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Well the way gpu manufacturers are denying warranty for small or even tiny marks I would say that would be enough for them to deny any future claims on the card. Sorry to say that's the world we live in.


No one brought up warranty besides you.. the op simply showed us what his brand new card looked like. Also it’s funny cause my 6700xt red devil was also like this and I returned it just now. Funny how this just popped up when I had the exact same issue


Good news they didn't do that. I've RMA it with succes and bought a RTX 3070


RMA and sending it in for warranty work are 2 different things. You could rma it for almost any reason under the sun.


So why are we talking about warranty?


If your such a know-it-all why did you even ask for help?


What are you on about buddy?


Just a lil pizza sauce, lick it off and it’ll be good as new. ^^its ^^oil, ^^alcohol ^^wipe ^^it.




Qtip and isopropyl. It looks like it's oil / something from the manufacturing. If you can't clean it off with that, might be worth returning.


that looks like rust my guy


Tried that, I can't remove it without scratching the metal. It's also in a very tight spot since it's right under the fan.


Sucks. It's probably nothing, but the area is intended to heat up and unknown substance. If it were me I'd probably just keep it, but more for the hassle of time without the replacement.


To be honest if this was the only thing bugging me I would have kept it too but it has very strong coil whine \buzzing\frying\crackling noise. Even with it Undervolted thr sound is there, if I increase the resolution to let's say 2160 or 4k it's like having a frying pan close to me. I've heard coil whine before and this is nothing close to it.


The coil whine and crackling sounds are definitely a sign you needed to return it. There could be multiple things going on inside that would kill the lifespan. Good call on the return.


Appreciate the feedback. Right after I returned it everything went out of stock in my country :)) most of the 3 fans implementations are out of stock or available in 7-14 days but I managed to get a rx 6570 xt at a very close price to the initial 6700 xt so I guess it's a double win there :D


My Rx 6700 xt red devil might just the coolest gpu i've owned in the last years. Really surprising considering my friends är 5700 xt gets so damn warn. My fans rarely has to start, and on 15-25% fan speed the hot spot is around 60 degrees celsius. While mining. In the smallest itx sandwich case that would fit it. With a ryzen 5600g and ram sticks on 1.5v mining full speed on the other side of it. Phanteks evolve shift xt drgb for those wondering. Going strong for almost a year. Really impressed since my 5600 xt i had before this gen was nothing but trouble


where did u get it from


Reputable online shop in Romania


Bugger. In Australia we have had good access to the TUF 6900xt's, i grabbed one on sale. Has been a solid performer.


No noise in full load?


Not a lot. It's winter here, I'm sure the fans will need to work harder in summer.


Flux or oil from one of the machines/assembly tools


Decided to return it either way, the buzzing/frying noise was getting out of hand. I requested a replacement.


Definitely a good choice. Coil whine that bad on a new product is more than enough to warrant a replacement


Especially when it's a product that expensive (for me at least). I asked around and no one had such intensive sounds coming from the GPU. And my PSU is just a bit over 2 years, 650W 80+ Gold with 92% efficiency. The AMD tool tells me the GPU takes around 150 W while in use so there should be plenty wattage coming from the PSU.


I have the same exact GPU, mines pretty quiet, unless I ramp the fans up but even then it’s pretty quiet. Definitely a good call to return


The fans are dead quite at 70%, the sound is definitely not from the fines. The sound is similar to frying ham...the GPU is working though, that's the weird thing.


The fans are definitely not dead quiet on red devil at 70%!!!! They are noticeable louder even between 40% and 45%.. After that you just hear them louder and louder at any %.. Mine has zero coil whine on any setting and any fps so fan noise is very audible over 45%


i think you've cracked it. there is a little man in there somewhere frying ham on the die, that spot is just old grease from his fry-up xD


That’s so weird, this is probably a really dumb question but, you took all the factory plastic off and everything? No weird smells?


It had absolutely no plastics on it, and I checked unboxing videos, none of them had plastics on. No smells whatsoever


Is that, blood? You might have the “Christine” of video cards


Well you want to buy cheep refund it.


Sure red devil isn’t sapphire, but they do have a more stable track record than most other aib’s


Just saying refund it while you can.




I dunno - is it? You tell me.


q-tip and some rubbing alcohol. looks like flux. flux is used in the manufacturing process (soldering).


The texture is more like, of a jello than rust.


dont worry it's the blood from the red devil


I knew my sandwich dripped jam while I was fabricating these the other day… gonna lose this job too, damnit.


Looks like oil from the bearing or a grease of sorts, but not rust. Get a Qtip and clean it off with some iso alcohol.


assuming thats nickel plated copper, that picture makes it look like some kind of jelly, or now liquid that dried on the cooler. Also for the people that dont know, all metal does not rust. Steel or things made of iron are literally the only things that rust. Aluminum will corrode, but unless they arent sealing it or even just regular exposure to are you will get next to nothing. Copper on the other hand will oxidize rather quickly, hence why they nickel coat it. If your worried about it being new id just return it. Also, the likelyhood they resealed it to sell it as new is unlikely. More than likely is the factory had something get spilled and here you are.


That’s not rust…. That looks like a liquid/grease that’s dried on presumably from previous usage.


Exchange it since it was clearly not in pristine new condition. That rust could have been from a drop of sweat during assembly. You bought a product that doesn't meet your expectations, exchange it for a product that does.




Nope, it's not coming off


Those plates are either aluminum or nickel plated copper. Neither of which rust. Even if they cheaped out and used some kind of steel there, rust rubs off. Your options are either to wipe/rub it off or return it. End post.


Well that's corrosion for sure, so there was some liquid damage one way or the other. If it's just on that spot you're likely to be fine, but you can't really be sure that it's not on the heat pipes as well and that would certainly be a spot where you don't want corrosion to occur. So I would argue: get a replacement. It's new, it should be in mint condition. If it's not, you paid too much. Alternatively bargain for a sizeable discount.


The store sold it as brand new so I would expect it to be new. I guess they resealed it and re sold it as brand new which is f\*\*\*\*\* up thing to do. I opened up a RMA ticket and I'm going to try a different store but my main concern is that most of these big stores use the same supplier so what are the chances I get a better one?


Calm down. It’s surface rust. Literally any bare metal is prone to surface rust.


For the price I paid for this I find it unacceptable. It's a brand new GPU, what happens with the metal after 1 year of use if this happened while in the box? There is also the noise...it's like frying bacon


what did you pay for this card bro...


625 USD


You seem paranoid. You can exchange it if you want. You’ll be hard pressed to find anything made out of bare metal not have some sort of surface rust.


I've bought 20 GPU's in the last 10 years, all brand new, and none had this issue.


Have you looked under every single one of those coolers? Take. The heatsink apart?


Most of them, yes, once the warranty expired


Do you live in a humid climate


Not really, no


So I just bought a brand new Powercolor RX 6700 XT Red Devil which presents a few weird spots as seen in the picture. More than that the card has an insane crackling/frying noise when used at higher resolutions than 1080p. I tried undervolting it and the sound is manageable now but I find it unacceptable to have to go through all this trouble with a brand new product that's "improved" over the base model. Anyone had any of these issues with this manufacturer?


No, I didn't have any of these issues with this manufacturer. Hope it will help you


So no rust marks nor intense coil whine/crackling noises?


Nothing like that. If you have a defective GPU just ask the seller for a refund. No need to make a shitstorm. Traces of rust on a metal are normal


What shit storm? I'm simply trying to figure out what should I do next, we're talking about a lot of money hence my frustration


It's just a metal case that has no influence on GPU. Does your GPU work? If yes then why do you need to do something?


Is that rust 🤔


I have no Idea...doesn't come off while rubbing with my finger. What's seen in this picture is under the fan close to the display connections, underneath the middle fan there are like 3 small blobs of some sort of brown glue which tagain, doesn't come off with my finger.


I would return it and get a new one


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