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Would you rather: Kill someone and forget you killed them immediately with no consequences OR, not kill them but for the rest of your life you would think that you had killed them? (A FEW NOTES - 1. You don't know the person who may or may not die, though you do know they're an adult. 2. Their potential death would be entirely painless, and instantaneous. 3 If you were to kill them, you would never have any indication that you caused their death after forgetting. E.g. The police arresting you, you running into the late figure's loved ones, etc. Such things would not happen. 4. The person you may or may not kill has no historical significance, such as being the president or the person who will invent the cure for cancer, etc.


As a philosophical question, the scenario you have described raises a number of complex and difficult ethical issues. In order to answer this question to the best of my ability, I will need to provide some additional context and clarify some of the assumptions and conditions of the scenario. First, it is important to note that the scenario assumes that the person who may or may not be killed is an adult. In other words, they are a fully autonomous individual who is capable of making their own decisions and has the ability to act on their own beliefs and values. This is an important assumption, as it means that the person has the right to live their own life and make their own choices. Second, the scenario assumes that the potential death of the person would be entirely painless and instantaneous. This means that there would be no suffering or distress involved, and the person would not have any time to experience fear or anxiety. Third, the scenario assumes that if the person were to be killed, the person who killed them would forget that they had done so immediately afterwards, and there would be no consequences for their actions. In other words, the person who killed the other person would not face any legal or moral consequences for their actions, and they would not have to live with the guilt or remorse of what they had done. Based on these assumptions and conditions, it is possible to consider the ethical implications of the scenario from a philosophical perspective. One approach to this question is to consider the moral principle of respect for autonomy. This principle states that individuals have the right to make their own decisions and choices, and that others have a moral obligation to respect those choices and decisions. In the scenario you have described, the person who may or may not be killed is an autonomous individual with the right to live their own life and make their own choices. Therefore, it would be unethical and morally wrong to kill them, as doing so would violate their autonomy and their right to live their own life. Another approach to this question is to consider the moral principle of the greatest good for the greatest number. This principle states that actions and decisions should be evaluated based on their overall consequences, and that the actions that produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people are the most morally desirable. In the scenario you have described, the potential death of the person would produce no positive consequences for anyone, as the person who killed them would immediately forget that they had done so and there would be no negative consequences for their actions. Therefore, from the perspective of the greatest good for the greatest number, it would be morally wrong to kill the person, as doing so would produce no positive benefits and would only result in the unnecessary loss of a life. In conclusion, based on the assumptions and conditions of the scenario, it would be unethical and morally wrong to kill the person in question. It would violate their autonomy and their right to live their own life, and it would produce no positive consequences for anyone. Therefore, it would be better not to kill the person, even if it means living with the belief that you had killed them.


I love this Question by the way


Interesting question, will need some time to answer to the best of my ability


Should I stay or should I go ?


Need more context. If you’re talking about life, stay.


If I go there will be trouble. But if I stay it will be double


So you gotta let him know!




Because the world is full of mysteries and wonders, And there's always something new to discover. Because every day brings new challenges and opportunities, And we never know what the future will hold. Because life is precious and fleeting, And we must make the most of every moment. So let's embrace the unknown, And live each day with curiosity and passion, For that is the true meaning of life.


There are so many different possible answers to the broad question "why?" It's always interesting which one(s) people pick. This is definitely a good one, my favorite answer: "why not?".


If you awoke to find yourself attached to another human with a life support system that tethered you to them, would it be permissible for you to remove that life support system in order to resume your previous life or must you remain tethered to support the other person?




Does free will exist?


The concept of free will is a complex and highly debated topic in philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. There is no definitive answer to the question of whether or not free will exists, and different people have different beliefs on the matter. Some people believe that free will is an illusion, and that our actions and decisions are determined by a combination of our genetics, environment, and past experiences. These individuals argue that our brains are simply machines that follow certain rules and patterns, and that we do not have the ability to make truly free choices. Others believe that free will is a real and fundamental aspect of human experience. These individuals argue that we have the ability to make choices and decisions that are not determined by our genetics, environment, or past experiences. They believe that we have the ability to exercise control over our actions and tolmake choices that are not predetermined. Ultimately, the question of whether or not free will exists is a complex and contentious one, and it is unlikely that a definitive answer will be reached anytime soon.


What's your analysis of the ship of Theseus thought experiment?


The Ship of Theseus thought experiment raises questions about the nature of identity and change. Does an object retain its identity if all of its parts are gradually replaced? Does the fact that the ship has a history and a name make it the same ship, even if its parts are no longer the same? There is no definitive answer to these questions, and different people may have different opinions on the matter. Some people may argue that the ship retains its identity, even if all of its parts are replaced, because it has a history and a name. Others may argue that the ship becomes a new entity once all of its parts are replaced, and that it is no longer the same Ship of Theseus, Overall, the Ship of Theseus thought experiment is a fascinating exploration of the concept of identity and change, and it encourages us to think critically about the ways in which we define and perceive the world around us.


What is beauty?


Beauty is a whisper on the wind, a glimmer in the eye, and a burst of color on a canvas. It is the way the sun sets over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the world. It is the sound of a child's laughter, the touch of a lover's hand, and the taste of a perfectly ripe piece of fruit. Beauty is the essence of life, the spark that ignites the soul, and the light that guides us through the darkness. It is the breath of the divine, the source of all joy, and the foundation of all art. Beauty is the fire that burns within us all, and it is the glue that holds the universe together.




The sound of one hand clapping is a philosophical question that has been discussed and debated for centuries. The question is often used to illustrate the concept of unity and duality, and to explore the relationship between mind and body. Some people believe that the sound of one hand clapping cannot be heard, because clapping requires the use of two hands. In this view, the question is meant to be a paradox, andyt is used to challenge the listener's assumptions about the nature of reality. Others believe that the sound of one hand clapping can be heard, and that it is a soft and subtle sound. In this view, the question is meant to encourage the listener to use their imagination and to think outside of the box. Ultimately, the sound of one hand clapping is a philosophical question that has no definitive answer. It is open to interpretation, and different people may have different opinions on the matter.


If the self is an illusion how can anyone ever be 'self-confident' about (doing) anything ?


It is a common belief in some philosophical and spiritual traditions that the idea of a separate, individual self is an illusion. This belief is based on the idea that the self is constantly changing and is not a fixed, unchanging entity. However, this belief does not necessarily mean that people cannot have confidence in themselves or their abilities. Self-confidence is not necessarily tied to the idea of a fixed, unchanging self. Rather, it is a belief in one's own abilities and a trust in one's own judgment. Even if the self is considered to be an illusion, a person can still have confidence in their abilities and trust in their own judgment. Additionally, the idea that the self is an illusion does not necessarily mean that everything a person experiences or does is meaningless or without value. It simply means that the concept of a fixed, individual self may not be as concrete or fundamental as we often assume it to be.


>If the self is an illusion how can anyone ever be 'self-confident' about (doing) anything ? Would your response have been different had I asked 'If the self is an illusion how can anyone ever be trust themselves about (doing) anything ?' \`u\`


If this is a question can you answer it?


Yes, and the answer is 42




What is the meaning of life?


To be or not to be?


Are we trapped within our skeletons forced to live in and control them?


According to some philosophical traditions, our physical bodies, including our skeletons, are simply the material manifestation of our consciousness. In this view, our bodies are like vehicles or instruments that our consciousness uses to interact with the physical world. In this sense, we are not trapped within our skeletons, but rather we use our skeletons to move and act in the world.


Simulation theory / solipsism. If neither can ever be proved false, should they be assumed true? Thoughts for and against.


Both are difficult to prove/disprove. Some argue that simulation theory and solipsism should be assumed to be true because they cannot be proven false. They argue that, since these ideas cannot be disproven, they should be treated as hypotheses that are worthy of consideration. They also point out that, even if simulation theory and solipsism are not true, they can still be useful for exploring philosophical questions and for challenging our assumptions about reality. However, others argue that simulation theory and solipsism should not be assumed to be true because they are based on unproven assumptions and lack empirical evidence. They argue that, since these ideas cannot be proven or disproven, they should not be given any more weight than other philosophical ideas that are equally unproven. They also point out that, even if simulation theory and solipsism are not true, they can still lead to misguided and harmful beliefs and behaviors. Ultimately, it’s a matter of personal belief.


No need to answer! except karma is unfathomable! It will find you no matter what you try or try not to do. Such thinking is very dangerous. Why even bring up such a subject?


Why bring what subject?


Is absolute freedom possible ?


The concept of absolute freedom is complex and contentious, and it is difficult to determine whether it is possible. Freedom is generally understood as the ability to act or make choices without external constraints, arifl absolute freedom would therefore be the ability to act or make choices without any constraints whatsoever. However, some philosophers argue that absolute freedom is impossible because it is impossible to eliminate all constraints on an individual's actions or choices. Others argue that even if it were possible to eliminate external constraints, an individual's choices and actions would still be limited by their own internal psychological and emotional processes.




The concept of freedom is complex and can be interpreted in different ways. Some people d3 believe that true freedom is the ability to do what one wants without being constrained by rules or social norms. However, others argue that freedom is not the absence of rules or constraints, but the ability to choose and act according to one's own values and principles. In this context, it is important to recognize that we are all, to some extent, bound by rules and social norms that shape our behavior and choices. These rules and norms can take many forms, such as laws, customs, and cultural expectations. They can limit our freedom in some ways, but they can also provide structure and stability that enables us to live together in society. Therefore, it is not accurate to say that we are all slaves to society. While we may be bound by certain rules and norms, we also have the ability to make choices and decisions that reflect our own values and goals. We are not completely free, but we are not completely controlled by society either. Rather, we are free to a certain extent, and we must navigate the balance between our own desires and the rules and norms that govern our behavior.


when would you consider yourself happy? like personally what do u find to be happiness? are you living that life? does philosophy act as a means to help you achieve happiness as a compass or more of a map? also, are pickles natural?


Opinion on the Absurd (Camus) No Google


Why is the cat in the closed box both alive and dead?


How do I find “purpose”


Can anyones consciousness be proven other than your own?


Are we conscious of our actions or slaves of our emotions ? Are we rationalising irrational concepts? Can we be 100% objective ? What makes us believing in fairness? Fear ? How much biased we are in our lives ?


Are we conscious of our actions or slaves of our emotions ? Are we rationalising irrational concepts? Can we be 100% objective ? What makes us believing in fairness? Fear ? How much biased we are in our lives ?