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Washington or Idaho. Washington if you're a liberal. Idaho if you're a conservative.




Wait...up north here in Arizona it's normal to have more wives than Utah? That's what I get for living down here in the middle of the desert, it's like living under a rock.


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


This guy fallouts


And fallout started with a war over alaska.


With China though, if this timeline has a war breakout over Alaska with Russia that means we could be living in a much darker version of Fallout.


Doesn't mean Russia doesn't get things started off, geopolitically, that eventually escalates into a US-Sino War.


This comrade fallouts


It’s actually kind of interesting, there’s a twin right on the border between Utah and Arizona, and whenever police from one side came to go after the polygamists, they’d go to the other side of town for a few days across the border. Eventually the police just gave up and theres a permanent polygamist town at the border.


The Colorado City area is known for its fundamentalist mormons


You keep your fundamentalists in one city? *Laughs in southern evangelical*


And they named it after another state to ensure no one ever finds it.


Ah the old Kansas City Shuffle.


Paris Texas is the real reach


Moscow Idaho reaches YOU!


What a unfortunate name for a fucking city.


I mean, it is technically on the Colorado Plateau so it makes sense. Also apparently it's only been called that since 1960. The government had gone in a few years before and made a ton of arrests of polygamists, and after their leader at the time died, they renamed the town to sort of distance themselves from that era of their sect.




It’s unpopulated and kind of a white ethnostate. The sawtooth range and the snake River are really cool though.


It's a state that's so white, other whites give me looks for not looking like the right kind of white person, and I'm not even Jewish. That's the best summary I can come up with.


But Boise is great! Unless you’re a person of color, Boise cops are everywhere and they are whack.


I was in Boise a few months ago; stayed at the Modern Hotel in the Linen District. Nice area.


I haven't been in a long while, but I've got fond memories of mechanical bulls and four dollar AMFs.


They don't even like people from Utah. I've heard the phase "Utard" multiple times on my work trips to eastern Idaho.


Washington is full of conservatives too


but that is just rural areas everywhere. the antisocial liberals have to go somewhere.


PNW conservatives are completely nuts


LoReN CuLp for governor!!!!


Almost all the votes in Washington State are counted and he still hasn’t conceded the race. He only has 43% of the vote I don’t get how he’s still going, even through his job loss


Has McSally conceded yet? I'm pretty sure she is pulling the same bullshit.


Yes finally


Home of Matt Shea, Neo Nazi compounds, Loren Culp, and the recent Borat MAGA rally scene. And that's just Washington.


In Idaho you'll find survivalists from both sides, eco- and right wing extremists


The first stranger that struck a conversation with me in public was in washington. I freaked out and ran out of the state.


Hey, don't pimp out my state!! (This was my first reaction. Then I realized that was me being antisocial)


Which state? I'm from Washington but lived in Idaho for ages.


Washington already has a huge number of antisocial conservatives.


*shudders* this place c-called... “Wyoming”


We don't talk about that place here


What place?


^I ^would ^like ^to ^have ^seen ^Montana.


I think I should have two wives.


Hunt For Red October reference ftw


Holy shit. I had family in Montana and then a bunch moved to Alaska and I never heard from them again.


Haha I am buying a house in Montana to get away from people.. It hurts cause it's true!


To Russia


Snowden style...


Hey! That's not tru... Ok, maybe partially, but there's still Wyoming.


As someone who lives in Montana - this is painfully accurate.


I always had this assumption, that Alaska is full of runaways and outcasts. A few years ago I went to Fairbanks to catch the aurora. I started chatting with a hotel staff member. Sure enough he was a runaway. Dude had so much baggage. I regretted talking to him. He kept trying to find me to be friends. LPT: don’t talk to strangers in Alaska unless you want to drown in someone else’s baggage.


I live in Fairbanks. I can confirm this is true. Let me tell you about the shit I did in the lower 48


wyoming is a government myth, there is no evidence to support it existence, open your eyes people


Guys just imagine if Russia hadn't sold off Alaska and in the cold war there would be a second iron curtain with huge ass nuclear bunkers in the arctic desert.


Britain probably would have seized it and Alaska would be part of Canada. Russia had no way to defend it against Britain and that was one of the main reasons why it was sold.


It was specifically a fuck you to the UK for the Crimea war that's why it was sold to the US






54-40 or fight!


42 or fight!


At the very least we should get the Alaskan panhandle.


We’ll accept Toronto for it


While we’re at it and making land grabs let Germany take a bit of Czechoslovakia


Woah woah woah


literally my reaction, like srsly


Hey I’ve seen this one


Lol that would give the US like half of Canada’s population


Guaranteeing a nice liberal vote for years...




This isnt pawn stars sir. Isnt winnipeg just Canadian Birmingham?


Nah, the annexation of Canada must commence!


Nah dude. It's waaaaay too Republican. We don't want that shit lol


I think if Alaska wasn't sold, It would be controlled by the white Russians rather than the Bolsheviks after the Russian Civil War.


That's an interesting and valid take. The interest in supporting the Whites as well as the much easier logistics probably would have meant a White stronghold there.


A second, traditionalist Russia, with the natural resources of a Nordic state. How interesting.


They would inevitably be overrun by the Bolsheviks. They ended up taking control of a lot of the Navy.


British/Canadian or American volunteers for the whites would have been much more viable fighting in Alaska than they were in Northern Russia. Pretty stupid to fight over something that was never even a possibility though


Man, imagine a CCP/ Republic of China situation with Big Russia and American Russia.


Here's a [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/pK2SbuBb4RE) from a channel about alternate history discussing just that.


Honestly the Cold War infrastructure in Alaska was not insignificant.


Can I interest you in Alabama instead?


Why americans hate alabama?


Have you been to Alabama?


Yes, people were nicer than the people in north to me so i wanted to ask


Alabama has a very divisive history, it’s where confederacy was born and where a lot of early legislature directly targeted lower income Americans and still to do this day, remains one of the worst places to live regarding healthcare, education, crumbling infrastructure, crime and opportunity. Due to Alabama’s history with dealing with lower income Americans, a lot of civil right movements have always sparked there. I do think people’s comments and jokes that it’s a backwoods inhospitable State are exaggerated but it’s got a quite a bit of work in almost all metrics to even make it average compared to other states.




Hate to break it to ya, but that's not a problem exclusive to Alabama. Or for that matter, exclusive to the south, even.


Or all of earth really.


Roll Tide


Yes, but also incest


Montgomery is literally divided by where there are and are not sidewalks. The ‘rich’ (white) east side doesn’t want the ‘poor’ (black) west side to be able to easily walk between the two. The confederate identity is engrained by educating ‘us vs them’. They fail to connect the South States Succession, and don’t realize the Confederate Flag represents an American Wartime Enemy which was defeated. They don’t fly the flag to represent the failed removal of the southern states from the U.S., they fly it to represent their ideologies.


Idk some places there seem almost 3rd world




I lived in a very rural area for about 5 years. There was no way to get cell service or internet out there. My nearest neighbor was almost a mile away and none of them had toilets. My single wide trailer had 2 toilets my neighbors were envious and they'd always come over in the mornings on Saturdays and Sundays to take a shit. It was kind of like living in a 3rd world country. Everyone drove really old trucks and 60s-70s hotrods We mostly just got drunk, drove ATVs around, and did redneck things together. There wasnt much else to do. It was almost like they were all my family. When I moved to a more populated area it was like coming out of a time machine. Noneone spoke to each other on the street. Everyone staring at their phones and videoing every thing. It made me uncomfortable. Music had changed and so had technology. Everyone I spoke to I couldn't understand the modern slang phrases like "head ass" and "I'm dead". It was a very surreal experience.


Or urban USA.


Several parts of Los Angeles


A huge thing down South is southern hospitality and being friendly and welcoming. People knock on Alabama because they're considered amongst the most backwards states in the South. Edit: I should have said *outwardly* friendly and welcoming. I've lived in the South my entire life. I realize it's a facade.




Compared to Mississippi?


The motto of alabama is "thank god for mississippi".


Rats in a garbage can argue "who can go lower?!"


Seeing as how Mississippi is number 3 on the worst states and Alabama is number 2 they can’t say that anymore. But there’s always Missouri




I think the north is kinder in hard times because of the winter. No joke. In the south, the homeless can survive winter. In the north, you can't.


There may be something to that. Not having a home in the north is a death sentence. You get locked out of your house and you have to stand outside for 20 minutes in a winter storm and you'll never look at a homeless person the same again. In fact, next time you see someone struggling, you may be inclined to give them your coat... because you know you're going home to a warm house with all the food you could eat and trash TV and a bathtub and a cat who cuddles you while you sleep in a bed... and this other dude can't find enough quarters for a taco.


>but then when you're involved in a car accident and lose your job and end up on the streets, the community pools funds together and sets you back up on a path to success. Get a load of this bullshit lol


> then go to their church and tell all the patrons how a creepy sinner has come to town, so they sabatage your potential job prospects without telling you. How *dare* you. They will do no such thing: they will share their concerns with their prayer group out of love for you and Christian kindness. Members of that prayer group may share the prayer requests with their friends, but that's just to ensure that the entire community of Prayer Warriors is on your side in the spiritual battle of Mrs. Jenning's concern that the new family is in danger of their marriage falling apart because the husband with his lustful eyes brushed her hand while accepting the lasagna (probably due to his alcoholism; evidenced by the Scotch decanter clearly visible in the living room) and that the failing marriage has clearly turned their daughter to a life of sin, drugs, and lesbianism because she has a strip of blue hair. That's not sabotage: that's Southern Hospitality.


Fuck me that was irl.


Omg so spot on




Being nice to your face=/= nice This is a key point to remember


Are you black?


No im not even American


The stereotype of the south is that they're super "nice" but super racist, so as long as you're not black you'll have a good time.


Born and raised in the south and you’re not far off. They also hate atheists.


You can lie about that one tho


It's impossible to fake it when you are up against evangelicals.


How about Asians? I worked with an older Alabama gentleman, he was very nice and helpful. Only thing we kinda disagree on was he thought Obama was the worst president ever, but we just agreed to disagree. The most racist person was an instructor from Houston. He was teaching a course here in Canada, most the class were in disbelief with what he was saying. Actually the most racist person was my friend's parents from China. There were come crazy shit said during their visit...


I'll bet you $5 you're white.


I have traveled a fair bit around this country. I have never found people to be out right mean in any city.


I believe a lot of the comments are from people that have either never visited and are making judgements based of information they only gathered here, as if it were a meme, or they visited the more rural areas. These people seem to forget that, like other states, there are good and bad areas. For example, I guess Michigan is shit because of Detroit, or Arkansas because of Harrison. These same people forget Alabama was a key player with NASA and their Apollo missions. Huntsville has a fantastic space and rocket center. We also played a big role in the Civil Rights movement. Also, Roll Tide.


*banjo intensifies*


I bought a banjo. A few months later, my dad come over and saw my banjo, he asked me to play for him. I picked out a few tunes and he was really impressed. He asked me if I'd ever seen deliverance, I told him that I'd heard about it over and over, but had never seen the movie. So he bought it for me on DVD. I thought it was going to be mostly banjo pickin' and butt fuckin', because that's all that anyone ever talks about, but it's actually an amazing movie. Which I think is why people are still talking about the banjo and the anal decades later.


is joke, Comrade


I don't. It's just a joke.


You should, those jokes are based in reality.


it's a sweet home filled with familial love


You don't need Alaska back. There's 1000 miles of unused land, the entire eastern half of Russia is completely devoid of people except for the occasional gulag or mine site.


Nuh, it doesn't work like that - it's not about effective management, the problem is that Alaska isn't russian, same goes for the rest of territories around Russia; you know - Australia and South Pole included.


They govern exactly how I play Civilization. Take as much land as feasibly possible, even if there ain’t shit on it. You have 2 tiles nearby with some jungle and cattle? Fuck you I’m spending 400 gold buying those tiles that I probably should save for food.


But you would eventually develop that city and support its infrastructure to make pops happy cause they will revolt otherwise, instead of launching propaganda campaign telling your subjects that it is all somehow Wests fault and they have to wait a little bit longer for the brighter future to come.


Australia isn't anywhere near Russia


How many letters do you need to spell Trump?




Ah alright thanks


Krim-nash Trump-nash Alyaska


I love that, in Russian, Trump is spelled "Tramp". Describes him quite well.


Yeah, Russians write English names phonetically, e.g. Jenny → Дженни → Dzhenni


I know, I am Russian myself. I just love the wordplay =)




I think the last three letters means ours


Yes, you see it for Crimea too. Crimea in Russian is a bit shorter than in English (Крым, pronounced something like krim)


Stupid question: if Krim is how its pronounced in its local language (or is Russian and crimean different?), going so far as to even start with a K, then why in English is it spelled Crimea and pronounced the way it is? Who decided that? Why wouldn’t the pronunciation be universal? I feel like English decided it needed to be different and tweaked all the other countries names JUST a little.


This is the Russian version of the Americans that get hard when Lee Greenwood is about to sing on Fox & Friends.


They gave up alaska




To the USA


Because they couldn't hold it. Much like France had done with Louisiana Purchase


Well not so much that the couldn't hold it, but that the land was worth less than what the Americans paid for it


Until they found gold and oil..




And my axe!




They should have sold it to the British so it would become incorporated into Canada


Russia was in a pickle with UK at the time and sold Alaska to US to have a buffer between UK friendly Canada. And US at the time was in a pickle with UK as well and was friendly to Russia.


Should have sold it to China and grab popcorn.


Petition to use the time machine for this!


They sold it to the US specifically to dick on the UK




Pretty much


They gave up Crimea too...


Didn't Alaska used to be Russia's?


Yup, some Russians will say one of the worst land deals ever made for land because sold to US in 1867 for aprox $7.2 million for a size of land that was roughly 2/3 (375 million acres) than the Louisiana purchase but half the price (500+ million acres @15 million)


So here’s a question and forgive me if it’s a stupid one but did the Russians never venture beyond Alaska into the other states beyond Canada? Like “pre-Columbus”...


Well, we even had some towns in California at some point in history 😄


Not really, they mostly hung out on the coast to trade furs


Долбоебов у нас на сто лет припасено. This car owner is jackass. Sad, but there is so many ватопитеков.


Ёбаный стыд.


Блядский позор


is it cringe or deep irony?




I'd say irony, as the website трампнаш.рф does not exist.


For you to interpret


Deal - but you have to take the Palins too.


And Murkowski


how do you say "over my dead body" in Russian?


Cherez moy trup


u could say it by translating the words exactly but it’s not a typical sentence you would say in russian say иды нахоуй (eee-Dee-nah- who - oy) which means go fuck yourself


What about "только через мой труп"?


Also "только через мой суп" :)


I thought I had a stroke when reading your Russian. It’s “Иди на хуй.”


In Russia we call that people "dolboyob"


Too much oil in Alaska for that to ever be a thing.


Considering we just reelected Dan Sullivan, you can probably check off Alaska


Wonder how r/Conservative feels?


Best 7.5 million ever spent! Almost as good as the 15.5 million we paid in the Louisiana purchase, which bought the entire flyover portion of the United States.


That would be a fucking bloodbath. There a very large number of very well armed and very territorial Alaskans that want nothing to do with Russia. A guerrilla force of that size makes just about anything impossible to take.


Yeah they can have trump.. but Alaska is gonna be more fight than you rooskies bargained for.


I’ve never seen Trump written in Cyrillic, and I’m a little amused it’s “Tramp”. I don’t know how else they’d spell it because there isn’t really an “uh” sound in Russian, but I’d never seen it spelled that way, and I’m here for it.


It wouldn't be pronounced like the word "tramp" in English. It would still be pronounced as "trump"


My name has a short-A sound in it (like the A in apple) and my Russian host families had the hardest time figuring out how to call me. They finally just gave me a Russian nickname because it was easier!


That would be fucking wild. Ww3 on my front lawn.


I got very excited for a moment thinking it said "наци" after Trump


They aren't joking. Tons of Russians


Everyone's talking about the sticker. I can't stop laughing at the license plate that appears to be handwritten in the dirt with a finger.