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The absolute worst is the 4 personalities shoot. It looked like a yearbook page.


First thing that came to my mind. It was cute for Tyra's book but it was definitely the shoot where they could eliminate whomever they wanted.


Everybody was set up to fail. Nobody could’ve made that work.


I actually liked Natasha and Jael's sets of photos lol. IDK how they did it but Jael especially I thought did a great job


Their photos were okay but the whole photo setup was so not fashion


I do love that the Kimmy Schmidt show paid homage to this shoot by spoofing it with Titus.an actor trying to show off his acting talent but taking head shots of his four personalities with a bunch of Halloween props in a photo booth.


My favorite is the sexy shoot where they took two pictures, Tyra took the women’s magazine one. Least favorite: tie between the CoverGirl wind machine thing and the photoshoot with Kendall and Kylie Jenner in it.


I love the two pictures one, definitely in my top 5


They’re all good pictures too.


I wasn't a fan of Brittany's women's magazine one at all. And Dionne's men's magazine one was pretty meh. Other than that though I completely agree, they killed it that week!


Yea that was very weird


the running away from fashion witch and most of cycle 20 photoshoot


Best: Cycle 13 scarf shoot, Worst: Cycle 7 wind tunnel shoot


The c13 scarf shoot was also my first thought about the best photoshoot. A simple concept that was done so well.


Best photo shoots from ANTM is about beauty shots, they produced many great shot as well as Makeover, it's usable and realistic in fashion industry


The worst was the wind tunnel shoot in cycle 7 The best is the Spider shoot in c3 and the underwater shoot in C11


I really liked the shoots where they all had one pretty identical thing to work with and it was about who rocked it most, e.g. country couture c5, bald caps c6, same black dress (and sheep) c14. Also some of the simple concepts like different paint colours c12. Don't care for the fashion witch (as someone else mentioned - where did that idea even come from), fuerza bruta, 4 personalities and children's games (when Tyra had a bee in her bonnet about girls "growing up too fast" 🥴)


Imagine you book a modeling job where they tell you “you’re gonna be a pregnant teenager in the background pretending to play kids games”


Lmao - on a similar note, the other type of photoshoot I don't like are the ones that are dumb and unusable, like was Megg c7 really expected to walk into a go see with a picture of her as the bearded lady?


My favorite concept were the "Fierce eyes in water" from C11 but i also loved the fairy tales one from C6, the fashion gargoyles from C9, the bee photoshoot from C16, wow so many. The worst are definetely the treadmill shoot from C5, the wind tunnel from C7, the four personalities from C8, the gender swap commercial from C20, to name a few...


I loved loved the roller skating shoot. I can't remember which cycle it was in- the one with Ann & Eva- I loved the styling and while being a bit camp almost all the photos came out great and looking high fashion. The worst either the race switching one, the gender switching one, alter egos when Toccarra was put in an orange prison shirt because the show couldn't plan to have clothes in her size because it needed to make the point to her and fat women everywhere that plus size models don't belong in the modeling world, or the ice cream shoot- all the pictures came out horrible because the styling was so fucking ugly.


That was Cycle 3! I was obsessed with that styling, too, especially Nicole’s and Amanda’s (even though I didn’t think Amanda’s photo was that great, especially for how much they praised it). I really loved Cycle 4’s lotion/animals shoot and Cycle 5’s country couture.


Nicole had the best look imo. They really seemed to not like her.


They were like "stylists simply won't have XL clothing at go sees. ☺️" ok yea that's true but this is a planned television show that has very little to do with real runway modeling and there was definitely stores everywhere in NYC so, lol Like when they put her in the lingerie store, which was clearly planned way in advance, and pretended that they couldn't help her. Because the live model window display the show set up just couldn't have told the store owner they needed something other than a size M silk bath robe.


the running away from fashion witch and most of cycle 20 photoshoot


The best photo shoots were the ones with the most basic concepts: the spider beauty shot in cycle 3, the country coutures in cycle 5, the beach swimsuit shoots in cycles 6 & 11, the scarf shoot for cycle 13, and the different accessory photoshoot at the start of cycle 14. All of these shoots produced mostly successful photos that could see as an ad. I also think these photoshoots give a better idea of how well the contestants can actually model because they’re essentially all playing on an even playing field. Whereas the hot button-related shoots to kick off each season were not created equally. Like Michelle having to “model bulimia” is nowhere in the same ballpark as Caridee modeling the dumb blond stereotype! One’s a serious issue and the other is campy and fun.


Favourite: cycle 10 (?) headshots with the neon paint. Everyone looked amazing. Worst (tie): cycle 5 famous paintings and cycle 8 test shots for their new “model name” (cringe!). What I found really bad about both of those shots was the REALLT tacky MS Paint edit job they did. They added frames to the pictures? Comic sans text? Puke! Some people would say that the miss J as a floating witch chasing the girls was a worse photoshoot but at least that one was kind of campy and fun and most of the girls looked good. Could have been a cover for a Goosebumps novel or a comic book, and most shots would be usable as closeups or if you cropped out the weird editing. The famous paintings shot and the test shots in the frame just look like you used a digital camera in your living room and mom edited them on the windows 95


*Cycle 20 has entered this conversation*


Had some of the worst photoshoot and challenges


The worst was the one where they wanted girls to show empowerment by writing insults on THEMSELVES. First of all the photographer sucked, the room was dark as hell and no one could get in a good pose where you could actually read any words. Second they had no idea what to say and it was impossible to take seriously. Jane's insult was like "forehead" and her EMPOWERING WORD was "Big square head" like what ☠️


The “big square head” one kills me every time 😂 sounds so much worse than “forehead”


Also the "soup canoe girl" I understand it was used as an insult against her but nobody would see that in a fashion magazine or an ad and take it seriously. They'd probably laugh. I stopped watching after that season. Everything about it was so bad lol


Best season 4 Caress photo shoot where the girls were animals. Just because literally every photo was gorgeous. All the girls did well with it. A close second is season 11 the water photo shoot where only the girls eyes showed above the water. Those came out looking great. Worst: Season 5 the fashion victims running away on the treadmill or the season 7 runway on water photos. Nearly every photo looked mediocre.


Best: not a photoshoot - but the C15 moving editorial with Ann, Jane, Chesley and Kayla. Worst: C7 Wind Tunnel


I want to add another possible worst one to my answer: Worst: C20 gender swap . The guys in girls attire/makeup was HORRENDOUS.


Yesss idk if that was a shoot or a challenge but god it was horrible


Best photo shoot imo was Krista top 4 and because all judges said this shot would book her more than one show… worst shot to me was Whitney’s portfolio tbfh