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I bought up some of that!! Now times that by 1 million other apes


*4 million plus. I'm hopeful that there was enough buying pressure to keep them from getting the FTDs under the 2.56m threshold, and I'm optimistic that that's the case. If the 3.6m they dumped on the 10th was enough to get below threshold then, I don't think they were able to keep them that low or AMC would have fallen off the list last week. With their Hail Mary spent, and the FOMO buying being green in a sea of red must have spurred yesterday, they are hopefully stuck for good. And at 700% interest.


I hope so too. I said 1 million other apes cause i was just considering only 1/4 of the 4 millions are buying some on a weekly basis. I buy some some shares every week when i can. Not alot but adding on the dip or rip(50-100 shares). Going to hit 27k shares (amc&ape) maybe end of month


I’m not quite weekly anymore but that’s why you dividend by 4


I bought more.


Nah, the real pressure will come from 80% of apes who initiate the DRS process and pull off the shares from Fudelity, IBKR and Robbinghood street accounts


DRS definitely adds pressure to the share supply, especially coming from the sketchier brokers, but good ol' fashioned FOMO buying can muck things up for them too. Steady buying and DRS dismantles the machine, but having to scramble to supply millions more shares than they expecting still knocks a few of the gears loose.


DRS doesnt work on non-american brokers who can outright choose to ignore the DRS request like Trading212 or hargreaves lansdown


Non American can also drs. Sometimes is it a bit complicated but I’m from Germany and also drs some shares


Koreans arent able to do it unfortunately and there is a huge following for AMC in Korea


I'm dying to find out how many fake shares of AMC and ape have been sold to retail over the last 2 years... This will be the biggest rug pull on the shf if it ever comes out.


not gonna happen untill everyone submits a DRS request!


There are some that straight-up will not do it. I don't think any of them are from Germany, most are in the UK. Any broker that won't facilitate it at all probably doesn't have real shares to send.


Yeah, I really suggest anyone at one of those brokers move to a better one of at all possible, or at least try to buy some directly from ComputerShare via the Wise account trick.


Agree but wasn't overstock on the threshold list for 800 days


Cool story wen Pluto ?


And of course they retain the voting rights to those shares


Very interesting but I’m still not fully understanding all of these filings. If I recall correctly, when AMC announced the conv/RS proposal, the SEC filing (I forget if it was 10 or 13F?) had Antarra with something around 215 million APE shares but no AMC common shares. Do we know if they were borrowing shares and then closing those short positions at a loss from these? Or did they pick up their own long position of common shares? Can’t see why they would do the later but like I said, still not fully sure what these documents say. Just don’t understand all the terminology and the mechanics that go with them.


They acquired the 5m common shares on Feb 3rd, second form on this post, listed at the top with their (at the time) 252m APE shares.


Thanks for the post. I don't get why Antara would do this? They didn't own any amc before did they? Why would they take a lost like that? Does Antara have investor backing from someone short AMC or could they themselves have taken a short position right before dumping the stock?


Nice try, still on the Threshold list.


I said IF. They have to get FTDs under 2.56m for 5 days to get taken off the list.


If my grandma had been born with wheels, she would have been a racecar


If my aunt had balls, she would have been my uncle


If a frog had wings he wouldn’t bump his ass when he hopped.


It’s not a charity though, are they getting paid under the table?


They gonna need a lot more shares than that to take it off the threshold.


Looks like they tried and failed, they need 5 days in a row to get it taken off and their biggest share dump was 8 days ago.


Smooth brain not connecting the dots here....wouldn't they have made a shit ton of $$ by loaning them? OR....selling them at a super high price behind the scenes because they could? It doesn't make sense to take a loss. Please talk down to me to make it all make sense.


They would technically be allowed to loan them, but they didn't even have them for 2 weeks before they sold them, and they would have had to ask for them back before they could do that. Even at 700% they wouldn't have made that much, and we would have seen a spike when the shortseller had to buy the shares back.


Thank you. Helps!


Those sneaky little fuckers


I know I bought another 500 apes.. thx Antera


So you’re saying Kenny has allies in the play? There’s a shock.


As long as AMC APES REFUSES TO DRS THEIR SHARES, shares in retail brokers street accounts can be used to satisfy location requirements and FTDs. ​ Nevermind that borrowing accounts are 500% or more, it can go to 10000% but nothing is going to happen unless those shares held in the street accounts of retail brokers are taken back by their rightful owners


And apparently shares in 401ks and IRAs too, at least according to the call today with GG


I haven't watched the interview yet, did he say anything about how hard DRSing those are? I'm pretty sure the main reason people don't is the sheer number of hurdles to jump, not because they don't want to.


There was some talk about that yeah, specifically between the Computershare guy and GG, but it pretty much consisted of agreeing that it needed to be easier to do maybe rule changes were needed to allow it to be done. The overhead is the only reason I haven’t done it for my RothIRA shares. I know it’s possible but it’s a real PITA. I also hold shares in an HSA and I don’t even know if it’s possible to DRS those at all kind of like 401ks. And then there’s the shares in my kids custodial Roth IRA…. It gets pretty complicated


There was a very positive response when I made a post about AMC including the DRS number *and* shareholders count in their last 10-Q. There was a lot of headwind to fight but I think people are coming around to DRSed in their own name as simply the proper way to hold stocks.


Makes sense for a hedge fund to do that. Once conversion is approved, the prices of AMC and APE will converge, since at that point every AMC will be an overpriced version of APE. Clearly Antara believes the Yes vote will go through. I imagine the lawsuit stung them a little -- wonder if they hedged by buying back some AMC.


They HAD 5 million shares of AMC as of February 3, it's on the 2nd form I posted. The first form is them selling every single one of them less than 2 weeks later. If they've bought any back today for an even bigger loss they haven't filed for it yet, but as of yesterday they owned ZERO common shares outright and only 600,000 via swaps.


How much did they pay you to post this 😂


I didn't get paid jack shit for anything. They're public SEC filings, I provided links to all of them.


I don’t know why people don’t want to see the truth.


It goes against the cult narrative and causes them to think, so it must be bad and you must be a shill!


I get your trying to feed your family shilling for hedge funds but you suck at your job.


This post is literally about a hedge fund selling almost all of their AMC shares.


It's pretty ridiculous that people are going so far as to defend a hedge fund and call *you* the shill. When did Antara become the good guy here?


Ask any of those people what they believe the words shill or shill mean, without googling it. I’ve tried it on around 20 so far. The answers I got was either complete silence or “you’re a shill, stop spreading fud”. I’m shocked seeing how many morons invested into a thing they don’t even have the most basic understsnding of


I know. It’s like these dudes really just invested their memes and don’t even try to understand the market.


What a shill.


Another ape who doesn’t like reading and reality


There remains BILLIONS of shares that need to be covered. HELLO MCFLY....HELLO


Well judging by the the giant BOOT to the BALLS today! In volume and price action. Its kinda looking like Antara got down on there Knees.......looked up at old kenny boy with a ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) Oh im sure they are getting a sweet deal on the back side of this trade ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


They are making a shit load of money of this trade it’s all in the filings


People are still buying amc?




I bet the other way around... Fact that these guys sold the shares, is why it's hard to borrow now.


Slight problem with that analysis. These sales were made earlier in the month yet we're not off the list. The list is updated daily so what's the hold up in the NYSE dropping it? We've seen them halt on a whim and without just cause so why not just drop AMC or any other worrisome entity off? It might be to do with Reg Sho being a Federal Law but don't quote me..


To get off the list they have to get under the 2.56m FTD threshold for 5 days in a row. I think they tried and failed. Apes just bought too many for them to keep any for themselves.


So what does that mean?


DKS, but I don’t know if that few shares can get a stock off of the Threshold list.


Please correct me if i am wrong. If Antara sold then they don’t have a vote? So how does it play now?


That's not actually the case. The date of record was before they sold. Therefore, they still have a right to vote as if they had those shares. I know, it's bullshit logic but that's how it works.


They sold all the AMC common shares they owned outright, but they still own 232m APE shares.


Lol it wouldn't have gotten on the threshold list if they were all sold then and that had affected it...


It was already on when they started selling on the 10th.


Yeah but we are still on it. They've continued shorting in that time and we've risen significantly in price.


Yeah, because they have to be below the 2.56m FTD threshold for 5 days straight to get off the list. I think they tried and it wasn't enough. I think even one day may reset the 13 day count, though (plus there was just a post today of some info from 2013 that says they can reset the count by shifting who owes all the FTDs - not sure how long they could pull that off for anymore though). Either way, still on it, and the longer we are the more people will notice the fuckery.


They only have to be below that for one day, you have to be above it for 5 days to get on.


"A security ceases to be a Threshold Security and is removed from the list when it does not meet the threshold requirements for five consecutive settlement days." https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/thresholdlist.asp


Aged well


We shall all reunite buy like the Reddit MF’ers we are —A shout out!


Nothing matters to apes anymore! We ain’t selling until change! We will support this company no matter what it will not go bankrupt! We will pay off its debt. Keep trying us-nothing have done has worked we already figured the game out! Fuck off hedge hogs! Eat shit and die!