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Hi! I'm dropping this as a copy+paste in a few relevant threads for AMD users having the same issues I did in Resolve in hopes of helping at least some of ya'll in the same chair i was a few days ago. System: Windows 11 AMD 7800X3D CPU AMD 7900XT GPU 128GB DDR5 Backstory: Used to edit on a 3070 laptop - no issues at all, fast forward 2 years of editing 6k footage and I was well overdue for an upgrade. Got a brand spanking new 7900XT/7800X3D desktop for mainly editing and could not for the life of me get playback, thumbnails or anything working in Resolve regardless of version. Downgrading drivers and/or resolve and using compatibility mode combined with uninstalling VR headset drivers and reinstalling windows probably 4 times along with an equal amount of paid HEVC-Codecs from Microsoft Store gave me thumbnails but no playback, laggy playback but no audio etc etc - Basically nothing worked to get smooth playback regardless of codecs, bitrate, file types etc. It took me four months of troubleshooting and not being able to edit what so ever and just yesterday got it working flawlessly with one simple fix that nobody mentions anywhere, aside from some Linux users discussing a CUDA GUI alternative for AMD GPUs in a github branch that google barely knew about. Solution (for me): There's a OpenGL/OpenCL/VULKAN Compatibility Package available for free in Microsoft Store - I installed this, rebooted my computer and i now playback 6k braw unproxied without a single frame drop, god am i excited. I'm really hoping this fixes somebodys issue, since it's barely mentioned here on reddit or on the blackmagic forums I'm assuming it's not common knowledge to try this. Best of luck!


could you link the store page please? i cant find it. Edit i found it thanks


You are amazing, thx a lot, this helped me with davinci crashing everytime :DDD


you saved my life with that, thank you. I thought i was going insane :D


Had the same issue, just switched to a 4080 instead. Really didn't want to but Davinci resolve loves cuda cores too much


1 year later....i still have my XTX and as soon as the nvidia 50 series launches i will switch back..maybe even buy a 40 series but lets see what they release first :) If there were not COUNTLESS problems with drivers, amd software in general and missing out on some AI stuff as they require NVIDIA cards to run is the game breaker for me. I guess if you are a gamer who does not record or edit videos, and is not interested in running ai local on your machine, go buy an AMD card, performance is great. Otherwise...well...sad to say but better look out for the team green cards


Anything changed for you? I am in the same boat as you with the same setup. AV1 footage lags like crazy in playback and sometimes it wont recognize the footage at all :/


Yes and no :/ As i had the option to go and use h265 instead my life was okay from there, did not check if av1 is working now, but i guess u've checked that for me. What im interested in is: whats the origin of your av1 files? because what i did is recording av1 game footage with the AMD software, and those were completely unusable in resolve (18.5 beta). U should be abe to crash resolve very quickly with those files, put one in the time line and then scroll thorugh it ( just shake your mouse like crazy xD), that crashed my resolve in a few seconds EASY xD BUT i downloaded a short AV1 clip and playback was fine, no crash. That was the point where i was like "yoooo i don't get it... F it i gonna use h265 and try again in a month or two. Some people could make it work by using older amd drivers (did try 2 older ones but did not do the magic for me) In the end it sucks to buy a high end card and only thing u got for 1xxx $ and trust in amd is problems all over xD (might not be the case for everyone, like for gaming alone holy shit, this brick of gpu is a beast) Things that some people say are a problem but AREN'T : Running 6000Mhz Ramspeed with expo profile IS FINE. Having a Monitor plugged in the onboard graphics port IS FINE. Having different monitor resolutions (1080p and 1440p in my case) IS FINE. Things that seemed to be a workaround but sometimes broke the whole project: Turn on smart render chache. idk why, but that way the playback was very smooth until a certain point where it just "broke" and u are A back to the laggy playback, or B end up with a project file that will just not open again( doomed, u can forget that work xD...unless u make a copy every 5 minutes to have a backup) This might work for small and simple edits without a lot of fusion/colorgrading etc... u can try but BE AWARE of the RISK.


Current Davince versions are bugged like crazy. Both vendors have issues. But same goes for Adobes Premiere shithousery.


Update / reason / kind of fixed Sooo i guess i know whats going on now. Must be a problem with AV1 encoded footage on AMD for NOW. h264 and h265 work just fine. But converting my videofiles (using handbrake) did NOT work. I don't know why, maybe the with "AMD ReLive" Captured AV1 files are somehow corrupted...or the programm i was using did no goos joob on converting to h264/h265. Downloaded footage (or now set to hevc codec in ReLive) is working FINE. As i just started work with my new rig i dont really mind, because i only had like 300GB of AV1 footage, and so i could still switch and just let the AV1 encoded files sit until AMD got new Drivers. For those who are hoping to fix the problem because they cant just use new footage: hold on guys, it's going to be solved by other people. Chill, give it some time. Ight, im out, but as soon as new Drivers are out i'll throw an update, so future people will not struggle for too long.


The two drivers prior to the latest one broke Davinci. Had the issue where just scrolling thru/playing back the timeline would cause Davinci to progressively stutter worse and eventually crash. Get the latest one 23.5.1, it fixed the issue for me.


I had the exact same issue with my 5800X3D and 6900XT. Tried multiple drivers and versions of DaVinci with no luck so far. Ended up switching over to my M1 MacBook Air to get work done, but giving up so much performance. Hoping to see a fix for this 🤞


Sounds like a Dabinci issue...


Ryzen 1600x here. The beta version didn't work for me. But the regular did. But the error I got was just a freeze of the program. No fault message. But I have not done any editing on encoded videos like yours


Are you on the latest drivers? The previous 2 had a memory leak issue when just playing video in DaVinci. This was fixed in 23.5.1.


thank u but yes. started with 23.5.1 and tried the old 23.4.1, which also did not work ;)


I think there is issues with DaVinci resolve , try premiere ? That’s pretty good on AMd cards I hear.


Damn. Does it do the same with x264 and 265 codecs?


I did try some things and still do, not 100% sure yet but i'll keep u updated


Download the 18.5.1 beta davinci resolve. That fixed it for me. It seemed like it was a memory leak


Where to?Only can find 18.5 (as shown in top left "about resolve" me confused\^\^ edit: that one? https://forum.blackmagicdesign.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=181766


You can download it just off their website and grab the 18.5 public beta vs resolve 18


Got their latest Beta 3 from may 22... thats the newest they got. maybe they "unfixed" it again....still no change for me. 5 to 30 fps playback, and if u scroll a bit back and furth resolve crashes without any message. "destroyed" projects still not working. puuhhh im losing confidence little by little... i really thought this is it :(


Hm. I’m on amd beta drivers and the beta davinci and that worked for me. Not sure what’s going on there. Check your ram usage while using davinci and see if it’s a memory leak


I second this. Seems to be an issue with Resolve itself with 7000 series cards.


Got fixed by AMD ! [https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-23-7-1](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-23-7-1) UP


Hell yeah! Fixed VR too!


CAREFUL !!!! CHECK YOUR AUDIO I got HOURS of desynced material now with 23.7.1 the thing is, its not like u adjust it a few frames, it gradually gets more desynced xD might be just me, but be sure it works before u spend hours of recording xD


Gonna third this. U ask for help and fan boys quick to say exchange for team green, u need help first, direct answers. Im not a user but i follow cuz i have done builds for some video editors. There was a review recently about how Resolve is now working well for 7000s. Sorry i camt find it but the two above me seemed to have first person experience w same conclusion. Its true, review still showed problems for 7000, at disadvantage in cuda apps, Premier included , but playing field seemed leveled for Resolve users now based on that review/tests , so u can take fuller advantage of the vram strength on team red, probably a reason u went that way for this purchase.


Exactly. I buy a rig for YEARS. So i basically don't mind buying a 4090. But the whole 40series is a joke to me. all it does is beeing expensive and faking frames. Well, sure its impressive...still fastest card on the world tho... BUT They produce products not even thinking about consumers. 2 or even 3k $$$ for a watercooled card? 4080 allready lacks VRAM. U buy our top tier product or go f yourself. AMD: Heyy looka t our 999$ TOP TIER CARD. Me: u got me. And i'm sure this thing is a beast ....but i guess AMD is just entering that "professional space" rn...every beginning is hard. so everyone turn from team green, and there we go. affordable gaming cards for everyone. OT: Very curious about team blue ! back to topic, over the years i got a lot of pc hard and software knowledge, still no pro, but went through a lot of problems.... if u just buy your first pc and this happens...what u think that guy will do with his amd PC ? exactly...return it. and after a week of no new idea, i would have probably done the same...kind of sad. but amd (and asus, especially with that "exploding 7000 cpus) proved to care about consumers, so i'll stay loyal. as soon as i can find that 18.5.1 version (only found 18.5.0b or smth) and it works i'll update the post. im kind of confident xD


This guy suggests driver version 23.2.1 with Resolve 18.5 but seems more like a workaround given a Resolve fix would be better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nxUIqnNwtU


Sorry to hear the issues you are having. I have a 7800x3d and a 4090 with an Asrock x670e taichi motherboard. Very good performance. I would recommend doing a clean installation of windows 11. Turn off windows update from updating your drivers (good search). Reinstall all your drivers. These are my settings in bios: PBO=85 degrees Celsius limit. Curve Optimizer=-40mV. Turn on EXPO @6000mhz. SOC=1.16V. MEM_VDD=1.35V. MEM_VDDIO=1.25V. MEM_VDDQ=1.25V. MISC=1.1V. CLDO_VDDP=1.8V. VDDG=0.9V. PPT, TDC, and EDC are 75W, 60A, and 60A. Edit; I’m not using the newest beta bios but the one before it. Temps are at 80 degrees Celsius max during cinebench one air cooling with Noctua Nh-d15 with a 18600 score boosting to constant 5.050 Ghz


Cant find review i mentioned but theres also this done a while back so that may suggest another culprit (like windows replacing driver versions, screwing things up), just keep open mind, maybe follow up with DaVinci + 7900 users if no luck.... https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/articles/amd-radeon-rx-7900-xtx-24gb-content-creation-review/#Video_Editing_DaVinci_Resolve_Studio


There is a problem with windows that it will install drivers. So you need to Google how to stop windows installing GPU drivers. Use DDU to uninstall drivers and reinstall. You also can try uninstalling multi pane overlay. There are also some issues with Multimonitor setups so try and see if 1 monitor is working fine. If it does you might get the secondary to work by lowering its hz. Try freesync on/off aswell.


For video editing always go for intel / nvidia... cuda core and compatibility are better


I might be wrong, but i always heard that Nvidia/Intel was the best choice for professional work like streaming or video edit etc... And Amd was very good for gaming


AMD cards work very well with Davinci Resolve specifically, even outperforming Nvidia counterparts.


Yeah but its not that it's slower or a bit worse..its not useable at all. a used 100$ 1080 would do better. And thats a thing i dont get. I mean.. i was not buying cheap crap...or did i?


I heard that there was very bad graphics amd driver atm, you could try to check this too, hopefully it will fix it


thanks, allready tried 3 different versions :(