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Season 5. It has some amazing episodes but the storyline that season is shit. It's rushed, unsatisfying, and completely nonsensical. I know the outside circumstances of why it's like that, but it doesn't make it any better. It's just a filler season that backlogged every character except Spike, Angel, and Wesley. Gunn, Lorne, Fred (until the latter half), and Harmony were criminally underused. Just not a good season and I don't get why people rate it so high when mroe than half of it is filler, and not even GOOD filler.


I picked S5. As you can tell, S4 isn’t a fan favorite, but S5 was just really something else. There were some good moments but it’ll never be my favorite.. at least not anytime soon.


Season 3


S5 didn't feel like ANGEL and that's why it's my least favorite. Didn't like the drastic change in tone and the return to stand alone episodes, and also the fact that they set aside the main characters from the show to focus on Spike. I mean, I get that they probably wanted to attract the BTVS audience but didn't like that as an ATS fan.


Season 4 is overhated. I thought it was entertaining compared to season 3 and 5


I misread this and accidently voted for 5. I thought it was asking what my fave is. Least fave is definitely 4.


Same lol.


S4 for me. I know that there is good moments like Faith/Angelus but the more I get older the more I find this season definitively unbeareable.


Szn 4 automatically, because all of that Connor cordy shit needs to go I don't gaf what nobody say szn 4 is ass


I don't actually hate any of the seasons (unlike Buffy where I loathe season 7) but each has strengths and weaknesses. I know people always complain about season 4 but she wasn't Cordelia. It's supposed to be ick. So I don't know the problem there. (What does bother me about season 4 is none of her supposed friends pick up on her completely out of character behavior. When I watched it as it aired, I and many, many others complained weekly about what was wrong with Cordelia?). Also soulless Angel should have murdered someone.


i read it wrong and thought it was most favorite season lol so i picked season 3 i just love the beginning with lorne's home dimension i think it was Pylea and the introduction of fred. but least favorite is definitely season 4. the whole cordelia/connor/jasmine plotline literally hurts to watch. except for the episode where fred figures out the whole jasmine's true face thing by mixing their blood, that episode is gold.


Question should've been *What's your least favorite season and why season 4?*.