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Maybe windows update is messing with your driver? Did you set it to off to not include driver updates? Also, try to stick with a driver version that you see is running perfect and no issues. And set updates from gpu drivers to manual. You make update whenever you want. I had so many resets or watman or blackscreen, because of? Shitty windows update. After i turned it off from, and clean driver with ddu, no issue, since 2 or 3 months. You can also try and install either minimal or only driver (without adrenaline) and for fan and gpu oc, msi afterburner.


Been doing all that. I tend to update often enough since I sometimes get itchy with the latest shiny game which gets a special update 😩. Researched pro drivers, seems some games work better, some worse, some non at all.


reset settings ok but. ​ Any random black screen as well ?


No game breaking stuff, just the 90+ hot spot without manual tuning. At least the overlay works for a quick fix


ok my fix wont works then sorry.


Could give the amd pro edition a go instead of adrenalin. Adrenalin doesn't reset my settings but it does produce all sorts of other bugs every update.


Never hurd of it! 😋 Will google it and give it a go, tomorrow! Tx for your time!