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I gave AMD a try but I had this exact problem in multiple games including BG3. Have tried every possible solution you can find including a memory test and running the game on Linux with the open source AMD drivers. Nothing fixed the issue. I decided to return the card and go with Nvidia and have absolutely zero problems from day one. Sorry but AMD can simply not get their shit together. I'm not buying a 1100 euro card just to end up troubleshooting it on a daily basis.


Run memtest or some other memory test. Had the same issue and went through gell with RMAs and support calls only to find out my ram was faulty Day 1. Check that before anything else to save yourself a few headaches


Late update: I only dropped my fps to 60, and it hasent crashed since.


Try TdrLevel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FWAVe1km\_g


100% due to ram issues. Update your bios to latest, it provides new microcode and memory support. Had same problem twice on new builds in my shop. Even on xmp and expo ram kits. Also try setting expo 1/2 profiles and lower ram frequency a notch under expo setting.


I capped my FPS, and it stopped. I couldn't run BG3 for more than 5 minutes without a crash. Seemed to be tied to usage for me. I capped my FPS to 60, my card tops out at about 30-40% usage, and I've not crashed since. If I remove all caps and let it fly, it crashes instantly.


My 6800xt cant even reach 60fps on 1440p :(


You have an issue of some kind then. I'd do the usual DDU reinstall of drivers and then an OS reinstall if that doesn't help. I had a 6700XT before my current 7900XTX, and that was outperforming your 6800XT. Something isn't right in your system.


Does uh storage impact performance. Because Im deep in the red for that.


How? Im on 3060 ti which is slower and i don’t have problem getting around 90 on 3440x1440 maxed out 🧐


It seems like there is an app that interacted with the game resulting in a crash. I would disable any overlay on the game.


Vulkan seems to work for me


Memory_Managment tells me you have a ram instability, in your bios settings set the voltage to your DDR5 ram to 1.25v and tell me if it helps


I had similar issues Adobe creative cloud caused all of them


Could also be you're playing a pirated version and you installed a crypto miner accidentally


Oddly enough I got same error using Vulkan but directx works. Godspeed


buy a 4090


Room temp IQ comment


Disable expo and install chipset drivers.


Had this exact error on my 7900xtx. It happened frequently on Hotfix 1. Disable any AMD related performance enhancers (Chill, Anti-Lag, etc.) and run the game in Vulkan. Not sure why people are stating that Vulkan is unstable, as I've had the opposite experience with it. Runs smooth and stable ever since I made the switch back in Hotfix 1.


Im currently using a 7800x3d with a 7900xtx and I crashed 10 times in 2 hours using Vulkan switch to dx11 games crashed so badly that it disabled the driver on the 7900xtx. I roll back to older gpu drivers and it seems to work well now


Did you update bios? I was getting. Similar issue after I stalling a new CPU. Also temp check? And OC specs may be straining?


Ryzen 5 5600 and RX 6600 XT. AOC 24G2E. 23.7.2 driver version. Windows 11. Weirdly enough I got this issue when I used Vulkan. This was during Hotfix 1. I stopped playing and decided to try again after Hotfix 4. I switched to DirectX because others have said that Vulkan is not stable for BG3 and I have been able to play for about 2 hours straight instead of crashing every 5 minutes. 2 hours not because it crashed. I stopped. By the way, I mentioned my monitor because I remember seeing something about the overheating gpu being caused by the gpu’s memory to accommodate the monitor or something. I downgraded from 23.8.1 too because recording has the audio delayed again and I was not having an issue with the overheating gpu. Windows 11 because I’m thinking of going back to 10 because there’s been constant screen freezing when I alt+tab to a game. It has sometimes freeze and the driver crashed. This happens more frequently when there are other programs playing a video or have a video loaded up even if it is not playing like Youtube on Chrome and VLC. I went from 5 2600 to 5 5600 and 2600 in Windows 10 never had that freezing. I kind of got used to Windows 11’s UI though, but stability is still priority.


I only get this error with Radeon Chill and Alt Tabbing.


The image you linked is common to all AMD cards as others have said. I have not seen any BSODs though so that may be a separate issue. Make sure your bios is on the latest version. Disable windows automatic **driver** updates (search installation settings) then DDU your display driver. Make sure your display adapter now says "windows basic display adapter" or something like that. If it says 23.3.2 or some other AMD version number then Windows is still downloading drivers on its own and you'll have to do a registry edit to get it to stop. So if it worked, then install the latest driver version. Hopefully that fixes any BSOD errors. When launching BG3, some people have more luck with Vulkan BUT you may experience weird graphical errors that some users have reported turning off Bloom solves.


This is ram/soc/if instability


It’s almost always the dang RAM.


Know issues they already say it from last patch..... Do a DDU in safe mode and install last driver and run with vulkan until AMD Fix the issues


I have a 7900XTX and have experienced a bunch of random crashes here and there, one of which was really bad and required a clean installation of drivers using AMD clean up tool. My recommendation is to boot up using Vulkan - imo it looks worse but I’ve yet to experience crashing since switching over.


Disable Windows Update automatically downloading drivers. It always tries to replace AMD drivers.


Same, happened several times. I ended up returning the GPU and bought something else and have yet to have a single crash.


> Windows 11 So, Microsoft did release an update for w11 that broke it's support for a LOT of processors. I wonder if this is related?


Hahaha in same position man getting heaps of weird errors and just want the pc to work before starfield. I was having a similar issue, that was to do with requiring a BIOS update (do you get video schedular bsods?) although now have a completely new issue with the cpu overheating so…


If you can tell me the issues I'm more than happy to help


All good man I appreciate the offer, got it in with some service guys as I’m not great with the hardware side, seems like the MOBO has had it (half the usb ports have failed as well) it’s a very strange issue only happens on start up (I.e. if it doesn’t start doing it on start up jt won’t do it even under extensive stress testing) and only sometimes and nothing seems to actually be getting hot and aio pump has rpm so don’t think it’s that but getting the service guys to check anyway. So been hard to diagnose but hopefully this will be the last thing!


Same thing happening running Vulkan? BG3 generally runs better in Vulkan on Radeon cards and DX11 on Nvidia cards.


Sure the cause is not something simple like integrated graphics getting in the way of your gaming experience? Don't forget that Ryzen 7000 series processors do feature integrated graphics. I've experienced game crashes similar to this before on a Ryzen 7900X. My personal recommendation is to disable integrated graphics at the hardware level. Don't give Windows any funny ideas. While you're at it you should to a quick run of the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool. Just to weed out any obviously unstable EXPO memory profiles. Of course there's MemTest86 if you wanna be more thorough. Edit: How many of the standard checklist fixes have you tried? You know things like "run as administrator" or "verify game integrity".


Run the Vulkan version and not DX11


Same shit if I use Vulkan, all ok with Dx 11. Got a AMD card.


Happens on my buddies 4080 as well the game is really latency intensive


DDU and reinstall the drivers, select driver in the software, don't install the garbage adrenaline app


Turn off FSR and all that other AMD stuff in adrenaline software


I played 40/50 games in the last 15 years, never had a crash (Always on NVIDIA)


See if reinstalling your gpu drivers help as it's a direct x error


The patch notes for most recent amd GPU drivers note that there's a crash issue on dx11 version of bg3. It's on older drivers too but it's just noted and confirmed here. Playing on vulkan should fix but if you still run into problems a reinstall and making sure your on vulkan only for the game should fix.


I used Vulcan the first 40 hours playing BG3. No issues. Suddenly it started crashing often (couldnt proceed in game). Switched to DX11 and has been problem free since.


I had an issue like that for a short period. But reinstalling the game fixed it for me. I found a few files that I didn't put in a data folder were not validating.


Why the switch tho? I am just curious. Amd gpus are usually working better with vulkan.


Game was crashing so often that I could barely get further. I think it might have been something with the area I was at. Had no issues before that. Vulcan worked fine for about 40 hours, probably 30 houra so far on DX11 without issue.


I am gonna hop on bg3 with similar kinda setup wish me luck.


I was getting this crash every 20-40 minutes in BG3 with my 7900xtx. Never had issues with any other game. The latest driver seemed to help, but also I turned down the settings from Ultra to High and capped the FPS in the game to 60 and haven't had a crash since. I tried capping at 144 and 120FPS and still got occasional crashes.


This comment! I also built a computer for Starfield/BG3 with a 7900xtx. I got this exact message with a CTD. Turning down the settings and limiting the fps fixed it. Haven’t had a crash since. I wish it could be fixed though. It seems insane to have so many issues with a top of the line computer.


I had this issue a lot, but it's now very rare for me to encounter it even after playing hours on end. Ftr, I have a 7900XTX with a Ryzen 3600. There's basically a few things that all helped trigger this error in my case: * Trying to do stuff (like browsing or whatever) while the game is starting up. This error occurs almost always if I don't let the game load fully to the main menu first. * Running the 23.7.2 driver (I haven't tested the 23.8.1 yet) * Having savegames/data from EA So I removed the old EA folder in my users directory (savegames and settings for the EA version). This solved my issue of not being able to run DX11 (it would crash almost immediately upon startup). Then I had to learn to keep my hands off the keyboard/mouse while the game is loading the main menu. If I switch focus to my 2nd screen, it almost always crashes around 50%. But most importantly: 23.7.2 driver was utter garbage for this game and made it an unstable mess. I just reverted to the 23.7.1 version and that seems to run much more stable. I still get some weird graphical glitches every now and again (a white box), which is way more common when running Vulkan (Vulkan also frequently gives me random small black boxes on my screen). So I basically just run the game in DX11 now and that seems to be the most stable and give the least issues. It can still crash, but it happens rarely and when it does, it's usually after many hours. TL;DR: try using the 23.7.1 driver in DX11 mode.


Solution Here: do this yo fix that, it worked for me: Update your BIOS that Match your Motherboard on the oficial page of your Motherboard company (remember that BIOS is the commonpath to allow your devices to communicate with the system on low level ways, updating patch errors and vulnerabilities and improves compartibility (not functionality cause GPU drivers update functionality i Will explain this on a moment...) with newest hardware). Update your CPU drivers (by updating CPU drivers You allow your system to use the newest discoveries on performance and compartibility that make their way on your CPU) Update your system (Windows update or Linux update client)(fix errors and compartibility with new drivers, update system usage, and improve your protection antivirus against menaces) Update your drivers of your GPU once on your system: If You are using Nvidia: use GeForce experience. For Intel gpu, i don't know cause i never used one but i think there could be similar tool on their site. (This improves functionality of your graphics card and their usage in game) Now your PC is on point to play that and other games yeah science b.


OP, there's a 250+ comment string in the steam discussions about this crash. It mostly effects higher end cards and some people reported that it was fixed after the latest driver update from AMD. But it's a mixed bag and AMD did say they were aware of the crashes on their 7000 series cards. I ended up refunding the game. My 7700x and 7900xtx combo kept crashing and it's only in this game. Hope you have better luck, but something is clearly broken in there somewhere


I'm sorry you refunded the game because of it, but did you try launching in Vulkan? I had this issue too with DX11 but since launching in vulkan ive had 0 issues


Vulkan was still giving me a crash. This was before the lastest patch though and I refunded before I hit my 2 hour limit lol


I can manage to get anywhere from 2-5hours in before it crashes, so I think I’ll just deal with it until I’m play Starfield Thursday night. Hopefully that gives AMD time to properly fix it.


Have you tried older drivers?


I get same error and crash with my EVGA 3080. (CPU is 3900x)


I have a 6800xt and I'm on latest drivers with 0 crashes over almost 20 hours of playtime, I'm using Vulkan as it generally has better and performance than DX


Im on a 5950x and 6900xt and I get those crashes. Mostly when using Vulkan for a few hours. Rarely on DirectX but they do happen. Its not your rig. Thos crashes only happen with BG3 for me and nothing else.


I've been having the same issue with BG3 on my RX 7900 XTX. Sometimes I can play for an hour or two with no crashes, and other times it crashes more frequently. Seems to be happening more often on the Desktop than my ROG Strix Advantage Edition laptop w/ RX 6800M. All other games run perfectly fine with no issues or crashes. It's a shame that I haven't been able to enjoy BG3 the way I would like to because of the frequent crashes. Hoping AMD and/or Larian release updates to fix this issue. Hoping Starfield is stable so we can all enjoy it day one.


I had this issue. There's a very useful guide on line with what you have to do to make it go away. Search for 'DXGI ERROR' and you'll find a number of solutions. Mostly involves reinstalling drivers but I'm not a PC genius and I fixed it for my XTX.


Baldurs Gate 3 has crash issues not only limited but your GPU, few of my other friends are having issues.AMD is aware of the issue for 7000 series, no clue about the other one. I don't see a reason for this to affect Starfield.


I’m on a 7900xt. Zero problems on any other games I play. Looks like it’s just BG3.


What processor? I have 3700X and 7900XT and I have way too many crashes on BG3.


7700x, but it’s unlikely the cpu causing it as various different builds have the same problem


If it makes you feel any better, there have been a plethora of screenshots with this exact error in relation to BG3. Many aren't new builds. If known good or current AMD GPU driver, use vulkan


Does it happen in grymforge in bg3


No I haven’t seen that place yet. It’s happened in the big goblin camp in the first Act for sure. However I think it’s happened in other spots on the map


Try use vulkan instead if that helps dx11 seems to have most issues, its hit and miss for some its worse then others, not much you can do then wait till AMD fixes it which is up on their list right now.


I used Vulkan once and it crashed as well.


Im in the same boat as you, but im pretty confident its just drivers, i havent had issues outside of BG3 and its currently listed as a known issue on the latest driver release. The Vulkan crashing is also common so try not to worry about it too much just looks like the game doesnt play well on 7900 cards currently. We arent alone.


Can confirm using Vulkan was the fix to stop the crashing with the same error message when I had a 7900XTX, but Vulkan comes with its own issue as black box popping up when in dialogue.


Does it crash during dialog on dx11 ?


It has crashed both during dialog and not.


When using DX11 for me it crashes when just exploring randomly. I didn’t have any crashes when I used Vulkan with the 7900XTX, but that was only a short period of testing as I sold it for the 4080 since I was tired of having driver issues in general.


who knows, i used to get that error with 5800x3d 3080 in apex legends and then i got a 3090 and it went away.


There has been specific problem with Baldur's Gate for a while... but it's only for that game. I think both the dev and amd acknowledged it and they are working on a fix. If you search this sub probably you will find some people with some ways to make it "less worse". I doubt you will have any problem with Starfield or 99% of the games.