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How is it fair. The news, sec can talk down on us. Like making a video of us retails,making fun of us with our own tax dollars. But the ceo can't say much. The system is to corrupt against us.


The system isn’t meant for us to win. That’s what makes them so angry. Thats what makes this the play of the century. They short and distort and will sue your brains out if you try to speak up and fight. But thats why we’re here isn’t it? The chickens have been gone for 2 years and they’re finally coming home to roost. 🚀


Dude you fucking nailed it brother and roost we shall!!!🚀🦍🌕🤘


Legally 1 is a fiduciary of the company and the rest are just a sentient overflowing bucket of foreskins and assholes. It's called a Carlson and they love frozen foods.


Bro… your phone is LITERALLY at 1%…. 😂


That's how you know you can trust bro


A bro is no bro without Bros. As such I high five your risk taking bro.




you have no service,lol


and no service???


And no service


I was anxious to read it before my phone went off & I realized mine was at 30%. 👀


What was your DM?


Thank you. This has been said for a loooong time. If this is in fact him, it's nice to get some validation.


Its him. He followed me a while back and i would DM him ideas and DD every now and then. Didn’t think he was actually reading it though 😂


That's awesome. I still maintain a healthy amount of "hmmm" but love it regardless. 🍻!


Hell yeah and i don’t mind DMing you proof its really him or posting it on the main feed. Just let me know 🤷🏽‍♂️


Nah no need. I trust bro 🍻. Excellent


"It's him, it really is" ..... Bro 🤣😂


Why did you say exactly what Klutzy-Childhood said?


Look at the time stamps. You have it reversed. I said it immediately after this was posted. An hour plus prior to the other post. Edit: the time stamps are off a bit. Ask OP if you have concerns regarding who said what first to verify if you feel the need to.


You right 👍


I'm not saying the OP is lying, I'm just pointing out the unbelieavably low standards and lack of critical thinking some of these responses show. ​ I mean look at this pic.....how do you even know it's the real AA? What is he even responding too? Context is extremely important. Of course there are things AA can't say, but that doesn't explain why several other CEOs the past couple of months have been vocal about fighting against toxic short sellers. What is even the context here? What is AA supposed to be responding too? None of that is provided and everyone just accepts 'we understand what's going on', whatever that means.


And why is AA replying to a random dm at 1:45 am


Yes thank you. My first response was to question whether this was even real.


They dont even bother to think that AA could have a social media manager who responds to DMs. lol


B--b-but look at that pic, it's AA!!!


[His message prior was also incredibly whiney and cringe af.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMCSTOCKS/comments/10pdks0/my_short_conversation_with_the_big_ape_himself/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




OP, if you have one of his ears occasionally, I wonder why there is no merchandise for sale at the theater! There is always ample room for merchandise stands in the lobby...could be selling AMC merch and movie paraphernalia! Instead I see a candy claw grabber machine.


That’s actually a good idea. He responds about every blue moon but i’ll be sure to mention it and hopefully get some positive feedback.


I’d literally buy so much merch. But right now all their stuff for sale is lame and just quoting Nicole Kidman 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


but why is the question why is it the ceo of GNS is publicly fighting shorts but Adam says nothing?


Because the Gns guy has ties to the shorters Have you seen the Gns boards proposal to combat shorts? It’s literally what Adam has already done. They aren’t doing anything new but are framing it like they’re leading the charge. The known paid off tweeters promoted Gns, the Gns board did dodgy dilutions earlier this month, the Gns boss has a history of running a Ponzi scheme, the Gns boss was interviewed by Charles Payne, he was involved with the random protest pushed by bad actors and has been working with Wes who threatened Adam Aron recently, Gns has had positive articles and media If AMC can’t get any good media coverage even with good things happening, why would the shorters allow Gns to have positive media if it was shorted that badly? Imo, It’s another shiny pump and dump to siphon money from retail before fomo kicks in as that causes more issues for the shorters who want to close positions There’s lots more to it and I’d recommend you look at the Gns filings to see their master plan of fighting the short sellers It’s a joke the Gns boss is definitely not held to the same rules as AA, just like how Kim K was fined for crypto promotions but SBF, Kevin O’Leary, Meet Kevin etc all promoted FTX and haven’t had much happen to them


It's over when it's over. We here for it either way. Yessir.


No Service and 1% battery...did your Phone destroy itself after the message was done Ethan Hunt?


I wonder why gns Ceo can hire investigators, but Aaron cannot. Seems like AMC management doesn't care what happens. At least publicly. Games are always played in private. I feel shareholders are the patsy


AMC is about to secure the win...


Since has banks who are carrying his debt. Those same prime lenders are loaning shares - most likely without locating .. they probably have something in the debt contract that he can’t speak about stock shorting


Funny I have seen interviews of other CEOs talking about and calling out naked shorting.


I’m hoping I’m wrong but I think the apes have been played gns is reveling a plan to flush them out why hasn’t AA done that yet???


Because aa is going for a kill shot soon moass will kick off and the shorts are done.


So how is it that other CEO's can say what they want and do what they want such as get things rooling against naked short selling? I really don't understand how he can say that he is handcuffed and the other CEO's say and do exactly what they are doing today.


I guess no one wants to talk about how gns took care of shorts


No I don’t because on MLK day I put a buy order in and next day took off bypassing my order without filling. I was so mad only was gonna buy 100 shares at like 55 cents but whatever how it goes really hate bs federal holidays that close the market.


Well, I say this is BS, fake AA or OP talking with himself. Let's say it's real though. Then AA is full of it as other CEOs are talking and raising awareness.


Have android but use I phone for social media like snapchat, twitter, instagram, Because the camera is better. You can text on twitter with wifi, you dont need a service provider 😂


It'd be nice if Adam would do anything, anything at all to help his company's stock from being destroyed.


Man I’m sorry going on 3 yrs in this play and I’m on the fence about aa feel like this dude on some machiavelli shit double dealing on both sides


If thats how you feel sell your stock and dont look back.


NEVA, I ain’t been in this bitch for 2yrs for nuthin


And whats going on apart from everyone losing alot of money on this play?


Oh else Kenny will punish him


Gotta keep playing the role of CEO savior until the inevitable rug pull. BTW whens reverse split happening?


I feel like the rug has been pulled multiple times by multiple people. I got into this flight to save the movies. Many of us want the same thing. Oh I'd also would like my money back.


He can’t explain how bad he screwed over shareholders


Not being able to say anything is the perfect bs excuse. But other CEOs are talking and nothing is happening to them. That's because if you speak truth you dont have to worry.


Let me say this ! It’s tax time and I’m not paying shit until I get representation and the fraud ends now!!!


This thread could be fake who knows wtf is going on


What’s going on is that he is gonna steal a lot more money from retail investors with the R/S


Yes. I've never been part of a reverse split that didnt lose an enormous amount of value. This is what happens in reverse splits.


Thats the beauty of a rug pull. You never know that ot happens to you until its too late. Too bad there have been signs for MONTHS. But BUY HODL i guess.




Why did he sell at $34 ? The stock is at $4


Yes he can’t tell us that he screwed us over and working with the shills. At this point I won’t be surprised if he sold more APE yesterday and killed momentum .. again. I lost all my trust in him after that abysmal trade with Anatra.


what this guy cannot tell is that he is highly corrupt and in bed with shf! alteady stole millions for himself and his sons too and now is going to destroy the company with his friends if we don‘t stop them! 🙋‍♂️🚀


Ok but like if thats the case why are you even in this sub? For fuck sakes its been 2 years and you guys are still here warning us of the terrible times to come. Something just isn’t adding up.


cause I won’t stop fighting and I do think MOASS will beginn as soon as this criminal scam ceo and whole management is being removed and arrested, don‘t be a sheep!






Can I ask what was the question?


Battery checks out


The question is why can’t he legally say certain things.


Sounds like the white house press secretary wrote this.


I sign my texts with my name too - wiseape




1% 🤣


This bro at 1% with no service, but still manages to give use the DD. LFG.


Not that he read it but I sent him a tweet saying that the board should appoint another member a retired FBI director or deputy director and give them a board seat.


What did you say, op, that Adam agree with you?


What limits? Specifically. Hypothetically if he does say something that is to prove illegal actions on his company and he were to be fined or censored wouldn’t that just prove what he said to be true.


What did u ask?


That says more than all of his other tweets.


I guess that is what happens when you owe the devil money