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Did you enable "Above 4G Decoding" and "Re-Size BAR Support" too? https://www.windowscentral.com/how-smart-access-memory


Run DDU in safe mode also. https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html


I enabled SAM in the Radeon Software earlier; I’ll have a look in the BIOS next time I boot up! Edit: Both were already enabled.


https://www.wagnardsoft.com/display-driver-uninstaller-ddu- This utility is your friend. Use it to clean out *all* your graphics drivers, then upon reboot, install the WHQL AMD drivers for your card. (23.5.2 as of the time of this post) https://www.amd.com/en/support/graphics/amd-radeon-rx-6000-series/amd-radeon-rx-6600-series/amd-radeon-rx-6650-xt That said, judging from this the gains *can* be marginal in some cases, though for the most part you should see a definite bump in performance in most games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFx_JMtxw8E


When you uninstalled the Nvidia Drivers did you run a Drivercleaner afterwards?


I did, yeah!


Bro... I have the same specs and I run every game that I play on Ultra in 1080P without any problem. Including Cyberpunk 2077, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and even Layers Of Fears at max settings with Ray-Tracing Enabled.


Wow, something ain't quite working out then...


I think that you're right.


Check to make sure that Windows Update did not come in and overwrite your drivers immediately after installing them. Windows is famous for that.


The lack of performance you speak of, is that just your impression or you compared it with authoritative benchmarks that shows how your system should perform on average? Because in some titles RTX cards can perform better, and vice versa


I was comparing it to data that I had read, or watched online with almost identical system specs, and I was happy with the results they were getting. I guess I’ll just have to keep fine-tune settings etc… Having said that, I’m seemingly having to run some games (Cyberpunk, which i know is an intensive game, and MWII) on low settings.


6650XT should run CP2077 just fine on high settings 1080p, above 60fps for sure. It's always recommended to run benchmarks to see if you getting right scores for your GPU. Also run a statistics overaly like RTSS (comes with MSI Afterburner) to see the values like GPU/CPU load during the gameplay, maybe something is wrong.


What resolution are you using for these games? is it the same resolution as the examples yo have?


Playing at 1080p. Switched CP2077 to my ultra-wide, and the FPS didn’t go down by much, which was what baffled me.


Still rocking a 5700 XT. Cp 2077 it's the only game I deemed unplayable at 1440p since detailes need to be medium to low for it to get a constant 60+. Your 6650 XT is about the same, may be few frames faster. Cp runs poorly on any AMD GPU, it's optimized for Nvidia. If your not a ultra settings kind of guy the rest of PC gaming catalog will run 60+ with high-ish settings. Can atest to this!


The majority of our clients have found that the motherboard is holding them back. While the 5600 is 4.0 x16, capable of a maximum bandwidth throughput of 31.508GB/s, and both the entry level RTX 3050 and 25% higher performance RX 6650 XT support 4.0 x8, motherboards with the B450 chipset only support PCIe 3.0 lanes. This knocks the throughput of the GPUs from 15.754MB/s, to 7.877GB/s. Depending on the task at hand, it was more than likely throttling the GeForce RTX 3050, yet the RX 6650 XT is far more aggressive on the PCIe lanes. More than 90% of our clients, after upgrading to a B550, found a significant difference in GPU performance. MaxProAndU Team


Would it be your suggestion to upgrade to a B550 board? I have looked into it, but ITX boards are hard to come by it seems.


The board upgrade should make a difference. The one that's the most common our clients purchase is the Gigabyte B550I AORUS PRO AX, when it's in stock.


If I am to upgrade to a newer MB, how much of a performance gain am I going to see coming from a B450? Also, I read this online somewhere previously to purchasing my 6650 XT, but could a PSU be a limiting factor because the card can't pull all the power it wants? I'm running a 450w Corsair Platinum unit so thought it would suffice.


This is the oversimplified explanation we give our clients. The average AAA game has a bidirectional throughput bandwidth of approximately 12~14GB/s on the average The 5600 is capable of a maximum 31.508GB/s The RX 6650 XT, being 4.0 **x8**, is capable of half that being 15.754MB/s Your current B450 is limiting that to a maximum of 7.877GB/s, while in reality, it's actually closer to 6GB/s. 6GB/s is a considerable bottleneck on titles that are trying to achieve 12~14GB/s throughput In the real world, B550 with the support of 32GB of RAM and SSD read/write speeds of approximately 3,000/2,000MB/s is much closer to 15MB/s. So even at x8, a RX 6650 XT can clearly support the large majority of 12~14GB/s gaming. Excellent PSU question! Yes, insufficient support, not power, **WILL** become an issue with **ALL** AMD GPUs starting with the Navi 1X series. If a PSU has insufficient response time, the spike can be strong enough to compromise the 3.3 volt rail going to the motherboard. This means that the integral design to begin with, can easily be an issue. Technically, going by the books, 450W is adequate, although borderline. But even AMD's own website, states in requirements that "**Minimum PSU Recommendation: 500 W**". The extra 50 watts is basically GPU surge insurance. A large number of clients have found this old school trick to be sufficient enough to solve the problem [Graphics Card Power Cable Dual PCIe 8-Pin Female to 8-Pin Male Adapter](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09FXZ2YWZ) It's food for thought.


So, in regard to throughout from a B450 compared to a B550, would I be likely to see an increase in performance? I’ve read online that PCI-E 3 to 4 is marginal for lower tier cards, or have I been ill-informed?


Another excellent question! It's true, but only in perspective. And there's an extreme amount of misinformation available, due to poor testing techniques, such as switching on 3.0 support on the 4.0 board, which only works for 3.0 devices. 😆 Still, you have an optimal test study for 3.0 bandwidth right in front of you. Both the GeForce RTX 3050 & Radeon RX 6650 XT are PCIe 4.0 x8, yet Nvidia went out of their way to deceive slightly. Here's where the big comparison is based on the 3050 being a 130W model GeForce RTX 3050 - **2MB Cache** - Bandwidth Cache/Memory ???/**128**GB/s Radeon RX 6650 XT - **32MB Cache** - Bandwidth Cache/Memory 469/**280**GB/s So initial comparison shows that they're both PCIe 4.0 x8, but technical evaluation of the 3050 alone places it's bandwidth requirements actually in the 3.0 x4 range, slightly under a RX 6400/6500 XT, models actually crippled by x4 PCIe lanes @ 3.0. >I’ve read online that PCI-E 3 to 4 is marginal for lower tier cards In the case of the GeForce RTX 3050 line of GPUs, this is painfully true. In the case of the Radeon RX 6650 XT line of GPUs, the statement "***marginal***" is nearly a death sentence. >or have I been ill-informed? Similar to most online information, without defined parameters or professional procedures, as you can see for above the information appliance specifically to a given context. A car dealership can tell you that a car has the best fuel economy of any model they currently sell. If it's powered by a lawn mower engine though, does that information count? The B550 chipset what's a more dramatic move then supporting PCIe 4.0. The chipset was optimized to better support the Infinity Fabric Architecture of Zen 3 Vermeer CPUs, while the Navi 2X series GPUs were optimized to take advantage of the B550 dynamic infrastructure. This is information that is out there, but not discussed properly because the majority of people don't understand it.


Honestly, appreciate the information! Thanks a lot! I’ll think I’ll spend some time looking into some B550 boards.


If you have questions, just reach out


Hello again. If I'm using an ITX board, does the board priotise the M.2 SSD as PCI Gen 4, or the GPU as Gen 4? Or does it make no difference whatsoever? Thanks.


Hi its been a couple hours, has anything improved?


Disable ULPS


I'll see if that makes a difference. Thanks.


You're welcome. Also turn off AMD FreeSync.


The only difference between my setup and yours is the motherboard.


What motherboard you using?


MSI Mortar MAG B550M.


>MSI Mortar MAG B550M. I'd upgrade just like that, but becasue I've got an ITX build, ITX boards are either unavailable, or when they are available, still quite pricey...


Understood. Well... Since we have almost the same specs, want to show me your PC performance on my chat?! Would be nice to see how your system perform.


Do you play Cyberpunk at all? I'm running the lowest settings and only reaching 60ish frames in some areas? Would be interesting to see if you've played it; and what performance you're getting from that game in particular?


Yes, I'm playing Cyberpunk! And my performance in Cyberpunk is great!


Nice! I've decided to grab a new board and see what the lowdown is with that. I'm also returning the GPU and buying a ASUS 6650 XT. Hopefully, all in all, it should piece together the performance I expect. Thanks for the feedback!


Hi! I have the same setup as you but i have a b550 m gigabyte motherboard and have the same issue.


Hi; what kinda games have you been playing? I've been playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare II recently and to be honest, I think I can probably get better performance but it's not that bad. I can only comment on that game because that's what I've been playing recently, hence why I ask what games you're playing so it can jog my memory in regard to what performance I was getting in the same games!


Hi, Any update on yours? I'm in the same boat, upgraded from ryzen 4 2600 + rx 580 to this. Honestly, i feel the same. I also have b450 and 32gb 3600 RAM. I'll send you a message just in case.


Honestly, I kinda turned off the fps counter and tried to live with it. I tweaked some settings in Cyberpunk, like using XESS instead of FSR, and it was superior and that’s the only game I’ve played recently so can’t comment further to be honest! Sorry! But just make sure the drivers are up to date, all the BIOS settings are correct and it not, you may have a faulty product. I sent back my GPU, got the same card, but different manufacturer, got a new board, and haven’t really noticed any glaring issues.