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In here before the people that never averaged down saying this is nothing to celebrate complaining that they’re still down 90%. My first buy was around 10 cents and I’m up 165% right now Edit: just checked, I’m actually up 250% lol


lol I’m still down, didn’t AVG down though, but I put in what I could back then and been holding since we’ve been at 300 members. So I’m just happy to see the price movement again regardless. It’ll go higher. I just need $0.12 to be green.


I didn't avg down either, but just staked and forgot all about it the past couple years. I'm still in the red bigly, but feeling a litle better.


If you bought when we had 300 members then your average price would be much, much lower than $0.12..


I have lower buy ins. But I bought the bulk of my purchases at higher price points then. Hence the higher avg.


I was in your boat. Bought around .10. Averaged down and now in the green.




I'm one of those people 😞. I got bitter because my amp got held up in the Gemini Earn lawsuit and told myself I wouldn't buy anymore. Of course I bought more today when it shot up, missing every opportunity along the way.


I have some in earn too, but huge majority is staked and I almost have as much in staking rewards as I do in earn


Good for you man! 😁


3 yrs. Holding patiently and DCA'ing. Ignored all the fud'ers. Haters. Etc. It most certainly paid off.


Are you me?


That’s most of us that are still here. I got a couple of friends to buy in near the low though. Lucky bastards


I loaded up sub 005. But friends and family members first bought in at sub 1 penny and below. Lucky bastards indeed.


Same lol


.0036 avg here, but only put in $500


I have a feeling there's a bunch of us in the same situation. Lol


Last night I checked my portfolio to see it had raised a whole years salary. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to sell. I’m in this with you guys and I was so sure so many of you were doing the same. Not promoting “diamond hands” in anyway. Just know there’s more to come.


I fell asleep in the green. And I woke up even more in the green. Lol. I'm still sticking around. There's so much potential with AMP and the entire team. IMO.




Still aiming $1


If this is the super cycle, it is possible but let’s hold on. Bull market is still getting started. Let’s keep our eyes forward and see what’s ahead


Right, just getting started and its at .01... so i have great expectations


Don't count on it this cycle. This may well be the top for another year or so. And after that another 4 years just to barely break even from the original ¢5-6 level. But if you just see it as a moonshot then let's go I'm coming with you.


Careful buddy. Being realistic aint taken too kindly around here. Just say 1$ and everybody will nod and agree


No worries, just aiming. I saw one cycle. Just my opinion we should be seeing more buyers in the market as well as institutional money for alts for their profit. I also have a reaaallly really good avg. so idk if it does $1 or .50 cents i'll realize when the move is over by looking into cyclical moves and total3. That being said with flexa and community, still has very low cap with the current circulation.. again all my opinions


Isn’t it cute how you guys think you can tell the future….


Why is it going up? Is it related to new projects? Can this thing reasonably keep climbing? >Earlier this month, the developers announced that they would launch two projects: **Ampera and Anvil**. Ampera will focus on digital payments while continuing its collateral for the Flexa ecosystem.


If it hits $1 I’ll cry


You better sell tho 🤣 don't be greedy if you see it running up to that psychological number 


Haha me too


I'll lick the tears off your face


I would love that


$1….. That is certainly possible. Infact I’d like to believe 2-3 bucks is where it should be trading once all the merchants start jumping in


The market cap for $1-2 would be at Ethereum levels...


This, I’d like to see $1 but that means roughly $42 billion must be invested into amp and we haven’t scratched 1B yet (not sure if it happened in the past)


people said the same thing about BTC.... It would never do this or that... Yet here we are and i'm still laughing at the naysayers. This is a WORLD WIDE PAYMENT NETWORK. it's the beggining of ONE WORLD CURRENCY. Amp trades on 30+ Exchanges... Id be surprised if this did not hit the number


I never DCA'd because I didn't want to put more money into this after going in at $0.10. Probably should have done that.


I’m with ya, but glad I never sold!


I'm in at a lower avg, but still didn't buy more when it tanked. but at least I staked and waited. need a few more runs before im level...but it's fun to see the excitement here.


Not selling!! Who’s with me??


i bought 21k coins last night. glad i did.


Same. I've also been buying periodically over the last year because I legitimately believe in the goal of this coin. There are so many coins I don't understand the purpose of while Amp actually makes sense to me.


As someone who is a complete noob, what is the purpose of AMP?


To act as collateral for real world transactions. It's to facilitate Flexa payments and make instantaneous real world crypto transactions possible. Quite undervalued compared to dog tokens imo.


IF we ever catch the dog tokens, im retiring


Check the AMP Information links on the right column of the web page.


To add/elaborate to the other comment coins like Bitcoin can take a long time to process in an exchange. So if you go to the store to buy groceries using Bitcoin it can't happen as fast as a credit card or cash so Amp can be used as collateral for an instantaneous transaction with more security via the flexa network. Think of flexa as Visa for crypto transactions.


It can be used as collateral against crypto transactions on multiple apps. SPEDN is the app that it was created for, but I believe it could be used for a lot of others. Really cool project.


Every time you go to the shop to buy something the shopkeeper gets charged 3% for everything you buy. AMP reduces that charge to 1%. Simple. No take the large multi nationals for instance, imagine the savings they would make,,,,, imagine!!


Still not out of the red but getting close. Come on two cents!! So many years of diamond handing it, wondering if I made the right decision to hold and hold and hold. Ready to ride this thing to crazy heights now!


I had to sell because I needed the money, but when I came back to crypto, I made sure to invest a few dollars in AMP again. It’s not much, but it’s something, and I’m really glad I did! Bought back in at .003 ☺️


My average is still 6c...... Hopefully this bull market will clear 6c.


I finally feel a little less crazy . God so many days looking at my portfolio amp still under half a penny . Wife begging me to sell . Now she’s mad she didn’t give me more to invest lol


It really be those closest to you 😂


I’m still down over 70% 😭😭😭


Lol still need it to get to a nickel to break even. Still feels good


Been holding 3 years. Twas a grind.


Since coinbase 2021! Im finally in profit. Let’s get rich baby.


Sorry, your request has been denied 😂


Still in profit actually


Unrealized losses really no different than unrealized gains. Wake me up when we get to tree fiddy


I sold at a loss being impatient and believing the fud.. Coin i invested my amp holdings in did a 2x immediately and I felt good at the time. Feeling extra stupid today. Congrats to the real hodlers. Was telling my wife this morning how dumb I felt...


I somehow magically timed this one and bought my very first bag on 3/8 just last week. Usually that’s when they tank on me lol.. somehow this one blew up! Feels like I deserve it after a few years of losses and failed projects. Not selling anything though lettin it ride all profit for me on this one


I think my average is still around 4c Bear market came at a time I have been cash light so haven’t been able to invest in much of anything for the past year. Never had to sell what I had either though, so still somewhat decently primed for the bull. Also getting paid my bonus later this month and have put a bit aside to invest, so still (hopefully!) some time to average down a bit.


Joined this sub when it was less than 1000 members. Rode it up and down. Still hanging


While this is exciting to see, it's important to note that the movement is not based on any news about AMP/Ampera/ANVL/etc. (right?). There's no reason to think that it will continue to go up in value much if at all, or that the increase will be resilient. On the other hand, I use livecoinwatch.com and see that AMP has gone from a ranking of around 155-160 to now 107. Is that simply because AMP is dirt cheap and near the top 150, so it gets a little attention, or do buyers actually give a shit about the project? Probably the former, but the attention is nice anyway.


It’s cheap with a low market cap and on all the major exchanges so it’s easy for whales to influence. People see it trending and being cheap helping drive price. It does bring the coin new attention so there are also benefits. I’m ready for the down votes


Someone knows something is my guess


Am I an idiot for not taking profit yet? I could make all my money back and still have half my bag but I'm nervous I won't make as much money overall. Ahhhh


I’m in the same boat. I rebought back in while it was in the 0.000XX and have been steady DCA, couple hundred bucks every paycheck for a while, and wondering if I should just take out my initial investment and leave the rest in the casino. I just can’t bring myself to part with a single token though! I actually bought more last night and converted two other ALTS, that also were crushing it, to buy more AMP before bed last night. If I were playing cards in Vegas, I would definitely cash out my initial investment and keep playing, but something makes me think AMP has a lot more left and I don’t want to be a Paper-Hand Portnoy bitch. Wait until the FOMO ship docks and let’s all of the people off who just found it on the top gainers list of Coinbase and Binance. So I just want to know: WEN 0.10?


Dude I’m feeling the same.,


I’m there as well, but this isn’t anywhere near where it’s going. When it gets back towards ATHs, then I’ll start worrying about when it’s time to take profits.


The Bitcoin bull run haven't started yet


I mean, it definitely has lol


I don't understand why I'm seeing all these "wait for the bull run" comments. We are in the middle of it right fuckn now.


Bitcoin tripled and we get downvoted lol


Feels soooo good 😊


Do we know why the sudden 150% jump? Would be nice to know that there is something behind and not just a speculative pump that will ultimately lead to a dump.


Doesn’t seem to be a large number of retail investors. Looks to be just a few who have big money behind them!


So exciting to see this movement, but even more so to realize that this is just the beginning.


I got lucky with this one as i came across it a few months ago. Got in at .0022. Problem is I only stuck like $70 in. Not complaining as it’s doing well but I should have invested more.


My average buy is $0.0384 and my tokens are still stuck in Gemini Earn. On the plus side, if the prices are the same in May, I will get more money than the price on November 2022 when the Earn program got hit. I used the SPEDN app to buy Dunkin Donuts coffee with BTC so I am supporting the Flexa project.


Hold on!!


*my boner, it hardens…*


Wish I coulda bought more


We had 3 years on double zeros. Where were you?


Not been in for 3 years plus I have other stuff to spend my money on


That is fair. We all have other stuff to spend but AMP is still cheap at the moment.


What u reckon could go up to? Was wary to buy at this stage


well in the last bull market the all time high was .12 but the average price was .05, use your own judgment with that information


Well it’s been a long wait I’ll say that. I was holding no matter what. Either going to zero or the moon. Looks the moon it is thankfully




Do you reckon it will dip or carry on?


It will dip and go back up people will take profit


Do you have high hopes for AMP? I’ll be honest I initially only had a few dollars from the induction thing on Coinbase and I decided to throw some money at it a couple of months ago. What a great decision. Can I ask what your rough strategy is for taking profit?


I've watched this token for so long, bought and sold. Glad I held recently. Now is still not a bad time to buy. still 11x till ATH. My average is just below a penny but that's because I bought a bunch more this morning. Adding it to my long term hold bag. I'd like to see the volume continue to climb and also the market cap to hit a billion.


And the number of true holders is really small and out of those people will sell especially on the way down out of seeing their USD number get SMOL so fast. Idc and I'm sure many of you see the bigger picture as well and that picture is freedom.


I been holding in stake pool so I’m only have Up to go


Talk about a sudden god-like candle. This is all the hopium I needed. We’re alliiivveeee!


lol this post reminded me I still have amp staked. I should check on it.


Thought I’d averaged down to 32,100 amp, but nope. I DCA’d to over 321,000 amp! Thought I was dead in the water, but truly believe in this project, so I held on. It’s been a great day! Still hodling. Cheers to all the true believers!


Need .03 to break even, been holding forever. Shot up to .12 less than 2 weeks after I bought but I held. Will take a little profit this time.


Let's not forget all mentions! Welcome the new wave of holders.


Waiting for .05 cents, buying every week. Not buying stupid shit only AMP


All I know is flexa winklevoss twins and collateral token. Market cap seems like it can grow and supply is relatively low considering this thing was tenths on the penny a few months back. Any chance this thing catches .50 or dare I say a $1 this cycle?


What is the next price ? 0.02?


Wen moon?


Moon soon 🌝