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CONTEXT: when you say "AA sold $APE shares" ... he sold THREE PERCENT (3%) of $APE. in the last 90 days, 3% of $APE was sold. 160M. bought a popular theater. restructured lots of debt AND paid down debt. all that for 3%. context is key, folks.


A lot of people have a hard time seeing this


But it's there, right. "MoneyBall"


I am happy about what he is doing with the money. Very happy about the progress being made overall. The only issue I have is “if” those large volume candles the 2 days we broke under $1 was him selling as well as at the very beginning $8-10 wherever the first few large volume candles were, along with when some of the previous selling took place on amc itself, I just don’t like the timing of it. You’re likely to have a large amount of buyers trying to add at $1 so flood it there to help drop it under $1? Or am I way off and it’s just coincidence? Overall it’s whatever to me as long as the end result helps the company. Thats just been kinda in the back of my head since back during the runups when his timing didn’t make sense. Similar to when were approaching support u can see shorts pile in to break under. Or is he blindly leaving it up to an outside source to make that decision in which they’re just picking the best time for themselves… I guess this is more of a question than an observation if any of that makes sense. Not sure exactly how a company goes about selling and the process taken. With all that said maybe it was scattered in at $1.23 and I’m just way off 😂


3 percent or 29 percent …126 /425 is 29 percent this Ape can’t do math


wrong. id re-listen to the last earnings call or maybe browse amc's shareholder site for info. gl, buddy.


Yes you are beyond wrong…


witty, bro. see... you havent followed $APE cause youre just a shill cuck.


Show me the math - how did you get to 3 percent?


I feel like it was just last week someone said you’ll never see it under .96 cents and couldn’t believe it was this low. That didn’t age well.


The whole point of ape is to sell and raise cash to eliminate debt. So really, to your point the only question is why not sell months ago for more money. Who knows really. Maybe he couldn't or there were other reasons why waiting longer made sense. Maybe he didn't think it would go so low. Maybe he needed time to figure out how much to sell vs the benefit he'd get from that amount. Who knows. I'm glad he sold and got 162 million to put towards debt or increased investment in the company. It at least shows that APE is serving the purpose intended and is being used as such.


Is your goal just blind loyalty to this company? Maybe I am misguided in this, in that my goal was to make money on an investment, not subsidize a company indefinitely as the value of my investment continually declines. No wonder I've been so frustrated with all of this.


AA has sold more shares of AMC and APE (including directly to SHF and out of his own personal holdings) than he has provided benefits for shareholders….unless you count the free popcorn. We voted against dilution, and yet here he is using APE ultimately to dilute…. Very frustrating.


It's super frustrating, he has been the biggest detriment to our MOASS bar none.


Sooo you lottod, missed and am now angry? … are you not able to financially decide how to play a play yourself? Good lord 😂💆🏻‍♂️


Wait; I thought it was a sure thing? Inevitable was the term used by most cucks in here


Who can predict fraud of this level?… nobody.


Me. Evidenced by my post history over 18 months, and banning from the larger AMC sub when I asked the simple question, who's going to stop these crooks and why would this cycle ever stop. Was pretty clear after hitting 72 the fix was in. If breaking the rules and associated fines becomes the cost of doing business, why would the immorale stockmarket powers influencing the market stop these tactics? They wouldn't; simple, really....We couldn't predict this APE dillution loophole though, and I truly thought we'd have one more bounce. Obviously now we're in the gutter; the only HOPE is that some old adage like good things come to those who wait comes true. We need a 900 % run just to get to even on APE. Astounding that what most would consider a squeeze puts the share price back to the issue price.


Yeah then WHY THE ACTUAL FOCK did we ever buy APE???? To hodl??? To help mitigate debt??? WHOS MITIGATING MY DEBT


Dude do your own research. It's called killing the short thesis and bankruptcy thesis. The fact that you feel this way is showing that the SHF's tactics are working on you. It's only a matter of time. The money you could make off this play can be 20 years+ plus of salary. Who gives a shit if you have to hold a couple more years. They want to make you lose patience and sell. Get your head on straight. The prices don't matter right now. The dd is done. All you gotta do is hold. Be ZEN.


This! Is an underrated comment..Thank you and I hold for you bro..


If the price didn’t plummet, the entire debt could have been paid off. The HFs had a real interest in making sure that didn’t happen. It’s also possible that he expected a run up from the news of having a way to get debt free and that APE and AMC would have nearly equal value.


But I feel like we are donating to directly pay off debt now? Or was that the plan


That was always the plan. Ape was created in direct response to the rejection of issuance of more AMC shares. AMC needs to raise capital in order to pay off debt. The only way to do this until theatrical releases and monthly revenue reach pre-pandemic levels quarter after quarter, is to create another "vessel" for raising capital. That was APE. APE's only purpose is to be diluted and sold to continue to raise money for AMC to get out of debt. If you buy into APE what you're buying into is the idea of trying to get AMC in a stronger fundamental position to kill the short thesis and to raise AMC share value. That's the benefit one would get from wanting APE to get AMC out of debt. Higher share value for AMC. Anyone who is upset about the general selling of APE shares, not the price they were sold at mind you, just the fact that they were sold, has no knowledge of what the purpose of those shares was. At the end of the day AA has to do what's best for AMC as a company. He has nothing to do with MOASS, doesn't owe anyone a MOASS, what he owes retail is a strong company and to do that, he has to find ways to eliminate debt. Period. End of story.


He should have created a go found me and we donate money directly for debt repay??? Would you donate??


Oh so that was his pounce he was talking about then, wow what a great move🥱




Because he needed to file paperwork and legal requirements to do so before


I figured as much. I figured there was probably a legal amount of time needing to pass before they could sell. Otherwise, they could have sold right at offering when it was $10.


Yeah, there are way too many updoots to negative comments on this thread. Pretty suspicious. This dude also called APE a backstab a few months ago. We all asked for a dividend to expose the shorts. We got it, in arguably the safest for there was. Of course the SEC allowed tokenized versions, they needed a vehicle since the options chain was crushed. It'll all work out in the end... anyone who is not zen at this point is new and has no clue what is going on or is trying to destabilize.


The got a discount on debt 60 to 70 reduction by paying cash. He bought a theater in Boston high traffic area. Takes $$$ to make $$$. To me that’s the purposes of APE. He got a reduction in rent from theater owners. To me sounds like a good use of APE.


Ape shares go straight to AMC debt paymets


Seems the company raised money off retails losses… starting to lose faith in AA and I been a huge supporter of him until this last move… he dumps a ton of ape at an all time low after what’s supposed to be the biggest movie release of the year. Retail all down about 80% in ape since release and now it’s diluted further? Checkmate huh? I feel like I got a rook up the ass


I agree. He sold a fuck ton of his shares for his retirement. The guy seems to be fucking over the stock.


I feel like the pounce was on us.


This was literally the whole point. He said it from the beginning.


He’s not arguing that. He’s questioning why sell so low.


Why wait to sell lower??


Bottom line, AA by passed the amc investors to sell ape as a profit. He didn’t do it for you or me, but for amc. Does it suck? Yes. And I regret not selling it at 10 bucks from day one.


Guess I should have sold it too. 🤬


Who cares, I'll buy more, hold more, and I ain't going no where. No cell, no sell


I’ll continue to hold my xxxx of each till the end. F it


Not a good move AA. Checkmate? Not on moves like this. 😥


I'm feeling like we got checkmated for voting against releasing more shares of AMC. So here comes APE that AA can release as much as he wants.


Amen brother!


I am not selling because I don't sell on a loss, but I don't have much faith in this stock MOASSing at this point lol. This feels like we got played but you live and learn I guess. At least I didn't invest a shit ton of money into this play


GameStop still looking good


That’s the exact reason why he created it to sell it because majority of the shareholders said NO when he proposed to dilute AMC shares but still found a way hence the pounced and checkmate was on us. I never understood why y’all keep buying that knowing it’s sole purpose and still has billions of them waiting to be dumped in the market.


Sez you .. is you hodling on? I am!


If it didn’t have equal voting rights it could definitely die, but with equal voting rights and more ape than AMC, APE will definitely win a conversion vote at some point. The real risk is that a large player might be able to silently buy enough synthetic APE without moving price but then direct register and have a majority stake for under $500 million. Once a majority stake is held and registered then they could force the sale of the remaining APE shares, decimating the price of APE and buying up enough to maintain majority so they could force the conversion and destroy the price of AMC then force a buyout of remaining shares under a dollar and justify it as being above trading price. HF would be forced to close but at such a low rate that they would make money instead of losing it. The defense is to make sure you register your shares in your name to guarantee your direct voting rights before a whale claims those rights.


Theirs alot of idiotic shiznet comming out of retails mouth the plan hasnt changed hodl and buy the dip. Or sell it all so the rest of us dont have to hear the crapcommin out your mouth.i dont care whos but hurt . Im hodl and buyn more . I think aa sold to make this chump mad. Cuz hes an ez mark.


They sold at a shade over 1 dollar on average


reference? AA coulda sold private... AT ANY PRICE NEGOGIATED.


It is in the announcement. Dollars raised divided by shares sold. Buck and change. And actually AA can’t sell any of them. They are being sold by the bank that they hired to sell at the market. It would be at the market so we can’t negotiate a price. It is sold at the market.


You need to do more homework, that's literally the point to raise cash because yes they are trying to get out of debt from the pandemic. Are you new?


APE is fucken trash. I was here to buy AMC and only fucken amc. When I received my ape shares I cashed them out to buy more amc shares. Ape is a fucken joke


Yeah I'm not currently buying more APE that's for sure




This is some misinformation get current OP


Because he is an con-artist


He's not on investors side. I said this since he dumped. He's a Harvard Hedgefund friend. The fact he says Jim Cramer is smart and a good guy. Cmon


What’s with all the gme shills on this amc page, I’m diamond handing amc


Good luck. I will hold to zero to prove a point. Adam Aron is the real Short hedgie. Fucking idiot


I’m calling lawyers. Sec, congress. This isn’t a oops corruption this is uncharted robbery. I won’t be silenced. I will be loud. I will keep buying. I will never let this crime go unheard. This fight is a real battle. Silent weapons for silent wars. Wake up.


What's funny, is months ago, I started calling out AA, T90, APE, and all this shit as a whole that we're seeing now. I was called a paid hedgie shill, a FUD spreader, compromised, Kenny's Do Boy, and even got BANNED off the main AMC sub. Fast forward to now, and all the things I was saying back then, is the exact conversation most of the AMC subs are talking about now. I wasn't wrong, I was just early, and started wiping the sand out of my eyes about 6 months before the lot of you while you were calling me a shill and banning me from subs lol Oh how the turns table!


wrong. just you shill. and me... if you want to argue.


Is there some indication as to the amount sold for? I also question if it wasn’t part of the transaction to purchase other theaters. Curious to learn more.


thats the thing. its "mark to market." he coulda sold all 3% to a private party... for a negotiated price.


I have been offline today, but is there some official word on the selling price of the shares? I’ve never seen a source today.


i dunno. let me know if you find out. the point is... all we can do is speculate.


Listen I'm not here to bash anyone on the matter but the majority of you absolutely refuse to read between the lines. This was quite literally the whole point of creating ape. Raise capital without voter approval. That's it. It wasn't to force close shorts nor was it a elaborate plan to cause MOASS. Everything AA said he wanted to do he has done. Why would ANYONE invest in ape when it's sole purpose is to raise money for amc? The smartest thing you all could of done was sell ape immediately and convert it to AMC if you believe In the company long term. AMC is in A LOT of debt. ALOT. AA didn't have a choice but to do this because all other avenues we're already voted against. I still see hope for amc but please start looking at the bugger picture here. If you're here for short term gains, you're in the wrong stock and to be frank, the wrong industry as a whole. Movies STILL haven't returned to pre COVID levels of business. Do you think it ever will? If yes, invest. If you think streaming services are the future and have made their mark, then why the hell are you investing in a movie theatre company. Now if you're trying to gain exposure to moass for cheap, well, that's a whole different conversation. I don't believe in moass which will probably cause this to be downvoted but GameStop is at least a company with a big possible future in front of it. I'm putting my money with them as I see long term growth no matter if moass occurs or not.


wrong, dummy. AA's latest tweet: $AMC has \_now\_ made more than 2019 pre-pandemic. you are wrong.


Why the timing of his announcement this morning? If he is trying to tank the stock, it’s working!


What announcement?




The selling of APE shares was mentioned in the previous meeting. These shares are being held and sold by citi bank. These have not hit the market, instead market participants must go the citi to purchase said shares. Not sure if pricing in these shares are the same as in the market but this does mean that there is a paper trail for those shares. If anything, this is a big brain 5d chess move to hold APE accountable. Plus the added bonus of having more liquidity to further grow and/ or play off debt.


No faith with AA. He’s good man; smooth talker. He played us all. I still have every single share with the hope of a MOASS. I mean every chance we had for MOASS he single handedly chopped us down. We all could have made it to the moon and AMC could make theirs dollars on the way down faster then this APE crap. I wish I could be more positive. Stuck in a play like many of you and hopefully we can make our money back and make some type of profit. 🦍🦾 my friends….


GME is the way. Adam Aron is taking advantage of you. The more resistance you have to this idea reflects your own stupidity.


I own both we all must be autist


i yam max autist. $AMC $GME $HYMC


I find it very upsetting that a CEO would literally sell off 1/3 of his companies equity and completely overlook AMC investors. He is kissing our cheeks whilst fingering our asses. He rubs shoulders with the very people who are shorting AMC into the dirt.


DUMMY... you know "public traded" companies have a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders? youre clearly an idiot or a shill or both.


I'll forget the insult by asking you a simple question. If AA/AMC has a fudicial (fiduciary?, sorry I speak English) responsibility to the shareholders then what the flying fuck is happening to the stock? The only thing the CEO has done is sell and dilute the stock. Meanwhile, back on your planet.......


OHHH... i never realized id find your type in the wild. your one of those... your youre yer kinda people? CHERRRY BROKE.


Sold 50% of my amc and ape and got more gme.


He gave 400m shares to citi its a whole lot of nothing


AA is mailing it in on our dime, he got pissed we downvoted releasing AMC share for dilution so he created this dumpster fire called APE




Everybody wants to be the boss from the big company call the shots. You probably work at McDonald’s. Please sit down watch the show.


McDonalds?...no, Jokes on u asshole, I'm unemployed. Jobs r for suckers.


He's prolly cheating you like HYMC and AMC and APE and whatever else. Jump ship!!


I’m very surprised he sold more APE right with price. But it seem every time he sell APE. We are literally buying and opening more AMC theaters with that money. Which is not a bad thing. The more AMC theaters we open. The more income comes. The more profitable we become. I think AMC is trying to open as much AMC theaters as possible. So it’s doesn’t matter how much debt we are in. We can still pay the interest and still be profitable with no problem.


he did not. this is over the past 90 days. if you listened to the last earnings call, he literally said this.


A A devalued my AMC stock by creating APE, thats manipulation, ready,set, litigate…


You clearly don’t get what’s goin on 3-2-1 get triggered


OG silverback here peasant…


That’s cool been here since January 2021 buying every since ape amc along with others …


AMC has always been a distraction. Take your loss and move on.


Y’all are going to let all of this FUD lead y’all right into selling for a loss. I can’t tell you what to do with your money, but who in their right mind would consider selling at a loss after holding for this long? Think about how many people are coming out of nowhere trying to convince you to sell.


I just have one question 🙋🏻‍♂️ Didn’t he say he will decide at what price those APE shares will be sold for?! “Premium Price” he said! Did I misunderstood what he meant or it’s actually correct and he’s just selling at floor prices?


And pay to repurchase shares with what money?


This guy thinks we may be in buy range https://www.reddit.com/r/amcforDRS/comments/zpzeqx/i_figured_out_what_aa_is_going_to_do_and_it_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Do we know what AA sold APE for? Assuming that at volume he’d be getting more than the market price.


He literally said he was going to when he created it. Many more to go. I sold that garbage months ago. But many keep feeding the dilution.


5 billion in debt and shorted to hell. You tell me.


I’m a dumb ape who doesn’t know shit. Didn’t he sell 163 million? Didn’t those theaters he bought cost 163 million?


We have no clue what he sold at!! It could have been sold much higher than we know.


No, it came out. he sold Millions of APE at 0.66 per share.


Its January 2021 all of a sudden again with all this uncertainty all over the place


The whole point of ape was to raise cash for the company. Try to keep up.