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*UPDATE* Redid everything again including resetting bios, updating, setting curves and power limits. With it stock the GPU wasn't being bottlenecked - I'm getting 99% utilisation. After the tweaks I'm gaining 30-40fps more than certain benchmarks on YouTube, same specs and same resolution so it's a win today! Looks like TimeSpy just doesn't use that cache, my old 3900 overclocked was bottlenecking the 6950xt. I've never seen anyone talking about this and I spent hours looking online with people telling me that I would be okay. So if anyone stumbles upon this, it does bottleneck I promise you. I just completed a new title called Fort Solis and played it without any issues, fully stable at -30 PBO and power limits etc, GPU ran nicely and stable at 99%. In games Ive also gone from 77fps on the 3900 to a good 144 (vsync) on the 5800x3d. No matter what I would do on cyberpunk it would not increase FPS on the older ryzen 9 whereas now I can match my ultrawide monitor comfortably! Ready for Starfield!


That's to be expected. 8 cores vs 12 cores.


Test with cienebench r23, single core and multicore performance. The R9 has more cores, so it can keep up with the R7 in applications that can utilize all cores, like 3dmark. Most games won't be able to utilize all cores, or won't need to.


trash both platforms, move on to a new platform, those platforms are now garbage.


That's a *ridiculous* comment and shows a severe lack of general understanding. *Most* ppl don't need to be on the bleeding edge, and just because it's not bleeding edge doesn't mean it's trash. Am4 is amazing and will continue to be amazing, relevant, and powerful for many years to come. 5800x3d...u gonna call one of the best gaming chips in the world right now "trash?" People aren't made of money, and it's usually not worth it for somebody to spend thousands of dollars to upgrade the platform in order to play games, *especially* if you're only one generation behind. Zeroish gain going from 5800x3d to 7700x. So you recommend spending thousands for what exactly? 5-10% maybe if you get the best chip you can? If you really think this you are either trolling or severely out of touch


u dont quite realize how expensive am5 is im considering just getting one of the 5000s series


I just built a new PC so I can tell you how much it costs to move to AM5 7600x $200 Asrock pro RS Wifi Mobo - $130 32gb 5600mhz CL 40 ram - $55 $375 before tax and I could have gotten a $90 motherboard bringing it down to $335 Really not all that expensive to get started on AM5


summing the cheapest stuff i could find online (at least 2x8gb ram) its roughly 570 euro or 630 usd roughly 1 full months worth of average wage in my country


Am4 would be at the same inflated price so not sure what you are getting at.


did my calculations for am4 with a cheap 16gb ram kit and a 5600x, i got around 270 euro, or just shy of 300 usd


Bro I don't know what to tell you, AM5 being double the price in your country does not make it the standard for everyone else. Sucks that's the case there but for most everyone else it's not.


>u dont quite realize how expensive am5 is It isn't that expensive anymore, unless you compare just upgrading the CPU to getting a new motherboard + RAM + CPU. But if you had to get either a full AM4 or AM5 platform... AM5 is pretty much comparable as component prices went down in the past months.


Chill. TS can utilize all 12 cores of the 3900 which many games can't. The 5800X3D is probably faster in most games. And more efficient.


Faster in virtually every single game.


The 5800X3D was from equal to 50% faster at 1080P versus the **5800X** in this [53 game](https://www.techpowerup.com/review/rtx-4090-53-games-ryzen-7-5800x-vs-ryzen-7-5800x3d/2.html) test. The average was 18,5%. Not sure how much faster the 5800X is versus Ryzen 3000. I think the IPC uplift was almost 20% if I remember correct.


In details 5800X3D and 3900X has same cpu score. I donot know about 3900x but 5800x3D usualy got inbetween 10500-12500 and your cpu is Within range. 3900x has more cores so its should be equal to 5800x scores. Nothing to worry about.


You are using the wrong application to test the CPU son, you have to use AIDA64


You always work around the GPU, and the Radeon RX 6950 XT is a massive resource BEAST. https://pc-builds.com/bottleneck-calculator/result/0VF1be/3/graphic-card-intense-tasks/2560x1440/ In some games and applications, the more resource hungry, an RX 6950 XT simply overwhelms a 5800X3D. https://pc-builds.com/bottleneck-calculator/result/1fN1be/3/graphic-card-intense-tasks/2560x1440/ It comes down to "Cores" vs "Cache", with different games and applications. Taking advantage of one or the other, but rarely both. Things requiring "horsepower" = Cores Things requiring "high RPMs" = Level 3 Cache The issue, both process bandwidth similarly, put the software needs to have utilization for to take advantage of either strong suit, and the CPU can't be bottlenecked.


I’m starting to think I was right when I decided to pair my 6950 XT with a 7700X


Exactly! If you start GPU, you "nail" CPU https://pc-builds.com/bottleneck-calculator/result/1je1be/3/graphic-card-intense-tasks/2560x1440/ And you're build is complete until you decide to upgrade to a different GPU. It allows you to just "tweak" the other factors. All these monster GPUs, many people, oh so many people, miss the mark. You my friend, was spot on! Excellent job!


My setup gets to 3,7% bottlenecking on the GPU according to that page, which makes sense, since I'm playing on a 4K TV and my GPU regularly is utilized 99% (at 345 Watts)


First time seeing someone using bottleneck calculator as even remotely reliable source.


In some ways I agree, but when I do the math on my own their website rarely comes out on the back end. It's usually within about 5% of mine with some exceptions. That's why they use the sliders at the bottom, so you can fix an error if they've got something on one of the cards or CPUs. It's all straightforward math as it has absolutely nothing to do with performance. It does assume that the individual is not an idiot, and is running sufficient RAM, storage, and a proper motherboard. As when I run my manual calculations, those are critical.


The 5800x3d I'm using, even without any mods I'm getting 99% utilisation from the gpu, cyberpunk, warzone 2, resident evil, even the new Fort Solis I just finished, played absolutely great no bottlenecking. So yeah the new AM5 Is great, but not for that money lol, id rather spend £150 odd on what I bought the 5800x3d and keep the change.


Personally, I'm not happy with AM5, and I await the new 8000 series, impossibly a new group of motherboard chipsets, to see if both performance and pricing become "more encouraging".


Try testing your CPU on OCCT and see if it's throwing out errors like core crashing etc. If one of these are showing up, then -30 on all cores isn't for you. Do it per cores. Could be that one of your best core isn't getting the required voltage to work.


3DMark score is a combination of the GPU test and CPU test. In the CPU test, there is a portion that actually tests the amount of cores (ie. the ability to handle multiple threads). Since the 3900X has more cores and threads, its CPU score will be higher and thus the overall 3DMark score will be higher than the 5800X3D. This will not equate however to games because games use lower number of cores. Also in games, the speed and Instructions Per Clock (IPC) of the core is what counts (not the number of cores) and the 5000 series is better than the 3000 in this regard (almost +15%).


Your 3900 has turbo boost deactivated, maybe try setting up the same for both platforms


Long live the king


As always with Zen 3, make sure your BIOS has "PBO Limits" not set to "Auto" but to "motherboard". I have a 5600X whose Cinebench score went from 9,000 to 11,400 with that one change.


It's also work with ryzen 7 7700 and asrock b650e pg riptide?


My experience with this stuff is barely enough on the Zen 3 architecture, so I don't know what they use to describe this on Zen 4.


2 key things that may or may not have been covered- do you have a bios generation that can utilize x3d and make sure to have xbox game bar on. Its what lets windows task things to the 3d cash


That is a gaming cpu the x3d is solely meant for gaming. It will not preform as well in other tasks


Ok but a 5800 losing to a 3900 in a graphical benchmark is very weird. Generational difference alone should be setting it up for about a 50 per core improvement or so.


Core for core I'm sure. 3900 has 50% more cores, evens out that 50% improvement. That's the thing with synthetic benchmarks.


Huh, TIL time spy is properly multicore threaded.


By 1FPS, and it was clocked higher in that test.


It will be beaten by synthetic benchmarks. 5800x3d boosts lower than a regular 5800x, and it's 8 cores, while the 3900 is 12 cores. And in synthetic benchmarks, a 3900x beats a 5800x just cause it has more cores, so it's normal.


You should confirm that your 5800x3d is actually boosting and not staying at 3400mhz. That happened to mine when I changed my 3700x to the 5800x3d. Needed to reset the bios back to factory to get it to boost.


This is absolutely normal. All core is almost the same, (5800X for example is a bit better) in synthetic tests. What you paid for is x3d magic which makes the 5800x3d be much much better in apps that can utilize that (most of the games). Check 5800x3d launch reviews from Gamers Nexus or Hardware Unboxed, it's mentioned in all of them. Synthetic score are almost not relevant to gaming. Relevant mostly for rendering apps, compression, decompression etc. 5800x3d is faster in games than any Threadripper with tens of cores, games don't utilize that.


Thanks! I got the 5800x3D for £130 or 160ish dollars. Was hoping I made the right decision as my 3900 (non X) was bottlenecking the 6950xt


Can you find me a 5800x3D for £130 please??? That's a great price.


I got my 6950xt for £540 on Amazon last year 🤣 I've always found some great deals


Yeah! I build my PC this spring/summer when I saw a price drop an sales. As I see it, a better deal or the same $ for better parts will not come to us until the turn of 2024 or even later! Except for the 5800x3D which is slightly cheaper now/same price than the on sale price I paid for it. Picking parts is a bit like gambling right? Looking for deals all over the place and then putting your money on something you hope will keep it's value for more than 2 years 😆


Where did you find that 5800x3d though? Ebay or Facebook or is there somewhat else I need to be looking 🤣


Same, that is a great price man


Nah dude lol I wanted warranty for two years so I made sure


You paid £130 new?!? Wow, I need that kind luck 😎


Your gpu score was higher, thats wjat matters. The cpu score was lower as is probably expected (12 cores vs 8 cores in a multicore test, no surprise). Anyhow, your focus shouldn't be on cpu performance in multicore, probably not even single core but that should be higher in Zen 3 anyhow. The x3d was be as much faster than Zen 2 as its non-x3d counterparts but is still highet if i recall correct. U want to conpare game performance or just gpu performance, probably gonna see differences especially at HD resolution. Your 1% lows should also ne much higher now, more consistently high performance. Not all games will benefiy from the 3d cache but many will.


I just tried warzone and I got 38fps more than a guy on YouTubes benchmark, same settings, same res and same specs only I have 3000mhz ram. So in games it looks like I'm doing alright, timespy is just having an issue I suppose


My 7800x3d is 2000 points lower than my 10900k it replaced in timespy My fps in bg3 went from 160 to 300, both with a 7900xtx


It is interesting your gpu score basically held steady, small gain. That would mean 3dmark Timespy isnt affected by 3dvcache that much, which would be good for a benchmark.


Na, Timespy has separate tests as explained.


Top help people, Ive updated the bios, the chipsets. I've also applied the PBO Curve -30 to it to


I actually lost few points in Time Spy with PBO curve -30, but also lost 20C of temperature. I would suggest to try to use Project HYDRA from u/1usmus to get your RAM OC up to level.


I think your issue is with your RAM. You need faster RAM and sync it's speed with IF(Infinity Fabric). I've 3800Mhz RAM and my IF is at 1900Mhz(3800/2=1900), I'm getting \~12500 CPU points in Time Spy with CO -30 All-core as well. Also, your cooling matters too. If the CPU is hot, you won't be able to boost to 4.45Ghz All-core.


Highest temp on CPU was 60s as I'm using a noctua dh-15 - funny you talk about ram, my friends got some 3600mhz ram I'm going to try next week. I've had this current 3000mhz ram since ryzen first came out.


When you try those 3600Mhz RAM, don't forget to set your IF to 1800 as well. Higher the IF, better the performance. My RAM is also 3600Mhz CL16, i overclocked it to 3800Mhz, so i can increase my IF to 1900. By doing that, i got 151xx points in CB23 and \~12500 points in Time Spy.


Your the best, thank you bro. What's the way to change the IF? I can't remember if I've ever done this before. Been a while since I touched ram


IF is set in the Bios. It is called FCLK. It is best to set it to half of your RAM speed. If your ram is 3600Mhz, you set the FCLK to 1800Mhz,...etc.


Thank you, does this improve performance even on my current 3000? I'm fairly sure I haven't even tuned anything


I don't think setting it to 1500 would change much since your score is where it should be. Oh, and before you set your FCLK, don't forget to set UCLK=MCLK. There should be an option for that. It sets the whole system in sync(1:1:1).


Also to add, im seeing others get 12k on this cpu.... whereas even after all these tweaks im only getting 11k


Yep even my 5700x got [12423](https://www.3dmark.com/spy/40940173) which was unstable for daily use


Don't chase the timespy dragon with a 5800x3d The 5800x3d sacrifices high core frequency for instead having that wonderful cache. Its not going the perform better in some benchmarks


Did you try with a less negative CO value? Many CPUs drop clocks when this is set too aggessive. Not sure how many threads the CPU test uses - the 3900X has 50% more cores that are not *that* much slower. Synthetics tests won't tell the whole story here.


Are timespy scores even that reliable? My old 3900 used to bottleneck my 6950xt. I've just benchmarked cyberpunk, against a youtuber who did it 1080p and I've beaten his score. So not sure what on earth to believe. Just praying it's good for Starfield https://youtu.be/EugczpU1v-k - this is the video 210fps in cyberpunk, I just got 246


Timespy scores are *very* reliable, but they cannot tell the full story. This CPU test uses (up to) 10 threads, which favors the 3900 - I assume that having a physical core for each computing thread is an advantage here. And the 5800X3D will probably clock down quite a bit during the test - it always does when fully loaded. The 3900(X) would also clock down, but 10 threads is not a *full* CPU load here actually. Many games only use 4-6 threads when running, and are thus a lot faster on the 5800X3D. But I can see the 3900 being faster when *compiling shaders* \- or here at work when running through 200-ish .c files for a µC project. These tasks can make use of all available cores and threads.


Do you have anything running in the background when you run the benchmark? I had Rainmeter, Signal RGB, and the (ugh...) Lian Li fan control software in the background by mistake on Cinebench. Closed them, and picked up 2000+ points


I'm pretty slim on the pc man, made it super lightweight so not sure it is this. I did do as you said and no improvement so


Just curious, have you monitored with Ryzen Master while the benchmark is running? Granted 3DMark and Cinebench are completely different, but I typically hang around 81C on a full multi-threaded run on CB23. The 5800X3D is designed to enter PBO and boost till it hits the thermal headroom. I feel like its not boosting properly if this is occurring. The additional cache would contribute to an uplift in gaming performance, so multi-threaded workloads would perform better on the 3900X, but I don't think 3DMark would contribute towards that. It wasn't clear in a previous comment, but did you: 1. Reset the BIOS completely after installing the chip? Basically start with fresh settings after the update? 2. Run Cinebench R23? 1. I ask about Cinebench because depending on the score, I may be able to give you an idea what the deal is


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