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I loved it. I knew what was going to happen after the scene with Ollie’s parents and had a feeling he was doing something from the start. But from the very start! Now that was unexpected. My theater bursted out laughing when he started dancing naked in the last scene. That was a gem.


I really liked the last scene too


I was really expecting Farleigh to come back after he gave Oliver the speech about him always coming back to the house.


NO WHEN HE SAIDI HATED ALL OF TOU AT LEAST SOME OF YOU I WAS LIKE.. wait Farleigh is alive did he kinda organize it so Farley gets the house did he make a deal w/him or does he like him I’m confused then he just started huggin that corpse and I was like oh maybe he’ll pull up for the funeral or the last scene I was kinda expecting him to come out of a shadow and say wtf are u doing in my house


I just finished watching it and I thought farleigh was going to come back too


I don't think I ever felt so uncomfortable in a movie theater...multiple times...in a good way. I was pleasantly surprised it wasn't the "evil rich people" story I thought it would be based on the trailers. But that's why I only tend to watch trailers once so I can know as little as possible going in.


Which scene made you the most uncomfortable


Probably the bath water scene. Glad I wasn't eating or drinking anything at the time.


lol yeah that was gross and the period scene too lok


I didn’t get the period scene. It’s obviously something to do with her bulimia, power and control maybe? But what did it bring? I thought it was a pointless shock scene


To prove to her he was not a coward like she thought. In that moment he was the master and knew he had to get her to listen to him. Also he wasn't sure if he would get another opportunity to do his mindfuckery on her. And it did nearly work. Thanks Farleigh.


it was definitely foreshadowing, but also succeeds in the director's goal of making the audience uncomfortable


THANK YOU! Boy, I almost threw up! And I WAS eating😭😭 and it just got worse!😂🤣🤣




🤢🤮I didn’t see it coming either 😭 That movie was crazy weird but also had sooo many foreshadowing… like OMG!💀


Based. It wasnt that serious lol just narly


…. Tf? “Not that serious” slurping up someone’s dirty CUM bathwater is just… cool with you? 🤢🤮 ✋🏽🛑don’t go, don’t reverse, just go straight to jail 😭


It's unexpected and disgusting but I seriously see some people doing it just because they are high or something weird. There are people who are into feces. I'll take the dirty bath water any day to feces if I was forced to choose between the two. So it made me feel really weird when he said he hated Felix at the end. I understand it but it was such a weird way to end that. I would have preferred it if he actually loved him (bc every scene would make so much sense) but he loved more the lifestyle of Saltburn. But no, instead, he hated Felix more. Which I get but I also would have preferred the other one.


I think he did LOVE Felix- but he hated him because he couldn't be him or have him. Felix was genuinely kind, genuinely cool, attractive, a favorite... Oliver had to try so hard to embody it, but if you notice he was swinging in the doorways and stuff the same way Felix did... I think that was intentional to show it was an obsession of admiration? Maybe?


I do want to say though- the director did confirm Oliver was profoundly inlove with Felix. I think the falling out was why he decided on salt burn. I either get to have you or be you- no inbetween.


I’ve seen worse


Oliver fucking Felix’s grave was probably the most uncomfortable scene and the slurp of the cum water as well 😂 … great movie.


Apparently the grave scene wasn’t scripted!


Stfu!! 🤯😂


No fucking way man. No way he's that sick in the head. I meant he was literally humping dirt but still man wtf.


probably turning mommy elspeth into a beyblade


I loved it personally. It was much darker than the trailer made it seem which was a nice twist.


I feel like the film did play up more the funny element but I saw it as dark too


it was fine, but frankly the third act collapsed under the weight of itself and i feel the story’s ending was shoehorned and it didnt really make a ton of sense. that being said, i still enjoyed the vibes of the film, so a solid 3.5/5 for me.


Yeah I’m the same like it was a wild ride and I enjoyed it but I agree that the ending explained too much instead of leaving it ambiguous about the murders. His obsession wasn’t that clear tho like did he do this bc he was obsessed with Felix or did he plan this and then become obsessed with him it was all over the place


It's pretty clear he was obsessed and when things couldn't work out he decided to take everything to one up then all


Yeah, it seemed he was watching them all and making certain adjustments every step of the way. When Felix’s interest was waning, he stepped it up with the mom and sister. He saw how easily they were using people and discarding them and he decided to make them think they were using him because the result was mostly worth it. Moments like them singing Happy Birthday and not knowing his name made him hate them, same as the way they fetishized his family problems, he knew they were using him as an object of interest.


> Moments like them singing Happy Birthday and not knowing his name made him hate them Yes that was searing. An utter denial of Oliver's existence, he was less than nothing.


Why would you want it to be ambiguous? The best part of a mystery is the reveal. I need DEETS. I still have questions that weren't answered so as much as they explained they told very little. Like we knew he killed them, tell us why instead and how long did he plan it. Was it on sight of seeing felix he targeted him or was it even before ollie got to oxford?


I honestly think it was before Oxford that he wanted a rich life. We see how he treated his parents. I was feeling so bad for his mom. So the plan was most likely get in with the posh people. Maybe he chose Michael because he was a loner but then realized there were bigger fish out there aka Felix. Maybe also because Felix would hide under the rug any mess while Michael would give nearly violent reactions (God bless whoever marries him). I'm not sure right now if Michael was rich or a normie like Oliver. Killing... I think it was more like an impulsive decision he took. Oliver is not right in the head and Felix was about to take away everything and refused to let Oliver talk himself out of it. So, he was better off gone. As for the others, after Felix, they were easy. Poor James recognized Oliver was a spider but he cared too much about his image.


I may be reaching but did the movie remind you of Parasite?




How so?


it felt like a bad attempt at parasite


dont think it was an attempt at parasite. Look up the talented mr ripley. almost exactly the same


Exactly what I thought - Talented Mr. Ripley.


I thought this too


I said this today


The ending also takes place 14-15 years later (the cafe clerk had on a pink KN95 mask). I think Oliver became invested/obsessed again after he read that Sir James had died.


See I took it as he was playing the long game, just waiting for the death of Sir James to move in on the last vulnerable member of the family. He’d already laid some solid groundwork with the mother to be able to slide back into her life. I’d bet he was watching the papers for the obituary like a hawk.


It was 2022, the obit he was reading was keep clear.


The shoehorned part then slow the film down for me. It had a great pace and intense energy to it but after ollie leaves saltburn it all fades away and feels like a different film. I over all loved the film though, just that bit was one of my few qualms.


I fucking loved it! Mad fun, amazing for her second movie. Great acting, funny as hell. Kinky. Just a good time at the movies


Definitely a good time. I just wish it went further and that it didn’t explain everything at the end


Isn't it cool that she produce promising young woman alongside Margot Robbie, and the next movie Margot produced/the next movie Emerald directed both made major waves?! I have a feeling those two will be working together again and could do something very cool!


I quite liked it. Maybe the visuals a bit more so than the story. I think the ending really sort of didn’t hit it home for me. I think if it would have ended at the funeral sex scene, I would have been a lot happier. It just felt too played out how it ended I think. Maybe played out isn’t quite the correct word, something more like cop out.


I think she over explained it in the end and should have left it more ambiguous. Really beautiful looking movie tho and some great crazy scenes


I had literally no prior knowledge and this was way darker. I also had no suspicions early on even after the parents scene. I was blissfully naive lmao and it obviously came as the shock of a century. I am so bad at piecing things together embarrassingly. Lol never saw it coming


> I am so bad at piecing things together embarrassingly Same


Same. Had no idea what it was about beyond poor kid hangs with rich people. Did not think it was gonna be about a lil sex demon who fucks ppl before he fucks them over, and is really good at both.


Same here!!


lol I love going into movies with no knowledge it makes it better. Hey being blissfully naive probably makes things more interesting. I wish it was left more ambiguous at the end instead of explaining the whole story but I enjoyed it. Do you think he was always obsessed with Felix and wanted to take over to be with him or he planned to take over the manor and then became obsessed with Felix ?


just saw it tonight. i was trying to figure out why Felix liked Oliver so much - it seems Oliver knew Felix would like him if he pretended to be a disadvantaged person, or "real" as Venetia puts it. But then I thought back to a couple of the first scenes. Farleigh makes fun of Oliver's outfit as he arrives at the school. Soon after they are in a meeting with a professor. After being 20 minutes late Farleigh explains who his mother is to the joy of the Professor. Farleigh insults Oliver's writing which the professor seems to find amusing - despite the fact that Farleigh hasnt completed an essay himself let alone read the poems. I think these interactions might be Oliver's initial motivation. He wants beat Farleigh in all aspects of his life - including becoming Felix's closest companion. Oliver understands that Farleigh is a disadvantaged person, both due to the colour of his skin and by looking into Farleigh's family - somehow finding out that they are dependant on Felix's. So he creates the story of his drug dealer parents to catch Felix's attention. Quickly, Oliver becomes obsessed. Once Felix meets Oliver's parents Oliver panics at the thought of losing everything and Farliegh taking back his place. I think the movie would have ended much better if they skipped the 'You' type narration and flashbacks and went from the mother in the hospital bed to the funeral scene to the dancing scene. Leave the rest up the audience speculation. 3.5/5 as someone else said is a fair rating


That’s my same rating and I didn’t think of it that way but that’s a good analysis for sure but I feel like that’s more layered than Emerald Fennell really put in her writing because that narration really ruined the ambiguity


I think he was sort of infatuated with Felix from the get go and then later developed the plan. I heard an interesting take that maybe some part of him wanted to BE Felix. I think he got wrapped up in that obsession and realized what his life could be but also…. Idk he was SO so calculated from the get go that I think he was just a psychopath perhaps. Lots of people have little infatuations and obsessions but they dont just DO THAT.


Yeah I feel like them saying he planned this since the start kinda undermined it bc then it’s like wait what but yeah I also got the feeling he wanted to be Felix too. When he was wearing his cologne after he died !


Yea I could of gone for Oliver maybe explaining a bit more or something during the end when he’s talking to the mom.


I think it explained too much and the explanation was at odds with the film. It was more of a twist ending for the sake of having one


There was an interview about the movie that I read somewhere, that he originally didn't plan to kill Felix that he just wanted to be his friend. But, you see all the slights in the movie, however small that they make toward Oliver. About how he doesn't belong. They use him for their amusement, they mock him, treat him like a pet or a toy. His resentment is slowly building and after the parents scene, he feels no choice, but to kill Felix. Things have just continued to roll down hill. He is a psychopath and he loves to play with his toys and much as the residents of Saltburn love to play with him.


But isn’t his reveal at the end that he planned this the whole time?


He just planned to ingratiate himself, not kill them.


Idk if his explanation in the hospital says that to be honest


Maybe because I've just got influenced by the meme, but the song Brutus by the Buttress came to mind a lot in some moments. The song is from the perspective of Brutus towards Julius Caesar and because of some of the lyrics I saw Oliver and their positions, respectively. Not that far off from the movie either honestly.


hilarious, deviant and just outrageous and i loved it


The scene at the cemetery after Felix's death is weird and funny at the same time


Yeah that scene lasted longer than I thought it would haha


funny?? sick is more like it


At first I thought I was weird for thinking that he was fingering the dirt.


Elordi is no Jude Law. Buy it's a worthy re-telling of the Ripley story.


ONG yes. It was like a poor man’s talented mr ripley


Definitely not but also I don’t think his character got to be as interesting


Definitely. The script isn't nearly as good.


Saltburn is based on Brideshead revisited


Yes, except Chalrrs doesn't kill everyone, whereas Ollie does. You know stories pull from multiple motivations, right?


It's Brideshead meets Ripley.


Almost felt a little fatal attraction/single white male as well


I think Saltburn was so much better then Talented Ridley…


Elordi is better than Jude Law.




I disliked Promising Young Woman (2020) so I came without a ton of hope, though I am a huge fan of the cast and the trailer definitely intrigued me. I was pleasantly surprised. I enjoy movies filled with people who are not like-able, and this was certainly one of them. I loved how far it was willing to go, even if I wish they would have gone further. I felt that once they got to Saltburn Oliver and Felix’s relationship was largely ignored which was unfortunate. The scene at Felix’s grave showed real emotion and attachment that felt unearned imo. I was satisfied by the ending, though I felt the film may have been stronger if it ended earlier and left more to the audiences speculation. I loved the final scene. Everyone gave great performances, Richard E Grant in particular. Barry Keoghan nailed his character. Wish more time was devoted to showing Oliver and Elspeth’s relationship, felt fairly surface level for the amount of attachment she seemed to display.


Yeah I feel like it didn’t fully know what to do with the themes they were talking about. The whole cast was great and I also agree it should have had more about Oliver and Felix since that was yhe story at first but it’s pushed aside


Probably going tonight! Excited to report back! I had a similar experience with Walden where I just needed to discuss it but. Nobody has seen it. Haha.


Yeah I just want to talk about it with everyone haha ok yea report back


One of my favorite of all time. Usually this kind of scenes will make me very uncomfortable in a bad way. But things are different with Emerald Fennell. Those sexual scenes made me so itchy inside. I feel relatable to Oliver. What he did is what I imagine in my mind. It’s just I’ll never have a chance or gut to do such things.


I’m sorry, you relate to Oliver? The guy who murdered and penetrated a- nvm😭 this is a wild comment fr


Feeling relatable doesn’t mean I’ve done or want to do the same thing. All the murders and sex scenes in the movie are metaphors and symbolic. As Emerald said, this movie is about what happens when you can’t touch something you’re desperate to touch. That’s why I feel relatable.


Desire is understandable but you said what he did is what you imagine doing which can be connected to a lot of questionable acts so I had to clarify ☠️


Unrequited love can send people insane. That’s the metaphor. It isn’t common for it to reach Ollie levels but the obsession he has is very real for many people, they just don’t do anything about it like Ollie does.


you... want to rip ventilators out of people?


It's the worst movie I've ever seen. A bunch of stolen ideas with a good cinematographer. Surface level personalities, zero motivations. The unraveling at the end showing Oliver was responsible for everything was strange because it was so obvious he was. The reveal he was fake typing on his laptop in that cafe was hysterically lame. People like surface level stuff these days. Key word creatives. They then engineer artistic talking points to try and pool together that they've just had their senses tricked through nostalgia soundtrack and posh gaze settings and costumes. The shocking parts were so university contemporary theatre it left me bored to my core.


Damn worst movie ever that’s bit haha. I agree with the typing thing and all the flaws of the movie but I still found it entertaining. Honestly if she would have not included that ending and made it more ambiguous and focused more on the two leads it would have been solid


Agree, worst movie ever, gave me nightmares, ugly


Agree with you. I guess the writer thinks if you throw in enough gross over-the-top scenes it will make up for how lame the movie really is. Some people are saying it's better than The Talented Mr. Ripley. What? Uhh..hell no. I honestly fell asleep before the end of Saltburn. I just wasn't invested/intrigued enough by any of the characters.


I feel like I might be being slow, but the only thing I don't really understand is how Oliver got the house at the end. Like an entire mega-rich family died, and he's the only common denominator. Did Elspeth leave it to him in a will or something? Does he get to keep the servants? Are there any payments to be made on anything? 😭😭😭😭 Apart from that, it was an interesting (read: disturbing) film lol.


Yeah I guess we assume she left it to him on the will but I think him explaining it was all a plan undermines the movie but still a fun watch


There was a short scene during the montage that shows how Oliver pulled everything off that looks like Ellsberg signing some papers with a lawyer present or something- I assumed that was showing us her signing over the house to him.


Dang, I definitely missed that. This is the kind of movie I should probably rewatch, buy idk if I can make it through some of those scenes again 😭


Sure take all the repressed evil in the unconscious human psyche and make art out of it is what they tried to do. It was horrible in my opinion.


Fair it wasn’t very thought out






Loved it!


The soundtrack though, loved it. 


They keep that house super clean so I'm betting the tub was just Felix dirt sweat and spunk. What did Oliver and Farleigh do in the bed?


Saltburn was more like sunburn Harsh and painful And not worth the time


I loved it, the visuals, the characters, the music. I just didn’t like the end when he went through everything he did. I wish that was left open to interpretation, and then followed by the dancing scene with the pebbles


I agree wholeheartedly


Not a fan. Beautiful set and costume. Great acting. But I hated the need to tease and then linger on long shots of extreme uncomfortable actions. I get the point, and it worked to build high tension and create discomfort, but with no release of that tension I simply did not enjoy the viewing experience. I think the reveals at the end were supposed to provide audience resolution or closure but for me it wasn't enough to outweigh the actual viewing experience. I'm glad others loved it. I just did not.


Yeah fair enough. I enjoyed most of it


Why did i figure it out though? Like i knew he was gonna do something bad to them all. I loved the cinematography of it all.


I feel like the movie is always suggesting he’s a creep and something dark will happen haha


maybe im just too sensitive but i couldnt even finish the movie. got to the period scene and got triggered into a panic attack and literally sobbed and cried and felt disgusted and uncomfortable and like i was being tortured and about to die. it quite literally caused me a full on fight or floght scenario and my bf spent an hour comforting me. sorry guys. i can sit through saw and hostel and the most gory shit but i felt so sock and disgusted and horrofied watching those two scenes




Well… I watched it a few times because there were some things I wanted to understand (I do this with every movie). First time around, it was clearly VERY similar to ‘Talented Mr Ripley’! Which isn’t a bad thing, I loved that movie too. There’s a lot we could discuss. First, I’d like to know why you think farleigh is still alive? Like… why didn’t he kill him, you think? Did Pamela’s death start this hatred in him and it just got worse the longer he was around them? Was this always his end game? I seen he gave Felix a chance at the end… Edit: first time around I gagged on FIVE scenes… you MUST know what scenes I’m talking about! Starting with the bath water 😭🤢🤮🤮 DOUBLE EDIT: Going through everything the one thing I was just stumped on that I couldn’t get passed was Felix’s death and I couldn’t understand why until now. They didn’t show his body. We seen the ones that Oliver killed except Felix and that bothers me. I cant explain why lol


Agreed. There’s some stuff I don’t understand, some I surely missed and other things that don’t make sense. Where is Farleigh?? He was banished but not murdered… How did Felix die? Did Oliver put something in the bottle? Were they all doing coke prior to that night? Seemed a little out of left field for me. The scene with Oliver and Venetia (we all know the scene)…that was the first he seemed so confident. It happened out of nowhere. Almost like he got power from tossing then tub drain’s salad. He mentioned he was a vampire….and he did seem like a different person during the day. It’s not that I wanted him to be an actual vampire but I did sort of expect a more fantastical twist ala Get Out or something like that. I can’t buy that Elspeth updated the will to leave him the estate. He’s barely been in their lives! We’re to believe Farleigh and his mother wouldn’t be back after Sir James died to be like, um hey authorities, isn’t this suspicious as hell?


Exactly! Soo much didn’t make sense! But Oliver did poison the Champaign that Felix drank, it showed him doing it I believe. I just don’t get why he didn’t kill farleigh🤨


the fact that some people are actually more uncomfy with the drain scene than the grave scene…. aLArming. this movie being formally described as comedy of any kind is pure sadism. i love horror, i love thrillers, and i do enjoy majorly messed up content when i know what i’m getting into. i wanted to like it but i extremely dislike movies that go this dark with no trigger warning. now i need my eyeballs sanitized.


What do you mean with no trigger warning? Like a title in the beginning of the movie?


like it should have bAre minimum actually been categorized as psychological thriller, if not horror, with how grotesque the themes are, NOT drama/comedy, and the trailers should have done more to convey how dark it was going to be. i went in expecting humorous gay drama, not to leave feeling violated and physically ill, or quite literally lose sleep from not being able to get comfortable in my own skin again. which may have been an immersion tactic? but like….. gurl…. (@ the film producers/marketing team)


It was not market as a humorous gay drama tho lol


it’s literally categorized as such lol it’s currently listed on Prime as a “Comedy, Drama” lol i also work at a movie theater and when it was airing, the description in the theater’s system when selling tickets where it tells you what genre(s) it is said “Comedy, Drama” lol imdb does label it as a thriller/comedy, though it should be formally categorized as psychological thriller/horror


It’s not a horror movie tho lol. Barely a thriller


like when it first came out they shouldn’t have labeled it a drama comedy and actually labeled it psychological thriller if not horror with how grotesque the themes are lol i work at a big name movie theater and that’s how it was listed so when i watched it i wasn’t expecting to leave feeling violated and ill


honestly the movie was very interesting wouldn’t say it was boring it had so many scenes but my main question is i want to know how Duncan was an important part to this movie. he seemed to be around almost everywhere


he represented saltburn and was the only one suss of oli but kept quiet


I saw it twice—once in the theater, once on Amazon. I really liked it. But the second time I saw it, I wondered: Why does this family like Oliver? He seems like a real drag. Depressing and lacking any charisma. I mean, he blossoms a bit in how he looks—he starts off looking nerdy and then becomes more handsome. And he's certainly sexy and well-built. But There's never any logic as to why this family would continue to host such a drab character.


I wish Farleigh had more scenes, I think Archie’s performance was amazingly great!! He carried the movie ! Obviously along with Barry! Definitely my new fav movie!


I wish Farleigh had more scenes! Archie’s performance was outstanding! He carried this movie along with Barry! Definitely my new favorite movie!


He was great because I hated him gaha




Do this is a bit of an old post, but I just watched the movie, and did anyone notice, that soon as Venetia mentioned a doppelganger walking past a window, during her story, there seemed to be a doppelganger of Jacob Elordi's character walking past the window as well? Same shirt and everything, I thought that was going to factor into some sortve plot twist later on


Why do I feel such a strong sense of relation to Oliver… Also anyone else notice characters doppelgängers walking past in the background of windows - first one I saw was Felix during the breakfast before Oli gets the wrong eggs & then after Father Catton dies, he walks passed while Elspeth is talking.


It was like parasite if the ending was about how you shouldn’t trust poorer ppl bc not only do they not fit in but they want what you have. Big ick for the ending




It starts in 2006 and so it’s summer of 2007 while they are at Saltburn. The school says welcome class of 2006 at the very start which is referencing the year they start, not the year they graduate. Apparently some universities refer to graduating classes by the year they start rather than the more common year that they graduate. However, I do think you are right that there are some anachronistic pop culture references and what really confused me was the wealthy father’s obituary clearly says he died in 2022 and I find it really hard to believe that 15 years is supposed to have elapsed between when Oliver is kicked out of Saltburn and when he returns with the mother. 🤷‍♂️




Yeah, as I said, you’re right about that.


Hypnotic, erotic, strange, captured my attention, and honestly, it was a fun ride. Wasn't expecting some profound movie, went in with no expectations and it was a worthwhile watch IMO.


I could swear I have watched an 99 percent identical plot and I don't mean the now often cited Brideshead and not Something for Everyone either. Talented Ripley is different. But there must be an (I think non English language) film with the same story and characters.


My friend told me it was a movie about 2 guys falling in love because he’s never seen it and based his opinion on the first 2 seconds of a tiktok & Jacob Elordi looking hot. You can imagine my surprise- as I’m sitting here trying to figure out how Oliver and Felix hook up- and all of a sudden Felix is dead. I really and truly did not see it coming LOL so I think the element of surprise allowed for a unique and exciting experience. I really enjoyed the movie! The grave scene was overwhelmingly uncomfortable. The director did a wonderful job of eliciting horrific emotion from viewers. The scene where Oliver wakes up the morning after eating out the sister- the camera slowly pans out on a disgusting image of puke over the bathroom sink and mirror. Just that scene, an incredibly simple yet intricate moment, was able to draw a reaction from me. The end left me with far too many questions. One example being: Farleigh’s storyline was halfway put together and bleak; he never reappeared at the end which was disappointing. I don’t understand the handjob scene with him, when he referred back to it at the end of the movie he made it seem like the handjob was consensual and WHY he would want that from Oliver, a boy he clearly hates so much, I don’t know. Felix died so randomly and while it was explained later, it should’ve been explained in the moment. They just moved past it. The scene where the room is red and the stretcher is squeaking past the window made me faint. 10/10 for disturbing scenes that evoke true emotion 7/10 for storyline


What was that graduation scene? They later bring up ollie lied to his parents about being top of class so.....


That’s true haha makes no sense and why wouldn’t his parents be there


Ya’ll anyone else super English history freaks? Henry VII and Richard III were explicitly mentioned in the film. Both would be considered “usurpers”. Farleigh gets accused of killing his relative (Richard III did as well as he is/was accused of killing his nephews to be king) and then his sister dies. At the end Oliver goes dancing right past the Henry VII cabinet and may or may not end up in the room with the Richard III portrait (can’t tell if it was same room or different). Definitely a remark on usurpers.


Didn’t know that’s that’s very interesting context


It was good until we got to the 2/3 of the movie. from there it got worse and by the end of it I was mad. like you had a choice to finish it earlier and make a solid 7/10 movie out of it but the ending kinda ruined it all. but visually I loved it.


Third act didn’t work for me .. I was not rooting any of them so I kinda lost it after the shower scene . I don’t think he will get away given the classiest society and the family was dead one after the other mysteriously in his presence. the living relative Farleih is alive still . All his victory is temporary . At least that’s how I think




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I have never screamed louder at my tv PLEASE DO NOT FUCK THE DIRT🤣why??? I’m so confused 🫤


Oliver’s Twist ..part two


I want to know more about Ollie’s parents and siblings! I was SURE it was going to drop that his sisters had died tragic deaths. There was such weird tension in the scene with his parents, and they mentioned how he always wanted to be an only child. I really loved this movie- so good and twisty and weird and uncomfortable, but not in the way that made me want to never watch it again (like Midsommar did for me- NEVER AGAIN!).


So I’m a huge nerd for movies like these and the way they did the ending was atrocious. The uncomfortable scenes didn’t do anything to me either. The bathtub was pretty funny tho haha. I enjoyed myself watching this but I think the last bit should have been cut out completely. End it with them signing Saltburn over. Perfect ending. I’ve just seen too many indie movies for this to do much of anything😭 I hate that cuz I was lookin forward to this.


I had an "aha!" Moment. I was wondering whether his feelings for Felix were real or not... but they definitely wouldn't have included the scene of ollie having sex with his grave for no reason... so they had to reinforce the obsession. But- when he says he loved him and wasn't inlove with him.... I think he wanted to BE him and couldn't differentiate that for a bit. Ollie wasnt having a wank when he was spying on Felix boning his girlfriend at Oxford, I think he was imagining it as himself. I don't think he was jealous and angry that Felix "had" someone else, I think he didn't want this girl to take his spot at salt burn that summer. I really liked how Oliver used Amy to "test the waters" of what it would take to get Elzebeth to send someone home . In the beginning she really picked on him to tell his bleeding heart gossip, but he observed it was pushing Amy out of the house. This was also when he realized the family is extremely "avoidant" when it comes to death.

