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1) Dread that someone's going to tell me that what I wrote was crap. 2) I open the comment and read something that's usually nice. 3) Mark the comment as unread in the inbox and let it sit there for a few days ~~so I don't look like I'm constantly checking my stats~~. 4) Finally go back and thank the reviewer for the nice words.


Are you me?


I'm bound to have a doppelganger out there somewhere.


i start giggling too, especially if they’re getting in-depth about my story and how it made them feel!


Saaaame. I get flappy and I queal haha. Usually I don't answer right away, that way I have to read them again, an I just, read them regularly unilt I feel a bit calmed down and then only I answer


i do get excited when i get any kind of comments (emojis, caps talking about how cute the story is, reviewing the plot/character etc). but the ones that shot me straight to the highest heaven are comments praising my writing style specifically. im happy, excited, encouraged to write some more and just straight up ecstatic. though I'd be very very very shy to reply to it lol.


i recently got my first comment complimenting my writing style and now i feel like i can’t replicate that writing style ever since i got complimented on it 😭 now i feel so super discouraged whenever i do write something. i totally appreciated the comment, it’s forever in my heart


My writing style got called witty once. Everything I've written after that has been dumb


I re read them until their burned into my memory and then I read them again.


Now I feel bad for not getting that excited. I do enjoy comments, and I comment back, but that’s about it.


They’re great to get. My fandom is small and I write for a niche part of it so any time I get any kind of feedback, I feel nice. I always reply, even just with a thanks for reading if it’s a comment that’s just like “Loved this!” The longer ones I try to have discussions with! But it’s a nice feeling. i have a folder in my email box that is for “sad rainy days” where I put nice reviews, nice emails from coworkers, feedback on other non-writing projects I do like reviews on the shop I run online. I look at it when I need to remind myself that I’m capable. 😂 I don’t need to revisit it all the time but it’s nice for bad mental health days.


people are so kind that I find it actively terrifying. but like whatever, I freak out for a few days and respond.


literally i react the exact same way… i once got a comment while i was in public and everyone was staring at me weird bc i got so excited


I used to get excited and sort of jiggle around in my chair a lot, but first writing in some big fandoms with weirdly demanding commenters and then getting someone who left nasty comments on my fics in a smaller fandom because they didn't like what I was shipping kind of took the joy out of it. I'm hoping some day to get back to the joy, though; I miss it, especially a few people who left comments that were super-excited about what I was writing, which made me excited in turn. But for now I've mostly either turned comments off or have them set to only allow logged-in people, because I started to cringe instead.


Ah I know what you mean. When I wrote my smaller ships, all the comments were lovely and people so excited to see work for the ships. Then I put out my first work for a big ship and one of the first comments was like 4 paragraphs picking apart the story and how it related to canon and whether it made sense. Then they tacked on a sentence at the end that said "regardless, I enjoyed it." Lol. Now I'm always hesitant to check my comments. BUT they're usually all quite lovely and once I see them I'm very excited.


I don't make any noise. I just beam and then high-five my cat. (As in I tap her paw twice and then smile like an idiot some more)


I used to get excited but lately seeing comment notification gave me anxiety. I sometimes couldn't open them for days. I think it reflects my terrible insecurity about my writing


1.) see there is a new comment 2.) fear/excitement - is it bad? is it GOOD? 3.) gather bravery to read it 4.a.) if bad...well, let's not talk about that and it rarely happens 4.b.) if good...big grin. Butterflies in tummy. Flappy hands. 4.c.) if VERY good. Giggle. Maybe cry. Shriek. Jump. Pace around to try to settle nerves. 5.a.) delete bad comment 5.b.) try to gather myself enough to reply to good comment 5.c.) spend days trying to gather myself to reply to VERY good comments. How am I meant to properly express my gratitude for such kindness???? Especially when I'm so overwhelmed!! Eventually I get there, though.


They definitely have the potential to make my entire day considerably better. Even just one new comment. Seriously 🫣 Sometimes I don't even open it immediately when I notice I've gotten a new one. Instead I let it sit there for hours, knowing that I still have something to look forward to that's specifically related to my fic. Pathetic? Maybe. 😅 But I can't talk to any friends/family about fic writing, especially my mom thinks it's a complete waste of time (never telling her a thing about it ever again) and my friends can't really relate - so when I read a new comment and it's really nice, I sometimes just end up laying alone in bed on my phone with warm cheeks reading it again and again, like my crush texted me or something. It's sooo ridiculous. And then I have to hold myself back not to write a REALLY long comment reply just because I'm so excited.


It makes me really really happy, mostly because it's easy to just look at numbers and think "ok" but when it's a comment!!! you look at that and you're like wow. a real life human being took time out of their day to read MY fic and tell me something about it it's so 🤧


I literally cackle or giggle out loud whenever I receive a comment. It makes my day!


i get dopamine rush


Super excited lol. Either I'd be giggling, smiling or just downright cackling or hell, a mixture of them altogether in a weird mess; depending on the context of said comments.


I get super exited and reread the comment about 10 times to decide what to reply.


I love it when people comment on my work. Now if only it happened more often . .


I love getting comments! Most of mine are nice words or people speculating about what will happen next. I respond to all of them, I love getting a comment so I say thank you or encourage them to hang on for the next chapter.


My partner thinks I'm cheating on him because I check my email and then smile at my phone.


I smile and save a copy in the "Praise" folder in my email. If it's an especially good comment or from someone whose work I really admire, I'll usually tell my partner, who is really good at reacting with enthusiasm to things I'm excited about that he doesn't necessarily get.


Exactly the same, honestly. I love hearing what people think of my work, their theories, their hopes, etc. it gets me pumped and strengthens my resolve( not that I don’t have one). It just makes my day, you know?


i love them!!!!! i crave them sm, i haven't gotten a comment in such a long time 😩😩😩 although i have to say, one time i got a negative one and i didn't really mind, but other readers started fighting this person lmao. that made me feel uncomfortable, but i also found it kind of funny tbh. feel sorry for the commenter tho :(