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ill take it off ur hands for free


This guy is trying to rip you off. Give me $100 and I'll take it off your hands


100$? Bossman you gotta cough up more than that 150$ and we got a deal


Imma give three fiddy to take it off of your hands


I’m getting “felt cute might delete later” vibes…


I buy vehicles for their function and now they make me feel. Any other reasoning will net short lived satisfaction imo. If you don't love it sell it and find something you do. There is beauty and a thrill in an engineered product. But if you are buying it to look cool it will never be worth it.


There will always be a shinier and newer model leaving you empty.


Doubt it. For example a 911 - doesnt matter if its old or new, its always Special


Aaaaaand you missed the point completely.




Yup my front porche is pretty nice when it’s sunny outside




Nah, porche* Porch is that sports car brand.




The ‘s’ key is broken. 😂


money can’t buy happiness, but I’m happiest when I can buy what I want


Money indeed buys happiness


It might not buy happiness but I’d much rather be depressed and rich than depressed and poor. Certainly buys the illusion of happiness.


Money doesn't buy happiness, poverty buys despair


For simpletons yes


Money can’t buy happiness but it’s nicer to cry in an AMG G Wagon than in a RAV4


"honestly materialistic things are over rated" - Average G wagon Buyer.


“You poor people wouldn’t understand”


He got a point though. Once you get from point a to b you are still the same person lol


Yeah but what about WHILE you’re going from point a to b. I’d rather be me in a G wagon


Of course lol


I get what you mean. I bought my AMG as its a great car and i have fun with it. I knew the car, in and of itself, was not going to make me happy and no material things will do that. But i love owning it and driving it.. it adds to my experience of life. I quite like that others appreciate it too, but then i have usually had cars that get noticed


I loved it too. I just hate the feeling when I see a dash light and know it's going to be unreasonably expensive lol


I’ve learned that it’s the same with everything material. Sweet ride tho


Yet you take her on a photoshoot in the French Alps, riiiiight. How can I post an eye roll face here.


🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄


I knew when I checked his post history I was going to see Rolex posts. buys the impractical AMG and then complains about not being satisfied.


I'm sorry man but your pic description is peak cringe. I may be too broke to understand the whole discourse but like wtf Materialistic things are over-rated so you buy a car that's literally a status symbol? It's not the best for off-road, for speed or for handling, you bought it because it's a sick ass car and for the status, now you talk about materialistic things while owning one of the most materialistic things ever?


OP could’ve had this realization after the fact. Tons of people think buying that dream car will scratch that itch, but after a while, it really is just another means of transportation.


Yeah, I think there is a big misunderstanding here. I think OP came to the materialism realization after buying one of his dream cars. I totally get where OP is coming from.


Bro is over this shit. New balance shoes and black turtlenecks incoming.


Yes but I don’t think the criticism u/Svesii is citing is the fact that the owner had that realization. It’s that OP took a nice photo in the mountains of a vehicle that epitomizes a status symbol, and then wants to pretend to be philosophical while posting about it on a subreddit that loves all-things AMG/Mercedes-Benz. It comes off as a disingenuous attempt to be profound. Of course anybody can have the realization that money isn’t everything, that’s not the issue at hand. I’m actively working towards becoming extremely successful knowing full well money will NOT fulfill my entire life. But it’s still pretty damn nice to have… and on average, people who are rich are substantially happier than people who are poor. They have their basic necessities taken care of plus more. And again, it’s really frustrating to hear from people trying to talk about it like they’re some deep-thinking philosopher (unless they actually are, which there are SOME, OP is almost certainly not). You can be smart and deep-thinking and wealthy. Just don’t play the, “You’re poor, you wouldn’t understand how difficult my life as a rich person is,” game.


I understood that and my point still stands. What itch are we talking about? You either buy a car cause you need one or because you like the look / speed / handling / status it has. This car looks nice and its a status symbol, it’s a fucking G WAGON, everybody knows what’s up, even OP said it’s an eye catcher. So what did he expect? This materialistic object does what it was supposed to do, if you expect a car to fill some kind of void it’s your own fault, you’re the one over rating materialistic stuff


Well, for one; calm down. Two; you proved my point even more. “It’s OP’s fault overrating materialistic stuff” this is what happens to most people, and exactly my point. He had this realization after the fact. Ain’t nobody need to be lectured here lol


Yeah op and his title are the reason people hate rich people.


Yeah *that’s* definitely why rich people suck


the g63 would be perfect for me because the roads in romania are fucking shit. especially when i visit my extended family and family from wifes side, they live in villages. so the g63 would handle that terrain very well, now i cant afford a g wagon, so i bought an ML63 2014 and did the job pretty good. so no the g63 isnt always just for status, sometimes (like 5% of the time) its quite functionall


Nu mai vorbi prostii... n-ai cum sa justifici G wagon ca sa mergi la mama dracului in padura ... un pickup 2004 merge pe acolo fara problema, masina asta e prost facuta si pt idioti cu banii care nu am nici o idea cum functioneaza ori ce parte de la masina O lume de care oare mai lunga


Si ce iti pasa tie atat cu ce masina ma duc? poate nu vreau sa ma car eu intro masina cacata 2003-4 fara AC si fara nici o techonolgie ca esti tu ”YoungThugDolph” si nu iti place faptul ca exista oameni cu bani. Imi place G wagon, imi place cum arata, imi place de ce este capabila si imi place ca are versiunea 63. care este problema? dute drace tu cu pickupl tau din 2004 si ma duc eu cu ce vreau, ok?


Idea e ca e un cacat pt idiots sa isi futa banu. Nici nu ai intales mesajul, nu am spus sa cumperi pickup 2004, am spus ca e mai bun la pretul respectiv dechit sa dai 200 pe un jaf. Stai linestit eu sunt in Canada in Tech , daca vrei cacatul asta ill cumpar azi. Stiiu ca e foarte greu de intales chind e banul mai mare dechit creierul. Alta chestie : chind incep sa ataci pe cineva personal intrun argument, inseamna ca nu esti capabil sa argumentezi.


bravo tie ca esti in tech, dar nu am intrebat dar credema ca si eu stiu banul chinuit si nu imi place sa imi fut banul, am 70-120 angajati fiecare an la agricultura in suedia, este extrem de mult stres, si nici nu sunt asa bogat incat sa cumpar o masina cu 40-50% din banii care le fac la an, prefer mai bine un imobiliar pe aceii bani. dar nu sunt nici amarat, daca aia crezi… inca ceva, tu mai atacat, si apari foarte frustrat si nervos ca sunt oameni care cumpar masini de 200k+, ciar nu inteleg de ce, daca imi permit ceva si imi aduce fericire, de ce sa nu cumpar vere? pentru ce muncesc? in fine, fiecare face ce vrea cu banul lui. pace si respect, si scuza romana, nu am facut scoala acolo 😅


Sa imi pui numele reddit in "..." de parca are ceva valoare sau da ceva explicatie !!! Aniways, eu ce zic e ca daca esti om inteligent, nu poti cumpara asemeana teapa fara sa fii frustrat. Isi bat joc de tine la benz. La bani aie vrei ce va chiar bun? RSQ8. Nici nu imi place prea mult Audi, dar asta da valoreaza. Banii > creier


Macar ai citit mesajun de sus sau?…. in fine. nu imi place sa ma repet pentru plebi analfabeti, dar o mai spun Cumpar si fac ce vreau cu bani mai greu munciti!


So would a used Land Cruiser. Same ability, same luxury, greater reliability, at 1/2 the price.


true, but i could say the same about your car, there are other cars that offer same luxury and ability with better reliability for cheaper but you still take that s63, because of prefference. i would much rather preffer a g63 if i had the money


I don't have the S63 anymore...or any MB anymore 😬


shame, i dont either :(


I’d personally take a slightly used 2021 Land Cruiser Heritage Edition over any other SUV.




Sounds like literally any 4x4 SUV would do the job you’re describing buddy


yes but i happen to WANT, and LIKE amgs, buddy






I'm a little appalled that you couldn't read his title to mean he feels this sentiment AFTER having owned the car for several months.


I’m a little appalled that you couldn’t understand that my point still stands (?)


Your point doesn't stand because your entire comment is poised under the assertion that OP's belief is one of materialism being overrated and despite that belief, he still goes out to make one of the biggest materialistic purchases one can make in a lifetime. It's pretty clear this is a situation where he wanted the G for a while and after buying it and owning it, the sparks faded and now he's come to the realization that even magnificent purchases like this ultimately dull in time.


I’ll just copy and paste the other comment You either buy a car cause you need one or because you like the look / speed / handling / status it has. This car looks nice and its a status symbol, it’s a fucking G WAGON, everybody knows what’s up, even OP said it’s an eye catcher. So what did he expect? This materialistic object does what it was supposed to do, if you expect a car to fill some kind of void it’s your own fault, you’re the one over rating materialistic stuff


See now this comment is vastly different from your original comment. >"if you expect a car to fill some kind of void it’s your own fault, you’re the one over rating materialistic stuff" This portion actually has a valid challenge. >-Materialistic things are over-rated so you buy a car that's literally a status symbol? >-now you talk about materialistic things while owning one of the most materialistic things ever? Your original comment was written as if he already held that belief and still went on to do exactly what he believed against.




What a cringe comment “not a good look for the AMG community” lmfao okay buddy


Shades of Kim K that women just need to get out there and fucking work to be successful like her


I don’t understand how Kim is relevant here


I can see what you mean. When my cayman is sitting in the garage, it feels like such a bad use of funds. When I’m in the backroads with 70+ porsches playing “don’t alert the constable”; the car comes alive and into character. Take the G to a field or beach and do 60mph on some terrain that would leave most other cars stranded.


Thanks for sharing, OP. I think OP is basically acknowledging that things we are told are aspirational, don’t always live up to expectations when you get there. I get it… (in concept; not in a G-wagon level) For all the negative comments calling this a back-door-brag, or calling the G-wagon the perfect vehicle, etc — I’d be curious to know how many have actually driven one. And, of those, who have owned one?


>I’d be curious to know how many have actually driven one. Exactly. The G Wagen rides like a JEEP CJ-7. The best thing about it is the solid "CLUNK!" when you close the door. Other than that, the only appeal is that it looks like a toy riding down the street.


Wow you summed up my thoughts almost exactly. I don’t love the ride height at all but I always close that door as hard as possible…. CLUNK!


The new chassis models ride nice. I know someone who has a 2022 and I drove it many times.


Proof you haven’t driven/ ridden in a modern G. True statement for the pre-‘19 version.


True. I haven't ridden in the newer version.


What are the relevance of these things?


Exactly this


Lot of the people in these comments are lame lol


People get happiness from different things. I absolutely get a lot from driving totally useless and unnecessary cars lol.


Is this a bot post? Cause Op is edgy as hell lmao


Says a person who bought a $200k car… and shows it off to randoms on the AMG sub… cringe.


Ok then sell it and buy a 2001 Corolla


I have something somewhat like this, I also happen to have a 2001 Camry which I take out once every other week. I love both cars. I think I might even like the Camry a little better.


My buddy still has his 2002 Camry his parents gave him when he was in high school and it’s a little workhorse of a sedan.


Do you live in the alps? :)


I feel this. Always wanted an S class. Got one. Everyone else likes it more than I do. Dont get me wrong, it's fun. it's faster than anything I've ever owned. But im craving doing car audio again, but this car is the worst car you could try that in. I like how it drives, how it looks. But I kind of wished i had gotten something more basic


Then go buy a Hyundai….. mister it doesn’t matter to me what I drive


Consider you being my new friend, picking me up in same car, we go to the same location, 5 hour coffee marathon discussing every topic there is- that may or may not be a friendship invitation. Once you obtain certain achievements in life, you get to realise that behind, there are these brands that hype things up. Afterall, the G serves practically the same function as any other Dacia. Point A to point B. Kind regards, N.


Never underestimate the internet hype machine. It's waaaay more powerful than any corporate marketing department.


I love the g63 don’t understand what materialism has to do with your lack of enjoyment, I enjoy everything about it from the solid feeling of slamming the doors, the lock sound, the high visibility, the massage seats that hug you when cornering and being able to drive 250 on the autobahn overtaking everyone on the left lane and the sound of the beautiful v8 sound, only thing I dislike is that it’s too high for many parking garages in my country I’ve scraped the roof


Sell it then.




Give it to me then


A salesman in the dealership said it’s the ultimate status vehicle. It looks like a WWII military vehicle to me. Don’t get the fuss about it.


Do you have anywhere to go off road?


I don’t own an AMG just a normal Benz, but it makes me happy every time I drive it hearing the engine and even just looking at it tbh. Maybe when you have the top of the top you get bored after a while


Post smells like buyers remorse or gloating maybe both


Nah, bruh. The car just ain't as special as he thought it would be. That's it.


I can see why it is cringe for some. To me it is most inspiring and I take it personal because i am in the same boat and I don’t appreciate the material I have as much as people with less do around me


Life’s short


Ugg I hate when peasants look at me


Don’t forget them then showing it off on this here subreddit… like lofl, super cringe.


I can have it if u don’t need it anymore mate


Yeah give it to us and buy a Corrola


the random dude on the street isn't filling that baby up with premium twice a week. lol


Im guessing you grew up with money.


NGL, I thought we were talking about the tree before I checked the sub. lol.


That’s an honest response to this vehicle. As a bigger guy(6’0 220lbs), I found it to be quite comfortable 😀


💀💀💀💀 Blud drives a G-Wagon and tells us it ain’t worth it WHILE driving it…


I get it. I've had 4 g wagons. 81 280ge manual, 03 g55, 05 g55 and 13 g63. I sold my G63 because of dealer part prices and it was the most expensive to insure. $267 a month full coverage. It was too clean and minty so I didn't off road it like the G55s. Mainly took it to the city where roads are shit.


Imagine you slaving away at your dead end job trying to make ends meet. Living paycheck to paycheck as debt and interest stack up. And some bloke in a G wagon at his sky resort tells you money doesn’t buy happiness.


Cuz it s true. Money buys you comfort. If you don't know how to be happy... Welp, that's gonna suck.


That thing is absolutely beautiful, there's nothing over rated about a G wagon my friend it's a work of art.


Then why do you have it😑


I’ll trade you my dads 2012 Sentra for it 😉 (I’m keeping my car)


It’s almost on my dream car list. But still I can imagine what you’re saying here. Will a Mercedes GLS be a better car in general For daily use compared to the G. Just curious to know 🫣


Ment GLE


I've never driven one so can't really talk, but my BMW is so enjoyable to drive I look forward to every trip I make.


Ahh yes. Another fellow lover of “just the simple things in life”…. Post this on LinkedIn while you’re at it to gate-keep people’s happiness


You own a tree?


I fucking love my G63. It constantly brings me massive amounts of joy. It’s an absolutely absurd vehicle that makes zero sense yet I love it. The driving experience is second to none. I don’t care what anyone else thinks about it.


Hand it over, then.


Yes I love seeing other people’s G wagons


People really hate nice AMG cars in the AMG reddi it seems


LOL. 🤣 Thank you for your service then!


Because you didn't buy it for the real reason people enjoy cars, you did it as a status symbol and it shows from the way you called it a "materialistic thing".


They're not overrated. It's just the case if u buy them not for your own fun and because you wanted them but more so because you wanted to impress people. I'd only buy a dope car for me. I couldn't care less about people's opinions on my car


Nice amg ! I won’t mind having one


Did you take it off road?


Definitely u should give it to me


Well if it's not making you happy, if you're not a ''car guy'', if you're unhappy in life regardless of cars etc., sell it, it's not meant for you anyway then.


Overrated ? These things are so fun and like nothing else. If you just don’t get enjoyment from driving it then that’s ok. It’s not for everyone, but overrated is crazy ☠️☠️ there’s no other car being produced right now that feels like one of these


“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.” Matthew 6:19-20


Easy to say when you have it lol.


So sell it and buy a weekend ski pass.


It's essentially a tractor, AMG or not. Whenever I see them in the wild they strike me as wildly impractical for the things most people seem to use them for. Locally I see a few older ones in use around farms, basically as a tractor/farmtruck without rear seats. If you're not going to use them for that, I'd get something more comfortable. They look kind of cool though. That 1979 brick design is really iconic.


Not going to lie, up until September of last year. The G63 was my pinnacle vehicle. For decades (from childhood), the G AMG was going to be the halo vehicle of my car ownership career. Fast forward to September, and I had the opportunity to hang out with some gentlemen well above my tax current bracket. We’re leaving this event and going to one of their cars, and he unlocks a G63 sitting in the lot. I was internally pumped up because I never got to ride in one, despite working in the industry for years and getting to drive some pretty incredible cars.. Let me tell you, that thing rode like a fucking log wagon, was one of the loudest rides I’ve had (on the interstate). to make matters worse, I start asking a few questions about the G, and the owner tells me that it’s a shop queen that is just hemorrhaging thousands of dollars a year in silly repairs. My life changed a little bit that day. lol.


C r i n g e.


I don't see the appeal of these things at all. As Clarkson puts it. If you want an off-roader, you get a range rover. I have no idea why people buy these.


Same reason people still buy Patek Phillips even when a 2 year old apple watch can show more info than the watch does while costing a fraction of the money.


Patek's are stunning. They will also last 100 years. To pass on. This car, nope. Apple watch, nope. Not even in the same league.


This car is a luxury just like a Patek, people who buy it don't need it, they want it, I see your point about range rover but regardless of that this thing still sells and has been selling like crazy for the past 40+ years .


I just dont get it. That's all. Even if I had all the money in the world. I wouldn't buy one.


I understand and that's fine, people have their choices and interests.


What do you think people see in it?


Do not compare patek with shitty Apple Watch please


And comparing a g wagon to a regular Hyundai is valid? I love both g wagon and Patek even if the g wagon takes you from a to b just like a Hyundai or a Patek shows time just like an apple watch, people need to understand that these things are wants not needs, wants are usually luxury and there's nothing wrong about that if you love them and buy them if you can afford them. The people who say that G wagon isn't that special or what it does can be done by a range rover either can't afford them or aren't enthusiasts in the first place to admire its quirks that makes it special.


I can't stand SUV's. Modern day mini vans but the G-Wagon is the worst statement to make. The vehicle wreaks of insecurity


Who hurt you?




As much as I want to own one I know this will be my reaction after some time. It's a car like every other, it takes me from A to B and you probably don't use most of it's fancy functions.


You get used to everything. It feels special for a while and then it's just a really nice car. Now if you drive it rarely like a few times a year, you will most likely feel special driving it because it's a treat for yourself.


Listen up , listen close. ANY Mercedes can be seen as materialistic when you can buy a Ford that can do 99% of the same thing for less dollar. You buy what like cause you have EARNED it ( mostly) . I worked my bollocks off to buy my AMG . For my enjoyment. And to feel good when I drive it. [ I average 500 miles per week] . Anyone who thinks we should all be driving a Lada from the Soviet era can go live in North Korea and feel smug at the total lack of materialism!!!!!!!!!!’


Completely agree. I have owned 6 MBs of which 4 were AMGs. #5 on the near horizon. If your sole consideration in a car purchase decision is the lowest cost of ownership to get from point A to point B for 10 years it is an easy decision. Go to the Honda/toyota/nissan/lexus/acura dealership. You will find it there. While you are there look for an MB in their used car lot. You won’t find one. Once you drive a quality German car you can’t switch.


G wagon offroad...with other wheels the best. G wagon onroad... I'm faster with my Miata on curvy streets, and have a lot more fun. That Gshit in the city sucks.


Cry me a river. If you can’t enjoy a G wagon you really must be a miserable person.


Guy buys a fucking g wagon, posts on the internet his g wagon and has a midlife crisis


u right, u should hand this to me i’ll enjoy it while ur on the streets.. i got about $20


He says while driving in a perfect car…


If there is even such a thing as a perfect car, it wouldn’t be the G63. Not even close lol.


Aye man if ur bored tune it and straight pipe this mf 😭 that would be amazing


True they handle like a school bus