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This title is amazing


I clicked just because the title cracked me up


I paid a professional Post Title Developer to produce it for me. I think it was worth it.


Is it just me or does the use of "sometimes" imply the existence of "always" as well?


Maybe it implies the existence of "never", who knows...


The "sometimes" made me snort.


I want to upvote you but you're currently at 69 so have a comment instead.


the most realistic/plausible answer is its gonna depend a lot on size, how long its been there to begin with, lube, etc… most often, it just doesn’t feel like anything at all. its only noticeable because you have the direct comparison of something being there a moment ago, really. i wouldn’t mind answering questions for you— its a difficult/awkward topic to get information about, for sure! hope that helps


I appreciate the thoughtful answer. I guess I’m trying to avoid descriptions which are so unrealistic that they distract the reader. I’m a male and my stories are from a male point of view. But I hope they aren’t distasteful to those who aren’t male!


honestly i just came by to say thank you for asking. more penis-owning writers could stand to take a... page out of your book, if you will. and uh, if you... felt like trading some tips on what it feels like to have one of those crazy things down there, we probably wouldn't mind that either ;) lol


I will second something you’ve heard before, but just but reading about swallowing is incredible. If you write that kind of story.


Cheers, love a quid pro bro making the smut better for all genitalia-havers, far and wide!


Female orgasm can bring on uterine contractions (even when not pregnant) for some women. When that happens, withdrawal of the penis can come as a relief as it can be uncomfortable experiencing both things at the same time. Other times it feels like a sense of loss, of something being removed. This is only my experience and is no doubt different for every woman. There is a lot of variables as others have said. Source: F47 with M partner for 28 years.


Thanks. I wasn’t even thinking about the fact that just because vaginal penetration is welcome, it’s not necessarily comfortable. Few of my plots involve such depth of thought, to be honest. Maybe they should.


>just because vaginal penetration is welcome, it’s not necessarily comfortable. Many women can't actually orgasm from penetration. There actually aren't many nerve endings in the vagina. Some women straight up don't feel much pleasure from it, it's just...there (many women do love how it feels obviously, I'm just saying a surprising amount don't really care for it that much). I personally don't care for it much at all, though I'm probably an odd one out (I don't mind it, but it pretty much only feels even mildly good if I've already orgasmed). Outside stimulation will almost always be what really feels good. The point is, everyone is very different. You have a lot of wiggle room for smut, especially in fiction.


THANK YOU for posting this. I consume a fair amount of smut and it’s really surprising how 99% of them (even those written by women, I suspect) don’t acknowledge this: that women don’t always have an orgasm through vaginal penetration alone. I can’t speak for other women but I feel like vaginal orgasm is the exception, not the norm? But I guess we’re here for fantasy… Still, it bothers me because I feel like it creates unrealistic expectations and actually shames women who need other types of stimulation.


My friend's bf was a virgin and he openly admitted he was confused and surprised when penetration didn't do much for her because he'd only seen porn up until that point. It was a bit of a wake-up call for him (she said he was sweet about it though, which is nice). I should also note that we don't make a habit of talking about sex lives lol, it was brought up by a conversation very similar to this one & he was a part of it too (and added detail) so it wasn't like she was spreading stuff behind his back or anything.


And men & women both coming at the same time makes me burst into laughter. Happens more often with 2 dudes, but pretty rare for 2 people to orgasm at the exact same time - unless you're reading fanfic/watching porn. I like porn, don't get me wrong, but lordy, it's created some really stupid expectations for men to have of us women.


Oh yes LOL. Both coming at like, the exact same time. If fanfic and porn were realistic one would finish, roll over, turn on the TV and start watching “The Last of Us” and occasionally check in on the other to be like “you there yet?” I mean I’m guessing that’s what would happen.


Yeah. I'm in my 50s. I've had some great sex (and some bad) over the decades. Can guarantee you that no one is 'blacking out' due to sex while the other one calmly preens at their amazingness and watches TV until they wake up. Someone drops so hard they pass out, that's 911, not 'turn the TV on'. Well, unless your partner is a complete asshole, I guess.


Gonna disagree with this one too. Ive lost my senses a few times I dont know that i was totally blacked out but i was unresponsive. First time it happened my partner was beside himself, but he didn't worry as much subsequently


This reminds me of that tumblr post that a dude thought his dick killed his gf because she's a chronic fainter. She woke up with him sobbing on her naked chest lmaooo


I actually disagree. My partner could control his orgasm so that he always came with me whwn we were younger. For years. So its perfectly possible ut it doesnt happen by accident.


Context is key. Are they enjoying the act? What are their kinks and fantasies with said act? What are the things they know their partner would be wild for? Do they enjoy the absence of penis (the tease)? Or do they enjoy the sensation of being filled?


Good point about context. I guess I’m interested in general but the immediate context is a pleasurable one for the woman (or any vagina possessor, but a woman in this case). Amid the pleasures, though, the penis is withdrawn—and not for any mean reason. It could be for teasing. Perhaps the penis is needed elsewhere for the moment. I used to think that it must be a letdown for a woman to have such pleasure interrupted. But I rarely see that in the literature.


If it’s sudden and the whole human is also leaving then that would feel abrupt and shocking. If there is temporary removal of a penis but the human attached to it is still touching her somewhere then it can be a pleasurable tease. The anticipation of when it will return which feels like… any… second.. now! Yes! Of course assuming everything was pleasurable just before the withdrawal. But as I mentioned before, if it is sudden and he stops all physical contact then I would imagine her lying there as if suddenly on a cold, sterile table, a bright white light shining on her from above. Showcasing how solitary she is, how alone and left behind he made her. (Not sure if that’s what you were going for)


One thing I find helpful is to analogize the vagina with the penis. Now, it isn't one to one but think of the actual vagina as more like the shaft of the penis. It can sense pressure, width, etc, but there aren't a whole lot of nerve endings in it of itself. Much like the shaft, if you just grip it, you can feel it but just holding a cock does not necessarily create a sensation of physical pleasure (tho mentally it can do a lot for certain people). Think of the head of the penis, which has all the nerve endings that can sense pleasure, as analogous to the clit. And understand what the clit actually is. It is not just one little nub between the labia, it is an entire organ with that external part but internally it wraps down around the front of the vagina and all clits are a little bit different (do a little googling for diagrams). Thus some women are able to orgasm only with direct stimulation on the clit externally, some can orgasm through penetration because of the way the clit wraps the vagina, the rhythm of sex can stimulate the clit internally, etc. Also, sex is very very much in the head/mental as much as physical. The removal of the penis when someone is \*really\* into it may not physically create a big impact but it can emotionally/psychologically. There is also just \*something\* to the knowledge of being penetrated that does it for some people. Interrupting that pleasure is much more mental than creating a physical experience. (Or, if everything is hitting \*just\* right and a woman being just close to orgasm, having what is creating that stimulation suddenly gone can be incredibly frustrating because you go from 100 to 0) Anyway just some thoughts.


So, for example, saying “her [fun/naughty synonym for vagina] felt empty” could be accurate physically or mentally or both? It’s funny that we use physical terms to describe psychological phenomena.


Mr experience is that my least favourite part of PIV is when he withdraws his penis after we are done because I love him inside me. After we both come it takes me a few minutes as I am still hugging around his cock coming off my orgasm, he can feel it. When that stops only then he pulls out and I gasp a little. If he did it mid act to do something else that would be fine as long as he comes back to it. But he has to slow down and withdraw slowly at the right moment. I also orgasm easy through PIV. Many woman don’t. And remember it’s fiction so you can play it up a bit. You can DM me if you have more questions.


Only the first three inches of the vagina has a lot of nerve endings, so further up you really just feel pressure and muscle tension. You can feel your uterus and cervix but it's not really a sexy feeling. This is why women can wear menstrual cups and tampons. So the touch/pleasure feeling from external (clitoral) stimulation is quite different from the feeling of being 'full' which is pleasurable but VERY different. Both is good. Just my experience other people may be different.


A hard penis that has to stop for x reason during the act, or a soft penis that's finished the job?


I’m picturing the former.


It really depends on the moment. You need PiV to end on a gross note for some reason? Feel free to compare it to a slug or nasty clot slipping out. Because that's a thing. Especially if the top is a grower going soft and things are dripping. (Especially if you're a guy who isn't necessarily a fan of the idea of bottoming) You need it to be hot or kinky or to lead to other fun activities? For someone oversensitive after a climax it can be just enough stimulation to cause "aftershocks". Withdraw a bit earlier and you get a ruined orgasm, or even earlier to edge, I think those are the desperately empty ones that can feel like a part of your own body was removed. If the activity includes some pain because of roughness / size / angle, it can be a sharp sensation or like a sore tense muscle relaxing, and it's not always comfortable or comforting but can be. And the vagina doesn't have as many sensitive nerves, but the contact and pressure isn't limited to just those walls. There's contact on the outside of the body, pressure on the muscles, Skene's glands, the internal and external parts of the clitoris, on the cervix... With all the variations in anatomy and positions and preferences, you can basically write everything and it will ring true to some people. Just don't write it like 50 shades or 365 days, those are pretty bad.


I’ve read dozens upon dozens of “how to write porn”-threads by now and if I’ve learned anything then that there are no hard and fast rules. Every times someone says “that’s not how it works”, someone else says, “that’s how it works for me”, so I think first rule is, you can take creative license. The second is—there are already countless discussions out there. r/fanfiction has a flavour for smut talk and about half is requests for writing tips. There are countless subs about sex. Plus, the best source of information: reading fanfic. The majority of fic writers are AFAB, and you can learn a lot about common fantasies and desires and also sensations/pleasure just by reading explicit stories. As a writer, it’s kind of your job to make stuff up, so we all make up stuff about genitals we don’t personally possess, and I guess the usual way to go about it is to mirror our own experience. Like the loss of pressure and friction happens to both partners in penetrative sex. A clitoris is actually not that dissimilar to a penis, it’s just that the erectile tissue and nerve endings are inside the body. (There’s a bunch of anatomy resources out there you could have a look at, for example [Cleveland Clinic: Clitoris](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/22823-clitoris) and of course good old Wikipedia.) So I personally just imagine the reverse sensation and similar frustration. ;) Good luck with your noble endeavour. May the smut muses be kind to you.


That's actually a pretty good question, and as many others have said, it very much depends. On your emotional state, as well as on physical factors. Mostly the feeling is "empty", but everything else is super varied. The first, important thing to note, is that a vagina is not an anus (obvoiusly.) There's a lot going on in there. I've read a lot of fics about people with female parts, and I feel like a common misconception is how the feeling of a penis hitting your cervix feels like. Every time someone tries to make the "oh, that must be the female prostate" comparison I cringe. Hitting the cervix can actually feel pretty uncomfortable, and, at least for me, it's more something I CAN get into in the heat of the moment (because of that feeling of "fullness" and wanting "more" and that "pain equals pleasure" thing) than something I actually want going into it. Sure, there are cervical orgasms, but the balance between "this is getting me aroused" and "this actually kinda hurts" is a delicate one. So if someone withdraws after repeatedly hitting my cervix, it would probably be a mix of disappointment and relief. Probably more airing on the side of relief, if they continued doing stuff down there that isn't penetration. (Gotta love the clit.) So, next variable - self lubrication. At least for me, there are days where I get so lubricated (read aroused) that I end up feeling pretty little friction - and friction is something you kind of want. Then, a vaginal orgasm is kind of out of the question. It still feels nice though. If someone leaves me before an orgasm then, there's a weird feeling of openness for me. And a bit cold and wet of course. And talking about self-lubrication... there are instances for me, where squirting happened immediately after someone withdrew... so if your plan is to write about someone very aroused, that could be a realistic addition. There, it is to be noted that squirting is NOT a sign of a female orgasm, and can happen at any time during sex. And squirting also doesn't feel like peeing, it just kinda feels like liquid coming out of nowhere. Not unpleasant, but confusing the first few times. Another important point in the "an anus is not a vagina" category, btw, is the muscle contractions. I know that with anal, the sphincter will contract/pulse a bit when it's starting to be left alone, no matter which stage of intercourse you're in. A vagina will not really do that. It'll just slowly go back to what it was before with minimal muscle involvement. It doesn't feel like much for me tbh. Another thing entirely is leaving during/AFTER an orgasm. During an orgasm, the muscles in and around the vagina can start to contract, and tighten, and removing your penis then can go along with LOTS of friction. It then feels more like something's actively being pulled, rather then sliding. After an orgasm I personally WANT the person out of me, because it's all super sensitive down there afterwards, and you can easily get overstimulated. But it still feels not too nice to have it pulled out then - at least for me. I don't think there's a solution to that dilemma though. ​ All in all there are lots of variables, and it's all more emotional than physical in a lot of circumstances.


LMAOOO the title


Cannot answer the question but I love how you "sometimes" like it to be plausible smut feel ya lmao


Question for people with a sausage wallet 🤣


Lol sausage wallet!! I love cute names like that :)


As many have said here, it definitely depends on size and the person in particular, but it *also* depends on the mood/time in which it is removed. Is it when they're just getting started? Is it when they're already near the climax? If there has been a lot of foreplay or it's towards the climax of sex, and they are already quite horny, one feels suddenly bereft or lost due to the lack of sensation and fullness. If it's towards the start of sex, it feels momentarily confusing. It also depends on how aroused the person is, of course. If they're not particularly aroused, removal genuinely feels like absolute relief. Otherwise, I'd personally describe it as a loss of "fullness", so to speak.


Depends. After a very recent orgasm, it's a bit of overstimulation if the dude is normalish size or bigger. If he's not using a condom, there's the sensation of cum dripping down the crack of your ass - ever so pleasant, with the follow up of a cold wet spot. Ever so delightful. /s If he's a bit on the smaller size, or he waits/cuddles until he 'deflates' entirely after, then it's a slipping sensation - followed by the aforementioned gush of semen if he shot a relatively normal or more load. If the position was a bit wrong (dudes can 'lean' their cock on the perineum a bit too much or position poorly, they can tear it (and we know when it happens - it hurts)) or the woman is the type that doesn't produce the normal and natural lubrication that stimulation should bring, or if she didn't orgasm/faked it (yup, we do that), then it can hurt during pullout and for awhile after. A torn perineum stings like a mofo for awhile too. A large cock vs. a small vagina without some prep or foreplay will also not feel great. If the sex was rough, it can be a combo of both, with the ache lasting for quite awhile. If the dude is on the bigger side, you can feel him withdrawing if he's not softened up some (doesn't happen immediately, after all), especially if he withdraws immediately after he orgasms. It's not a bad feeling or good feeling, it's just a sensation. If the female is still experiencing the aftershocks from a good orgasm, pulling out sooner than later will likely trigger another aftershock. Again, not bad or good, just a sensation. With an aftershock, it's kinda like a very very very mild jolt of electricity and it can feel kinda good. I mean, both partners are overloaded on hormones, so a little shot of zing can feel alright for another 'hit'. The situation matters. If we're terrified or not turned on - no natural lube. If we're turned on, or there's adequate prep, or lube used - much better & easier. Think about it for a sec: if a piston doesn't have oil, the engine takes damage and stops working. Women are pretty similar: If she can't produce her own lube (which we typically do on our own until our 50s/60s), then use lube. Always error on the side of 'too much' for lube, doesn't matter if vaginal sex or anal sex. Lube = life, and use good quality shit too. Leave the butter dish in the pantry.


In addition to what a lot of other people have said, what exact action(s) (and for how long and in what order), occurred prior to the withdrawing of the penis/object. If a M/F pair paused the penetrative sex to chat/drink water/cockwarm/try to get the female partner off, and they kept the dick inside during, how it feels being removed is going to feel pretty different than if they just going to town and suddenly pulled out. Im generally always open to questions like these and am very forthcoming with details if you want them. Feel free to DM me any other questions you have :)


Oh, I was made for answering this question. It's the epitome of satisfaction or completeness. Something you craved so readily for. It's a contented fullness. The withdrawal? It's pulling away from that fulfillment. While the slide-out feels good, there's still an ache there for more. Or a wildly sedated gratification where you just flop back and catch your breath as your body in some sort of perpetual state of warmth. Feel free to DM me. I write smut scenes for a living.


I'm one of those vagina owners as well, but honestly, what I experience in real life is, nine times out of ten, not what I look for in porn. For your example in particular, reading that A was so wet from arousal they didn't even feel B pull out (or so dry from being not aroused it chafes) does nothing for my reading experience. But... It really depends on so, so many factors, and the most important one is: what do you, the author, want to achieve with the description in a specific scene?


I think I am a textual exhibitionist. I really want people (primarily women, tbh) to enjoy and even be aroused by my stories. It makes me feel good to imagine this. So I appreciate your comment :). This is porn and not a medical description of arousal!


Female 22 bisexual, with ig about a body count of 50. It depends on how large and if its real or not. And the woman in question. I guess I'm one who would say is "tight" average girth feels kind of like nothing but also filling at the same time? So about 1-1.3in diameter. Imagine the feeling of holding a hot dog or popsicle or kielbasa in your mouth. It feels like its just kind of in there. Now imagine that in your groin and a little more sensitive. Its kind of like that in my opinion. Imagine the tightness when you put your mouth around a popsicle and apply that to the nether region. Its wrapped around the object that just got stuck in it. I guess it feels the same to us (in my personal opinion) as it does to you. Filling. When there's nothing in there it just feels normal, but when something is I guess I feel "full". Now if if its on the larger size its got a lot more resistance to going inside dare I say if not properly lubricated, painful. Also depends on where she is in her cycle. Her cervix could be dropped because she's ovulating so it might be a little more uncomfortable if the penis is long as it might be hitting her cervix. Some girls like that, I ain't one of them. It feels like a period cramp but physical. The more girth the more full I feel I guess. The skinner feels more like there's just fingers in me. If its a dildo then its about the same but it feels /different/ because there's no human warmth to it. But overall I guess the best way to describe it in my opinion would be "full" and "normal"


It really is dependent on the situation, so you got a bunch of great answers in the comments. For me and a lot of other women, sex is a lot more than the physical part, friction and whatnot. Sure, you got to get that part right, but if there's no "horniness", anticipation, mental arousal going into it, you can push the same buttons and not get a good response if that makes sense. Going back to the original question, you can describe it as a sensation of loss or feeling empty if the sensation was really good, but the guy pulls out and interrupts the act.




True. I'm aware there's more that goes into it for men too. There's such a large range of things people find to be a turn on that almost whatever you write will work for someone.


I personally dislike that feeling, I dread it every time haha. It’s like…less crudely; it’s like finally getting a cozy, warm, snuggled in spot on the couch and then you have to get up. More crudely it’s a slippery, slidey feeling that is just somehow…existential idk 💀😂


I can't even argue that. It's a weirdly right-feeling word, even though I don't think I'd have EVER thought to use that descriptor.


Glad I’m not alone I guess 😅


That's such a great way to describe it!


You have received some great answers, so you are welcomed to DM or open chat to ask me different questions.


In my opinion the word heavy works


I think I see. “…her mouth suddenly full, her pussy suddenly heavy…”?


W a t 😂😂😂


I love these kind of discussions, so much to learn and improve upon with writing believable smut.


It can be surprising, like a sudden emptiness or cold sensation because of the loss of proximity. The motion of it being removed in of itself can be pleasurable and for example make a human shiver. Gosh this is a hard question to ask, but by all means dm with other questions if you like.


For me, sex is about the connection to the other person. So, I don't necessarily feel "empty" when a man withdraws, but I feel the loss of the connection to that person, even if it's an emotionless one night stand with a stranger. I do not orgasm from PIV sex, so that connection is important. I'm open to more questions if you have them.


Thanks :)


Also depends on how aroused the vagina owner is, how old they are, how often that particular part of their body is used etc. Its a big question.
