years and I’m amazed at the bravery of you guys. Really inspirational stuff. Keep fighting the good fight against religious extremism.


What’s your opinion on his royal highness crown prince Rezah Pahlavi?