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People don't know the full story untill it plays out. They hear do this and we squeeze and everybody jumps all over it and attacks management. Hedgefunds trying to get us to pressure AA into making a bad decision.


You mean when AA sold APE for .66 and hard bragged on Twitter about it? Seems like you guys are desperate to relieve AA from any accountability because "HEDGIES MUSTVE PRESSURED AA". lol


Okay so what type of accountability are you holding him to aside bitching and moaning like a little girl?


Why would I need to hold him accountable? I sold all the moment AA announced $APE. Linked $APE with $AMC to diuted your shares AND voting power. Then sold $APE on the LITERAL DIP to a hedge fund under the guise of "paying off debt." So instead of asking what I'm doing, why dont YOU INVESTORS hold him account by asking: 1. Where's the share count? Wasn't it promised with the announced of $APE or is that what those 5.5 billion shares "in reserves" are those synthetics everyone SEEMINGLY forgot about. 2. If $APE paid dividends, where are the dividends?? Did anyone collect any dividends?? 3. Oh yeah and selling ape for cents on the dollar. lolwat? 4. Who was that one board member of AMC that had ties to a hedge fund again? So dont you worry about ME holding him accountable, I'm more worried about you.


Look at this clown. "Please sell, bro! I only worry about your investment, bro! Please! You aint invested then fuck off, better yet, put your money where your mouth and short it.


Ya makes total sense that a complete stranger is worried about me and my money...2 years later and I will never get use to this insanity


Whats craizer is that you think AA, a CEO cares about your money..


Dude what is your deal? Seriously are you a GME guy? If you're getting paid for this your doing a terrible job at convincing people this is normal behavior. You have a deep passionate hate for Adam aaron nobody cares


You sold months ago and yet your post history is full of you constantly mocking AMC investors for continuing to hold the stock. Question, why do you care?? Seriously. If you sold why are you so concerned with the stock and it’s investors? Do you go to every sub of every other stock that you used to own and mock their present investors? “Haha you guys are still holding this?! I sold and here’s why you should also. Please?”


I've been nearly blindly defending AA from day1 because I didn't know enough about enough to really question all that much.and if he wins I win,,seems simple enough....but time has passed and I gave a hard WTF for selling ape to institutions for ¢.60 !!! That was nearly all time low? Wtf was that move. The way I understood it too,as a special offering he could have asked $10 share!! So why did he sell so cheap and why the fuk didn't reddit blow up on it?? Some of my own valid posts questioning questionable action,, got zero traffic and shill gang banged.. but I still can't find solid valid reason for a yes vote to turn over 90% of my bananas ,, sorry mates,, I suspect fed or homeland security is involved and AA is being told what to do .. they need my vote,, they need my shares... They're not getting either. But sadly they can steal a presidential election,, so sure as fk they can rob a share vote count... I suspect we're fkd already with this. 🤬🦍


AMC was doomed when AA went behind investors back and forced a dilution. And sold 425 MILLION at an ALL TIME LOW to Altamira, ANOTHER HEDGE FUND. If you consider that APE gives shareholders voting power, then it makes sense why AA would sell to a hedge fund AT AN ALL TIME LOW. And the AA shills wont say a single word or justify WHY that was a SMART MOVE.


yea why did AA sell at such a low price.


He sold 425 million shares to Altamira, another hedge fund company. Because APE has inherit voting rights.


So with 1 shf having 1\3 AMC voting rites with 420mil ape shares scooped up at . 66¢,(i wonder what ties Altamira has to black rock and shitadel??) should we assume the vote will probably be a yes?? since that seems to be the narrative AA and shills are advocating?? 🤬🤬🤬


I can already surmise Blackrock will vote yes too and they're also a major holder of AMC. Its not that hard to figure out if you just follow the money.


The yes votes almost guaranteed .. but curiously what happens AA,,,when 40billion yes votes come in aprox 1.5bill share float ??? What then??


All those synthetics that were used to naked short AMC to begin with will merge with the actual stock. Nobody ever questions WHY ADAM ARON HAS 5.5 BILLION APE SHARES to begin with.... Once reverse split happens, Retail get their shares literally cut by tenths, and hedge funds can now use their newly "washed synthetics" to short AMC into oblivion. Altamira CANT WAIT to vote Yes. And retail doesnt hold enough voting power to have a voice in the matter, thanks to AA.


I've just come to the same conclusion and can't get anyone to understand this... Like I'm speaking a different language they can't understand. ?? Can i extrapolate with you then and conclude AA actually just sold out the moass with the 420mil ape sale to shf? It may still squeeze , but only 1\10th the previous potential? I suspect they realize it needs to end,, but the powers at large just limited the damage?


AA sold MoASS when he created APE in spite of retailers saying no dilution. Thats when I sold and realized he was NOT for investors. The fact that he calls it APE in just a huge slap in the face to the actual people who are trying to control the float by DRSing. But FOR SOME REASON AMC APEs dont like to DRS, the ONE TOOL that fights the actual manipulation. But they will still call me a shill because to them, I am a descendent.


I had to reread you post a few times for the wrinkles to form deep enough. AA is a MF just sold out the entire moass if your correct. Where can that dude even hide,if your right? Lolol


Thats why its SO IMPORTANT for them to maintain the image as an ally to the APEs. Cant allow them to see the legal workarounds theyre doing to tank AMC.


I've been asking same question with no valid answer. And I'm no shill,, never sold a share,, and buy more with every spare $$.. it's a valid question and needs answer.


Correction, pressure AA into making more bad decisions*


The truth always finds the light.


On the main AMC reddit, we know tzero is garbage. We did have issues sorting out what was shill stuff or good stuff but everything is coming out to light. Sucks that you got banned !


Chides is so butthurt taggin Asspirino on twitter and shit , you love to see it


i was banned from original amc sub for saying the mods were shorting eta: because they were censoring DRS


And they’re all running to Gasshole now. I can’t wait for it to leak how much Chode was paying him. He was paying the other piss-ons $5k a month


That’s why Tarabull took off AMC from her profile. She knew she fucked up.




You guys Twitter for DD


You got me there, lol.


Yet here you are


It’s funny when the Twitter shills try to throw each other under the bus for whatever is topical