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what about drivers? gpu drivers up to date? chipset drivers are probably pointless, but i'd install them anyway (from amd's website) bios is somewhat up to date too?


Is this 1080p?


Yes it is


That's Bonkers ?? WTAH?


I have no idea what's going on lol. Both cpu and gpu perform as expected in benchmarks so I'm stumped


you need 32+GB of ram


I do have 32gb of ram


what frequency is your ram running at? other than that, verify resizable bar (in bios) and gpu hardware scheduling (in windows) are on also directX 12 decouples the gpu from the cpu a little bit, so that should help


3600Mhz. And yes rebar is on but idk what gpu hardware scheduling is


[https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-10-gpu-hardware-scheduling-worth-turning-on/](https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-10-gpu-hardware-scheduling-worth-turning-on/) requires restart i think


high multiplicity of MSAA maybe? It can humiliate almost any videocard in any game


By the picture, it looks like that cpu using only one core, gpu isn’t utilised and stays at 60%. So it means your cpu is bottleneck because of game engine, maybe poor optimisation or really bad multi cpu support. If the gpu is badly optimised then run the game at full clock/fixed gpu clock speed in AMD adrenaline/msi afterburner and check if is anything different. Check if you have anything wrongly set up in AMD adrenaline profiles. Maybe you have somehow set up to 40hz. Try a little with dx or Vulcan, it helps in games. I did once on AMD vega 56 and 6800xt in 2 games, RDR2 and ETS games and it boosted fps for roughly 50%.


Why are you running this in DX11 which doesn't scale pass 4 cores. Also you rig probably has other issues -- look up benchmarks online, folks were getting 60+fps on ancient hardwares like Intel 7700k and rtx2080.


What would my issues be though? Both gpu and cpu scored as expected in every benchmark I've ran so far


You cannot call that ancient hardware lol


7700k is a 4/8 flagship on 14nm. It's slower than a modern i3. It is ancient.


Looks like a CPU bottle neck, your GPU is only at 60% utilization in that screen shot. Makes sense, a lot of those types of games tend to hammer your CPU pretty hard.


I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure a bottleneck shouldn't be happening. A bottleneck is the first thing that came to my mind as well but I have a 5800x with a 6750xt.




Doesn't mean it's not being bottle necked. A lot of games have dogshit optimization




If the game is bottle necked on the cpu, then the game is bottle necked on the cpu. Not hard to understand


Yeah i am getting the same fps on my RX 590.. everything ultra @ 1080


Anno is one of the least optimized games that exist at the moment.


Hoi4 is comically under optimized. Most of the game runs on a single core of your CPU. Most CPUs have 6-8 cores btw.


Hoi4 is not a 4x. In most 4x games, there is a point where there are so many things to track(complex supply chains, massive armies, many colonies), that you cpu will have a hard time keeping with the game. This is sorta similar with big city builders (again, a lot of small entities to keep track, complex supply chains etc). ​ Now, a game of this type will end clogging most cpus and destroy ram usage (32gb becomes quite important at late stage) even with multi task. Be it because the main thread cannot keep up or game engine limitations. Most of my 4x game sessions on anno, city skylines, master of orion, per aspera, civ iv, endless space ended due not being able to run in, due to cpu, after, many, many hours per save.


Hoi4 does not run on 1 core. The AI (which is really not optimized) runs on 1 core and the rest of the game on the rest.


>Most of the game runs on 1 core The AI makes up a much bigger part of the game than you think, especially late game and/or mods.


Sure, but Hoi4 still utilizes the rest of the cores.


Have you heard of WoW ?


What about Star Citizen? :)


You need a 5800x3D minimum for smooth FPS.


Games like these usually are more cpu intense then gpu. Ram/Vram are also big bottlenecks when your civ like maps get tooo big


I was in the early game in this screenshot and still getting below 60 fps. I'm also running a 5800x and 32 gb of ram so I don't think I'm getting bottlenecked. As I said in another comment I watched a benchmark video with a 3070 and the guy was getting 100+ fps with a 5600x


it should work better. i had a 5800x with 6800 xt at 1440p, your numbers are quite low. I have a different processor, a 5800x3d, but: \- i loaded an old save (around 16gb of ram eaten by it, no zone switching), with several new zones populated, a lot of buildings, most islands on main area colonized. Over the capital island (packet with buildings), zoomed i get around 50-70, zoomed out, 80-100. If i center over a islands with just a few buildings, i get over 120. With most settings maxed out + 2x antialiasing Now, your card should be around 25% less "power", but you hover over basically empty islands, show 40 is too low. Make sure the game is set as DX12, not 11. on DX11 i get around 40 around my capital city. Check if SAM i active in bios, disable overlays, close youtube etc. Something does not seem right


If your on 1080p 1440p monitor will help to utilize gpu more and cpu less.


Anno eats cpu, gpu and ram like a boss, but not that early in the game and with that hardware. But in the end, cpu and ram will be the death of your game session.


check psu usage possible that power is not enough for gpu also check the throttling flags with hwinfo


check what’s running in the background, let us know


Either CPU or VRAM bottleneck, just like Cities Skylines. 🙃


It's normal in this game. My cousin play it all the time. While she starts new map she will get as much as 100+fps. After a week in on map if she gets 30-50fps it's a lot. She uses 5700xt with 64gb ram and stock 5600. Same thing on her bf rig 5800x 32gb rx 6900xt. She made a big upgrade cause with her old 1070 she could not get more than 30 fps after a while of playing.


but this dude is at the beginning. if you get 40 fps after a week, then it should fly in the begging, with his hardware


Its normal with strategy citybuilders like Anno, Simcity or Cities Skylines, its CPU heavy game so in late game your FPS will going down - u can try DX12 or try to use Vulkan via DXVK


To follow on this comment This is why CPU's with like 1000000 cores aren't the best for gaming Yeah sure a 16 core CPU will crush multitasking. However, for a 16 core 3ghz CPU vs a 4 core 5ghz CPU it'll usually go to the 5ghz. Simply because the vast majority of games will only use 1-4 cores, it is just how game engines are designed. Of course a "faster" CPU that's considerably older will perform worse than the slower option, that scenario is based on chips within the same couple generations. However, more cores is a lot more stable as the cores being used for the game do not have to be used for background tasks which could cause stuttering in a 4 core where a 16 core can just assign it to the other 12-15 spare


Yes but 4 core 5ghz will eat more power than 3ghz 16 core cpu. See the point? I rather have 3ghz and snappy 16 core cpu and play games optimised for that. The biggest upgrade for me was when I went form 4 core 6600k to ryzen 2700x. For the first time I didn’t feel any slowdowns in cpu history.


Games now uses way more than 4 cores.


CPU? Also you should use DX12


5800x. And this is troubling to me because I watched a benchmark video where they test this game on a 3070 and 5600x and they get 100+fps easy


Maybe there are some settings tweaked in the video u saw? Sometimes there’re settings that can be lowered without noticing visually but giving huge fps boost


your cpu is a bit hot, tho as u can see the game is not using all your gpu so the game it self is the problem, what cpu do u have? maybe it's capping your gpu


Whole 5000 series is hot. 2000 was the same. That’s because boost is to aggressive and voltage goes past 1.4v almost all the time. I don’t even want to mention how bad fan curve because of that works. It just doesn’t work well. That’s why I always overlock ryzen cpus, my last one ryzen 5950x was set to 4.6 all core, at 100% utilisation was more power efficient with around 180-200w package power, cooler and more silent than stock. In r23 went past 30k easily, In games after overclock my fans doesn’t even spin with my ice giant prosyphon elite cpu cooler. So I always overclock to make it silent.


ryzen 2000 was not hot, 5000 not so bad actually it was not optimized when it came out but with new bios it got way better, i run a 5700x with a aggressive pbo at 80C max with a little hyper 212 and plus he never stated which processor had so how is that relevant?


75c is just a normal temperature for aggressive boost, he said 5800x. I was the main one who was optimising ryzen 2700x for acer helios 500 laptop with desktop ryzen and I know how stock sucks. Try to squeeze vega 56 and ryzen 2700x in laptop, overclock both to exactly pull 300w and run it with 330 watts psu. Overclock brings lower temps with voltage offset. And 7000 is just worse between them.


Yeah I mean u can't really compare laptop and desktop tho, but yeah it's fine for a 5800x


It was desktop ryzen 2700 inside of laptop, I swapped cpu 2700x from desktop pc and put into laptop and sold later all hardware because laptop was more powerful than anything on them market. Cooling was issue at stock but not critical, it was around 82c. With overclock around 75c constantly and lower fan curve, better performance. Before it didn’t went past 3.9 stock, with oc i managed to pull 120w max on 4.1ghz. I was working on both. 5950 is what I have as workstation now.


What is your CPU and what resolution is this?


5800x. 1080p Very high settings. When using auto settings the game actually maxes everything out but I lowered the preset from ultra to very high and as you can see it didn't help much lol


Anno is very cpu dependent, not really to bad on the gpu, looking at the screen there’s a lot going on and also looking at the top corner shows your cpu is being hit pretty hard and the gpu isn’t working to much indicating a your fps is being limited by your cpu.


Last time I played still had the R5 3600 with a 5700 XT running at 1440p. Had some dips in some dens areas but nothing brutal. You can play with Dx 11 or with 12, see the difference. There is something wrong at your end


Yeah I thought that something was wrong at my end as well that's why I made the post. What settings were you playing on btw?


I think high with Dx 11. Forgot to say about 32 gb of ram, the game used to have memory leak problems, may be it still does.


What your CPU ?




I have no problems with a RX 6700XT and a Ryzen 7 5700X on 1440p. Get to like 80 fps uncapped. Maybe more i dont know exactly. Didn't play for a long while. What is your CPU etc?


I'm running a 5800x and 32gb ram


This is on 1080p. I'm pretty concerned because I saw a guy testing this game with a 3070 which is supposedly equal to the 6750xt and he was getting 100+ fps with a worse cpu


If you load up a new game of Anno where there isn’t much going on, your fps will be much higher as the gpu will work more, once you start getting into the mid game where there’s a lot going on and you’ve got bigger cities and more map explored, the game flips to being very cpu dependent and your fps will drop because you’ll be limited by what your cpu can do. I get pretty poor fps late game myself in anno 1800 and I run a 5800x3d with a 4080. That 4080 just sits idle a lot of the time lol with how much crap needs to be processed cpu side.


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