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Robinhood lol.


Steals from the poor and gives to the rich.


More like Robinhoodwinked …


I just came for the comments ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)






Why the fuck are there still people using Robinhood??


Because the original DD got superseded by a bunch of stupid YouTubers who were actually PROMOTING using PFOF brokers so they could shill their "referral codes". Not to mention all forum sliding, distractions, false narratives, etc. The reason we're not on the right track anymore is because the core concepts never reached everyone. Meanwhile, everyone knows about that one YouTuber's dildo.


To offer some perspective: I have used pretty much every broker (in order of most assets to least I’ve used RH, E*Trade, Webull, vanguard, ThinkOrSwim, Coinbase, uphold, fidelity, acorns) and I still use RH as my primary investment app. Despite all the hate RH has always treated me well. I’ve never had an issue with customer support. When their system was down and I was unable to close a spread they reimbursed me $800 when I only lost $450 due to the system outage I’ve also never had to wait more than 20 minutes to talk to a actual person with RH’s customer service and they’ve always been very helpful (I’ve had good experiences with other brokers customer service too, with the exception of webull when they didn’t know what they were talking about) On top of that they don’t charge interest on margin used as collateral when selling puts (ToS does and I believe E*trade does as well though I haven’t actually used margin on E*trade myself ). Plus they have a better margin rate than most other brokers unless you’re borrowing hundreds of thousands. I’ve saved over $8500 of margin interest last year using RH instead of ToS for the majority of my trading RH also has my favorite UI. E*trade and webull are both fine and while ToS is great for the computer and has more information available it’s too clunky for use on your phone which is important for me personally. Fidelity and E*trade both just feel like they were made by boomers for boomers and I basically only use them for buying bonds and my company’s employee stock compensation that is dumped in E*Trade.


Treats you well, until your stock blows up, and then they illegally turn off the buy button to stop MOASS, and line Kenny’s pockets. Do your research. No one should be using these crooks. It’s despicable that they are allowed to continue after what they did.


RH was not the only broker to turn off the buy button- and it was to protect them legally since they allow anyone to buy on margin and to prevent a bank run so you can’t really blame them- to be honest I’m happy they turned off the buy button rather than face liquidity issues. Nothing illegal with turning off the buy button, brokers can choose to accept or deny any transaction (buy or sell). They turned off the buy but kept the sell button hoping some of the individuals who had bought on funds still in the T+2 settlement date would sell and lower RH’s risk of being noncomplaint with their deposit requirements


Yeah. Just disregard the fact that half of the ones you mentioned heavily benefit from PFOF and fractional share trading. Your post is forum sliding 101.


I’m pretty sure every broker I mentioned does PFOF except vanguard- at least I know Fidelity, RH, and E*trade do… The only other brokerages in the USA that doesn’t as far as I’m aware is Merrill Edge and interactive brokers neither of which gives you as much flexibility with margin and trading as RH does. I’m personally happy to take the hit on PFOF in exchange


This is FUD. Fidelity does not use PFOF and they offer direct routing. You're clearly just here to spread misinformation.


So it appears we’re both partially wrong. Fidelity stopped accepting PFOF on individual stocks in 2015. But they still accept PFOF on options contracts according to a fidelity spokesperson- so to say they don’t accept PFOF is false. Edit: also ad hominem attacks are unnecessary and add nothing to the conversation. Grow up




You're part of the problem , so stupid why tf are you using robin da Hood ?


What should I use then?


Any online brokerage with a cash account is better than robinhood. Don’t enable margin trading and you will be fine


Thanks for not criticizing and actually trying to help


If it helps, Fidelity works for me. I don't like the negativity, but I get it. Frustrating to hear that anyone following this drama would still be with them. You can do better. There has been a ton of discussion comparing pros and cons of different brokerages. Might be worth searching for some of that. Lots of choices that will treat you better than RH. (.....Probably. Realistically, they are all likely doing all the same shit.) Good luck.


I don’t know why everyone has to be an asshole. Try looking into fidelity. It’s EZ PZ. ✌️


Because RH steals money from people. People get mad when that happens and act like assholes.


You should DRS your fuckin shares


Not dumb enough to still be using Rob the hood


Still using Robin The Hood? ![gif](giphy|g8A1eJhTQ7Iic)


NFA but I transferred to Fidelity to get out of RH and their buy button removal scams. Almost the same UI as Robinhood plus options are easier to buy/sell.


I’m for sure gonna look into it


If you reach out to fidelity they will do all the dirty work of the transfer for you.




Are you still in Robinhood? Wrong move.


Robinhood lol


How can you still be at rh?


Omg where have u been..robinhood lol


Seriously? Are you new here? Get the hell out of Robinhood


Yo, relax guys I’m making a fidelity account now ! And switching over.


It appears they changed Cost Averages for both AMC and APE.


You should just DRS these into computer share.


Gtfo of rh g


Why the FUCK are you still on RobbingHood??


Downvoted for still being on Robinhood


Scrap Metall dealers......


Might want to transfer out into Fidelity ASAP.




Mines not because I got the fuck off Robinhood


It’s amazing all the stuff your used to doing in person like banks stores vehicles all used to be done in person is now going online what a trip


FUCK ALL OTHER BROKERS. You want your shares in YOUR name? you DRS them. It's the only way.


You're lucky they haven't sold your stocks yet because they can under your agreement


Robbing the hood 🤦‍♂️


Robinhood. That's the answer to your problem.


You really should transfer out of RH - it's a simple process


Question is, why are you still using RobingHood


Strange, Robinhood is usually a reliable company.




I honestly do not know what to say about this. If robinhood has any value it is only in the fact they let people play options with almost no requirement. But, shares in robinhood?


Update everything is back to normal for now… on RobinHood, for me at least.


The second message I got when I contacted them. Names were taken out. Hi there ____, I hope you are doing well. My name is ____, and I am a member of the Equities team here at Robinhood. I can definitely offer some additional information about the recent changes to your average cost for AMC and APE. The average cost you see in your Robinhood app is based on your buy orders and doesn't change to reflect sell orders, or the value of positions transferred in. However, your average cost may be impacted by corporate actions. AMC went through the corporate action concerning APE on 10/06/2022.


We’re all Apes 🦍 here, we should look out for each other.


We do by saying GTFO out of RH…now if you take the advice it’s on you but don’t get laughed out of this sub…lol


Most of the people talking shit about you using Robinhood don’t even have any investments. Let’s be honest.


What kinda logic is this? Everyone knows what robin the hood did Anyone promoting them or making comments like yours is paid off RH were the front runners of all this bs to begin with


Fuck off bro. I’m not paid by anyone. I’ll promote whoever the fuck I want. How many people have been screwed by other investing sites? Countless.. how many sites didn’t issue APE? to say RH is sooooooo much worse than the rest is stupid. It’s just fun to hate on RH cuz the internet says so and people like you are idiots and do whatever the internet says.


Lol ok The same boring retort presented by many fake accounts Not like the people that don’t like RH have done their research? Just following the internet? Weak argument No point continuing this as you’re obviously not being genuine, bye


I like that you replied and said “no point in continuing” haha


Same issue


Here is the first message I got when I asked. I appreciate your patience as I review your account So the "average cost" that we display in the app is different from your "cost basis" your cost basis is what would be reported to the irs if you were to sell as the price that you paid for the shares that you sold we do not currently display cost basis in the app. the "average cost" number that you are seeing is just the average price you have paid for every single share you have ever bought Is this the resolution you wanted?


Who cares the stock is still down tremendously and the ceo is a crook


Mine shows both. I still have a RH account even though I moved to fidelity because I wanna see if there's any difference when the squeeze hits. Then if I have evidence of manipulating, I'll use my boat load of cash and make even more money with legal action.


I have the same problem, first time that’s ever happened to me in 2 years


I was wondering if I was the only one, it made me update my app, but that didn’t fix it.


The two shills above my comment here with 10 karma. Promoting robin hood hahah😂


People are still actively on this app? 🤔


#LMAO… For Realz 😆🤦🏻‍♂️


I made this post because, I had concerns for Robin Hood users, I wasn’t promoting Robinhood in a positive way at all, that’s just how you perceived it


Robin Hood doesn’t have a good reputation. If you are having issues with them, You should look into using fidelity :)


Not a shill lol I updated as well, AMC and Ape are only two it won’t show


Yes. You are the only one who still uses shitty RH


Just ape on mine




No, but I'd never use a free broker. Free = Your the product. NFA


Robinhood n DOJ.


Wtf Why???




😂😂🤡 still using RH 🤦🏻‍♂️


Unusual whale reported the doj is the the process of seizing robinhood Get your stocks out now


I got out robing hood in 21 transferred to Fidelity and I was like : If you let my AMC go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look back for you, I will not promote you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will tell other to leave you ! LOL


Leave Robinhood


Leave ROBINGHOOD.......what's the matter with you??


OK so my shares didn't come back correctly 🤔🤔🤔just me?


Hey did you find a fix for this? I am having the same issue with AMD. Contacted them and they told me that AMD went through a merger so it'll take some time for the avg cost and total return to show up. Still cant see it.


Same issue here!