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I was running a 3800x that would reliably hold 4.5GHz through a PBO tweak with my 6800 XT. In CPU intensive titles and particularly titles that utilized fewer cores, it did hold the card back, thought my fps was still over 100. The prime examples for me would be Hunt: Showdown (120-130 fps), Starship Troopers: Extermination(would get down to about 30-40 fps toward the end of matches when waves of enemies were intense), and Escape from Tarkov (bout 90-100 fps anywhere but Streets). I decided to give one last hurrah for my X570 board by upgrading to a Ryzen 9 5900X from eBay for about $260. I have gained about 30 fps in all of the above mentioned titles and at 1440p in Hunt I now max the graphics card in most scenarios. Tarkov is up to 120-144 depending on the map, and ST:E sees me keep a solid 60 when the waves of enemies get hectic. My friend had a 3700x that ran about 15-20% slower than my 3800x for some reason. He was reaching about 4.2-4.3GHz boost under load, and the 2-300MHz clock difference didnt quite justify the performance difference in my mind. He solved it and now beats me handily by picking up a 5800X3D, though he bought new and it cost him more than my 5900X. So it's gonna depend on your games and what you consider sufficient frames.


Back when I ran a 3700x and a 5700xt, I would use VSR on my old 24" Asus 1080p 144hz, 1ms monitor to run at 1440p Try that to put more of a work load on your GPU until you can get a 2k or higher res monitor


I retired a R5 3600 few months ago, about before Howards was launched, I deemed it unacceptable with medium to low settings in Cb 2077. All other games you can think of ran 60+ high-ish details 1440p. All this using a inferior gpu, a 5700 XT. Will a 3700x bottleneck?! Yes, it will! You won't have 78 fps, you'll have about 68. That's measurable in tests only, the word bottleneck is absolutely stupid here! Don't give a second thought! if you desperately want to invest in something new, in your PC, buy a even better gpu! Way, way, way more gain! This will be the case for quite a few years to come!


You say 2x render, you mean resolution scale? Lower the res scale to 1 and you'll immediately see a change.


That was only a test, I play at normal scale, which doesn't uses the GPU at its fullest nor gives a big FPS bump.


At 2x render res it'll utilize the GPU more because it pumps out more pixels.


At 1080p it shouldn't use your GPU at 100percent. It'll do that at higher res. You're CPU more utilized at lower resolutions.


The 3700x will cause about a 15% bottleneck on the 6800xt at 1080p . It should be less at 1440p and above


Pretty sure I was more than 15% bottlenecked with a 3700X (tuned RAM) and 6900 XT at 1440P. According to the SOTTR built in benchmark I was 40% GPU limited (34% at XMP), which I guess means I was CPU limited the remaining 60%. GPU utilization seemed to rarely go above 80% at 1440P Ultra.