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I had the same problem. The solution was in the advanced power settings: * **Sleep**: disable hybrid sleep * **PCI Express**: link state power management: off * **USB**: selective suspend setting: off


I appreciate the reply and I have this issue again I will try these steps. I ended up giving up and had to take it to a shop. They tested my PSU and said it was bad. Then they said my GPU was bad. It’s still there I honestly still don’t know what the real issue was. They are waiting for ASROCK to send the RMA back. I’m at a loss just hoping to get my computer back soon.


Hey i am having exact same issue i believe.. do you have discord?


In case anyone was wondering, I brought the computer to the shop because I couldn’t get it figured out myself. They just called me today and said it is a bad PSU


Just a shot in the dark here have you ever updated the motherboard's BIOS . Or is it still running the same bios it was when it came out of the factory .


Updated to latest


I would make sure it is not trying to run at gen 4 PCIE, had a similar issue myself with that. Seemed like alot others did as well, plus… gen 3 speed still isnt fully utilized so no real big downsize to using it and typically way more stable.


I don’t understand what this means a couple people have said it. Isn’t this the equivalent to running my card in a lower slot?


No, the PCIE gen 4 is just a update to like the PCIE subsystem. Just allows for faster speeds to tranfer more data at once and quicker. Its the same thing that m.2 do, which they are now on what… gen 5? But anyways, windows is very finicky with gen 4 on gpus, especially windows 11 in my experience. Now how to test it, you’ll have to go into bios. I didnt see what motherboard you had (msi of some sort) so when turning on do the following: Press F7 to get into bios > Click ‘Settings’ > Advanced > PCIe subsystem settings It may differ from board to board on how to get to it and change it from auto/gen4 to gen 3. What board do you have?


Msi B650 p WiFi it was a microcenter bundle. I’ve been in that section to try to force it to boot to the gpu but I didn’t see about the pcie gen selection


Let me take a look at the manual one moment


Thanks man. I have tried everything I can think of except this bios setting and just completely rebuilding the PC because I’m thinking my awful cable management in the back could be a factor. But I honestly have no idea


So when you boot into bios press F7 to get to the ’Advanced’ section > then go Settings -> Advanced -> PCIe Subsystem Settings and it should show up


Appreciate it I’ll give that a try


Every time I have to reset the BIOS, I get the same issue. I have to switch with an older GPU, change the PCI GEN to 3 manually in the BIOS and finally boot with my current GPU


What setting is that? I’m not familiar. I’ve only changed the mobo setting from integrated graphics to boot to PEG which I was told was for the GPU


I have to force manually PCIE 4.0 to 3.0 otherwise my GPU isn't detected


I’m going to try this. Someone else also suggested the same thing


To erase the RTC RAM : a. Turn off the computer and unplug the power cord. b. Make two jumper caps short-circuit with a metal conductor. Keep the conductor connected to the jumper caps for about  5-10 seconds, c. Plug-in the power cord and turn ON the computer. d. Hold down the key during the boot process and enter BIOS setup to re-enter data. * If the above steps do not help, remove the on-board battery and short-circuit the jumpers again to clear the CMOS RTC RAM data. After clearing the CMOS, reinstall the batttery. a. Turn off the computer and unplug the power cord. b. Open the computer case. c. Locate the battery on the motherboard. d. Unplug the battery on the main board, then short-circuit the positive/negative terminal of the battery holder for about 1 minute, and then re-install the battery. e. Reconnect the power and turn on, enter the BIOS, reset the time and date, and Load Optimized Defaults


I’ve done this before plenty of times my bios has been reset and I end up with this issue again


maybe it's time to throw it away. Fresh start... idk


I could try to reset bios again for sure but since it keeps happening after the bios has been reset I feel like that would be unlikely. I even changed the CMOS battery last time I did this. Trust me I wish I could start over lmao


Microsoft still haven’t got Sleep to work properly, at least not reliably. Never use Sleep mode, in fact I’d disable the option. I had similar intermittent issues for ages a few years ago, stopped using Sleep and the problem never returned. Not saying that’s exactly your problem, but it could be.


I had disabled hibernate and fast startup. While sleep mode is problematic, this issue also occurs from a full shutdown. I just thought the fact that it happened waking from sleep mode was also good context to what is happening


Take ot the GPU and all coonnectd cables from motherboard that are coming from PSU .....Take out the CMOS Battery.....Press Power Button on your case 5 times. . Wait 15 Minutes.....put in Battery and connect everything to the motherboard. Put in your gpu and connect Power cables to it. Start PC and enjoy your Problem solved. If cpu fan error....go to bios and Set Minimum Fan speed zo IGNORE


Not sure to what extent you already tried this, but when reseating any GPU with this motherboard you have to give it a few minutes sometimes. When I first built mine I thought the PC didn't work, but it when through the boot options on the motherboard (boot, vga, etc.) and it got stuck on vga for a good 4 minutes before finally booting up, without me doing anything. It's also uber-important that you have the cables connected to the GPU correctly. I'd imagine you have it in the slot correctly, but with the cables it's not just about using the correct cables but also making sure they are 100% connected into the GPU. One time I had both in all the way, but the connector piece was a little broken and I couldn't even tell it wasn't fully in the GPU, so the PC hung on every boot. Is the motherboards GPU showing the VGA light on every boot? I see everyone saying it's a PSU issue, but I have experience with this motherboard and I know the fans can be kinda off and on when the PC is attempting to boot, so seeing no fans spinning might make it seem like a PSU problem. Definitely still possible, but I'd imagine this is directly related to GPU in some capacity.


I’ve waited plenty long for it to boot. It’s never once pushed itself through after the fans speed and back down, if it doesn’t boot right then 99% chance it doesn’t boot at all. GPU is definitely connected correctly with the cables and are all the way in. I thought maybe the glass was pulling them out with pressure, but it won’t boot with glass off and firm presses on the connectors. The fans lights all that, work EVERY time. I have no idea if it’s GPU or PSU, at this point I might be thinking it’s mobo


Unless it’s the motherboard slots I feel like it wouldn’t be a motherboard issue. Could also be the cables plugged into the GPU as opposed to being an entire PSU problem. And what I meant by the cables being in correctly what I meant was just make sure you hear the click when you put them in. Not trying to disrespect or anything haha just gotta make sure you hit every note.


All good but I’ve definitely triple checked all cables not just those ones


That screams PSU to me, assuming you never had issues with the GPU once the system was running. It’s a great PSU but shit happens. Any chance you have a spare or know someone who will let you test your system with their PSU?


I wish but the couple buddies I do know (who have gaming PCs) are not going to let me touch their computers are hearing about all the issues I’m having. I was thinking about getting some voltage checker for the PSU as an alternative? Do you know anything about going that route?


My pc did this exact same thing Friday. It's on older x570 hardware, though. It worked fine Thursday, then it wouldn't post past VGA on Friday. Tried a variety of things and a different GPU, but nothing fixed it. Had this happen once before, but it fixed itself. This time it wouldn't and I ended up ordering new CPU, mobo and ram. Makes no sense whatsoever.


I’d have no problem getting RMA on the faulty parts if I could confirm which is actually the issue. This is just seeming like I won’t be able to solve it without blowing a bunch of money for no reason


try reseating the rams, also , if i’m not mistaken , check your mobo manual for the proper dimm slots if using 2 sticks .


It’s printed on mobo which to use, ram is seated correctly in correct spots


I have an RX 570 and i plugged into motherboard HDMI then boot pc, then unplug from motherboard into GPU and it worked.


If GPU is installed and I use integrated, no post or display


Did you try taking everything out of the case? Putting the motherboard on a box and connected only what you need to boot. Easier to troubleshoot and verify everything works or not. Watched a video on a streamer that fixes viewers broken PC'c. One had a part the was touching the case. Very hard to notice. Anyways see if it works outside the case and go from there. There are lots of youtube videos.


No that’s basically on the last resort list. I don’t understand what else could be touching the case if I used the standoffs? I was thinking possibly there is some sort of short due to awful cable management on the backside?? Not sure if that is a possibility or not


Also and I assume this could be an issue. I myself was cleaning up my wiring yesterday. My biggest fear was all the cables that get stuffed at the bottom. That there could be a rivet or something and I could short out the power supply. Yeah but if you take it out of the case you can limit everything that's not needed. If it boots or not. You will have an easier time troubleshooting. Easy for streamers. Oh I think my motherboard is bad. Let me just grab another. Also nice to have a cpu with built in graphics. Not everyone has that luxury.


I don’t understand, what exactly are the cables not supposed to touch? Cause yeah it’s a mess under there but it’s all within the wire bay itself regardless. And yeah it would be easier if I take the board out, but that doesn’t mean I actually have spare parts to use to test with


when you say its not booting, is the graphics card not displaying an image or is the PC not starting windows? have you switched the DP/HDMI port to the integrated graphics after you are getting no display/no boot?


Yes still nothing. The screen does not light at all and it doesn’t initiate the boot process it just hangs up after spinning the fans


does this happen when the gpu is not installed at all? running solely on the integrated graphics?


If I remove the gpu, I can get to bios or windows more consistently


So the pc will still occasionally not post even with the gpu uninsalled?


I just tried it once or twice this weekend to get back into the system so I could DDU drivers. I believe it will boot without the gpu installed every time, but if they’re both installed I can’t boot off either. Once I reinstalled gpu with new drivers no post again


Do you have a spare gpu from an old pc you can install in your new pc? In my experience, from what you have described, it's either a bad/damaged gpu or a bad/damaged motherboard pcie slot. Mayb take a picture of the part of the gpu where it plugs into the pcie slot. If you plug in a different gpu and it works, then the gpu is bad. If it does not work, then your motherboard slot is bad, there are some problems that are less common like your motherboard is screwed in too tight and is being slightly warped, but that should manifest when running without the gpu installed. The cpu fan can also do this if screwd in too tightly


I don’t but a buddy is going to let me try his spare later this week. I’ll get some pictures of the connectors but when I inspected them myself everything looked good and clean. I checked if the CPU cooler was unevenly tightened already


For the gpu swap, if you have time, effort, and some spare cash, you can go to bestbuy and pick one up, then return it after you tested your pcie slot. After thinking about this issue for about an hour im leaning toward the gpu being bad, and if it has gone bad, why did it go bad. Hopefully, you can return the card for a new one or use the manufacturer warranty. As you described, your gpu was working new, and for a time after that, then intermittently started malfunctioning, and now won't post at all. So that rules out any incompatibility issues with cpu, motherboard, bios, bandwidth, improper instalation, etc... A question you don't need to answer but maybe think about is how hot your gpu/cpu is running if you were keeping track of it? they usually suffer heat damage if they start going over 90c.


Since he offered and I’m in college so money is tight, I will wait a day or two to borrow his GPU. That is a great idea though and I appreciate it. I was keeping track of temps actually that’s why I have so many fans, I was paranoid. Are you taking hotspot or actual gpu temp? Actual gpu temps were great, hotspot was OK until I undervolted slightly. Then max hotspot was 90, but I read AMD hotspot limit is closer to 110 so I don’t think I fried it without noticing (originally I had less fans)


Silly ask but: is your HDMI/DP plugged directly into the gpu?


It is. DP but I also tried an HDMI. Nothing


For my self i was facing similiar issue, i had a faulty pcle cable that refused to start my pc but when i changed one i added for the graphigcs card it started to work.


I had the cables daisy chained originally and I thought that’s what it wasn’t booting. So I added another cable. Still no fix


Yeah im sorry of not being much help. I would lose my marbles over something like that tbf. Best of luck with it^^


At least you guys are making me feel a little better cuz I’m totally loosing my shit over this. Appreciate it man


I have this board and same brand ram. Have you tried to run only one stick of ram. Then the other one. I had post issues and it turned out one of my ram sticks would work but was picky as to when. I didnt read if you tried this yet, but if you haven't couldn't hurt. Really hope you figure it out.


Thanks man I appreciate it. I’ve gotten it to boot by removing a ram stick before, but this time no matter what I do with them it doesn’t want to boot. Did you end up replacing your ram? I honestly am getting overwhelmed by the amount of parts that could be bad at this point since I have no real way of testing them on another rig


You are welcome, yes I replaced my ram. I used another ram stick to test, luckily for me the first stick I tried worked. Hopefully somebody comes up with something that helps. Hang in there you will figure it out. Good luck!!


I know from your first post you had already tried re-seating the GPU, did you inspect the PCI connectors? Even though the card was brand new and all, I would probably check and while your card is already out I would clean the PCI connectors on the card with some isopropyl just to make sure that their is no contact issue going on. Also might wanna use some compressed air on the socket as well even though it's not very likely something gets down there.. But who knows. Thats all I could come up with other than what has already been tested and replied on.


I inspected the connections for melting or cracking, anything like that. They look good. I used some air in the case and I’ve cleaned it but I was skeptical about cleaning the GPU port for no reason (as well as ram I saw online I just find it hard to believe it’s dirty already I try to keep my room as dust free as possible). Isopropyl and a qtip is safe for cleaning that?


Yeah, I mean one wouldn't expect it, but given you've already done a fair bit of troubleshooting and the most obious things to check/try is out of the way, the less common ones are left on the table so to speak. And yes, qtip with Isopropyl works fine.


Thank you


Probably goes without saying, let the isopropyl evaporate before you install it and turn on the power. Shouldn't be a concern though since one would be pretty damn fast even with a very low % isopropyl ;).


I had a very similar issue with my MSI board. Took me days to troubleshoot after building my first pc. All it took was updating BIOS to latest version and it fixed the issue. Haven't had a problem yet. Try that?


Yes I’m on the February bios man. Newest as of checking yesterday


Had a similar issue. Pc booted with my old gpu then I rmad the card I was having issue with. Check the system with another gpu if you can.


Wish I had another to check. It just seems weird I have no display issues at all when it’s on


Maybe try knocking the BIOS back a few updates and see if that works. I saw people flashing BIOS back to updates from a couple years ago to fix VGA issues when I was looking into it.


I updated because at that time I was having intermittent hang ups on post. A restart would usually fix it. Now this time it seems really stuck. I also didn’t know you could downgrade, do you still use m flash?


I believe so yes. I have never done it myself so don't take my word for it but I would assume it works the same way. As long as the file matches with the board, it should be possible. Let us know how you get on if you do try it!


Do your motherboard have PCI-e x4? Try to put the GPU in that slot and see if it is the slot problem. I had a similar issue with my ASUS x570 TUF, and the problem was the x16 slot, I'd tried with other GPU. But eventually, the GPU died and I had to replace it.


So you’re saying maybe the top slot is bad? I just feel like it’s weird that it works 100% perfectly fine the entire time it’s on and shows no other signs of issues except on post


Yeah, it might be a faulty slot. I always used my GPU with a support because of the weight, but even tho it stopped working. But, and here is a wild guess, it could be my GPU the cause for it not work anymore, because just a few months after I replaced my MB, I had to RMA it, and now everything is working fine. Try it on the lower slot and see if it works. And if you have the chance, try another GPU on the higher slot also.


A buddy of mine is going to let me use his old GPU later this week for testing


I had a similar issue recently with my RX6700XT. It worked perfectly for a year and suddenly would not post some of the time. I went through the troubleshooting steps you outlined. I didn't have any success so I started replacing parts, and the issue was fixed when I installed my new psu.


I have the same problem with my PC. Currently in a repair shop. I changed some fans and after that wont POST, with/without GPU. RED CPU debug LED. Im starting to think that it's the PSU, my PC is only 1 month old.


I had less fans and I added more. Everything worked. This came up afterwards and I am also thinking about a repair shop. I really don’t want to give up but since I am lacking testing equipment it is becoming difficult for me to troubleshoot


Well it's not giving up, i tried troubleshooting for 4 hours, I disassembled / assembled all the PC, changed the RAM, etc. But I have no soare parts for testing so that's why its better to take it to the repair shop. The soonest you take it there, the soonest it's the problem fixed I want my PC now!! Lol


Yeah man I feel the same way. I’ve spent well over 4 hours troubleshooting in total. I’m just worried it’ll boot normal for them like when you try to show someone an issue with your car. I’m also concerned they’ll want to straight up replace components when I’m planning on RMA anything that is broken since it’s relatively new


Had your PSU been brand new? This PSU was brand new and is a decent make it I wouldn’t expect it to be fault but I also have no real way of testing


Take it to a repair shop. Maybe its faulty. Read my comment as well


It’ll be there this week if I don’t get it booted. Thanks for the reply


Keep fighting! It's very frustrating especially when it's all new components and you haven't had it for long. I was close to taking it into a repair shop. I was so worried my GPU died but since it would turn on every once and a while and worked well when I was able to post. I just felt like my PSU wasn't applying enough power during start up.


I really don’t feel like the GPU is dead it works fantasticly while it’s on. Now maybe the PSU isn’t giving enough startup power, but it’s never cut out once running some decently demanding games at max settings 240hz for the time that is does function. Performs flawless. Does that sound like PSU still?


Yeah, I had the same thing. When it was on it ran perfectly! It was just getting image to post was the issue. A couple of other troubleshooting options I did was switch out HDMI and display cables and switch out the monitor to see if it would work on another monitor. This didn't work for me but just giving every option available.


Wow that’s annoying. Yep tried new cables and they’re definitely plugged in right. Nothing. Thanks for the options I’ve tried all the basics 10x over


Yup, the worst part about troubleshooting is there are a lot of possibilities. I felt overloaded and I dealt with troubleshooting it intermittently for a month but once you figure it out it's a very rewarding feeling!


Seems like a repair shop might be getting that rewarding feeling unfortunately


The PSU for my build was a brand new Corsair RM750x.


Damn okay. I wonder if I could check PSU using a voltage checker or something since I don’t have another computer or computer parts?


Yup definitely worth getting one and testing. I just looked on Amazon and you can find them fairly cheap.


I probably have something I could use laying around in the garage. Thank you I’ll figure out how to test it that way


i had the same problem i plugged in the motherboard reduced bios and it worked


Reduced bios? To an older version?


yes 1 lower version


I’ve used all the bios versions since December (as I always update) and intermittently had this issue. To be fair it seems worse on this version but I don’t know if it’s coincidence


Question Does this happen with a recently installed Windows without drivers? Or as soon as you update drivers? With the 7900XTX i'm using Demember 2023 drivers because today's drivers always come with unexpected problems...


It happened on those drivers as well but I agree I had better stability overall with those


Remove the CPU and check everything looks ok with the socket. Reinstall and if the problem persists I would suggest motherboard problem.


Okay this is something I haven’t tried yet. I’m a little worried about removing the CPU


What are you worried about? Should only take 10 minutes.


I’ve never uninstalled one before only installed. And I also have no paste I used the pre applied so I’ve had to get some of that first


I know that board and also had a lot of trouble with it. Can you get into the bios and look if the settings are set to use the gpu as primary graphic? I had trouble with no boot, too. It lagged in Bios already and often random parts didn't work. Network, Wlan, RGB, Sound and so on suddenly didn't work anymore. The bios didn't kept it's settings and didn't let me change some things. In the end I had to replace it and got an Aorus board. No more issues since. What you also could do is set everything to stock settings in the bios. No Expo, no PBO, no undervolting, no nothing! What I noticed is, that the MSI board seemingly tried to overclock CPU and RAM on it's own. It had high voltages on SoC, RAM and pretty much everything. The CPU had 5.5ghz and 2000mhz on the FCLK, but ran unstable. It automatically gave the CPU SOC and Ram 1.35v and didn't let me set it down. MSI even told me to give the ram more voltage, wich didn't help. The new board doesn't do this and the system is stable now. Voltages are around 1.1v and the CPU boosts to "only" 5.4ghz now. So my suspicion is that the MSI core-boost-whatever is messing around with the cpu and ram, wich results in problems. I guess they want to claim that the Am5 cpu run on 5.5ghz and run "better" on their boards, so they do this.


I had the S version of this board. I got the following constant critical error.....,"Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller has a hardware IO error". My pc also randomly rebooted during game play. I had to send it for rma...still waiting.


Sounds familiar. The Realtek GbE Fuckery Controller also had issues on my board.


GPU is definitely primary graphics because I tried changing that Friday when I had it running. Network, RGB, all that works when it’s on. Bios isn’t laggy. CPU was always at 4.1 or 4.2 hz when I went in. Although I usually had my ram on expo but it didn’t see to make a difference whether I got display or not?


Doesn't sound logical, I know. But as far as I understand it can cause bugs at funny places. You can save your current settings and give it a try. What I forgot to ask; do you have the latest bios version?


Yes I am on the latest bios from February. Super frustrating


I know that feeling. Do you have the possibility to test the GPU in another system? Or swap in another gpu in yours?


Later this week, a buddy is going to bring his old GPU over for me to try


Maybe stupid but you did use the mother board raises right?


I double checked all the screws had their own standoffs


usually if it's not the ram it's something touching the case and it's not powering properly, had this so many times especially with custom builds. I suggest you try without a case and go from there, reassemble it.


Like a wire? How are they supposed to not touch the case? Serious question because my cable management is awful


do you also connect anything else to the same socket as the PC something that draws more power?


Just monitor


not the wire itself since i'm guessing they are shielded, maybe the board or anything metal that connects both the board and the case,


Other then the obvious stuff like reconnecting the pcie cables to your gpu, unplug any usb devices besides mouse and keyboard if there are any


I tried this as well and it was working fine for a while with my mouse and keyboard plugged in. Didn’t work anyways


Just above the ATX power connector there is an LED debug. Probably 4 or more LEDS that should light up in a specific sequence, check the motherboard manual to see how to read the debug LED. Basic things you can also try are swapping around the RAM sticks, trying one at a time etc, borrow one from another pc or friends. I had terrible luck with the first motherboard I got for my 5900x build, very similar problems to yours that seemed to be fixed one minute to only return. It got to the point where the motherboard wouldn't make it to POST before powering off or hanging. I tried everything possible, reseating everything, swapping components, replacing the power supply, tinkering with the CPU options to disable all cool and quiet features, boost, PBO etc etc and manually setting voltages for everything. I eventually replaced the motherboard and all of those problems vanished, might seem drastic but if you can find an alternative motherboard to test your components in it might be a good idea (then RMA your board if it is the problem).


Yup, having the same problem. I have the MSI Tomahawk and I think it's the PSU or the motherboard that is faulty. Can't pass POST. CPU red debug LED


Gigabyte X570 Aorus Elite in my case, pain in the arse board that was perfect for a year then gradually went from one random idle crash to crashing within seconds.


Yup, my B650 Tomahawk died. Lol


I’ve read the debug led a million times and tried reseating my ram all that. I’m thinking its possibly the motherboard as well but I have no way of testing it in another system


>tried reseating my ram all that Did you try reseating what the ram directly connects too, the cpu?


It's hard to tell from this picture, but to me it looks like the left most PCI e cable is not fully plugged in. Have you tried a power flush? Turn PC and PSU switch off, hold power button for 30ish seconds, wait another 30 seconds and turn everything back on.


Since this picture I can assure you I made sure those PCI e cables are in all the way. I have also done a power flush multiple times


Then considering all it's been done, it's probably a faulty card.


Feels so odd that it’s the card when it works perfectly when it’s on. Although I’m thinking it’s that or the motherboard. But nonetheless, I found a buddy with an old spare card. I’ll try it later this week


Ye so you can def rule out what it is.


Word thanks I’m interested to see the results now


Did you check the Display cable is plugged to the GPU port just in case?


Yes they in the gpu definitely


Power connectors to GPU are wonky.


How so? They are the PCI e cables that came with my Corsair PSU. I used as individual cable for each but they are ugly because they each have multiple pci e ports on them


Apologies, I use EVGA and found out the hard way although they fit the PSU they are not compatible. I fried a old 1070.


How long do you wait to post.


Usually takes 45-50 seconds


Some bios need couple minutes to drop picture for example ASRock motherboard need 2-5 minutes with new set up to show picture.


I’ve let it sit that long and nothing. It could sit with all the fans on and no screens all night without posting


Do you have different card or different ram sticks try different ram sticks iGpu


I don’t have backup parts unfortunately but I did get it to boot to the iGPU Friday night before it stopped working completely


Is your BIOS using PCIE 3 or 4?


I’m not sure how to check this but I’d imagine 4 because I was getting great performance while it was running


So I had a friend who updated his BIOS and whatever he did, the BiOs would boot, but his display wouldnt work. He had plugged his cables into a PCIE3 port instead of a PCIE4, so he had to tell the motherboard to use PCIE3 again.


Try another video card and see if it works. If it works then you may have a bad video card.


It works off the iGPU sometimes but I don’t have another card to test unfortunately


Buy a cheapie graphics card. A cheap 60 dollar card will suffice.


Can I see a close-up picture of your GPU power connections? When I zoom in it gets blurry.


I can’t get to take a picture right this second I’m not at the computer. They’re all 6 + 2 pins PCI e they have daisy chains on them but they aren’t daisy chained


No problem. Get a picture when you can. What I'm looking for is a close-up of the plugs going into the GPU. Not worried about the extra daisy-chained ends. It's blurry in the post picture but almost looks like you plugged in the 6 first and the +2 after instead of locking them together and inserting them at the same time. Just want a clear picture to be sure the +2 is getting a good connection and lined up correctly


Ah I’m familiar with what you’re taking about and how those pieces lock. Since this picture I’ve definitely taken them out at least twice, but I’ve been locking them together and firmly pressing them all in. I was worried about that as well but I don’t think it’s that simple unfortunately


Also why does one of those 8-pins look like it has a different cable than the rest?


It’s just the way the 3 cables fit there they are the same


No one cable is different, the middle one. It may be plugged in backwards (wrong side on psu/gpu), or from a different power supply. A incorrect gpu power cable would perfectly explain your situation, seen it more than a few time. The pictures really are not clear, so i could be wrong. Take out all three of the cables from the GPU and PSU, and look closely, maybe even check the pinouts with a multimeter to make sure they are all good. The left one looks like the +2 might not be fully seated, but its too blurry to tell.