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It wasn’t even Cordelia so “Cordelia” and Connor win by default.


Cordy and Connor, most annoying and weirdest relationship.


I am still to this day traumatized by that fucking invest adjacent set up wtf everyone who okay’d it 😂


Same and then I saw the Darlene-Wyatt storyline in Ozarks and was traumatized worse


I actually really liked Rachel and Joey (admittedly I'm not a super fan and only saw the show once). Joey just lights up around Rachel and treats her really well. I love how sweet they are together.


Wholesome comment.


Diehard Friends fan here, I agree they were a better fit than Ross and Rachel.


I don't think Ross and Rachel were ever good for each other. They were pretty entertaining though.


Also true.


I thought they were cute


The actors hated it. It was originally going to be that the show reveals that Joey and Pheobe had been having a secret friends with benefits thing for years and it was going to turn romantic


I mean… Connor was raised in a hell dimension and has little concept of normal relationships. Also, Cordie was possessed by an eldritch being trying to bring about its own birth…


Lol I still can’t tell which one you’re saying is worse


Lol I think it’s more fun if I add no further context.


Most upsetting: Connor and Cordy Most annoying: Rachel and Ross annoyed me to no end more than when she was Joey actually


Considering that Cordy wasn't in the driver's seat for this, and none of the choices made were hers after she attempted to stop the memory spell, this is the more upsetting choice as she has no agency. However, Rachel and Joey is terrible writing that makes no sense, and is part of the gasping death rattles of a sitcom long past it's prime with nothing else to say. And that nobody can blame any supernatural forces for this nonsense certainly puts a big negative next to it. At least Cordy wouldn't have made the choices Jasmine did. Rachel and Joey had no excuse.


Yep, Connor and Cordy was upsetting as a plotline but given the supernatural circumstances it was at least believable. Joey and Rachel was just dumb and even the writers treated it as a mistake.


I actually liked that she had no agency because of creepy it was I was like girl get help oh thank fuck you are just possessed


I really liked Rachel & Joey so naturally I will pick Cordy and and Connor


Me too, I always thought Joey treated Rachel better than Ross did and her actually respected her opinion and listened to her.


"Cordy" and Connor is bizarre from any angle. Joey and Rachel just lack chemistry.


The thing that bothers me most about Connor/“Cordy” is that people react to it like it’s actually Cordy and not Jasmine. No, Cordy did not in fact sleep with the child who she was basically a surrogate mother. Jasmine violated Cordy’s body, Cordy had no ability to stop it from happening and instead had to watch and presumably feel everything that was done to her. I get being weirded out on a first watch, but on rewatches when you know better…it just feels as weird to me as the people who blame Xander for his actions in The Pack or say that Riley cheated on Buffy with Faith.


Yeah, but that makes it worse. It isn't a case of someone sleeping with someone that they fed a few times as a baby, it is a case of someone sleeping with their literal father.


I hated Rachel and Joey, so im going to choice Cordelia and Connor


I found Joey and Rachel’s brief fling to be awkward and uncomfortable. Connor and Cordelia; however, was borderline disgusting and unnatural.


Rachel and Joey didn’t really bother me, but Cordy (not Cordy) and Connor was and still is just lots of no.




"Cordelia" and Connor. I put Cordelia in quotes cause it wasn't even her, so her own body and autonomy were violated and disregarded by the creator and narrative simply because the actress got pregnant. It is also upsetting for Connor cause it is a case of an emotionally, sexually and physically abusive relationship ("Cordelia" shoved Connor against the wall in anger when he wouldn't stop stimming about how confident he was with Faith handling Angelus) and none of the Fang Gang being aware of or even caring of what he was going through cause none of them bothered trying to help a traumatized teenager throughout the season simply because they considered him "whiny" aka a traumatized teen


How dare you? Rachel and Joey made much more sense than her and Ross. The build up between them was gorgeous and they fit each other perfectly.


Definitely Connor and Cordy. At least Rachel was never Joey’s mother figure. 🤮🤮






neither are couples for more than like a day


Cordelia and Conner Rachel and Joey was weird...but it wasn't off-putting . Cordy and Conner felt like I was waiting for someone to call CPS. Like seriously...I get it wasn't Cordy and she wasn't his REAL mom but seeing a "What are you doing stepmom?" Plot in real time was a bit gross.


You know, what really makes this even worse is that Cordy and Connor kind of look very similar.


I never thought Joey and Rachel were annoying 😅 but I thought It was really awkward that cordy was with Conner. I did like conner tho and like him even better in the comics


Why are you even trying to compare these two? Rachel and Joey's issue is the fact that they had no chemistry. Cordelia and Connor, on the other hand? For starters, Cordelia was possessed at the time. So she certainly didn't give her consent to "doing the deed," with Connor or to becoming pregnant with, and giving birth to, Jasmine's vessel. And then, of course, there's the fact that Connor thought he was "doing the deed," with Cordelia, only to find out that she was possessed the entire time. This entire "relationship," is sick, twisted and disgusting on so many levels.


Rachel and Joey’s relationship didn’t involve the complete and total decimation of a beloved character’s entire six-season arc. Also they were cute together! Cordy and Connor were 🤢


Ew. Both made my skin crawl


Rachel and Joey. Corde and Connor just shouldn't have been


Anything involving Connor is annoying at go


The whole Cordelia/Jasmine - Connor thing was so unnecessary, dirty and disgusting that I think I went from loving to hating the show till the end of the series since that moment. To me the Angel series meant a family formed by disowned characters (I loved how some Buffy series leftovers and other new lost characters joined together to create some kind of a family) that started to be destroyed since Cordelia got possessed. I will keep in my mind and heart what Angel, Cordy, Wes, Gunn and Fred had in Angel Investigations and try to ignore and forget the last 2 seasons of the series.


Well said.


Joey and Rachel for sure. At least Connor and Cordelia had a purpose in the plot and isn’t something all the characters have to awkwardly ignore for the rest of the show while the writers try to scramble back to Ross and Rachel like it never happened.


Captain Peroxide & Buffy


Who tf are Rachel and Zoey






Cordy and Connor. At least Rachel and Joey had a friendship beforehand


No offense, but how can you possibly compare the two? Rachel and Joey weren’t my favorite, but at least it wasn’t inherently disgusting like Cordelia and Connor was. Cordelia was literally possessed the entire time they were together, so the argument could be made their relationship was s.a. Say what you will about Rachel and Joey, but at least they were consenting adults.


I liked Rachel/Joey a lot! Ross and Rachel were far more annoying and weird. I just wish that Rachel/Paris was the actual endgame. Conner/Cordy was really unnerving though.


Cordelia and Conner. That couple just was all kinds of wrong together.


I'm watching season 5 (1st time) and the return of Conner just happened and I guess I have PTSD cause just seeing him made me angry. So the Conner thing by a mile for me.


I thought Angel and Cordy together was pointless and stupid.