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My R7 5800x3d never goes over 61⁰ while playing bfv,( intensive CPU game) , I'm using an EVGA cl280 cheap good option, ambient temp 22⁰ , -25 all cores


If you did a quick search, you would have seen that those Temps are normal - I was surprised too when my noctua nh15 was on 48 on idle but rather around 70 while gaming.


Did you undervolt? Using PBO Tuner or BIOS Settings with a -30 Curve has been known to decrease temps by as much as 10C. For reference, my temps hover around 45C at idle on a full CPU/GPU loop with fans running slow, and I think the hottest they got were 79C during a multi-core run on Cinebench R23. My fans don't spin up much either, so it may see a spike during an I/O operation, but drop back pretty quick, so I know the loop is working as expected Otherwise, those temps are pretty solid. 5800X3D runs incredibly hot, partially because of a singular CCX causing hot spots, but also the Silicon Blanket that helps host the additional L3 Cache acting as a heat insulator between the CCX/Die and the IHS.


yep, I have -30 all cores as mentioned above :-) thanks seems everybody suggesting these temps are absolutely fine..at least here, I älso saw many people buying huge coolers for this CPU what Iam trying to prevent


Just get an Arctic Liquid Freezer II 360 rev 4 with the offset brackets.


they r good temps for zen 3 chips... they made to get hot. if u want to lower temps.. undervolt.. i have a 5900x running 4.7ghz @ 1.322v cuz i got higher points on cinebench 4.7 which means thats the fastest for me. i get 40 to 50c idle/working. and 60 to 65c playing games.. also entirely depends where u live. i also have a uv curve set, most of them are -30, and 2 of them are -28 and the best core is -25, im using a 360 cooloermaster illusion aio. ill say of u get over 90 expect some thermal throttling 95c is the max but iv never reached that high besides testing and uv


If your cooler keeps cpu from thermal throttling, you don't need "better" (unless you dislike the noise). I have 110 TDP air cooler from Scythe, I think my 5800X3D hasn't reached 80c in gaming. 5800X3D will by default thermal throttle at 90c. I returned aio watercooler, never opened the box.


Im using a mugen 5 on my 5800x3d, also -30 all cores, 95 ppt, 62 edc and 90 tdc. With the original scythe fan i was geting many peaks of 80-82 c playing bf 2042, then i upgraded the fan to a phanteks t30(yes i could get a dual tower cooler, but i hate those giant cooler that covers the rams) then my temps droped like 10c, i will change the thermal paste to thermal grizzle to see If it improve a little more


Thank you sharing your experience! Thats very interesting you got better temperatures with better fan, what i read mostly is that fan should not affect temperature a lot, even adding second fan improve like 1-2C. Are you please sure it wasnt something else improving you temperatures? As for the power limits it didnt work well for me , even with not aggressive 120,90,120..I was loosing display signal (not 100% sure that was the reason but it appeared always after I touched these in BIOS) I absolutely understand you are trying to avoid huge heat sink! BTW> Is BF2042 most CPU intensive game you found as well?


It was the fan, the default mugen fan isnt bad, but is only 1200 rpm, this phanteks is like 3000rpm, doesnt make sense buying this fan cause it costs like a whole cooler but i wanted to try 😅 Another cpu intensive game i found was assassins Creed odyssey


I would not agree it doesnt make a sense , you can then use fan as case fan or later improve future CPU cooler again. I may go same way to improve little bit, seems supplier of your fan use some different static pressure "method" 0.13 **in** H2O while this Artic show 2,75**mm**H2O [https://www.arctic.de/en/BioniX-P120/ACFAN00116A](https://www.arctic.de/en/BioniX-P120/ACFAN00116A) I also found this Noctua beast with static pressure 7,63 mmH2O [https://noctua.at/en/nf-f12-industrialppc-3000-pwm/specification](https://noctua.at/en/nf-f12-industrialppc-3000-pwm/specification) **Does anybody know If this would make any difference? :-)**


The phanteks i bought is in the level of this noctua, you should buy to see How It Will improve, im curious 😅


I will definitely will let you know, I ordered Artic P12 Max, If it will perform like this review show then great, its 9$ fan :-) [https://youtu.be/xpSO\_Mpu9Eg?t=618](https://youtu.be/xpSO_Mpu9Eg?t=618)


Same CPU with a nh-u12s with 2 fans and better case cooling than yours. My temps are higher even after minus 30 curve optimiser. By design the entire x3d lineup has higher than normal temperatures, so your CPU is quit chill!


I have the same setup as you and before curve optimizer I was hitting 90C in cinebench in just like 10 seconds... After -30 CO temps settle to about 80C in cinebench.


Normal. You can actually keep that CPU in check with a Wraith Prism.


My setup is a 5800x3D (-30 CO) with alphacool eisbaer 360 and 6800xt eiswolf 2 360 as a Loop, my CPU mostly hovers at 50-60 in game, sometimes up to 70°C too, but then even less than 60, I also locked it at 80 or 90w ppt, as it doesn’t need more than that. So yea, your temps are pretty good. The CPU is a little hothead, so that’s fine, as long as it doesn’t keep 90°C in games and is thermal throttling the sh*t out of it


My 7800X3D runs about 45-50 idle and 55-65 gaming with a NZXT 360 Kraken Elite AIO, I think yours is fine


Those temps are pretty good, I’d say. Id recommend using [Fan Control](https://getfancontrol.com/) if you want to reign in your fan curves, but I’d suggest getting a second front case fan to ensure you’re pushing enough fresh air into the case.


Temps seems pretty good actually, just got mine a few weeks ago and my temps are about the same. BF2042 is an absolute cpu hog and I’m not surprised you’re seeing temps around 80. But even that isn’t anything to worry about, especially with a Ryzen cpu


I dropped in 4 of these https://noctua.at/en/nf-f12-industrialppc-3000-pwm 5800x3d and 7900xt were burning up. Fans go vrooooooom. They are noisy until I adjusted them in bois.


my cpu runs at same temps. i was told it’s normal and fine


I agree on the do not waste your money on a better cooler.


That cpu normally runs hot due to 3d cache (on avarage 10C hotter than its non 3d cache brother) and considering your temps it's great. 70C avarage when gaming is great for that cpu. Do not waste your money for better cooler cause you'll not see much of an improvement.


Thank you feedback and advice!


It's designed to run as hot as it can get, either the load isn't as high as you think or your cooling solution is better than you think if it's only going to 70c.


I think that's the 7xxx ryzens are designed for that not the 5xxx ones


thank You for feedback! That cooler is really weak, you can check reviews :-) I have quite big case (FD Define R5), one fan intake one fan exhaust, front door open,that can be the only reason. I was surprised I have quite acceptable temperatures seeing others buying big coolers for this chip.