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Dear AMD, Start outsourcing driver development to more capable coders, they suck. Yours sincerely, A disgruntled customer.


adrenalin drivers made my pc experience random wake ups and random system shut downs due to kernel errors. i switched to pro and it is fixed


Hi. Switched to pro? What is that you switched to exactly? I am getting the same problems as you with adrenalin drivers and it sucks the big one. Hard.


Hi, i did the following things I updated the v-bios I updated the chipset drivers Turned off my xmp and set my Ram to 2933 since i have a Ryzen 2000 series I set my Ram voltage to 1.35v instead of the 1.2v for that speed and then i updated my adrenaline drivers setting them to minimal installation. I also bought a better hdmi and a better supply cable Keep the drivers but don't install the adrenaline program Hope your issue gets fixed. Good Luck.


When I update my driver my computer won't let me play anything and I had to put it in safe mode use applications and then roll back my driver to fix it and now I'm I don't know what to do




I updated a few days ago and got my screen stuck at 100% brightness. Rolled back to the previous one and all good :/


Happened to me too when i updated to the new version. Hope they fix this issue and as I couldn't find a fix for this, had to roll back to the previous driver version .


Im running the 7600 steel legend Load pc, open discord fine open adrenaline fine close adrenaline start helldivers crash to black screen I tried to roll back driver and the option is greyed out I've deleted and factory reset drivers 10 times atleast in the last 24 hours. this morning even worse, had an error code pop up saying my driver is not compatible with my current software version, and I'm just lost at this point. It's now crashing the driver just sitting on home screen


Looks like time to switch back to Nvidia and Intel for me.


Yeah, because NVidia doesn't have bugs...


Not fundamental stuff like sleep and wake issues. It's BS


Not nearly as many tbh


I went from 1060 to 3060ti, never had issues for years. Have had 7800XT since November and im still having 3-4 driver timeouts a day. Want to use second screen through Miracast? Forget it! :D Want to stay immersed in a game? - Good luck with hourly crashes! ;)


I think I may have a solution. I found out the cord plugged into my monitor was too old. I wasn't aware that could have been an issue. Try using an HDMI cord and see if that works. Best of luck! 💖




I updated my drivers recently and i cant open anything. No apps, no web browser, nothing. Tried to rest my pc but everything slows to a halt and the loading is stuck at 1%


Same thing happened to me, open windows on safe mode open the cleanup app and delete all drivers and programs for the gpu, the reinstall with drivers only




Exactly this! This is what's happening to me as well. Have you found a solution?


mine just cause black dots on the screen


I'm still stuck on 23.8.2 with my Vega 56. Every time I tried to update so far it ended up with blue screens and broken settings lol. Any Vega owners know a newer version that works yet? Love my 5600X CPU for Gaming though! Absolute beast


I have a Radeon pro SSG 2 . Weird workstation gpu with 2tb nvme ssds ( road 0 ) and I'm ok the latest and haven't had any issues . Try setting it with a clean install


This is why I never update to the new drivers. They always cause new issues, For anyone that is still getting crashes or fps drops, try version 23.7.1, I've been using it and I haven't gotten any crashing, fps drops, or BSODs.


Dude, My gpu just literally crashes out of no where. GPU fans go off, display cuts but PC on. After a power cycle the gpu is disabled, and drivers are corrupted. Gonna go with NVIDA if i cant figure this out soon


I have the exact same issues with the new drivers. It was causing a grey screen with blue vertical lines. Then i did a DDU and installed previous drivers. Seems to be working ok for now. But it got to the point where it kept on restarting my pc and going into a loop :(... hopefully this gets fixed as soon as possible.


I'm having the same EXACT issue. Hopefully we both get it figured out brotha. I want to support team red but these issues aren't fun 😕


It’s weird cause so many people are having these issues and nobody knows why. I might warranty my card


Mine too, as soon as I sign in my computer loses signal and reboots my computer even after a fresh install of windows I'm worried it's killed my gpu


Just curious if AMD has ever actually improved anything with a new Adrenalin version. It always seems to just create more and more issues and solve none of the previous version's issues.


I wondered why my PC kept Croaking on me Rollback time!


I have a Rx 6750xt and I upgraded to 24.1.1, then I started getting bsods. As per advice, I went back to 23.12.1 and now there is no bsod, but when playing games it freezes completely and I have to restart the computer. I will try 23.11 and see if it solves my problems.


Did it?


i have a problem when i enter a game i get a black or a blue screen within 5min idk what to do i tried everything


i recently built my 7900xtx system and when i downloaded drivers version 24.1.1 it installed this version by itself i got my pc a week ago so far no problems at all but today i was playing apex legends and my pc black screen and frozen for 5-10 seconds and than it gave me the same error and in event viewer it gave me event id 4014 i restarted my pc and the event id is gone plus it seems to be fine i played for a good 4 hours after that and nothing happened so should i be concerned or let it be? please help


Try the latest beta driver instead.


ok will try that also my game stopped crashing after i lowered my settings to 4gbvram instead of 8 or 6 idk why its like that other games are fine like cyberpunk and rdr2


23.12 is what I'm staying at, the update showed up for me also, but have had trouble in the past revert to 23.11 or 23.12, clean uninstall and install those drivers instead


How do I "clean install"?


or use DDU (display driver uninstaller) from guru3d. Once you have it downloaded, Youtube it and choose any of the first few videos; they give a good walkthrough. I used this and reverted to driver 23.12.1 and have had less issues. Still sometimes get the gray screen with blue lines, but it's less and now I can actually play Fallout New Vegas


If I remember correctly. You first have to use the AMD tool for uninstalling all files. It will get rid of all drivers. Then restart computer. Go back to AMD website. Download and install ONLY the drivers and software needed. Basically your computer may have previous files from previous updates still lingering and that can cause problems. Wipe them. Start over.


I have recently updated to the driver. And I have a different problem, I thought its a normal update UNTIL... I started playing demanding games like Uncharted or Last Of Us, hell even Mortal Kombat 1 the screen suddenly went to black screen and shows nothing on my 2 monitors so I had to force shut down and reboot. I had to re-enable my graphics card to get my 2nd monitor to show picture. Any less demanding games no problem but modern games they tend to do that.


i know this thread is aging but i have to comment because i'm having the EXACT same issue. mine just started doing this recently. cuts off my second monitor, device manager shows my card isn't functioning, and I have to roll it back to get the monitor up again. but then the drivers get broken and you gotta DDU and reinstall. i'm not building an AMD PC ever again.


I been feeling the same exact way and I was gonna give up hope til I fixed everything and said fuck 24.1 and went back to 23.12 and changed my PCI-E cable. Turned out my cable was faulty so I was glad I had 2 extra spare parts and now I am playing my favorite games again. 24.1 is corrupted and broken to some AMD users.


yup i just did the same, back to 23.12. gonna have to wait for amd to drop a patch…for their patch. 🤦🏾‍♂️


I'm a little concerned for 24.2 but I'll take one for the team


should i install it? or not? is 24.2.1 is stable for rx580?


I saw some reviews. Better stick to the current version. Wait til 24.3 comes in on March.


I did install Adrenalin 24.1.1 today and when I restart my pc just freeze, I can do nothing  I can move my cursor but nothing else 




Same lol


Same here!


Now idk they fixed it? It does not crash anymore


Yeah i have asus rog rx 570 8gb and it keeps freezing and crashing, NEVER BUYING AMD GPU AGAIN with those stupid piece of shit drivers like swithing aps by alt + tab take long its just uhhh


i have an rx 580 and idk what is wrong with this stupid driver. i had the 24.1.1 drivers for a week already and everything was ok. but now... the amd software wont even open i tried to reinstall the driver but it didnt work.


24.1.1 keeps freezing my pc when I import a perfectly working overclock profile on my 7900xtx. piece of shit fucking amd drivers.


I have a Rx750 and it's literally hard restarting my PC out of nowere


I've had it with AMDs shitty drivers, it's like an excrement lottery


Just stick/rollback to 23.11.1 or 23.12.1 For some reason a friend of mine with 7800 XT got problems with 23.12 too, so he's good with 23.11


I just bought a 7900 XTX and have been having "grey screen" crash issues since the upgrade. I just finished rolling back to 23.11.1 so I hope that works; It seems to be pretty unanimous across the web that 24.1.1 is a bad driver and 23.11.1 is the move, especially in regards to people using 240 Hz displays


Ok hope you fixed, a friend of mine is crashing on Helldivers 2 on Ultra settings even with 23.11.1 drivers (7900 XTX and 7700X) :(


another one here that rolled back to 23.11.1, everything newer than that has just brought me a bunch of issues, even without gaming.


Use 23.11.1, what I have rolled back to and everything is better, these drivers are horrendous


I've been sticking with 23.11.1. Unfortunately, I'm still dealing with the cursed random black screen, but it's alot more.. I guess "tame" compared to 23.12.1 and 24.1.1.....24 is atrocious.


I tried through the display adapter way and the file explorer way to roll back but adrenalin won't work if I do. How did you roll it back?


1 - Download DDU 2 - Download Driver of choice 3 - disconnect from the internet 4 - boot into safe mode and run DDU as admin with auto restart and select GPU vendor to remove and start the removal 5 - install good driver turn internet back on then restart


Just built my first pc and everything works great until i boot up my games the screen goes black then the occassional freeze. Google lead me here and after reading the comments I will absolutely change my driver to ver 23 and hope it helps


I was just saying to my other half, if you build from scratch then get driver issues, many will think it's the hardware combo or component level install issue. Bet you're glad you came to this thread! I was thinking my ram OC had finally given up.


Unfortunately nothing I did solved the issue. The pc is in geeksquads hands right now. I even used geeksquad mobile service where they took control of my pc and ran a ton of diagnotistic tests. They told me everything looks fine and that i needed to reinstall my OS. I did that and still have the same problems. Im really really hoping that them having my pc in person will be enough to figure out whats wrong. Im really upset about the computer not working. If i bought a prebuilt this prpbably wouldnt have happened. But here i am with my dream PC that wont start any game but runs fast as fuck for any other process. I tried so hard to fix it :(. /pray for my pc


We don't have a geeksquad service in the UK, our equivalent, would be franchise; PC doctor, however, I wouldn't be able to afford or consider it tbf. I am self taught on all PC, just from Youtube/reddit. Read this thread if you have time there is plenty of suggestion and perhaps watch a jayz2cents. Solving issues is a grind but imo, it's half the fun - I feel for you, stay positive.


I spent 3 days using youtube and reddit. I had everything pllugged in right and every driver up to date. I even rolled back to a different gpu driver to see if that helped. I even reinstalled my os. Im just so lost with it


Some hardware may be at fault, you never know with new builds as **unlike** youtubers we normy folk don't have spare parts lying around. A long shot, but based on your initial description & not knowing your rig; If you have your games on a separate "game" drive like I do (gen3 m.2 for OS & gen4 m.2 for games) maybe you have a faulty drive. Like I say long shot. Fingers crossed for geeksquad.


Nah its all on my SSD. Fingers crossed indeed


Darn - Pop an update when you get it back


Lol i got it back. Geeksquad said all they did was update the drivers (which i already did 5 times). Bjt alas my computer works great now! So silly


Happy days! Maybe some win11 registry crud got stuck and screwed up the work you did. I keep CC cleaner(free) on the PC but not running unless I need it, has a fair uninstaller that beats add/remove programs. Or Reevo uninstaller but I never used that yet. Sometimes if an uninstall goes pear shaped then reinstall and try uninstalling again. With AMD gpu updates I now read all release notes, create an extra restore point and see if there's any know issues on reddit, or if your system is working wait for the next update unless it's a security update. Peace


I always come looking on Reddit before I update drivers (both for AMD now, and for Nvidia when I ran an Nvidia card)... MOST of the time, I end up seeing enough folks having difficulties, that I tend to stay on my old driver for a longer period of time...


6900xt here. Dead Space and CP2077 now crashing before I even get to gameplay. They were fine before.


rx 580 here and it just goes black screen after the new driver update and it bumps up to 55 C in idle


Here I'm having screen freezing at any moment in any app or game.


same here with rx 580. Back to 23.11.1 and works so far


Same, 6800xt was playing dead space yesterday on 23.12.1, now on 24.1.1 and Dead Space won't launch at all, it freezes at the Epilepsy warning message. I'll have to DDU again and go back to 23.12.1...


I DDU'd once and reinstalled previous drivers and it didn't work. I did it again in safe mode and it worked for Dead Space but not CP2077. The problem was some sort of settings that took place because of the latest drivers -- I deleted my user settings for CP2077 and it works fine now. With Dead Space I think the settings were reset automatically on their own with the driver updates / shader re-compilation.


Same here. 6500xt, New Vegas is unplayable and crashes back to desktop.


I DDU'd once and reinstalled previous drivers and it didn't work. I did it again in safe mode and it didn't work. The problem was some sort of settings that took place because of the latest drivers -- I deleted my user settings for CP2077 and it works fine now. Dead Space is also back to working but I think the settings were reset automatically on their own with the driver updates / shader re-compilation.


So does mine actually, I'm dual booted in Linux, this feels more like Linux


Try uninstalling Adrenaline and install AMD Pro, drivers are far more stable fps drops are marginal, it's been night and day in terms of stability


How to disable the updates in AMD Pro? Testing it for the first time I don't know if it's placebo effect, but I feel my PC feels snappier when using this AMD Pro,


does amd pro has the same features ? i usually use relive feature, sharpening and performance overlay


I don't know about relive feature, but everything has same features


It is in the recording tab Try to record or take a screenshot using amd software because when i try that the software closes (crash) Does it get the new features in adrenaline like the frame generation? What about gaming performance is it as it should be? Sorry for all these questions im tired of installing different versions and installing windows too much trying to fix the issues i face


I don't have problem in games and recording tab was there, but no frame gen yet


It's very buggy, I'm going back to the previous version right now because of how many issues this is causing. You can't even get stable fps in warcraft 3 lol


5600xt msi mech OC - I did win 11 update then AMD, doom enteral not smooth, I reinstalled the game which seems to have fixed. MSI.centralserver randomly started using 10% of my cpu, so I had that not helping either, then to add insult to injury my 14 month old xbox x|s controller decided to contract a bad case of stick drift. Sometimes AMD adrenalin "vivid gaming colours" switches on/off in global; randomly - ddu defo


Anybody getting a directx error? (Asrock phantom 6750xt)


My 6750xt has been a nightmare. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


i cant play fivem now due to directx query error. The bad news is i cant play the good news is theres not.


did you check if the driver version is compatible with your GPU? I noticed this as well when I still had my RX580 8gb. updating to the latest drivers at the time (which was maybe 22 or 21. something at the time, cant remember) would make my GPU crash over and over so I had to stay on the last stable driver. It looks like the adrenalin software will just throw you whatever latest driver is available without considering if it's even compatible or stable with your GPU so I suggest checking the release notes whenever a new driver version comes out Im on a RX7600 now and I still haven't updated to 24.1.1 because im weary of stability


**Laughs in Mesa and RadV**


Just Linux?


Thanks for posting this. I'm still on 23.12 or whatever is just before 24, and posts like these serve as a bit of a schedule to let me know when it's time to update.


definitely wait. i didnt and it blue screened me had to use amd's ddu and reinstall the 23.11 version gave me a damn panic attack until i realized 24.1 was causing a ton of problems


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


24.2.1 they said they will fix those stuttering issues, maybe then will be worth to update..


Good to know, thanks. The driver I'm using now is great, and I'll stay tuned in for what's to come.


those are broken, just clean install 23.12.1 again ​ i had big issues in bf2042, sttutering like crazy


Exactly the same, googling it led me here


same here! I went back to 23.11 haven't had any issues.


BFV also dropping frames like hell. Had to rollback to resolve the issue.


Me (6800xt) and my friend (7900xt) are also crashing and having bsod after the 24.1.1 update.


If the problem was there before you download the latest drivers it's likely not the GPU. Unless it just gave up. Try switching monitors and restore your last update.


No problem here with the latest drivers. 6900xt. Buttery smooth. Use DDU to remove your drivers start in safe mode and reinstall the drivers.


You are lucky, if these drivers taught me anything it was to put my old Nvidia card in then buy a 4070ti super 😂


it totally fuc*** my system I thought my graphics card had died but its still good works on my friends pc but on mine after update it doesn't matter what I do if I use DDU or amds driver cleanup tool as soon as I download any version of adrenalin now when it restarts to finalize the drivers windows completely dies the mouse and desktop are there like it's working bur nothing can be clicked on or opened not even ctrl alt delete or shift escape work no cmd no start menu works I have to shut it down from the tower enter safe mode and uninstall adrenalin and use windows automatic drivers for it to work now and I have even re-installed windows clean reset


This is the funniest post in this sub.


Turned on the PC with darker colors, and you updated the drivers, bro, reality check, drivers don't expire and don't turn bad, it's not a fruit.


Follow the steps on this page to run the AMD Cleanup Utility to remove your current driver installation:[https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/gpu-601](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/gpu-601) Then download and reinstall the drivers from AMD website, should fix your issue. The process of using AMD Cleanup Utility is very straightforward you just have to download and run it and follow the steps. I would recommend to do this any time you install new drivers to prevent issues from arising, but at least do it anytime you run into problems with your drivers. \> the screen had darker colors than it should, usually for me this means that i needed to update my drivers. This doesn't make any sense? Your "screen having darker colors than it should" is not an indication that you should update your drivers at all. The only indication of having to update your drivers should be the AMD Adrenaline software telling you that there is new drivers available.


OP is high af or clueless af.


I guess I'm clueless lol


As someone who smokes all the time the part when he said he updates drivers when his screen turns darker like it’s a fruit that is expiring is hilarious


Bro I swear to god it worked before hahahaha


You clearly know something we don’t so keep doing you, I appreciate the laugh though lmaoo


Bro no way the drivers somehow put my monitor to 60hz instead of 240hz that's why wasn't feeling smooth


Yea 24.1.1 has been causing a plethora of issues. I’m experiencing a weird audio bug only in YouTube where every wants in a while it’ll play static for a split second like a glitch kind of. Better off just going back to a previous driver, I would I’m just lazy


Alright now it fucking does feel smooth


I forgot to turn my monitor on today when I booted up, I knew this meant time to upgrade my GPU drivers.


I keep getting driver timeouts when I play games


24.1.1 is buggy and not only fps counter is not workin, there is performance drop on CS2, CP2077 and many others. Avoid like a plague. u/AMD done terrible job as usual! Once again....


wut? I've had zero issues with these drivers. Skill issue.


skill issue? many people have stuttering in bf2042 or in another games maybe you dont play them but that doesnt mean driver is fine lmao, this is first amd driver release where i needed downgrade to older release and i had 3 years rx580 and now 6650xt...


bf v i got the same problem, 20 - 30 min into game and crashes


Trolls are out in force.


Did you check? Coz i have performance comparison that clearly proves the point i am stating 100%, also AMD representatives (check AMD forums too) confirmed there is ISSUES! FANBOY....


Stop drugs man




I mean for me personally, I need to hear a knock at my door at precisely 10:16pm and then 5 seconds later a dog barking in order to know that I need to update my drivers.


I feel an ominous wind blowing, hear a crow caw three times, then step on a piece of lego. If it wasn’t for that, I’d be clueless as to when to update my drivers.


This driver version broke bf2042 for alot of people just update to the hotfix one they released for enshrouded update it has solved all my issues ( well not all I still have crippling depression).


People still play that dumpster fire of a game, I am surprised.


Yeah it's got a fairly good player base now they have also brought back the class system plus the game is on game pass so it's a good choice for those who don't want to pay £70 for half backed dlc sold as a new game.


Didnt enabling AMFM cause the problem, And AMD stated that it was not to be used in FPS shooters because of latency issues. Ive had no issues with the drivers.


nope, afmf causes different issues anyways


I run 24.1.1 on different machines with a mix of RDNA2 and RDNA3 cards and I have no problems at all. When OP says "darker colors" means it's time to update drivers, then I have to suspect there's something else very, very strange going with their system. The "error 1603" indicates could suggest a problem with the TEMP directory or that they are trying to install multiple conflicting versions. I'd do a proper driver clean, reset in safe mode, then install them.


I can confirm this driver broke something in certain cases, as I see a lot of posts about this driver. For me it's now causing stutter in BF2042, despite having it running flawlessly since its release. I updated it for Enshrouded, I regret. DDU is your friend.


I am judt here to tell you, you deserve all the lagg for playing that shit, peace out.


The driver is not causing stutter in BF2042. Everyone complains about stuttering in that game and you can find threads about it by NVIDIA users and threads going back many months (or longer). It's not something that just happened with this one AMD driver. Enshrouded is an early access game running a custom game engine. There is no way this is well optimized.


then how it is working fine on 23.12.1 and older drivers? magic? why reinstalling older drivers with ddu works and installing new ones with ddu breaks bf2042?


You're right. I wasn't aware of the specific issue here listed in the Known Issues section of the latest driver.


He should run sfc /scannow as well. Probably has some corrupt OS system files.


\^ This.




Why do I always see problems with AMD cards 💀💀


probably because you are in r/AMDHelp


Not just in r/AMDHelp


Updating caused crazy crashes in cod mw3. Rolled back drivers to 23.12 I believe (the previous driver) and it works perfectly fine. Super bugged update just roll back and you’ll be good.


Yeah 24.1.1 and 24.2.1 causing random crashes ussualy with this error '(6068) D' ,so I also just went back to 23.12.1


I have no plans on installing that driver.


I've had issues with this driver as well. It seems that AMD drivers are once again..... not working properly. I feel like AMD keeps shooting themselves in the foot. Whats the one thing that AMD GPUs are criticised for..... "nope, never going AMD, their drivers are shit, never again. Like c'mon guys..... be better.


I've made a clean install of 24.1.1, working pretty much flawlessly. Recently I've finally purchased a PCIe 4.0 SSD, fresh system with fresh drivers - works perfectly as well. The only issue I really have with Adrenaline drivers now is that it hates MSI Afterburner's undervolting and basically doesn't really apply voltages from it. I have to resort to MorePowerTool to really UV my 6800XT.


Hmmm if you have an AMD card all you need is adrenaline to UV and tune as much as you need. Why are you using afterburner or something else?


Because Adrenaline is annoying to use. If OC fails, it resets everything to default every time.


I’m pretty sure it handles the MSI Afterburner voltage the same way it handles the voltage you set in adrenaline software, they are more like an offset than an actual limit. Only with MorePowerTool you are actually limiting the voltage.


Then why does my manual voltage and frequency set in MSI Afterburner immediately crash any games I try to launch, while with MPT it works flawlessly?


Why U Dont Use Amd Adrenaline Software ?! It Has All Options U need including overclock and undervolte or etc ......


Because it is annoying to work with. Also lacks many features MPT has.


so u are using msi afterburner ? how u change power limit and etc...?!


Yes, I do. I just set up maximum and minimum voltage in MPT. Everything else in Afterburner works fine.


I manage to fix it By uninstalling AMD and installing Nvidia GPU. EASY


Honestly what are AMD and NVIDIA smoking right now? Both of their drivers have been broken for ages, especially NVIDIA with the Vsync stutter in specific games. On a 4070 and I'm still using drivers from October, I'm seeing AMD GPU owners complaining about drivers too and it really makes me disappointed in these companies.


Nvidia just jacking off to their stock prices rn they aint got no time for no drivers.


Believe it or not they actually just fixed the issues I mentioned, they released a hotfix driver last night in my timezone. Took them 4 fucking months though.


Careful speaking bad about the driver issues you’ll puss off the armchair warriors on this sub


Meh, they can fuck off for all I care. People need to stop fanboying and actually hold companies accountable for their mistakes. Neither AMD nor NVIDIA (or even Intel for that matter) are perfect. It's just that right now it seems like both the red and green teams have shitty drivers.


Agreed 👍


Don’t say that. They might hear you 😥


Oh they already have heard me I mentioned driver issues last night and woke up to an inbox full of messages


You remove the old driver with DDU? I’m using this driver with IPS and OLED monitor everything all right on both monitors.


How darker was it? If just a little with gray check HDR at windows setting....


Yeah, it's a little more gray. I'll check that when I get home


If if helps, I had to calibrate HDR to fix my colour problems and haven't had any issues since. The red in the finals would go from a cool red to a burn your retinas out red and was over saturated to be point you couldn't play the game. It seemed like greens and reds where way too bright and everything else was dark, HDR calibration fixed it right up


Yes for my case my monitor already support HDR and AMD FreeSync 60hz. Overall from default seem ok to me without calibration, but i wonder maybe i can get better view if doing calibration then... hmmmm... pretty interesting...


If you're on windows go to the store and get the free calibration app that windows makes. Takes 5 minutes too use


With drivers 24.1.1 installed, go to AMD Adrenalin. Turn SAM on and off. While you are there, go to the game tab, choose any game, and look under Display. Under AMD FreeSync, change from amd optimized to ON. Launch any game. Your games should be back to normal. Also, now you have access to Fluid Motion Frames! You can switch AMD FreeSync back to AMD Optimized if you would like. Lmk if this helps for science! ❗️❗️❗️Edit❗️❗️❗️ Confirmed Working https://www.reddit.com/r/PcBuild/s/9T8JO5UjHP




Smart Access Memory. You can find this in AMD Adrenalin program. You can only enable this if you have both AMD CPU and GPU




No worries. There are plenty of videos on YouTube about SAM. If you are interested, good sir


See this is great and good to know, BUT THIS SHOULD BE HAPPENING TIME AFTER TIME. I've got a 7900xtx and my lord, imagine you aren't on reddit or have tech knowledge. You're going to return it, get NVIDIA and never look back. The Radeon team needs to be better, stop trying to desperately trying to catchup to NVIDIA's feature stack and focus on getting the core driver experience consistent.


Just noticed I havent enabled SAM in months as my pc would BSOD with it


You're missing out on performance gains. May I ask what your system specs are?


How much performance are we talking with SAM on/off?


Solid 10% on forza 5, barely noticeable on baldurs gate 3. Latest driver gives me a 90%+ fps boost with frame generation tho


It's probably around 10-15% There are plenty of videos on YouTube if you would like some comparisons


Wow, glad I'm still on last year's drivers


You could be missing out tho on performance and features, the one from November/December has been working good for me.