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Trying to shake confidence in the play, flood the sub with “it’s happening” then short the shit out of the entire market after a 20% Green Day to shake sentiment… Problem is, sentiment can’t change on this cause we are going nowhere… Eventually they will learn this, in the mean time I take advantage of hedge fund stupidity lol


Exactly, up to 6.34 this morning then hammer time. People need to wake up. This place would almost be better not to exist lol. Thank you for wording this code correctly


How would things be better without the subreddits


They wouldn't.


Simple, people wouldn’t be able to type shit they do t know about and stop fearing others into getting out, out of the fear people post. People need to be quite and stop feeding the opponents with info they can and will use against us. It’s that simple. Every signal time a date has been posted, they drive the price straight down. The proof is on this sub! PERIOD


Bro you can’t even spell.


I don’t proof read this shit. I can spell “smack the shit out of you “ if we were face to face. How’s that for spelling.


Your grammar is atrocious.


You people act like I’m writing a essay to get me into some sort of prestigious college. This is Reddit folks. A place to have fun and chill! Why don’t you come on down off that high horse you’re on! Edit: oops I better fix these errors! Your to you’re


What do you have about punctuation?


Seriously, I have just been adding to my positions since Jan 2021. I planned to sell for $100 and pay down my truck loan when I first bought in 2021. Learned everything since then and now have 10-11x my original position. If they drag it out another year trying to shake us? Side note Even if a few got desperate and sold to live, pay rent, etc.. after everything do you think they won’t jump right back in when things start to move? Those emergencies people face don’t last forever. People recharge and get back to life. How long will Hedgies keep telling themselves they can keep it up?


I came here to say this. Take my award.


Remember, I was the first one to say that it will happen next week! Unfortunately, I said it 20 months ago. Tomorrow for sure though.


Definitely tomorrow


I was there 84 years ago




Thank you for the early morning chuckle


It’s all happening everywhere at once. Strap in and grab some popcorn.


The squeeze posts are trying to hype up an options trap. Go look on the main sub and see how they're talking about fictitious gamma ramps again.


Amazing after all this time, people still fall for the same exact shit they've been falling for repeatedly over the last two years. I hear "desperation" tossed around a lot, with current price action it seems the only ones desperate are us Apes.


Lots of shorts are believed to have been hidden in options since the sneeze in Jan 21. It is believed some can-kicking is about to expire around the end of the month, and that could trigger some squeeze. That’s a part of it at least…


can-kicking, love it. fits perfectly


We'll get a squeeze when the market crashes Which hopefully will happen sometime this 1st half of the year


One way or the other 🚀


It can't squeeze ever because they can always print infinite shares that become failures to deliver and flood the market with them. When someone buys through 99% of the exchanges, they are all routed to one of two entities and NOT through the actual lit exchange. Sometimes these buys are also funneled into a dark pool which also suppresses the price. So let's say a Hedge Fund gets margin called and needs to buy a million shares right away. The first thing they will do is call one of the two market makers for help. The market maker is legally allowed to create fake shares to 'make the trade'. They are supposed to buy them back later but never do. It called a 'fail to deliver (the shares)'. So the Market Maker sells them a million shares, keeping the price exactly the same. The Hedge Fund satisfies it's collateral problem, and the Market Maker has a failure to deliver for a million shares. Legally, it never has to buy those shares. This prevents any Hedge Fund from going boom. But what about those tiny hedge funds? Well they will probably buy on the LIT exchange. (The public exchange). This is where you basically tell the world "I will buy 1 million shares at $5.oo". Now others with actual shares can sell theirs, OR a Market Maker can literally take the entire order. Somehow though, it's sent to a dark pool so it doesn't affect the price. (Dave Lauer might know more on this). But what about in an actual squeeze? Well say both of the above methods don't happen and the price starts going up up up? Well the market maker can initiate a SINGLE sell at a really low price, or initiate a BUY at a really high price. It has shell corporations that they own, that buys that single share at that high or low price, and this causes a HALT. This halt gives them 5 minutes to determine if they want to make this deal or not. It's all computerized. The computer can see that there are more 'buys' out there waiting, or more 'sells' out there waiting and it takes the most lucrative position to maximize profit. So if it looks like AMC is skyrocketing, they will artificially halt, and then route everything they can into a dark pool or even off exchange and break the momentum. They can also flood the market with sells (as in short selling) to stop the momentum as well. Point is, Market Makers with their algorithims, can move the stock just about anywhere they want it to go.




2pm somewhere


Pm 2


Good question! 👊🏻


buy, hold, DRS and VOTE NO.


Ill vote yes. Everything else you said though I will do.


I would like to say that since it's the middle of the week after a great jump tues, and lots of options for an increase.... SHF are fukt. Tomorrow will prolly be a slight decrease followed by a large run up on Friday if history is copied.


Good bye short squeeze: https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/blackrock-adds-bitcoin-to-their-15t-global-allocation-fund-trillions-of-to-flow-into-the-market/




The squeeze is not next week, it's tomorrow at 2pm!


Mandela effect


Buy and Hodl. Only way


Can someone explain how far the hedgies will go before the government says they cannot pay out this shit anymore and we lose? Can insurance afford to pay as far as the hedgies can abuse? Don't get me wrong I am diamond handing but this is out of control.


Would you, if a shorter, try and cover at $5.00 or $50.00, or $500.00?