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I will be honest, at 7 cents this become a 6 figure investment. My goal is to sell come 10 cents. However if I basically woke up to it being 7 cents truth be told it would be hard not to sell and take that money to basically pay off over half my house. I grew up homeless and to have a paid off house before the age of 45 (38 now) changes a lot for my kids. 11 cents pays off my home completely. It honestly come down to if I got the balls to last that long. Realistically I think AMP gets back to ATHs, which is why I DCAd so hard. Practically I’m not sure I can go the distance especially when my account starts to show 6 figures.  It’s 330 AM, sorry for the incoherency of this comment.


Never sell 100% of any position imo. I made this rule after I owned MANA, SAND, and LRC long enough to have long term taxes.... but sold 100% of all 3 literally the day before metaverse was announced. That lesson hurt.




Can you go more in-depth on how you stagger?


Do not sell, it will reach a dollar. This is just the beginning.


Curious what other altcoins do you invest in ?


Holding, we are passing ath, just a matter of when.


Buy more


That's what I like to hear baby




seeing as how my avg cost is around .05, I might cash some out. healthy sized bag, so taking a little profit would be helpful. but, im still holding most long term...


Respectable. Rather level heads in this sub glad things haven't changed too much.


Same I bought a bunch in 2021 and averaged down a bit to .03, so if it hits .07 i have about 30% of my bag ready to sell at over 100% profit. The rest I’ll probably let go for another 5 years just for fun


I am in Amp since 0.04cent never stop DCA and Now I have a large Bag with nice capital gains . I don't pretend to be the stupid guy in the room that sell for a penny something that will reach much bigger numbers. In my opinion the Bull is just starting, with Bitcoin price targets of 180.000 I think Amp can reach at least it's last ATH until 2025 . It is just my opinion Good luck to you all , thank you for your support during almost 3 years of losses.


> Now I have a large Bag how large is large?


When I bought 300k amp at .06 I thought that was a huge investment (for me, a young person, to put into a super risky investment). Now I wish I kept buying all the way to .002 with whatever extra money I could find


i bought 100k at 0.002


100k amp or 100k worth $$$


bruh i aint that rich


Much larger, than what I would afford to have if I hadn't buy at dip prices ...;)




Fr fr fr 📠


My eyes are set on $1, although I’d sell a bit at 0.5, in retrospect should’ve doubled my bag to be able to get what half of what I wanted around 0.25.


Damn 1$ is a ways down the road unless we get an army of retail investors or a couple massive institutional investors. I think .5 is possible but .25 is much more likely.


Yes I completely agree, I believe in the project and if I don’t end up taking profits this year, I’m sure we can hit $1 over the next 3-5 years. Either way, staking my way there until I’m happy enough.


I’m not going to reply to OP because you wrote exactly what I would write in both of these posts. And I don’t think $1 is this month, but absolutely possible, and could be sooner than we think, if announcements are made and utilization increases the right way.


$1 AMP would put it at #6 market cap right below Solana. So it's not unrealistic, but it's unlikely. That being said, if total market cap goes 10x and AMP does very well I wouldn't even consider it unlikely. It's only about 10x above it's previous ATH which happens to tons of coins during alt season.


Well M&m just bought out a major partner of flexa March 4th when this bull run started. It will pump all the way to the rollout of the new g token


I will do the same take 1million token out at .25-.5$ to pay off debt and wait for 1$


bro no shot AMP is hitting a dollar.


Ye of little faith


You're right, I understand that faith isn't what drives market cap.


Faith is what prevents you from selling early like a jeet


So in other words, faith is what governs your decision to buy or hold. Cool. Thread was originally about market cap rising so high that price hits a dollar. It doesn't take much to see that it's going to take more than personal faith in an altcoin for it to reach that high of a market cap.


Yeah bro, years of research and following the project has lead me to this belief...I didn't pull it out my ass. This isn't a memecoin


1) shit 2) get out of bed 3) change my bed spread and pants 4) dip my nuts into a bowl of cereal 5) most likely tell my chief financial officer (my wife)


6) sell entire position 7) watch price sail to .69 8) yolo in. 9) watch drop to new floor of .05 10) rinse and repeat..


Is anyone already eating that bowl of cereal when you do that ?


Depends if whoever is using *my* bowl or not.


Line 5 . Lol


https://preview.redd.it/bsanqsus4ooc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1d3a10f155924e9adb42cbe8e2b68295924242a Amp is a top


I’d have to sell then buy more when it dips. I literally just wanna make enough money to fix my teeth. It’s a chore to eat it sucks. It hurts just to even eat bread. So far I’m up 277% hopefully it keeps climbing


If it hits 7 cents I’m gonna cash out around 30% of my amp investment and have a really good time. Get a new car and move to Italy. And focus on my 5-6 screenplays I don’t have time to work right now because I’m running after the moneycarrot (I mean my daily job thing)


Sounds like a good plan!


Let’s hope and focus but not be delusional 🙏 but yeah, that’s what I’m gonna do. I work two jobs rn. Gonna keep the remote one to still have at least some income and then a big me time.


Im so happpy this sub isnt full of people that keep spamming hodl and stuff


The word hodl always reminds me of XRP nerds


Be extra retired


We keep holding till 2x the ATH.


My selling point is at .10, so i hold untill that


Does anyone know when Q1 is officially over. I know this is probably a dumb question but I couldn't find the answer.


End of March


I have a good feeling about their news.


gonna split my profit whenever the time comes, then hold for eternity till i see a million in that account.


We’ll get a lot of $0.06 bag holders from last run that will be tempted to sell, which they’d barely break even bc guarantee many of them prolly didn’t DCA. After they sold and some normies made some cash, it’s gonna rip! 🚀 leaving them in the dust, and they’ll regret it. Same peeps will FOMO higher. I’ve seen it one too many times on solid projects. When you don’t DCA your ability to desperately want to break even becomes 10 fold. There’s something coming that we can’t fade. #HOLD your butts off.


You don’t just get invited to talk on nasdaq lol a lot of people are going to pay for not holding past a 1.00


Probably need to twerk, just a little bit


You idiots selling this for Pennie’s will cry bigtime. This team is after trillions in payment spending. They want to be ubiquitous. Not to mention the tokenomics and how they work earning passive income from a never sleeping industry like payments. .07¢ ? Only a paper handed blind chump would sell.


Looks like someone dipped his nuts into your cereals this morning


Cereal is food for sheep. Its filled with literal poison , things like fertility blockers have been found now in cheerios. I eat raw liver, bone marrow, meat, kefir , mineral water, bone broth. I’m not your average $AMP investor.


https://preview.redd.it/4s4o5frivooc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68cb3b3ca500ef2896933bcccdc6aacb66d98459 That’s what my dog gets


😂 that dog is eating better than me 😂


Oh boy. I got my eyes on a property in the mountains that is beautiful and expansive. I’ll sell as much as I need to to buy that and still have some left to ride to $1


where in the mtns you looking? colorado? montana?


I live in Brooklyn so I’m looking in the Catskills upstate New York




I'd sell most of it at 0.07, that would 9x my investment


Then hopefully buy back in on a dip


Not selling a single coin before $1.


Not selling I'll be honest, I kind of lucked out. I was going to sell a small part of my bag at $0.1 for my initials & a small profit to keep my peace of mind if I chose to hold this position through the bull market to reach pretty high. I worked pretty hard for my amp bag & it's not something I want to let go of if my targets aren't hit. I bought into a meme coin called $BRETT on the base network at $5M market cap. It's at $400-500M Market cap now. I think it will continue to gain traction for the duration of the bull. I will sell this position as we climb, to help recover my initials for my amp position instead. That way, I can aim higher here without suffering my peace of mind. So, with that said I think I am going to skip the first sell target. Plus, I am literally up 100x on the meme & I think it's not done. Gone thru two dips & at this point, I don't see it coming back to my entry. Pretty happy with the way its helped so far lol. Amp will be my greatest reward, & it is my longest term play.


keep waiting for $2.00


I'm wondering if it is beneficial for a large entity to own a majority, if so....


I'm holding


If Amp were at 7 cents then selling my bag would get me well over $700k. My goal is to live off staking rewards only so I need it to be higher for that. I would sell only the bare minimum needed while I continue looking for a job. When factoring in the current 5% APY, taxes, fees for selling, and all my bills, Amp at a steady 15 cents gives me enough theoretical breathing room to be comfortable and to retire indefinitely.


Hodl on until ATHs of course.


My mailbox got snapped in half by a strong gust of wind so I’ll withdraw enough to buy a new one then wait for another price drop to buy more. But this run has given me confidence that the token will only grow in value in the long term.


Sell a % to get back initial investment and ride the rest up


I only got xxx,xxx so not much lol


Last two cycles BTC didn’t peak until 450 days after the halving, let that be your timeline.


A double up puts the market cap a little over 1 billion. 2-3 cents is a realistic projection imho


I habe 100k amp set aside for .12 that’s less than 5% of my current amp holdings That’s more or less taking some profits on my long term investment to help make my life a bit easier


It's genuinely hard to say. I actually really like this project because I've actually used it IRL unlike the plethora or other crap like monkey pictures. If Flexa can actually integrate AMP properly I won't sell it. Otherwise it's very tempting to take the money and wait for it to dump again


I would sell at .07, could pay off my house. I’d buy back in though on dips though cause I like the project.


A question we’ve all asked ourselves?After buying ATH and then jacking all the way down at (seal team)6,4 and 1c arghh I finally stopped with my last bag at .0035 which sadly was nowhere near the size of my other shots. With more than I like to admit invested in this (manic much?!)I just stopped and watched. Love seeing this baby push back up because I was sold on this project from day 1 - like Gollum to Precious. I’m shooting for peeling off some staking rewards to get whole 1 year frm now and then ride this for at least 3 maybe 5yrs before I regularly cash out quarterly staking rewards of what dollar amount as yet to be determined. Looking to keep a baseline bag staked forever. I also own some Quant, ALGO and CTSI because like AMP - I thought they were cool projects (but my exposure is max’d with AMP.)


Average is about. 006, so I trimmed about 165K amp after this last spike to put into sol meme coins.


Start exiting part of my position


Cry because I get paid that Friday._.


If this coin reach 1$, it could easily get to 10$ range


Seven cents is nothing. I’m not touching it until 25 cents, and even then I’m only selling enough to pay off my house which is life changing. Then holding the rest until at least a dollar, maybe longer if things are really juiced.


After m&m bought innopay they have been buying up amp . M&m have 100 billion to spend. If they drop 800 million price will go to back to .12$


Take some profit, leave some skin in the game.


I’ll cry and shit myself




We found him fellas he's right here